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3x3 Closet Grow


In my empire of dirt
oh man, the autos do look happy
there is now was you can score some more dirt and containers?
the temp looks good (25c) but i can see what the max is on the display
soil might be a bit dry
keep it up doh


In my empire of dirt
my man smooth! how is everything going
whats your take on the limited space thing, brother?


mama tried
with dolo's auto-photo situation. ive tried autos they are fun but photos much more potent.id leave autos smaller yield less n get photos bigger like you said


In my empire of dirt
i hear you man, you always want to put your efforts where they will be most rewarding
thanks for chiming in friend
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Active member
Thanks everyone for chimin in! I really do appreciate it, coming into this site, I didn't really know if anyone would comment on any of my threads. Yea the soil was definitely a tad dry, I watered after those pics. But yes smooth, they are taking off! Crazy exponential growth each and every day. I think it's gonna be hard for me to get the Happy Frog out of my hands from now on. Lol.


Active member
The regular seeds are starting to grow at a pretty rapid rate, way faster than the autos just like previous posts. Both Chewy Runtz #1 and 2 are still very uniform and alike one another in structure. Can't say the same for the Lemon Up. The one I topped the other day is beginning to grow the top two new growth tips. I gave everything a healthy drink today because the soil seemed pretty dry. (Stuck my finger in the soil) The smaller Lemon Up seemed a little pissed off at the big drink but she'll get over it in the next few days. I also noticed the slightest of slightest of tip burn on the one leaf of her.

The autos seem to be loving life in their new soil, they are growing very tight nodes. I'm hoping and praying to see some kind of preflower sometime soon.


Active member
It's transplant day! I transplanted all of the regular seeds into 1.5 gallon pots. I mixed perlite in with the Happy Frog to give a little bit more aeration to the plants, all except for one because I was a little stoned and forgot to add the perlite for the first transplant. Anyways I'll shut up and let the pictures do the talking.

The two plants in the middle of the pyramid are the Chewy Runtz, I topped those this morning as well. Hopefully that's not a bad move or will create too much stress. Here's a view of how the garden looks right now.

I found that one of the autos was a male so I pulled it and I believe the one in the green pot is as well, not 100% sure so I'm giving it one more day. Hope everyone's having a good week!


In my empire of dirt
this looks good brother!
the autos were about four week in? maybe you could post a pic of the suspected male plant
/be sure to show a close up of the junction of leaf/ stem if you can


Active member
I've takin pictures like that to show you but the quality is so shitty, I'm gonna try and think of some thing. And tech they've been in there for around a month now so not really. I was hoping for preflowers this week sometime.


In my empire of dirt
no worries man, a shitty pic is still a pic ; i just want to see what you are seeing
maybe tech' was referring to the regular seeds when he said its too early for them to show sex
/how far along are they, 4w too?


Dont take me wrong mate, i have killed some when i was newbie thinking they were male but i didnt knew how to identifiy correctly, even if a plant show preflowers a male wont produce pólen while it doesnt have bags open or are flowering. I have a friend that found an herma and killed it and started to see hermas in every Plant and started killing healthy plants..


Autos can show preflowers early for sure. But regular plants take a bit more (or sometimes less). A female flower will have a gabseed with pistil on it.. A male preflowers will look strange almost like a small Horn..


Active member
Autos can show preflowers early for sure. But regular plants take a bit more (or sometimes less). A female flower will have a gabseed with pistil on it.. A male preflowers will look strange almost like a small Horn..

For sure bro! I wasn't trying to sound like an ass or anything lol. But yea I wasn't expecting to see any preflowers from my regular plants for a while now.