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A 'clearing out my fridge' grow


Cheers lads,

noreason I can't resist a lil experiment here and there, love a bit of tinkering :) What Atami product are you using now? I must have missed it in your thread... THey have a product called ATA-XL that has got my attention, it's a lot like Bud-XL and claims many of them same functions Floralicous from General Hydroponics does.

Took me a while to get my head around what these things are said to do, but in short the main things these additives have is vitamins, simple complex carbs - molasses, raw cane sugar, Glucose, dextrose etc, kelp/ seaweed- brown Norwegian amongst others.

the bud candy sounds like good stuff John, by the look of those v3's you posted your doing something right bud candy or not mate! Is that Sour Diesel V3? If so your a lucky bugger mate ;)

The plants are starting to look a little hungry down below, I think it's time they had their first taste of Canna Terra flores, right on time as well... lower leaves on most of them are showing nitrogen def, so I will give them a shot of Terra Vega to keep everything lush. Then start the Flores when they have dried out (2-3 days from now) should be bang on day 14 bloom. I gave them a good spray down with a mixture of maxicrop seaweed, rhizotonic, and some epsoms salts @ a low dose for a little Mg boost that I read Cannabis likes about now in the bloom phase.

They also had a good flush with House n Garden's root excelurator added to the mix.

I got a few better pics of them in the tent, will get trimming the lower popcorn away from later and stop by Saturday.

One of the bigger cheese plants~



Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Cheers lads,

noreason I can't resist a lil experiment here and there, love a bit of tinkering :) What Atami product are you using now? I must have missed it in your thread... THey have a product called ATA-XL that has got my attention, it's a lot like Bud-XL and claims many of them same functions Floralicous from General Hydroponics does.

ehy bro,your garden looks very nice ;) love it
However at now I'm using the bloei from Atami.It's a sugar additive,don't know more...Atami doesn't list on the label how it's composed ;) Never tried XL ,just took a look on their site,it seems to be a pretty good product.


Cool test Shhh, not the same for me, running coco, but of great interest to me all the same, especially the test between the shop bought and the molasses against nothing at all.

I`m wary of wading in heavy with anything for fear of upsetting a balance that I seem to have achieved. I`m thinking of adding molasses pure blackstrap at a fairly low dose though.
You`re tent is looking impressive mate, what size is it, and can you gain access to the rear and sides?

Cheers, Toke:)


Now, you can make room for some food :dance:
Amazing thread,thanks for sharing


Bud candy?? wtf? You cant count on your genetics and natural growing anymore??? :D
What is AN gonna do next? Tricome X-pander? :D
Damn Shhh, you garden is looking awsome. All those bud sites, are you trimming any fan leaves?
They seem very well puzzled. Your really in for a nice harvest!!!
Best of lucks! :D


good to see things progressing so well. sounds like another exelurator fan, gonna have to send for some of that stuff, i keep reading people saying how good it is.



Hello guys,

nice to see you all :)

@no reason, from my research using a carb product can only do your plants good. The bloei also looks like a good product, I am looking for the most concentrated product that has the sugar and amino's in. The bud candy dilutes @ 2ml/ per L which seems OK, but can work out expensive just for a lil sugar :)

@ Toke, I hear ya buddy.... after the wee bump in the road you had I don't blame ya... Things are looking absolutely great in your scrog now mate. You could try adding the molasses to one tray hand feed to gauge the results against the other 2 trays. I don't think it can hinder the grow by adding it bro. It will act as a chelate as well as feeding micro life that would usually pull carbs from plant in exchange for nutes.

The tent is 2m x 2m x 2m. It opens all the way round which makes it a 20 min job to hand water everything! Removing plants and tending to things in general is fairly simple.

looking sweet fella...finger,pulse ..your ontop of your game m8...cant wait to see em when you trim em out..top thread!

What's good buddy, thanks for the props man! Love to have it as dialed in as your grow looked man now that looked BOMB bro!

Lol! @ TrichyTrichy :D a lil more space for the munchies I'll need when this lot come down, heehee! Thanks for stopping by and the cool comments stick around hopefully it turns out to be a good show.

Lmao! Dank frank :D That put a big smile on my face man... It's hard to avoid the allure and promises of frostier, fatter, tastier buds... But your right a good set of genetics and the basic NPK + micros can usually do just as well. Thanks for the props bro!

@ GM, the excelurator is working just as well as Rhizotonic from what I can tell, and it is far more concentrated than Rhizo... Excelurator is diluted at 30ml per 100L!!! I'd have to use 200-400ml's of Rhizo in that amount of water! At the higher amount 4/ml per L, 2L's of rhizo would do 500L of water/ 2ml would do 1000L's. 500ml's of Root excelurator will do 1660L's of water @ the suggested dilution rate.

It cost the same for 500ml's or root excel as it does for 2L's of rhizo, and 500ml's still last longer!

Due to work commitments trimming out the lower popcorn has been put on hold, do you guys feel I will hinder growth if I start now? Budsets are forming, but I am sure the scrog guys are still removing stuff around this stage (Day 17 bloom)

What say ye toke?

Pics later :)
I always trim out 14-20 days and no later ..your probably hinder for a few days but then it'll concerntrate all growth to the main bud sites ;) thanks for your kind comments..I weighed up last night with a 7 day dry and got bang on a box from 36 and none were bigger than a ec truncheon ..cant wait for the pics fella..keep it rolling!


I`d definitely take out all the popcorn Shhh, it`ll pay dividends, even if it slows em down for a couple of days. They`ll leach energy from the tops.

Cheers, Toke ;-)


Cheers guys, I couldn't get much done on the trimming front today as I been busy trying to sort out fookin washing machine for the best part of 3 hours :whiteflag:

Ah well, beats having to call someone out ;)

So... I took a shit load of pics and what I learnt was...... I am really not that good at taking pics :D lol! My best ones are always pure fluke :dunno:

Well without any further ado... I'll start with the beans, they're @ 10 or 11 days bloom. Can't remember now... (BTW they weren't just transplanted, those pots have their names on em)

What I thought were AK47 males.... hmmmm...couple days without light soon changed all that :noway: Seems they are cross dressers! Choppidy chop!! There goes my Cheese x AK47 and OG Kush x AK47.

Here's the AK47 girls (fingers crossed they stay that way). They were the fastest into bloom out of the seedplants.

London Memories, 4 males so far 4 girls and 2 unconfirmed... Not doing to badly on the M/F ratio.

OG Kush S1's, Stretch and shorty :D still no pistils though :rolleyes:

OG Kush S1 crosses, 1 has shown pistils will be watching these and the OG Kush S1's after the AK47 ladyboy issue! Never kept a male around long enough to see any weird shit like that before.



Ok... Next up~ Is the Cheddar :joint:

They all seem to be doing their thang... Gave em their first dose of Canna Terra Bloom today. This shit is really weak, 300ml into 100L water gave me an EC of 0.7. They recommend 5ml per L I can see why! Better to be safe than sorry though so I erred on the side of caution and went with 3ml/ L. Here's the NPK + micro breakdown, maybe one of you smart chaps will tell me if this is close to MJ's required nute profile for this stage or if I need to add something else to the basic mix for non BC/molasses trial plants.

They have just been feed in pics so they look a lil droopy, don't really get that in coco, and they are definitely not overwatered... They are fine all the same.

Nutes & additives look like this the minute~

Canna Terra Flores @ 3ml/L
Root excelurator @ 0.3ml/L :woohoo:
Drip clean 0.10ml/L :woohoo: (also recommended for use without drippers to prevent salt build up ;))

Lil stinkers~

Some preliminary observations of 1 plant from each group of the BC vs molasses/ panela vs control~

BC plant right, Molasses Panela left
(BTW if you guys would point out what you think should be trimmed off from the plants below I would appreciate it).


Bud Candy treated plant thc seems to be building quicker. Smell is definitely strongest... BUT do not draw any conclusions from that as it was only a quick smell and look over 1 plant from each group.

Molasses/panela treated plant thc is forming faster than control, not much in it between BC & molasses/ panela.

Control plant has least visible thc, smells least but is still a stinker no less. Looks like what I would expect to see thc wise at this stage.

Buds from all plants seem to be around the same size.

Temps are holding up very nicely and haven't exceeded 28.6C @ the canopy level, with 26-27 being the norm. Humidity is not too bad @ circa 40% min lights on and 54% max lights off.

I might have mentioned this green sensation stuff I have, it's essentially a PK booster with amino acids and a few different PK sources, dilution rate is 1ml per L starting @ week 4 bloom, it says to use all the way till flush but that sounds a lil off for a PK product right? I have heard people say it is very much like bloombastic... any idea's on this guys?



The buds cometh!

The buds cometh!

Hopefully this will bring you out of your slumbers :D lol... The buds are now coming on strong on the cheese, and some of the seedplants are getting their shit together too... They have had poor light as the cheese have gone wild, so they are more stretched than they usually would have been

Nutes now look like this...

Canna Terra Bloom @ 4ml per L
Roots Excelurator @ 0.3ml per L
Bcuzz Bloom booster
PH 6.5
EC 1.5


Below are the pictorial results thus far of the Bud Candy vs Molasses/Panela trial... Not that you can notice as my pics are far from the best, but the Bud Candy treated plants have trichomes that are taller than the molasses/panela or control groups.Is that making any sense?? lol... I'll try n explain... The trichs normally emerge slowly as the plant builds up it's protection against UV rays, in this case HPS rays :D as the trich appear they grow in length, well the Bud Candy trichs are clearly longer, plus the Bud Candy buds seem very slightly ahead/ more fuller at this stage, I shit u not btw... I asked my misses to confirm I wasn't seeing & smelling things :joint: The trichs on the BC plants in general also spread further down the leaves too... I like this Bud Candy stuff thus far! The molasses treated plants seem to be a slight shade lighter than most of the other plants can't really tell in the pics though. They don't seem adversely affected by this slight difference in colour though...

Bud Candy treated plant on right & Molasses/Panela on left

Bud Candy cola & lower bud

Molasses/panela cola & lower bud



Onto the seedlings....

Well they haven't had the best of light since the cheese have spread out a lot more than I anticipated. The OG Kush S1 Crosses & OG Kush S1's are on the trays were I could fit em but the others are in the walkway between trays I need to raise em as they are strecthing more than I would have wanted.... The good news is that out of the 21 I had there are 15 girls! :woohoo:

6 London Memories were girls out of ten
4 OG Kush S1 crosses confirmed as female
2 OG Kush S1's confirmed as female
3 AK47 confirmed as female

I have 1 short stocky London Memories male left, and I am thinking of hitting the Cheese up for the server fund... We'll see how that turns out if I do.



London Memories ~ 5 of the 6



Hope yas enjoy em...



awesome update, plants look to be in good health as ever.

nice comfy looking chair you got there too :) need to replace mine soon, my cats have destroyed it over the years.

well not too much longer now and we should be getting to the bud porn eh?



nice grow.
ive used plagron green sensation and found it hot. i always start with half dose and i stop using 2 weeks before harvest

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