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Another Crappy Day in Paradise..... Do it Again.


Well-known member
"i'm happy to know you weren't arrested over these bullshit tyrannical laws. "

Don't count your fat ladies until the anthem is all sung up.
That means very little.

Very true. A few years ago, I was arrested for DUI for having an unlit joint in my car...long story short I beat the ADLRO case and got my driver's license back after about a year of continuances.

I thought I was finally in the clear but right before the statute of limitations was up, the dumbasses at the prosecutors office decide to try me for criminal charges and subpoena me and add another year of court appearances before they finally dismissed the case.

Sorry, they got you OH but sounds like you got some friends you can depend on to get you back up and running. I'm wondering if turning doorknobs counts as unreasonable search and seizure...because compliance checks themselves are already pretty unconstitutional. There is nothing in state law that says they are free to visit medical patients in person to count plants....it only says they can show up to very if the information on your reg. card is accurate.


Active member
Somewhere in a lonely hotel room,
there's a guy starting to realize,
that eternal fate has turned it's back on him.
It's Two A.M.....

What? Too much? I'm back, and the first thing you tell me is too much? Well, you may be right, but as long as we are splitting hairs, this IS my story, and I will tell it my own damn way and at my own damn pace.

Let's see if I can put some spin on this turd.....

Look at it this way. I own a tiny dock concession on the River Styx. I turn words into pretty shapes, and wonderful colors, like a dragonfly's wing, or a smooth stone, worn by time and water. Before you pass into the darkness I hope you stop by. Once you leave, beyond this, gold and jewels you can not take. No, beyond this, all that is allowed is what can be carried in your heart.

Ahhhh, Fuck it, I'll tell you the rest of that shit later. Here's what you want to see.....

Green Harvest got me. Bit me good.

It's Two A.M. the fear has gone.
I'm sitting here waitin', the gun is still warm.
Maybe my connection is tired of taken chances.
Yeah there's a storm on the loose sirens in my head.
I'm wrapped up in silence all circuits are dead.
I cannot decode,
my whole life spins into a frenzy.

It was the grape gumballs.

Yea, I know it's stupid. But I'm superstitious. Each year I start out asking the great gumball machine of fate what the year holds in store for me. Since I like grape, if I get it, that means shit's on the way. Simple huh? Not to belabor the point, but the odds are like 15 to 1.

This year, January first, first gumball of the year.... Grape. Uh oh. Try it again.... Grape. Shit, again, Grape. FUCK NO! What are the fuckin' odds??? No! I will not put another fuckin' quarter in that machine again as long as I live.

It's a stupid fuckin' superstition... Right?


I'm falling down a spiral, destination unknown.
A double crossed messenger, all alone.
I can't get no connection.
I can't get through.
Where are you?
Well the night weighs heavy on his guilty mind.
This far from the borderline.
And when the hitman comes.
He knows damn well he has been cheated.

I can't tell you which gumball was responsible for what event. Come to think about it there have been more than three shit sandwhiches I have had to wolf down this year. But who's counting?

What? Five weeks ago, they got me. What do you want to know? Five cops, I have one over,AND no tags, so I'm fucked. But not totally. Fuckin' cops were so intent in getting in and out fast they missed the seven in front. The dumbshits missed the fat ready ones in front and took 15 leaf plants just put out in the gulch. While wifey was chattering at them I was hauling her plants off the deck and into the bathroom. She made it through untouched. I'm thinking as long as they don't open the cloneroom door I can replant all of this as soon as they split.

Help I'm steppin' into the twilight zone.
The place is a madhouse,
Feels like being cloned.
My beacon's been moved under moon and star.
Where am I to go?
Now that I've gone too far.

Sorry.... I'm gonna get a bit rude.

It's always the little Jap. Growing up here, it's always been just him and me. Someone has to set the curve. Sometimes I would be first, sometimes he would. This time it was the little Jap cop. He opened the cloneroom door. Guess that fucker wasn't locked after all.


Say byebye too all my genetics.....

Everything. And this is gonna make replanting all those empty holes just a little bit harder WITH NO FUCKIN' PLANTS!!!


What do you do?

I don't know about you.... but I'm lucky. I got me some friends. Greyskull gave me some of his plants ready for the gulch, then Casper gave me more! Took me some cuts from the shit they missed, just to keep it around, then my partner gave me even more plants. I'd say we are about 60% of the genetics the cops stole are back. And some new stuff too. The gulch has been replanted, and everything is tagged. Cloneroom has a new lock on the door.

Luckily, the stuff the cops missed is carrying us through until the gulch is ready. So, while we got stung, without dumbshit cops and good friends what would have been catastrophic, was merely painfull.

I'm sure there is more shit rolling down the hill toward me. At this point I don't really care. Take it all one day at a time and this too will pass.

Now we see if your paying attention.

Soon you will come to know
When the bullet hits the bone
Soon you will come to know
When the bullet hits the bone
your one rezealent man, forgive the spelling, if there's anything from the mainland you might need just ask


Active member
"i'm happy to know you weren't arrested over these bullshit tyrannical laws. "

Don't count your fat ladies until the anthem is all sung up.
That means very little.
It's an island. If you own property, they don't even have to write a citation on the spot.
They just write up a report and submit it to the prosecution guys.
The prosecutor decides whether to issue an arrest warrant or let it slide.
Raises their batting average
(Gives them a better arrest to conviction ratio.)
It can take months, there's always a backlog
So getting raided here ain't over 'til it's over.
Our friend may need some real support soon, or not.
Keep yer pitchforks and torches at hand, yah?

Aloha y'all,

That's pretty shitty. I was under the false impression that they confiscated the plants and maybe fined you but no jail.

I know the members of the BAR association are intentionally misapplying law to the people. The entire section of statutes that they are using in Hawaii has a definition that describes the bulk of us. And that definition indicates that we're not liable for the same things are the people handing and dispensing drugs (docs, pharmacists, nurse practitioners, etc).



"Ultimate user" means a person who lawfully possesses a controlled substance for the person's own use or for the use of a member of the person's household or for administering to an animal owned by the person or by a member of the person's household."

EDIT: I think I should spell this out for those who aren't "legally" inclined. So UNLAWFUL possession of a controlled substance, by their own definitions, would be not for the person's own use, or not for the use of a member of a person's household, or not for administering to an animal owned by the person or a member of the person's household. This is strictly looking at it through their own definitions. So ask yourself how many people cops let off the hook when they catch them with any controlled substances and NO EVIDENCE or INTENT to distribute, manufacture (commercial terms only) for profit.

Even if he had a license I think charges can be fought on the grounds that they always charge for possession with intent to distribute. If they have no evidence of intent to distribute and the individual is claiming to be the ultimate user, then an honest prosecutor would not charge them with any thing. Generally they try to scare the shit out of people and offer them a plea bargain even though the damned laws are intentionally being misapplied to extort money from the defendant either directly, or indirectly if they get a conviction and then the tax payers have to fork over money to jail them.

I'd absolutely fight any charges on ultimate user grounds. And I'd turn around and sue the DA and Judge and police involved for conspiring against me.

This sort of misapplication of law is rampant across the USA because most people get a lawyer to defend them and then you have this club, the BAR association, with the defensive and offensive counsel and the judge all working to extract as much wealth as possible from the non-BAR class of persons.
Last edited:


Active member
Very true. A few years ago, I was arrested for DUI for having an unlit joint in my car...long story short I beat the ADLRO case and got my driver's license back after about a year of continuances.

I thought I was finally in the clear but right before the statute of limitations was up, the dumbasses at the prosecutors office decide to try me for criminal charges and subpoena me and add another year of court appearances before they finally dismissed the case.

This is because many BAR members are arrogant assholes who don't like to lose. They had to drag things out to harass you.

Sorry, they got you OH but sounds like you got some friends you can depend on to get you back up and running. I'm wondering if turning doorknobs counts as unreasonable search and seizure...because compliance checks themselves are already pretty unconstitutional. There is nothing in state law that says they are free to visit medical patients in person to count plants....it only says they can show up to very if the information on your reg. card is accurate.

Compliance checks are likely a part of the agreement when a medical license is obtained. They set licenses up in a way that people waive their rights. I would study the code related to the issuance of these licenses to see what it says about compliance checks and the scope of the process. If it isn't clear then any charges brought on those particular plants might be able to be thrown out as part of the forbidden fruit, a search w/o warrant. The statutes involved could also be challenged for being unconstitutionally broad and vague.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
We have some FirePies about ready to flip.

If you don't know, the FirePie was voted the winner of the Hawaii Medical Cannabis Challenge that we held back in May.
There were 23 entries from across the island chain, and this one was voted far and away the best. If I recall the final vote was like 17-4 or 16-5... almost 4:1 in favor of the FP.

I have smoked a bit more of it in non tournament settings, and man, the boys did right in recognizing the flower (and grower).

It was bred by the homie HRpuffnKush and planted and selected by my good friend Joeygreen808.

Joeygreen808 was so gracious in passing this piece of Hawaiian cannabis history over to me to try my hand at it. I'll probably screw it up but hey that's the breaks.

Looking forward to putting up some floral pics as they develop.



Hawaiian Inebriatti
Dunno if it's G. H. but a small chopper is doing low circles in north Kona.
Just buzzed me 5 times.
Noisy li'l buggah!


Well-known member
We have some FirePies about ready to flip.

If you don't know, the FirePie was voted the winner of the Hawaii Medical Cannabis Challenge that we held back in May.
There were 23 entries from across the island chain, and this one was voted far and away the best. If I recall the final vote was like 17-4 or 16-5... almost 4:1 in favor of the FP.

I have smoked a bit more of it in non tournament settings, and man, the boys did right in recognizing the flower (and grower).

It was bred by the homie HRpuffnKush and planted and selected by my good friend Joeygreen808.

Joeygreen808 was so gracious in passing this piece of Hawaiian cannabis history over to me to try my hand at it. I'll probably screw it up but hey that's the breaks.

Looking forward to putting up some floral pics as they develop.

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=68813&pictureid=1636265&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Funny that a OG/cookie cross wins the first hawaii cannabis challenge when someone made the comment in the puamana thread that it was unfortunate og/cookies and Chems have infiltrated Hawaii and resulted in the loss of the old school Hawaiian sativas. How ironic.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Funny that a OG/cookie cross wins the first hawaii cannabis challenge when someone made the comment in the puamana thread that it was unfortunate og/cookies and Chems have infiltrated Hawaii and resulted in the loss of the old school Hawaiian sativas. How ironic.

it is what it is. Hahaha
It's not like it's FireOgXBlood or ForumxBlood like that. That's ruining.

But I wasn't talking about the loss of the old school sativas... I meant the local strains in general being watered down. By the same stuff.
And I thought I mentioned something about the globalization of cannabis creating a big pheno pile of blah.
But I don't remember haha

That the FirePie was grown from seed bred on the mainland I think gives it at least a little clearance haha. It's it's own thing here on its own. Or something.

When Joey turned it in I did cuss him out for entering a cookie cross.
I let out a big "ughhhhhhhh"


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Whatever I posted, like all nonsense I post, was posted nonsensically.
I am not surprised haha


Well-known member
Lol, I don't remember who said what...just thought it was funny that someone referred to those strains like they were a bad thing coming to hawaii yet they won in a double blind elimination. Terps don't lie.
I like Herb that has good flavor so OG and chem is up my alley but different strokes for different folks, as they say.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Though, in all honesty, In the big picture of life, I'm just a simple guy trying to get by in life. I'd rather discuss the Aloha White Widow (AWW). I loved the talk on the AWW.

I found some Blackberry Widow and Aloha White Widow. I read where the Blackberry clone was married to the 98 Aloha White Widow. I've never grown a White Widow before.

Long day for me, and time to get some sleep.

Too each his own. All the best in everything.

I am actually really excited about this little AWW project.
I mean it's either going to end in nondescript failure (it's Greyskull!), or something pretty cool, that will potentially be enjoyed by many people the world over.

It looks like a 6th head is about to break ground - I am waiting anxiously.

But I have been thinking, realistically, what if of these 10 seeds from 2000-whenever pop up, there's like 7 individuals.
And if these individuals somehow show themselves to be proving of the rumor somebody picked a shitty male to inbreed a line with... What to do? I mean, 7 plants of blah circa early 2000s...
Do I pick the best male and best female and take them to f5 and go thru thru a few to see if things are ok or trash?
Or do I go balls mahoney, do a fucking open pollination of the 'hindered' f4 generation, and then go thru the f5s hoping I patched the hole?

I am just wanting to pose a hypothetical, and gather thoughts and opinions on how one might go about this kind of thing. Keep in mind I'm gonna screw up and do my own thing anyway. But I'm curious what other heads might do. Don't be afraid to share. I already stole your idea. Hahaha.



Well-known member
The governor, university, and Dept. of Ag is hearing presentations (probably at this very moment) from the colorado hemp project on planting 36,000 acres of hemp on the former cane fields of maui. I know OH doesnt think this will ever come to fruition, but its got to be a little worrisome for growers on your island, and they do have the track record of establishing some of the largest industrial hemp fields in recent times.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor

I do not like the 'hip, progressive' thinking of the people pushing for the hemp fields.
I dislike the thought of development more though.

Someone has money though and there's people waiting to get greased.

Junk junk and junk.

While rogue hemp pollen could ruin many a Cannabis farmers' day, the other side of the coin is that of rogue Cannabis pollen infiltrating commercial hemp crops.

Beautiful day in paradise today.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
^^^thats looks way legit

HP13 day 43

And some fresh beans dropped
Muddy the waters some more haha

Fire OG X HP13 s1


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