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Ancient Afghans Attack



i like to say bananna runts candy , or real sweet carrots hard to describe. i grew sensi seeds mr. nice a long time ago and it had the same smell. just hard to describe


here are a few shots of the 2 at chop

here are a few shots of the 2 at chop

and a shot of one 75% dry

drying shot

before chop



Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
look forward to the bud shots and smoke report...

this is a strain i seriously interested in...

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Better jump on them while you can.

There are only 6 packs left on the Bay, and I am pretty sure that's the last of them.


I will check if it's worthy of a puffin this evening might be a bit wet still .then do a smoke report for yas. The longer flowered plants ended up having a more sour note in its fragrance. All is amazing in trich ne density. Only bad was I had a ph problem towards the finish line . So I could have done a bit better job but these ladies should be satisfying nonetheless .

And as bobby said better get on em. Only 6 packs left . Ive got my 2 more packs.thanks the geebus.


here are a few dried shots

here are a few dried shots


today is not the smoke report day but maybe soon. this is the first one that came down . is very candy smelling . still hard o put my nose on but is lovley. almost bannana sweet.cant wait to taste. oh the middle pic is second to come down real dense.


Sorry everyone, i have tred it Lung Butter , and she is crushing i know it would seem i might say that about all grindhouse stock but , i find it easier to just be truthful. it was a reel thick ass smoke felt like i was exhaleing smoke for more breath than i actually had in these torn lungs. Smooth thoe . i will have too hit it again later to give the full on description of the taste , but like i said before she had a total bannana runts candy smell. i did not do the very best job with these growing em but i have an idea to fix that next time .

So the hi was like being drunk and eating percocet all at the same time . it put such a thick ass glaze over my eyes it distorted my vision. i got half way through a fatty and didnt think was high till sat back on my couch and that was that . i really like this strain but i gotta figure out how to get jher to strech. i will do a more thurough smoke report later. thanks all for the enthusiasum's , enthusiasum's , enthusiasum's.

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