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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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ICMag Donor
Look, elmanito...you need to stop putting words into peoples mouths. Not once did I use the term "little" when I referred to this accident. I said this "one" accident, which is the "single" and "only" accident that spurred the President to shut down drilling.

All your comments after that concerned me using the term "little accident" and I just didn't fucking say that, so stop making shit up the way you thought you read it, and comment on what was actually posted.
I suggest you work on your "little" reading comprehension problem.

Fuck off.
I was wondering if anyone thought that this article has any credibility?

June 2, 2010

-- Emanuel's "Play Condo" in Washington D.C. --

On June 2 WMR reported that while Rahm Emanuel was a lobbyist, he rented a D.C. condominium at well below market rates. The condo was owned by Connecticut Representative Rosa DeLauro, who is married to Democratic strategist Stan Greenberg. Greenberg's a partner in a law firm that has BP (the oil company) on its client list. BP's one of the firm's largest clients. Emanuel reportedly used the condominium for homosexual trysts when he traveled from Chicago to Washington. The "play condo" was reportedly wired, and surveillance that was conducted shows the extracurricular activities of not only Emanuel, but also of then-US Senator Barack Obama and former President Bill Clinton. Obama is currently stalling on taking action against BP in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and some speculate that he is being blackmailed with the surveillance evidence.



Active member


Look, elmanito...you need to stop putting words into peoples mouths. Not once did I use the term "little" when I referred to this accident. I said this "one" accident, which is the "single" and "only" accident that spurred the President to shut down drilling.

All your comments after that concerned me using the term "little accident" and I just didn't fucking say that, so stop making shit up the way you thought you read it, and comment on what was actually posted.
I suggest you work on your "little" reading comprehension problem.

LMAO with you.The choice of your words is wrong and inappropriate.Your accident has become a huge disaster, but probably you don't wanna see that.You defend the offshore industry and you are so concerned about the people who will be unemployed with this moratorium, but you don't seem to care about the people who lives from these waters and become unemployed for life since this disaster isn't over in about 6 months and the consequences they have to deal with for a long time.

According to Nalco's Material Safety Data Sheet for COREXIT® EC9500A, the Corexit 9500 A dispersant which is being sprayed by the millions of liters from Hercules Transport planes flying over the Deepwater Horizon spill consists of 10 - 30 % light, hydrotreated petroleum distillates; 10 - 30% of a trade secret organic sulfonic acid salt; and 1 - 5% of propylene glycol.

The underwater dispersant, COREXIT® EC9527A, contains 30 - 60% 2-Butoxyethanol instead of the petroleum distillates, along with the same two ingredients found in the Corexit 9500 A.

The full formulation, without any secrets held back, has been disclosed to government authorities, who are overseeing the use of dispersants in the spill response. But what do we know about the chemicals which are disclosed publicly?

Light, Hydrotreated Petroleum Distillates
Sounds a little crazy: spraying petroleum on leaking petroleum -- that should help? But in fact, light, hydrotreated petroleum distillates is quite different from "petroleum." The chemical category represents a "success" in taking by-products from other production processes and turning them into product...waste minimization in other words. This chemical is named by the process that creates it, rather than a chemical name, because it is a complex and variable mixture of hydrocarbons created by specific types of processes.

Tracking the volumes produced is tricky, because this stream is reported as part of the "fuel oils category," which has 1.6 billion kg per year in the USA alone. The light, hydrotreated petroleum distillates are part of the "other" category, which consists mainly of four types of streams and constitutes 9% of the fuel oil category products. So call it 25% of "other" and you come up with 400 thousand tons of light, hydrotreated petroleum distillates per year in the US. Industrial uses include fuels and solvents. Typical household uses include air fresheners, lubricants and car care products.

The OECD is still in the information gathering and data review stage of assessing these chemicals under the high production volume (HPV) chemicals program. But results published by various regulatory authorities show that this ingredient can be harmful in the aquatic environment (harmful is officially defined as causing effects at a level that is below "toxic"). It does not biodegrade readily, but it does not bioaccumulate readily either.

2-Butoxyethanol (2-BE) is used mainly in paints and surface coatings (predominantly water based decorative and industrial products), followed by cleaning products (especially degreasing or multi-purpose products) and inks, and as a solvent in hair dyes. The 2-BE in these products is basically all relased to the environment, by evaporation in the case of surface coatings and to wastewater streams in most other cases. The OECD estimates that 200,000 to 500,000 tons of 2-BE is produced annually.

The chemical does not bioaccumulate and biodegrades rapidly in sewage treatment plants, and therefore can be commonly found in cleaners advertised as "green". However, there is documented occurrences of groundwater contamination ocurring when 2-BE is disposed of in landfills, where it cannot biodegrade as effectively.

It causes reversible irritation to eyes and respiratory tract upon exposure. 2-BE is not considered toxic, but it is ranked officially as "harmful" by European Union authorities. 2-BE can be absorbed through the skin. It is a member of a chemical family known as "glycol ethers," and some of the fears about 2-BE may arise because its smaller siblings 2-methoxyethanol and 2-ethoxyethanol have been shown to cause testicular degeneration. Substantial testing of 2-BE has not shown such effects; in fact, it shows effects on fertility and reproductive toxicity only when exposure levels are so high that other toxic effects are triggered. With sufficient studies completed that the OECD closed demands for additional testing, there is no evidence supporting carcinogenic nor mutagenic effects.

The first critical effect of 2-BE is haematotoxicity, the destruction of red blood cells. Humans are less susceptible to this effect than other species (for example rats are ten times more sensitive than humans). Because 2-BE is quickly eliminated (half-life in blood of 40 - 80 minutes, and half-life until excretion in urine of 3 - 6 hours), there is a low risk of enough of the chemical building up to reach haematotoxic levels.

Propylene Glycol
Propylene glycol is used mainly in resins (26%) and antifreeze or de-icing fluids (22%), but the US EPA estimates that 18% of the PG used in the US goes into food, drug, and cosmetic uses. Other uses include liquid detergents (11%), pet food (3%), and tobacco (5%). Production in the US and Europe alone exceeds 920,000 tons.

Propylene glycol is so non-toxic that you could eat at least 2 to 13 grams per kg of body weight per day with no observable effects. (Author's note: a reader has asked us to point out that Ethylene Glycol is also often used in antifreeze products. Ethylene Glycol is poisonous, possibly deadly.)

Organic Sulfonic Acid Salt
The real problem with knowing how hazardous Corexit products might be lies in the confidentiality protection granted to the manufacturers of chemical products. The main active ingredient of the Corexit is given only by its generic chemical name.

Sulfonic acid salts are widely used by the detergents industry. Alkylbenzene sulfonic acids are the most common members of this chemical family, beloved for their low cost, detergent performance, and biodegradability. Here we are talking about truly huge quantities of chemicals produced, used and disposed of annually. For example, over 1 million tons of linear alkylbenzene sulfonic acids (LAS) are produced annually. 78 - 97% of that goes straight into the environment via the wash cycle.

These chemicals are regarded as being of low concern, because they biodegrade very rapidly, especially in wastewater treatment plants. This facade of eco-friendliness masks a more significant issue: many organic sulfonic acid salts are fairly toxic to the aquatic environment, and can be especially disturbing to cell membranes of single-cell and other simple creatures. A 2005 study of dispersant use (German, pdf) for promoting biodegradation in marine oil spills found that the toxic effects of the dispersants may deter the very organisms that are trying to eat up all that nasty spilled oil.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:



weed fiend
FYI, the judge that ruled against the moratorium had direct investments in big oil. Not just big oil but oil drilling. The company is Blackrock and their BP's biggest shareholder. Can't the state of Louisiana find a judge that doesn't have Gulf drilling investments?


FYI, the judge that ruled against the moratorium had direct investments in big oil. Not just big oil but oil drilling. The company is Blackrock and their BP's biggest shareholder. Can't the state of Louisiana find a judge that doesn't have Gulf drilling investments?

That particular judge pulled his investment interests in Transocean some 2 years ago. Having said this, many judges, public officials et al have mutual funds which include energy stock.

In fact, I think it would be extremely hard to find a judge anywhere that didn't own an energy stock. Especially since almost all mutuals include energy stocks in their packages.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Once the nation is done with these leftist idiots that are in charge now, we need to start cleaning up the judicial. WAY too many activist liberal judges making bad ideological decisions from behind many benches.
A liberal could care less about a decision being just, as long as it follows the ideals of the liberal. They bring disgrace to the judicial by including their liberal ideology in each and every one of their decisions. It has nothing to do with law, but rather how they see and want things to be. There ideology drives and motivates each and every decision they make, and that is why they need to be culled for overstepping the bounds of what the judicial branch is for.


weed fiend
That particular judge pulled his investment interests in Transocean some 2 years ago. Having said this, many judges, public officials et al have mutual funds which include energy stock.

Ah, Transocean isn't all the good judge owned. Or "owns" as the case may be:

Moratorium judge invested in BP

On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman struck down the Obama administration's six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling. A review of Judge Feldman's 2009 Financial Disclosure Report (pdf) shows that Feldman is significantly invested in BP, which is on the hook for the Deepwater Horizon disaster.

The latest information that we have available shows that Judge Feldman holds investments in several funds run by Blackrock, which holds a billion shares of BP. Blackrock is BP's largest single shareholder. Judge Feldman discloses a financial interest in Blackrock's Floating Rate Income Strategies Fund, the Limited Duration Income Trust and the Enhanced Dividend Achievers Trust. He lists each of these Blackrock investments as having a value of up to $15,000.

At least some of the value is in BP stock. The latest SEC filing for Blackrock Enhanced Dividend Achievers Trust, for example, shows it had money in BP.

Feldman's energy holdings include some 17 companies in the industry. His disclosure form for 2008 showed he owned and sold stock in Transocean, which owned the Deepwater Horizon rig. Within the last year, he also held stock in a company called Noble Corporation. Noble is currently operating two drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico that are sitting idle because of this drilling ban. For one of those rigs, the ban costs Noble roughly $459,000 per day. Feldman reports selling those shares last year.

Then there's Exxon-Mobil, which also has a Gulf rig idled by the moratorium. Judge Feldman owned Exxon stock on Tuesday, making a special note of it on his financial disclosure reportL "The Exxon stock ... was sold at the opening of the stock market on June 22, 2010, prior to the opening of a Court hearing on the Oil Spill Moratorium case." That was the day he made his ruling to overturn this moratorium.

When Feldman began hearings on the case -- and right up until the day of the ruling -- he remained an Exxon shareholder, ruling on a case that would affect the financial future of a company he held stock in.

Judge Feldman's office told us today that the judge says didn't learn he was an Exxon shareholder until Monday night. He instructed his stockbroker to sell his shares the next day.

The district court in Louisiana on which Judge Feldman sits reportedly has systems in place to catch conflicts of interest like this. Apparently those systems work about as well as a blowout preventer on a 5000-foot-deep well.

[Full segment]
In fact, I think it would be extremely hard to find a judge anywhere that didn't own an energy stock.
If you think it's hard to find 4 out of every 10 judges in LA....well, never mind. These judges make rulings frequently. By now, you'd think there was a list of "non-conflicts of interest" or something.

Especially since almost all mutuals include energy stocks in their packages.
:laughing: I've got mutual funds. Including energy? Yes but not well-drilling.
Once the nation is done with these leftist idiots that are in charge now, we need to start cleaning up the judicial. WAY too many activist liberal judges making bad ideological decisions from behind many benches.

I didn't think you had any examples, hoodie. Just more wing nut talking points.

A liberal could care less about a decision being just, as long as it follows the ideals of the liberal.
You have no idea, you're just a wing nut.

They bring disgrace to the judicial by including their liberal ideology in each and every one of their decisions.
"Each and every one..." Typical wing nut.

It has nothing to do with law, but rather how they see and want things to be.
Pot, meet kettle.

There ideology drives and motivates each and every decision they make, and that is why they need to be culled for overstepping the bounds of what the judicial branch is for.
No examples, just a talking points wing nut. :jump:


Active member
ICMag Donor
Many of the wells are nothing like the DWH.
Not only was shutting them down illegal, it was stupid fucking liberal bullshit. A political move and nothing more. And in keeping with the true values of liberals, the thing was lied about too. Eluding that 7 scientists approved of shutting them down, when the truth is that when all 7 of them heard they were being used in that way, they each made it public that they did NOT advocate shutting any wells down at all. In fact, most of them present evidence to the contrary, and even point out the dangers of shutting some of these rigs down.

Now, if the administration is going to use to word of the 7 scholars to justify their shutting them down, why is it they won't listen to the safety warnings these same scientists are making? Because it is ALL LIBERAL POLITICS and nothing more.

The fake a phony Obama, as most all true progressive liberals bar none, has shown to be lacking even the most basic of leadership skills. He has squandered a perfect opportunity for many things, and only shut the drilling down as a poseurs show that he is doing something. He isn't doing jack shit. He is incompetent.
Why is the guy so fucking stupid? Because he thinks like Disco. Like minds. Intelligent dumbfucks.


Active member
Many of the wells are nothing like the DWH.
Not only was shutting them down illegal, it was stupid fucking liberal bullshit. A political move and nothing more. And in keeping with the true values of liberals, the thing was lied about too. Eluding that 7 scientists approved of shutting them down, when the truth is that when all 7 of them heard they were being used in that way, they each made it public that they did NOT advocate shutting any wells down at all. In fact, most of them present evidence to the contrary, and even point out the dangers of shutting some of these rigs down.

Now, if the administration is going to use to word of the 7 scholars to justify their shutting them down, why is it they won't listen to the safety warnings these same scientists are making? Because it is ALL LIBERAL POLITICS and nothing more.

The fake a phony Obama, as most all true progressive liberals bar none, has shown to be lacking even the most basic of leadership skills. He has squandered a perfect opportunity for many things, and only shut the drilling down as a poseurs show that he is doing something. He isn't doing jack shit. He is incompetent.
Why is the guy so fucking stupid? Because he thinks like Disco. Like minds. Intelligent dumbfucks.
Damn bro calm down. You act like you are backed into a corner, well I guess you are.

I'm actually quite confused as to where you stand on this issue, maybe its because of all the incoherent swearing and ranting.

I dislike Obama as much as the next guy, and he is making some pretty dumb choices, and is not acting like he should, but I dont see a huge problem with shutting down a small fraction of the platforms. He has to do something, and I know he could be doing other things too, but I think the public is quite terrified of this happening again. So shutting down some wells adds to relief.

Hoosier, how many wells will blow, before you reconsider your stance on deep offshort drilling?

And whats your beef? Are you still playing this off as an event blown way out of proportion?


weed fiend
Many of the wells are nothing like the DWH.
Not only was shutting them down illegal, it was stupid fucking liberal bullshit. A political move and nothing more. And in keeping with the true values of liberals, the thing was lied about too. Eluding that 7 scientists approved of shutting them down, when the truth is that when all 7 of them heard they were being used in that way, they each made it public that they did NOT advocate shutting any wells down at all. In fact, most of them present evidence to the contrary, and even point out the dangers of shutting some of these rigs down.

Now, if the administration is going to use to word of the 7 scholars to justify their shutting them down, why is it they won't listen to the safety warnings these same scientists are making? Because it is ALL LIBERAL POLITICS and nothing more.

The fake a phony Obama, as most all true progressive liberals bar none, has shown to be lacking even the most basic of leadership skills. He has squandered a perfect opportunity for many things, and only shut the drilling down as a poseurs show that he is doing something. He isn't doing jack shit. He is incompetent.
Why is the guy so fucking stupid? Because he thinks like Disco. Like minds. Intelligent dumbfucks.

There's hoodie, riding his pink, political pony. He acts like ICMag is a teabagger rally.

hoodie, keep on flappin' yer flapper. The rest of us realize there's more than screwed-over drillers. Every person and animal that has counted on big-oil to keep their goo out of the ocean is screwed too.

Well drillers will go back to work. But the rest of the Gulf is screwed. Lives, property values, environment, regional animal kingdom, long-term human and animal health, decades of cleanup...

I can go on a lot longer hoodie. But I'm still curious.

Originally Posted by DiscoBiscuit
How many deep water wells would you allow to blow before you realized it was time to back up and regroup?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
i think they are making the move back now, they will not be on vacation

They just got another $100million contract to go kill some more Afghan innocents and occupation victims. That's a vacation for these mercenaries.

I do agree that private security firms will most likely be trying to disarm the population within the next several months down there because of how this may go.

Welcome to Nazi America. Problem, Reaction, Solution.

CIA gives Blackwater firm new $100 million contract

Washington Post- The Central Intelligence Agency has hired Xe Services, the private security firm formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide, to guard its facilities in Afghanistan and elsewhere, according to an industry source.
The previously undisclosed CIA contract is worth about $100 million, said the industry source, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the deal, which is classified.
This was just leaked out. You can only imagine what other contracts we don't know about.

Hoosier isn't a Tea Partier. He's straight Neo-Con. Hates liberal, but cannot see the folly of how his own propaganda formed political philosophy has helped contribute to the problems we face in this country today. I don't like the moratorium either, but damn dude.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Damn bro calm down. You act like you are backed into a corner, well I guess you are.

I'm actually quite confused as to where you stand on this issue, maybe its because of all the incoherent swearing and ranting.

I dislike Obama as much as the next guy, and he is making some pretty dumb choices, and is not acting like he should, but I dont see a huge problem with shutting down a small fraction of the platforms. He has to do something, and I know he could be doing other things too, but I think the public is quite terrified of this happening again. So shutting down some wells adds to relief.

Hoosier, how many wells will blow, before you reconsider your stance on deep offshort drilling?

And whats your beef? Are you still playing this off as an event blown way out of proportion?
First of all, what does our "stance" on the issue really have to do with anything? It's these ignorant stances that I find offensive.
And many of the stances in here are truly ignorant.

Look, you have to have an agenda that is against oil drilling and petroleum industry all together to be on board with some of this stuff. First off, oil rigs were looked at, and any that were even considered to have any issues at all were the first to be scrutinized. All this before most of the general public even had a clue this thing had happened.

There is no logical reason to shut down the rest of the oil wells...or perhaps you could explain it to me? The Obama administration has no legal or logical reason to do such a thing. It is all grandstanding, and at the expense of good people. ANd just how did the Obama admin know it takes a six month moratorium? They didn't, it was more they pulled out of their stinkin asses.

Do I suspend logic and reason, and even the law, to shut down the rigs? The administration apparently has, when they have no good reason for doing so, other than..."we need to step back and make sure this is safe". Bullshit. There has been nothing like this before, and already there are many things that can be pointed to that may be found at the root of this accident. Nothing that would point to a chronic problem. Nothing.
No, closing them down is no more than an emotional play with political motives. Nothing more.
See, terror brings on irrational and emotional behavior. And most who are terrified can't imagine everyone else not being terrified as well.
I don't want terrified people in charge, because it takes less than terrified people to make sane and rational decisions.


a storms a brewin in the gulf
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