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24 Bucket RDWC 4000 watt by PK


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
L-Immortal-Thanks alot man, appreciate the props! they are having a little bit to much of fun in there, everything has just been perfect, every parameter.

Orcala-No dumb questions only dumb answers. PPM meters have two different conversions, .5 and .7. They both measure the nutrients but give different results. Results are higher on a .7 meter. EC is a good way to communicate without caring about conversion ratios. There is a chart somewhere around here that shows the two side by side for comparison and conversions.

Also quick update:

Its day 10 right now. Today I removed ALOT of under carriage and the weak! I secured a 16ft x 4ft trellis over them and spread the love all over. 4 days until i switch to flower nutes and hopefully the strtch will slow its roll, its insane. I have grown in this sytem for 2.5 years and I am amazed when I open the door right now. 48 hours and they are whole new plants, shit pops up form everywhere. I def roughed them up today, but in 3-4 days you won't even be able to tell.


Active member
hey knowledge, thats u super sweet set up man. i just love seeing a clean/efficient hydro set up. im super baked on some cookies, and just checked out some other grows which has led me to some questions about this beautiful space.

1- a friend of mine swears that rubbermaid style trash bins for resovoirs(costant use like hydro) can only handle the harsh salts from nutes and the ph for so long till they break down. so have you used them extensively before for long term grows? i hope this helps me or you whatever the answer

2- my grandma(master veggy grower) always told me to never put plants on a concrete floor directly whatever the medium. shes old school and says its an energetic thing, that concrete was an enegetically inert substance. so would u notice a difference if they were off the floor on styrofoam or whatever. all the fotos ive seen they always look elevated???

3- ive also noticed everyone puts white poly around buckets or as i liner across the soil line to reflect light back and lower the solution temp in black buckets. does that help that much u think?

4- would lining the floor with white poly help with over all light relctivity? or not?

ive sampled some hydro pk and it was amazing/ i hope u have some insight for me(and/or others) and wish i had some of yer final product when ready. enjoy your compassionate garden knowledge. d


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
1. I only store straight RO water in the rubbermaid trashcans. An acidic fertilizer over time would have negative results on most materials I am assuming.

2. Thats crazy, they are fine on the concrete floor. Sounds like an old myth

3.It helps some, but is more for people without chillers that are trying to cut a couple degrees. IMO you shouldn't be messing with DWC w/out a chiller.

4.Yes lining the floor would help, but only for the first few weeks, after that the canopy is so thick there is no light to reflect. I prefer pond liner floors myself for easy cleanup and flood control. Poly on the floor is a mess.


Active member
sweet man, thanks for the super fast reply. im super baked on cookies and figured i'd ask )


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Friday night update for IC! Day 13 12/12

As you can see I lolipopped the bottoms, got rid of anything not reaching the top by now. Thinned them right out, but they will bush right back out. Switched over to flower nutrients today, they showed their snowcaps. Lots of things would have been different, but being a first run after setting back up and getting clones in stages this works for pumping one through. Next one will be much better I promise :joint:


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
here we gooo


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Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
And then....


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Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
And thennnn....


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Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
NO MORE and then!


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Damn man! I loved the 3/17/23 days comparison :) Lots of useful information about Ph and ppm here, I'll definetly bookmark this for future reference!


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Hell yea Teddy DWC is very fast, next run will be much faster, because i won't be holding back on nutrients so long.


New member
The Grow looks kick Ass... I think your buckets are bigger then mine so I now have Bucket envy.. lol... I going to have to look threw your tread more.. I know I will learn a shit ton from you... I always learn so much from the Pics.. If you posted all your pics in your album... You could then cut the code out and paste it in your post..
... I would luv to be able to see all your pics at once... Can't wait to see them Cannons..Mad props from a fellow Bucket head..


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Just put 10 Chimera-Schnazzleberry #2 seeds into germination :) Not much information out there on her, but from everything I have read it sounds like it is a heavy hitter, which is what I like. Blue Domino X Shishkaberry, here is their description:

From the same mother as the original super-stoney Schnazzleberry. Perfect for SCROG or bush gardens. Expect bud-laden branches with a healthy stretch when flowered. Ripening of the large calyxes and huge dark amber trichomes kicks into full force at 45-50 days. Additional days add intensity to the already numbing high. Excellent for vaporization and production of connoisseur quality black hash.

Grow Location: Indoor / Outdoor
Flowering: 50-60 days / Early-October
Height: 60-90 cm / 120+ cm
Yield: 680 gr / 570 gr

Lets see if we can't find us a nice keeper :)

Quality control

Just put 10 Chimera-Schnazzleberry #2 seeds into germination :) Not much information out there on her, but from everything I have read it sounds like it is a heavy hitter, which is what I like. Blue Domino X Shishkaberry, here is their description:

From the same mother as the original super-stoney Schnazzleberry. Perfect for SCROG or bush gardens. Expect bud-laden branches with a healthy stretch when flowered. Ripening of the large calyxes and huge dark amber trichomes kicks into full force at 45-50 days. Additional days add intensity to the already numbing high. Excellent for vaporization and production of connoisseur quality black hash.

Grow Location: Indoor / Outdoor
Flowering: 50-60 days / Early-October
Height: 60-90 cm / 120+ cm
Yield: 680 gr / 570 gr

Lets see if we can't find us a nice keeper :)

Hey, sounds like a nice strain, whats your plan? do you soil grow them and pick the best female and take cuttings to put in your system or are you planning to put unsexed plants in the buckets? because all these ones are clones a, or you got a seperate veg room?


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I am vegging on the side. Soon I will be setting up a 1400watt MH Veg room with a 3x3 flood and drain table. It will have the table top with 24 5.5" netpot holes. I will veg for 2-3 weeks in there before installing them in the big room. On the side will be a 400 MH over a few moms for now. Waiting on some more paperwork for more ladies :)

This round for SS ak-47 I vegged them out, sexed, took two labeled cuts of each, and I am awaiting results from them in flower. If I am indecisive on my choice of mother I will run whatever phenos I am considering in the RDWC.

For the schnazzleberry I may follow the same route, or I might veg, sex, and try a couple cuts of each pheno in the RDWC system.

After that will be sour bubble, then mental floss, then pure power plant. Hopefully I can find some keeper phenos of everyone, if not it won't hurt my feelings I won't settle for just anything. I will be running through seeds every round and either adding to my mom room or elminating someone until I have a very good lineup.

Quality control

Have you ever had problems running 2 totally different strains in your systems before? as they may like different levels?
cool pure power, i am currently growin one fem seed of that at the moment...have you grown it before? i can give you a review when mine is finished if you like.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Right on I would def want to hear about your run with PPP. I have not had any hardships running 2 strains or more in this system. However I would not suggest doing so when trying to dial one certain strain in and push her to the limits. Most strains I have run run right around in the same area, maybe I have just been lucky. Only time i run multiple strains is when I am trying some out, or in this instance I just needed to fill all the holes and pump one out. Once I have established my mothers I will be running one strain each run and dialing them all in, keeping logs and notes.


Active member
Hey, Great setup and grow :)

kinda new to recirculating dwc, but have had dwc for a few years going strong.

just wondering how you start off with the water? could you give me a brief rundown on how it goes. and flushings etc? and how you continue to change nutes etc..

i fill my res up with about 45L or water and mix in my nutes, then release it into the controller.. then i fill up with tap water (ppm of about 70 here) and ph adjust it to about 5.8

how do you do it? i seem to be having issues.. (tho they could stem from having bad roots in the beginning making me buy a 1/4hp chiller also.)

i'm at about week 4 of flower now on White widow by Ghs

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