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UK Legalisation E-Petition


The Tri Guy
remember that the lot that fired the good old prof. were turfed out on their ear. This is a new lot that puts business above all other considerations. If its good for the economy and good for their tax take, then there is a chance.


Well-known member
I think right now, with the government wanting to appear hard on all criminal activity, that legalizing cannabis won't even get discussed, no matter how many signatures they get.

Expect headlines linking cannabis to the rioters any day now.


ICMag Donor
Note ,, 'legalization' isn't possible as a reality because of international economic trade embargoes,, whereas 'decriminalization' is a reality practise in a few of the more civilized places. Please base any manifesto on this, peace


Active member
we live in democratic countries.

politicians can not ignore the voice of the people, not if enough people speak (or sign)

if signed petitions dont sway them, then you most assuredly live under tyranny.

and need a revolution.


The Tri Guy
Note ,, 'legalization' isn't possible as a reality because of international economic trade embargoes,, whereas 'decriminalization' is a reality practise in a few of the more civilized places. Please base any manifesto on this, peace

Can you expand on this Doc?
With canada, israel, and several EU countries having govt depts handling medical cannabis, and one having it sold openly in shops, and 1 having private members clubs supplying it, what international laws would prevent this from happening if the uk made the decision?


ICMag Donor
Can you expand on this Doc?
With canada, israel, and several EU countries having govt depts handling medical cannabis, and one having it sold openly in shops, and 1 having private members clubs supplying it, what international laws would prevent this from happening if the uk made the decision?

Trade embargoes mean that Cannabis (THC) is NOT legal in any of the countries you mention. It is merely tolerated or decriminalised in certain regions. Further more sanctions exist so that it is illegal for one nation to legally trade cannabis (THC) with any other country. For example the Northern Territories of Australia cannot legally import hashish from Afghanistan,, even though cannabis is decriminalized in many states of Australia, international trade embargoes will not allow such legal transactions. Likewise in many countries where cannabis is decriminalized, the sale of cannabis by cultivators remains illegal, such as in Spain.

The important thing to remember is that 'legalization' is merely a legal definition in constitute with the law , whereas 'decriminalization' is a way of applying these laws to a subject... a subject people should research before proposing legality, otherwise it can make them / us the community sound youthful and stupid... as if we don't really know what's happening in our own culture.

I hope this helps
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ICMag Donor
Here's some information and links people can research on the subject of cannabis legality:

'The legality of cannabis has been the subject of debate and controversy for decades. Cannabis is illegal to consume, use, possess, cultivate, transfer or trade in most countries. Since the beginning of widespread cannabis prohibition around the mid 20th century,[1] most countries have not re-legalized it for personal use, although more than 10 countries tolerate (or have decriminalized) its use and/or its cultivation in limited quantities.'
source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis

' The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 is an international treaty to prohibit production and supply of specific (nominally narcotic) drugs and of drugs with similar effects except under licence for specific purposes, such as medical treatment and research..

..The Single Convention, adopted in 1961, consolidated those treaties and broadened their scope to include cannabis and drugs whose effects are similar to those of the drugs specified.

Otherwise prohibited drugs may be licensed for medical, research and industrial purposes.
Pharmaceutical companies, also known as drug companies, work under drug control licenses.

source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_Convention_on_Narcotic_Drugs_1961


Since cannabis is a plant, it should NOT be subject to any legal definition IMO,, merely left alone as a plant. Legalizing Cannabis would make things a whole lot more complicated with unnecessary pieces of paper and lawyers and people in wigs.

The solution is quite simple,, Babylon just need to stop harassing people with weed :D

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bolivias making plans to withdraw over coca and no ones made any serious threats yet over it so i doubt any other country would batter an eye lid over what the uk does with weed.


ICMag Donor
Unfortunately 'legislation' is not that simple VonBudi

!! ( GMT I mean no disrespect or discredit to you or this subject / thread man. just a subject close to my heart. peace n love ) :bandit:

On the other hand 'decriminalization' is a positive, more amicable, and proven way forward in reducing the criminality associated with cannabis current in the UK today. As soon as something becomes 'legal' there will be those that seek to twist and pervert such laws to make it illegal again (aka bootlegging) and we are already tehre with 'sprayed weed, grit weed whatever'.

Decriminalization on the other hand frees up police time and resources to deal with serious crime (like look its weed , now go solve crime oink oink) and gradually it helps to prevent minors associating with mind-altering substances by default to begin with.

Legalisation is gonna be about as secure as a packet of fags in a looted shop is, if not less so, if the government are involved in any way other than saying "it's ok to grow weed n smoke it" all else is figures, sums, and ppl acting dumb , greedy fuck-wits wanna make money outta sick people and so on... WE DONE THAT ALRADY and IT DONT WORK PPL ! PLEASE WAKE UP to REALITY!

I (DocLeaf) am NOT promoting or supporting ANYTHING like that in my community. Weed is a free commodity when you grow it and make seeds yourself. Please let's keep it rational,, much like a tomato plant is in the garden. Keep it real simple , the more simple the better,, cause they cannot combat simplicity,, even when with wisdom, simple shit baffles them (true that)

Thinking forward...

One love
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ICMag Donor
That's what all the naysayers said before we got 215 passed :)

215 is/was great if you can afford the doctors consultation fee, the medi club membership subscription, the medi card,, oh yeah and the shockingly over-priced flowers they sell over there,, on 'named bag seed clones'. Do me a new flavour raver, ya next step is McDonalds !!!

Otherwise many medi users are still front-line like the rest of us and struggle to get medicine that helps their cause !

One love


The Tri Guy
Trade embargoes mean that Cannabis (THC) is NOT legal in any of the countries you mention. It is merely tolerated or decriminalised in certain regions. Further more sanctions exist so that it is illegal for one nation to legally trade cannabis (THC) with any other country. For example the Northern Territories of Australia cannot legally import hashish from Afghanistan,, even though cannabis is decriminalized in many states of Australia, international trade embargoes will not allow such legal transactions. Likewise in many countries where cannabis is decriminalized, the sale of cannabis by cultivators remains illegal, such as in Spain.

The important thing to remember is that 'legalization' is merely a legal definition in constitute with the law , whereas 'decriminalization' is a way of applying these laws to a subject... a subject people should research before proposing legality, otherwise it can make them / us the community sound youthful and stupid... as if we don't really know what's happening in our own culture.

I hope this helps

Doc, if what you said was true, then the directors of GW Pharma would be under lock and key for trading THC with several countries. Now you may argue that medical is different, but thats only due to the law. If the law were to be changed, then there would not be that legal difference. I realise that when you ended that post, you weren't DELIBERATELY being offensive.

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Signed it. We should at least try and keep going on...who know's?


Active member
This petition is never even going to make it to 100,000 by the look of the sign rate


doubt it will mate by the looks of it there's been a few similar petitions on there before and they just fade away


Take A Deep Breath
These twats 'in power' are not going to listen to anyone on anything.
After all it's them with posh education so they know best eh?

Also, you don't bite the hand that feeds you.

I'm fairly confident that Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Booze are all significant donors to the Conservative Party. All industries threatened by the legalization of C. Sativa. Until entities with an interest in legalization start bankrolling the Tories, they ain't going to do diddly-squat.


ICMag Donor
Doc, if what you said was true, then the directors of GW Pharma would be under lock and key for trading THC with several countries. Now you may argue that medical is different, but thats only due to the law.

Sativex has had the THC removed :no: and GW trade under license, which isn't recognised or available in many countries as medicine. :no:

Petitions are representative, and i agree with them. Just wish this one was about decriminalising people (not the cannabis) first :D

peace n flowers