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ahabs garden


Im not going to use a heat mat since its not winter. I used a spacer to lift up the tray a little and filled it with dirt. I then used 1 full McDonald's cup worth of water i sat out yesterday.... ill post some pics after i cut them..

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I get 2 cups filled half with water. I dip a blade in 70% rubbing alcohol and wipe it down on the blue rag. After its dry i dip it in peroxide. Then i make my cut and stack them in water for a couple of minutes. I use one blade per clone. I get about 4 blades per blue rag. Its hard to count clone in a cup so when i have 25 blades im done.

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Convicted for turning dreams into reality
I can only wish that someday i´ll be so clean&tidy on all my processes.
Thanks for sharing it and for inspiring me to do it better next time.


I can only wish that someday i´ll be so clean&tidy on all my processes.
Thanks for sharing it and for inspiring me to do it better next time.

You may want to follow someone else on clones. Im not very good on clones. My survival rate is only 80 percent. Just showing you what i did ... if i do ten batches of ten clones my survival rate will look like.. 10,10,8,10,9,10,8,10,10,9...... normaly i dont take this much care thou so im expecting ten outta ten.

I only use 70% alcohol. If you wash your face with 50% it leaves a greasy film on your face. with 70% you get the burn and feel the oil stripped off your skin. The blades come packed with oil on them to keep them from rusting. I want them stripped and sterilized before i dip them in the peroxide.
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One thing i have learned with clones is any leaf that touches the clear plastic dome will turn yellow and die in the cloning process... at least for me.... i keep them packed tight in the middle and trim anything that touches dome.



80% sounds good to me. Over the years I was lucky to get 50/60%, which brings me to a question. I wasn't using the disinfection procedures as you have done, but was basically doing the same, including spraying the cuttings with water when I thought they needed it. Years later though, I read that that is wrong, no water should be sprayed on the leaves, it's better to leave them dry and make the roots search out water. Hmmm, it made sense....

I've not tested this hypothesis but it could be true, although your results might indicate that it makes little difference either way. Minor point perhaps, but one that has bothered me....... Comments.......



80% sounds good to me. Over the years I was lucky to get 50/60%, which brings me to a question. I wasn't using the disinfection procedures as you have done, but was basically doing the same, including spraying the cuttings with water when I thought they needed it. Years later though, I read that that is wrong, no water should be sprayed on the leaves, it's better to leave them dry and make the roots search out water. Hmmm, it made sense....

I've not tested this hypothesis but it could be true, although your results might indicate that it makes little difference either way. Minor point perhaps, but one that has bothered me....... Comments.......
I saw a tuy on YouTube take 100 cuts with a pair of rusty resin covered shears and he got 100 percent to take... so environment and relative humidity may play the most important role in clone taking. Plants without roots still need to
Drink since they dont have roots they take in water thru leaves. How much water they drink is in direct link with how much leaf mass that the plant has ... and is trying. To sustain. If they droop i figure they need a drink just like a normal plant does.


If i had not interviended and waterd them some would continue to droop untill death. They may not need water on the leaf surface to live . ...... but they definatly needed more humidity in the air so they did not dry up and wilt. I am just trying to mimic nature.. it rains in nature so it should be cool.

That was my pet peave with areo cloners that didnt have the option for a lid. If the canopy is not in a correct environment its a system set up to fail(unless you live in a place with high humidity). You can pamper that stem all you want but if it doesnt have roots then all activity is going on above the cloner.


Cut a clone and put it in a cup of soil uncovered. Within 24 hours it will wilt and die. It has no roots to draw in water.... menwhile moisture is evaporating off the surface of the leaves every second as the plant breathes in and out thru its leaves. Just like humans breathing on a mirror will show moisture on the glass. If we dont drink water we get dehidrated too thru a combo of urination and evaperation thru breathing. The dome traps the moisture from escaping for the first 24-36 hours..... after the stem has nubs of root on it the plant no longer needs the extra moisture...... its double feeding the plants thru the leaves and the roots. This is to much for the plant and is the cause of damping off. The plant shrinks in size till it dies.

At the time it gets roots the plant goes out of survival mode and the leaves just wants to breath oxygen again. Knowing when to cut them loose is the key to good clones the plant must have enough root growth to sutain... wait to long and you could loose them. They will go yellow and moldy and generaly be unhealthy....pull them to early and they will fight to take in enough water to live.

You garden thou so i probably didnt tell you anything you didnt already know thou. Hope i didnt ramble to much
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Captain, I appreciate you taking the time to discuss it. All the years I was growing I was a real loner and never had anyone to talk with (pre-computer years), never had anyone to ask. The computer has really changed things. Yes, I agree with what you say about relative humidity, and I would have sprayed them too. But I couldn't stop spraying them. My problem thru the years was to be an over-waterer, which is a terrible obsession. I killed a lot of plants I'm sure from too much water...... I could say I wasn't going to water a plant, and then turn and put water on it as I was going out the door.

About the best cloning I did was in the greenhouse in June. Seems they really wanted to root in the late spring, which was fine with me.

Let me read back over what you've written and take a better look at your pictures.

Thanks for all your efforts. And I'm thinking of all the people who read your words and see the actual results so they know that you know what you're doing. This will be the Golden Age of Cannabis coming up....... Keep up the good work.


Captain, I appreciate you taking the time to discuss it. All the years I was growing I was a real loner and never had anyone to talk with (pre-computer years), never had anyone to ask. The computer has really changed things. Yes, I agree with what you say about relative humidity, and I would have sprayed them too. But I couldn't stop spraying them. My problem thru the years was to be an over-waterer, which is a terrible obsession. I killed a lot of plants I'm sure from too much water...... I could say I wasn't going to water a plant, and then turn and put water on it as I was going out the door.

About the best cloning I did was in the greenhouse in June. Seems they really wanted to root in the late spring, which was fine with me.

Let me read back over what you've written and take a better look at your pictures.

Thanks for all your efforts. And I'm thinking of all the people who read your words and see the actual results so they know that you know what you're doing. This will be the Golden Age of Cannabis coming up....... Keep up the good work.

Me too... my internet was driving to every college town in my state to find grow books at head shops. Computers had green screens and ran on floppy drives...lol. stick around i add lots of pics.


Awesome rooms, you've really put some work in there. Here's a few pics I found..... I want to look back thru your posts and get back to you....


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