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A new start


King of Schwag
Two weeks ago I did the 105 Cheese clones, well 15 days today and a fair amount of them had rooted nicely.

Potted 77, that was the odd number I could squeese into my veg closet.
Around 85 where showing roots, the remaining clones where collected in a single cloner and put back under it's 5W LED strips.

I got to get the flower cabinets ready soon!
Still waiting on critical parts tho, so I will have to veg these a bit.
No worries tho, the Cheese have so far been fairly slow in veg.
Tho these are prolly the best looking clones I have made so far, since I started growing again.
Nice fat, hairy roots!


King of Schwag
Time for a little update, as I have been laggin a little on the grow log part.

The HPS room is flowering, will move a bit around and do a update on that soon. It's 4 weeks into flower, and they have not streaced as much as hoped. But they are budding nicely!

Thinking about removing the small ones, that didn't really make it and throw in a few Cheese moms, that will fill out nicely and will be able to catch up on the Tohici99's

Moved the 105 Cheese clones, well I took the 96 best ones and here is the remaining left overs.

3 didn't root, no one died and five didn't get used.

Now to the next test, testing the cabinets Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



Señor Member
Honestly, dude, yours is my favorite grow on icmag these days. I love what you are doing here. Credit where credit is due. :tiphat:


Well-known member
Honestly, dude, yours is my favorite grow on icmag these days. I love what you are doing here. Credit where credit is due. :tiphat:

He has the whole "form follows function" thinking rockin', no doubt. Here and "The Groffice thread are where I come for inspiration.


King of Schwag
Thank you guys, heart warming compliments.
Truely im not very good at getting compliments, not really knowing what to reply.
As im just doing my thing, trying my best and hope it goes.
Im glad it's an inspiration to many others, and when I look at some of the grows here. I still got a long way to go, before I am truely back in the seat.
Got back on the bike, but still stuggling a bit with the grow part.
But hey if you can't fish, you can alway buy new fancy equipment and look like pro right!?

Tohici99 at day 29

So while I was at it today, put all the cheese clones into flower.
I figured, how about some of that 29 day haze?

Nahhh okay I culled all the small ones, that for some reason didn't really streach much.
To be honest they haven't streachd as much as I had expected, but maybe I just don't recall it right.
Either way, they where runts and got chopped!
No need to spend more energy on thouse, they will only kill the GPW of the grow and with 14 weeks of flower.
I wan't to have a fair yeald at least!

Putin agrees, and honour their memory!

Oh well it might hurt me later, but again there is 10 weeks to harvest.
I plan to go on vacation after harvest, and there will be nothing growing besinde the moms.
I don't wanna worry, while I am away with the point is to relax.

Look what we got here, mamma cheeses!
Lush and green, ready to go bud-o-licious over the next 9-10 weeks.

Picked out 4 out of 5 main mother plants, and they should fill out nicely and be able to follow along with the Tohici99 .... We will see what happens right


King of Schwag
Flower day 1

Ec 1.4
pH 6.2

I am lowering the pH down below 5.8, but it always moves up a lot in the first 24 hours when I pH adjust a new reservoir.

Took it down to 5.5 ish yesterday, or so I thourt as it was 6.3 today and normaly it moves up 0.2 - 0.4 pH.
im guessing I didn't get it mixed well enough, before I took my reading yesterday.

It's all good, the plants are not looking unhappy. And if the 1.4 Ec is too much, I'll just dial it down a bit. But they should have mass enough to handle 1.4 ... I think :biggrin:


King of Schwag
Have moved the pH down to 5.7ish

Also lowered the lights in the two lower cabinets, and kept the top cab hanging in top position.

Still not 100% clear on what's best, LED's close to the plants or further away.
Here I should be able to tell, will the top layer do better or not as well.


King of Schwag
Cheese Flowerday 2

Cheese Flowerday 2

It's the 2nd day of flower in the cabinets, the temps drops quite a bit at night. Nothing is heating the lung room, so when the temps outside drops so do the cabinets.

We are moving towards better weather, so I'll just let it run it's course as things will be different when the 2nd closet is running and things won't turn off for 12 hours, just flipflop to the other closet.

Ec 1.4
pH 5.74


King of Schwag
This is going to be something special, I really like this new space. I was reminded of a led man recently and thought you might appreciate his selection and consistency. It’s a lot of cobs up top but as you scroll down he has all the Samsung boards and strips.


I live a place with high import tax and custom handling fees, that I have desided not to risk buying stuff going thru customs.
That if they look online, what it is and what the original price is. Pop up with pictures of cannabis, as customs are pretty anal here.

They are well aware the price on the pack's are fake, so a lot of my international shipments are simply opend in customs. If they are in doubth of the price, I have to provide them with the paypal transaction. A hazzel but also a security risk, but he got a nice selection for sure


King of Schwag
Pressed one of the handpressed kiff balls, I have been hot storing for 2 months now.

Loaded and heated the press to 75C, then screwed it as tight as possible and left it to cool.

The result a nice hash puck, a little green but it's sticky and easy to work with.
Great for mixing and smoking in my joints, tested it and got a really nice high. Great flavor, and the misses headed to bed early :biggrin:

It's just how I like it, not super strong. But really smooth, rich in flavor and still stong enough that 0.3 gr will make a good joint.


King of Schwag
Day 3 for the cabinets

Growth is showing, and they are starting to form pistils.
The pH is still rising a bit much, will take it down again.

I'll top the res as the Ec have risen as well, so they are clearly drinking more water then they are using nutrients.

Ec 1.5
pH 5.97


King of Schwag
Topped the res with more tap water, and dropped the pH down a bit after the top off.

Ec 1.3
pH 5.70

The res is almost filled to the max, still room for more water if I need to lower the Ec even more.
I hope 1.3 will be in the ball park, they drink well so I should be able to tell fairly fast if the Ec raises again.
Plants looks fairly happy to me, and the 1.4 start off don't look to have burnt them.

So 1.3 im guessing will get them growing happy


King of Schwag
Day 4

Ec had moved up to 1.4 this evening when I got home, so I topped the reservoir off with more water then yesterday.

I didn't lower the pH, after I topped the res.

Ec 1.3
pH 5.9

The top cabinet is the one that get hottest, there is about 2C degrees difference between lvls. As for now I just keep the thermometer in the top cabinet, still waiting on the ones I wanna install in each cabinet.

Middle cabinet

Still not sure if I am feeding them correct, too much, too little or why I keep getting the discolorations of the older folia.
Not talking about the chopped leaf, that's a lunch pack leaf from cloning.

Guess I'll just have to keep trying doing things a little different, grow after grow and compare the results and see what direction I should go.
Might also be I should take in mind these are much small plants, I wanna keep fairly small/compact single cola plants.
Not sure how the Cheese cuts will be turn out, normaly they really like to branch out. Get bushy undergrowth, that can result in a lot of popcorn in the HPS room.

I have yet to grow large buds under LED, and I sure hope the change to Samsung chips. Will show an improvement in bud size, that would be really nice. I hope the yeald will go up, like everyone says it will. 1-1.2 gpw LED light would be awesome.
Still cool with a little less, due to the space saving the stacked cabinets offer.


King of Schwag
Tohici99 day 33

Bumped up the Ec a bit, but only the micro and bloom.
I figure it's time to leach out the grow part of the trio, hoping the leafs will peak up a bit and get a better and more even coloration.

They are not happy, and I slowly staring to feel it's running on repeate LOL.

Ec 1.6
pH 5.9


King of Schwag
Flower day 5

Ec 1.3
pH 6.1

Havn't done anything to the res today, gonna wait and see tomorrow and drop the pH if it have hit 6.2 pH.

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