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Ace Sativas own Old Toker


for me if you can maintain temp low and humidity stable at 50 % is good also better, you will arrive at at the crunch point( when stem do crak) a little bit faster and mold problem free, then when are ready to cure 60 % is better but easiest also to obtain in the jars. personally i start to hate some years ago fresh weed from cut to first week, because i feel it heavy and intoxicate me , body and mind ,so to live in peace i buy the smallest rvk and filter and all goes out side ....really much better

Old Toker

Well-known member
..so to live in peace i buy the smallest rvk and filter and all goes out side ....really much better
I agree with you sir.:tiphat:However one tent, one 8" exhaust fan and Phreesh filter....is all that will be purchased for this grow. If/when I grow again.....I'll save the tent for a drying area. Until then, I figure I have a couple of weeks to come up with some ingenuous idea that will limit the smell, keep me out of the slammer, and properly dry my harvest.

Old Toker

Well-known member
Old Timer, you present your needs accurately, and is indeed challenging.

I appreciate your goal of simplicity.
Thank you Seabird!:tiphat: You wouldn't happen to be the type of a person that looks at challenging needs like mine and are able to conceive of something simple....yet effective......are you? :)

Old Toker

Well-known member
New overgrown tent pics 73 days.:tiphat:
Zam #1
Zam #2


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New member
Thank you Seabird!:tiphat: You wouldn't happen to be the type of a person that looks at challenging needs like mine and are able to conceive of something simple....yet effective......are you? :)

I'll see what I can come up with.
At Brewery tonight and may not follow up til tomorrow or next day.


Old Toker

Well-known member
Feeding during darkness

Feeding during darkness

Another cluster f*ck newbie moment this afternoon.

Needed to add some nutes to my reservoir this afternoon.....and accidentally left the valve that feeds the plants OPEN. Normally I close that valve, turn on the pump, and open a different valve to help mix the nutes. About 7 1/2 gals of nutes flushed through my sleeping girls (dark period) before I noticed that the level in my reservoir had dropped....substantially. Shut off the pump, closed the valve and reached for the shop vac (BucketHead) to start sucking water out of the tent before the fans and cords started floating. Fortunately the litter pans caught everything. A few girls had bottoms that were just barely (less than an inch) in the runoff. Sucked all the water out....replaced the fans....and closed up the tent.

I've heard feeding your plants during the dark period is not a good idea. However, I doubt this fiasco will do any lasting damage. Anyone want to deflate my little bubble of optimism with predictions of doom and destruction?:tiphat:
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Active member
Old Toker sorry to hear of your troubles. Suppose with any question of over feeding would look for leaf curl and tips burn.:tiphat:

Old Toker

Well-known member
Suppose with any question of over feeding would look for leaf curl and tips burn.:tiphat:
Thank you sir!:tiphat:I'm not sure that they were over fed.....well they did get over fed by me....but did they they actually overeat? Do mj plants actively drink during lights out? I thought not.....but of course I could be wrong....again. If they don't actually drink then hopefully the feed just ran through the coco and probably dried out quite a bit before lights on. Guess I'll find out in a day or so. Thanks again. :tiphat:


Well-known member
Another cluster f*ck newbie moment this afternoon.

Needed to add some nutes to my reservoir this afternoon.....and accidentally left the valve that feeds the plants OPEN. Normally I close that valve, turn on the pump, and open a different valve to help mix the nutes. About 7 1/2 gals of nutes flushed through my sleeping girls (dark period) before I noticed that the level in my reservoir had dropped....substantially. Shut off the pump, closed the valve and reached for the shop vac (BucketHead) to start sucking water out of the tent before the fans and cords started floating. Fortunately the litter pans caught everything. A few girls had bottoms that were just barely (less than an inch) in the runoff. Sucked all the water out....replaced the fans....and closed up the tent.

I've heard feeding your plants during the dark period is not a good idea. However, I doubt this fiasco will do any lasting damage. Anyone want to deflate my little bubble of optimism with predictions of doom and destruction?:tiphat:
Your plants look stupendous. I wouldn't worry to much it rains at night where I live and it doesn't worry them.
just joking on the last comment before anyone thinks I am serious.

But seriously you are going to get some great buds from those plants I am sure you will be blown away no matter what.


Well-known member
Thank you sir! :tiphat: Whatever will I do with all this bud (hopefully)? Maybe I can find a "different" way to cure it. :biggrin:

Haul their dead carcasses into an icebox in your basement:yoinks:

Lol freeze cure is something I have recently tried. Comparable result, if not the same... way less work (burping a lot of jars is tedious) and no molding. Sublimation is cool. Bad joke :covereyes:



Active member
Thank you sir!:tiphat:I'm not sure that they were over fed.....well they did get over fed by me....but did they they actually overeat? Do mj plants actively drink during lights out? I thought not.....but of course I could be wrong....again. If they don't actually drink then hopefully the feed just ran through the coco and probably dried out quite a bit before lights on. Guess I'll find out in a day or so. Thanks again. :tiphat:

your welcome. one more thing for me to look up as know nothing about plants eating only in daylight so my approach is watch and see:tiphat:

Old Toker

Well-known member
Lol freeze cure is something I have recently tried.
I read that thread....very interesting. Seems as though you need quite a bit of freezer room....at least initially. I may try it though....along with cobbing some and drying the more traditional way. Thanks for the suggestion!:tiphat:

Old Toker

Well-known member
..one more thing for me to look up as know nothing about plants eating only in daylight..
Please let me know if you find out differently. Not that I can do anything different at this point. So far they seem fine.....no drooping or burnt tips....but they may take a few days to show any issues. :tiphat:

Old Toker

Well-known member
Morning, OT, they'll be fine, just wasted some nutes is all;)
Thanks DWD!:tiphat: God knows I've wasted plenty of other nutes on this grow. Poured out over 30 gals when I switched to 12/12. Poured out almost 50 gals once when I thought I saw slime on the walls of the reservoir. After scrubbing with bleach....turned out to be just the color of the nutes. Obviously I should not make these decisions when stoned. Only 7 1/2 wasted gals this time? Haaaa...I laugh at such a pittance. Thanks though for the reassurance. :tiphat:

Old Toker

Well-known member
Wow OT its amazing how you've filled that space up. Very nice vertical grow! Plants look really happy too. Good show!
Thank you sir!:tiphat: So far....Ace genetics have been strong enough to off-set my newb mistakes.

Today makes 11 wks of 12/12 and I think I've still got quite a bit of time before I'm finished. Especially with the Panama Hazes.....those girls are still full of bright white pistils.

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