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Another Crappy Day in Paradise..... Do it Again.

There was plenty lightning and crazy rain going on over here in some areas the last two days. Day before yesterday we had 5 or 6 inches of standing water in our yard and yesterday on one part of the way home from a job had water almost to the top of my truck tires. I think there's only one other time I remember that much water in my area.

The lightning show was pretty great too.
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Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
First run of the FirePie is going down!!!!
Looking pretty sweet at day 29....



Hawaiian Inebriatti
Am I the only one wondering about this;

"What? Five weeks ago, they got me. " --OH



Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
No OldHaole is around out n about
I'm expecting him to make a pit stop sometime today
I'll encourage him to reply to your inquiry Weez.



passing the gas
tell dat old fart to get back in here and entertain us.
watching that gulch all these years inspired me to try it myself this year.:tiphat:


Damn OH sorry to hear they got alot of ur genetics :shucks: hope you still got that skunkdog or im gonna cry. reminds me to keep my tags on ive been lazy about that and lucky so far. Hope your rebounding well.


Well-known member
Caught in the Crossfire.....

Caught in the Crossfire.....

Entertain you..... Pfftttt. You don't ask for much. I'm having a hard time entertaining myself, let alone you guys in the peanut gallery. That said, here goes nothing...,.

Day by day, night after night.
Blinded by the neon lights.
Hurry here, hustlin' there.
No one's got the time to spare.
Money's tight, nothin' free.
Won't somebody come and rescue me?

If you haven't noticed..... there ain't been much to stand up and shout about..... And even if there was, when your harvesting charityweed, your best bet is to just shut the fuck up. Say Thank You as many times as possible to the ones you begged, borrowed or stole from, and remember who you owe.

Fact of the matter is that I didn't do the work. I was picked up and placed back on my feet. That's no particular skill shown on my part.

Other than that, this ain't the time OR the place to crow about how well you're doing. Then you come off like an arrogant, ungrateful, asshole. Or worse yet, whine about how fucked up everything is. Do that, and everyone knows what a pathetic, sniveling, crybaby, you really are. So when your stuck between those two ugly places..... your best bet is to say nothing.

Tooth for tooth eye for an eye....
Sell your soul just to buy buy buy
Beggin' a dollar, stealin' a dime....
Come on can't you see that I am?

As for an update? Sure. Last year was the wettest August on record....then this August went and topped it. Iao had a big flood a couple of weeks back, it took half the parking lot down to the ocean. There weren't more than 20 perfect days over the entire Summer. Only now does it look like we'll get some nice weather ahead. Too little, too late.

Green Harvest flew last week. They didn't bother with us this go round. Three months to the day since they did the last one. And that's how long it would have taken me to get back on my feet without help. With help, the cloneroom is filled, and many of the old flavors are back, with some new ones to try.

Save the strong lose the weak.
Never turning the other cheek.
Trust nobody, don't be no fool.
Whatever happened to the golden rule?

So the year is almost over, I'm just having a hard time trying to gin up any enthusiasm. Does it show?

Hawaiian..... The Skunkdog we still got. The flavors are all still there, just the chore of rounding them all up had to be done.

Chunky.....Entertain us? Looks like you were busy. Gotta borrow some of your inspiration. Good job.

Grey.... Why aren't you fishing with us tomorrow? You too old? Knees hurt? Piles bothering you again? Got news for you. It doesn't get any better, and if you don't use it..... it turns green and falls off. That said, thanks for replying when I couldn't be bothered.....

Weez..... No worry. Just motivationally challenged.

Surfed.... We got pounded. Bigtime lightning.

Lester..... That's as much of an update as I can give without coming off like an arrogant, sniveling, asshole crybaby.

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Mahalo OH,

Best wishes for a better winter. Hoping for the same thing myself. No Green Harvest here, just big fat happy buds 2-3 weeks from harvest - then the rains came.

Got the edge of a hurricane but mostly it was just summer thunderstorms continuing too late into the fall. Now I'm in much the same situation, albeit a month behind you.

Almost all of my early fall harvest is destroyed due to bud rot, worst I've ever seen. I'm taking cuts, popping beans and hoping that the rest of the winter is kinder than the fall but that remains to be seen.

Got news for you. It doesn't get any better, and if you don't use it..... it turns green and falls off.

What else can you do but STFU, focus on what you gotta do and keep on keepin on.
Hawaiian..... The Skunkdog we still got. The flavors are all still there, just the chore of rounding them all up had to be done.

Nice :biggrin: always good to have backups. im always nervous about good strains going extinct or breed so its just not the same anymore and its not easy keeping mothers going for me anyway lol.

kinda o/t but does anyone know what bug is making these cotton like nests deep inside the buds. most the buds look fine until you break into them, heres a pic. It almost looks like mold but it pulls apart like a webb so it must be a nest for some bug i think



Peregrin Took

Active member

Am upcountry as well and curious as to what pests are most, um, pesty around here?

I grew in the desert in California in the past, so thankfully have avoided most of the normal fuckers that grind our sweet leaves.



Well-known member
What??? Do I Bug You?

What??? Do I Bug You?


Seriously? You want to know what your gonna be dealing with? Sounds logical.

Start with the question Hawaiian asked.

That white stuff is the dried up remains of a spitbug.

Ever find what at first glance appears to be a lugi hanging in the bottom branches? No? The first time you see one you will swear that someone was just in your patch..... with a bad cold. And the fucker hacked up a lung and hung it on your plant!

That's a spitbug. They are tiny larval bug, covered in a mass of foam. They don't do any damage, the foam can be washed off with water.

Upcountry does not have the bug problems you would think we should have. It seems, at least to me, that Mother Nature has built a check into the program. Pests don't have a chance to get to be a big problem, because the conditions they thrive under are constantly changing. Also, at least for those of us that still do this without a roof, a good rain at the right time will stop an infestation in it's tracks. You guys hear me whine about the rain all the time, but it only sucks for the last three weeks. Before that? It's a blessing.

so....what do I worry about... what bugs me?

Watch out for the green worms.....

and they aren't even bad in the Winter. but in Summer, after a few weeks of sun, they come on fast. This year the rain kept them limited, but one of these days, we'll have a month of sun. If we have a week of sun (didn't happen this year) I'd get out there with the BT.

One last thing.

Rats. We got'em. They like to girdle plants. They also chew the hell out of small plants.

And if you start plants from seed, cover them. Cardinals love young, just cracked seeds.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
"And if you start plants from seed, cover them. Cardinals love young, just cracked seeds. "

I'll testify to that!
But it's not always a bad thing.

Was out inseminating a golden diesel when a wind fart surprised me and spoodged the gal next door.
The gal next door is a cutting for personal medication that I did not want seeded so I sprayed her down with tap water straight away.

It soon became clear that spraying misses a lot.. (should have dunked her).
Now I'm lookin' at the tedium of de-seeding and you know how I love w!rk. (please excuse language)

Good news! We have a Cardinal family that has not one, but two keiki.

I put our gravid gal out on the lanai with a "home cooking" sign around her neck.
Momma bird wasted no time setting up her steal a seed home school.
Got em out there w*rkin' for me. :)

What with the wee cannibal ants patrolling for mites, the worm castings repelling the bud-worm moths n white flies and the dryer sheets thwarting thrip n Fungus gnats, it's a bit of a swiss picnic over here.
Gettin' in some lounge zard.gif time.

Aloha nui,
Wee lazy 'zard

Peregrin Took

Active member
Mahalo guys.

Medicine has to stay indoors for the time being, for me. I have had the occasional fungus gnats, but they most likely came with my soil.

Outdoors, when I lived a few miles over in the town with a hole in the sky, I had my peppers and tomatoes attacked by these little fukkas, keeled treehoppers. Neem oil takes care of em if your diligent.



Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Howzit boyz just dropping in spreading some aloha

Yo surfd! id love if she took a little cross continental trans pacific escapade - we'll see what 2017 holds.