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Big Brother 11



fcuk!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope chima didn't hit anyone.

Very well said Rand.


Active member
Because of the hype of Thursday's Wizard show and Chima's antics I got a few people to watch. They seemed to have gotten hooked. One of them just called me to tell me about Chima's exit from the house. This was a women who constantly told me how stupid the show was. After one episode, she's hooked. I invited her and a few other "Converts" over for a Sunday viewing party. Thanks Big Brother for expanding my social life!

With so much time to edit, I wonder how CBS will frame and present the Chima situation.
Well CBS won in their ploy to boost ratings, you think I was pumped about Thursday's show... Sunday should be just as good!


I wish all the BB addicts would stop trying to find out what is going on. They are making the servers too busy, and keeping ME from finding out what is going on.

My guess for this week ... no double eviction and hopefully a full 'special' episode on the Chia Pet leaving.
Chima - the only person that takes (LOL) seriously.


Active member
I would love to see if natalie and lydia were really serious about also leaving the house. Why would they do that? Some sorta solidarity, girl power type thing? I wonder if it was just lip service. If they were serious, I guess the CBS lawyers put the screws to them. Also why would they just walk away from a chance at 1/2 million dollars.

If 3 people were to depart the show in less than 24 hours that could have really thrown a wrench in BB's operations.
Does anyone know what type of Psych evaluations that these contestants go through?
I know that the producers cast certain types. But they are pushing it, it's like they want someone to get shanked on national tv.


I guess that is how they are handling the double eviction for this week. Chima had been nominated by Michelle ... since Chima is gone, they are starting the new week today. BB is always crazy, but this is crazier than 'normal'.


Where the heck is Chima? Did they scoot her off to purgatory until the finale?


She walked! They probably had to threaten her with legal recourse if she didn't shut up. Everybody is glad she is gone. Betcha Lydia is next to go nutty berserk. She wants to be with that ass Jesse in the jury house. I'm glad Jordan won HOH.That show reassures me that my life is NORMAL............


Ya, but where in the world is she? I would think she would have hired a PR agent and be doing all the shows that'd have her.


Randude you are the cool..................Chima MAY NOT touch the horns:nanana:


Active member
Ran I am caught up myself. But just look at it as being a fan of a Human Chess game.
It's just a bunch of Bobby Fischers going for the Check mate. And mate the check is one for $500,000!!!!!



We like it because it's other people making assholes out of themselves! ran, manly has nothing to do with it. We are all fascinated by what other people do. Why people go on that show,i'll never know. But I will still watch it:lurk:


my girl has watched almost every season of this show> i just grab my sack and my pipe and go into the other room :joint: how do people watch this lol


ICMag Donor
wtf?? ...I miss a one show and all hell breaks loose!!!?? ...so Chima just quit??..are you kidding?..she knows what the shows about right?..hehe
So Jessie's gone?, Chima's gone?..Michelle was HoH for like one day?..now Jordan's HoH??..good lord, I picked a shitty time to miss the show! thank god I have you guys to keep me up to date heheh