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2012 Legalization Effort Starts


Freedom Fighter
Look you guys are both right....

yes in a competition if we took grower from a small farm and put them against a mass produced facility, more than likely the small guy will put out a better product.

but then again sam is also correct in saying that high quality cannabis can be produced in volume, i dont doubt it for a single minute. all you are doing is applying the same technique on a larger scale. so what... you have to hire more people to tend the crop, more nutrients to feed, and more electricity to run everything. it can be acheived, i can guarantee you that.

Fuck yeah!! I maintain a 6000 sq ft greenhouse now....you betcha if I had 60,000 sq ft....and the means to run it...I could do the same thing--:tiphat:
I'm not sure what they do with veggies in Cali to make them taste so nasty..... Around my parts the Cali tomatos are the nastiest I've ever tasted.

just like crappy big farmed herb, we send the crap big farmed produce out of state... :)

The drive thru Salinas valley sickens me physically. That is where your CA produce comes from.

Mine comes from the hill, fed with spring water, on a biodynamic ranch.


....Wonder how it will look when the patents are applied? You know when the lobby folks and lawyers isolate their products legally with a name and ownership? You think DJ Short gets recognized for the Blue lines or Sam for Skunk#1?

Do you guys acknowledge the concession of the home grower? What do you think? Would you not agree that the "gray" area of a Medical status is better than out and out sacrifice to having Marijuana the plant further diced up by legalities....better for spirit and freedoms?

Sure large scale quality Mota can be grown outdoors and in greenhouses. Indoor is not an option on a large scale (like we would be talking)......but will it be?

If the masses are happy buying piss poor life substance like food....or drinking water that has so many additives in it that the majority of fish in America's reservoirs are becoming more and more feminized....why would the farms have to produce quality products? The consumer does not demand quality....the consumer demands a cheap deal. That is the program we are trained in.

What do you say when this becomes reality? Do you start up your illegal gardens again and incur all those cost?....or do you put your heads back down and eat out of the trough in front of you? Nothing gained....nothing changes....back to square one but with less cause....another wall goes up.

I'm not worried about the plant surviving....it will pull through....perhaps not in its present make up.....but that is always changing anyway.

I am concerned about our continued insistence that we need to control everything on Earth....and that peeps are more than willing to bend over to be kept from bending over...instead of standing up and calling bullshit.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
I am concerned about our continued insistence that we need to control everything on Earth....and that peeps are more than willing to bend over to be kept from bending over...instead of standing up and calling bullshit.
I think the Prop 19 discussion already answered that question. Seems 99% of the people are willing to sell their souls, so they can have their LEGAL micro-cab in California...'Cept they don't live in California.
Our society has really become infected.
Nothing like the "apathy of affluence" to challange core American values.
So continue to stuff your face with McNuggets, shod your feet with air jordans and all your other material shit. Continue to ignore the considerable costs associated with those products. I just want to know how the weather is on your pedestal?

Continue to tell Cali how to wage their war, I am sure you (not Pablos) know a lot more about it than the ones who have been fighting it since before you were born.
Small Farms Win Every Time

Small Farms Win Every Time

The Multiple Functions and Benefits of Small Farm Agriculture in the Context of Global Trade Negotiations
Author: Rosset P.1
Source: Development, Volume 43, Number 2, June 2000 , pp. 77-82(6)
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Peter Rosset challenges the conventional wisdom that small farms are backward and unproductive. Using evidence from southern and northern countries he demonstrates that small farms are ‘multi-functional’ – more productive, more efficient, and able to contribute more to economic development than large farms. He analyses the threats posed to small farmers by today's trade liberalization and concludes with a call to unite against an Agreement on Agriculture that might make their continued existence impossible.Development (2000) 43, 77–82. doi:10.1057/palgrave.development.1110149
Document Type: Research article
DOI: 10.1057/palgrave.development.1110149
Affiliations: 1: 1Oakland CA, USA
Publication date: 2000-06-01

Small Farm Virtues in the U.S.

I am not alone in speaking to the value of small farms and calling for policy change to take advantage of their potential dynamism. The United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Commission on Small Farms released a landmark report in 1998 titled A Time to Act. What the USDA calls the public value of small farms includes:

1) Diversity: Small farms embody a diversity of ownership, of cropping systems, of landscapes, of biological organization, culture and traditions. A varied farm structure contributes to biodiversity, a diverse and esthetically pleasing rural landscape, and open space.

2) Environmental benefits: Responsible management of the natural resources of soil, water, and wildlife on the 60 percent of all U.S. farms less than 180 acres in size, produces significant environmental benefits for society. Investment in the viability of these operations will yield dividends in the stewardship of the nation's natural resources.

3) Empowerment and community responsibility: Decentralized land ownership produces more equitable economic opportunity for people in rural areas, as well as greater social capital. This can provide a greater sense of personal responsibility and feeling of control over one's life, characteristics that are not as readily available to factory line workers. Land owners who rely on local businesses and services for their needs are more likely to have a stake in the well-being of the community and the well-being of its citizens. In turn, local land owners are more likely to be held accountable for any negative actions that harm the community.

4) Places for families: Family farms can be nurturing places for children to grow up and acquire values. The skills of farming are passed from one generation to another under family ownership structures. When farm children do not continue to farm, farming knowledge, skills and experience are lost.

5) Personal connection to food: Most consumers have little connection to agriculture and food production. As a consequence, they have little connection with nature, and lack an appreciation for farming as cultivation of the earth for the production of food that sustains us. Through farmers' markets, community supported agriculture, and the direct marketing strategies of small farmers, consumers are beginning to connect with the people growing their food, and with food itself as a product of a farmer's cooperation with nature.

6)Economic foundations: In various states and regions of the U.S., small farms are vital to the economy.


Bong Smoking News Hound
It would be a whole lot easier if it was just legalized, State and Federal, lol......

I do agree that Cali opened the door for other States to pass med programs, but I think you'll agree that some States, NY being one of them are fearful of becoming what is happening in Cali now........And it's making many lawmakers fearful. It's no secret lots of Medical Cannabis is being sent out of the State for commercial purposes. And that's a good thing for people who don't have any in their area. But it doesn't make for a good model for conservative States contemplating implimenting a program....

I'm not trying to offend anyone. But if we're going to have an honest discussion I'm not going to sugarcoat my feelings regarding this....

my personal feelings about it. NY is way to close to Washington D.C..... but Rod Island made it legal for medical, and thats right next door to N.Y.

ya F, suger coating :) and discussions are for adults PFfff hehehehe.

sorry it took me so long to respond to this thread :)


One day you will have to answer to the children of
I do agree that Cali opened the door for other States to pass med programs, but I think you'll agree that some States, NY being one of them are fearful of becoming what is happening in Cali now........And it's making many lawmakers fearful. It's no secret lots of Medical Cannabis is being sent out of the State for commercial purposes. And that's a good thing for people who don't have any in their area. But it doesn't make for a good model for conservative States contemplating implimenting a program....
Well if you think NY will be exporting shit to Cali, then you're as fucked as your lawmakers.

That is a great FEAR argument... But maybe you can EDUCATE your people, instead of trying to DIRECT others.


Game Bred
Well if you think NY will be exporting shit to Cali, then you're as fucked as your lawmakers.

That is a great FEAR argument... But maybe you can EDUCATE your people, instead of trying to DIRECT others.

swing and a miss...
i think there was a com. error twixt you and JJ but it looks as if you misunderstood


ICMag Donor
Well if you think NY will be exporting shit to Cali, then you're as fucked as your lawmakers.

That is a great FEAR argument... But maybe you can EDUCATE your people, instead of trying to DIRECT others.

I didn't say anything about NY exp to Cali. I said the Cali med weed is coming to the East Coast...


Freedom Fighter
my personal feelings about it. NY is way to close to Washington D.C..... but Rod Island made it legal for medical, and thats right next door to N.Y.

I thought DC had Medical--
Sup bro, haven't seen ya around much lately-- Always a pleasure--:tiphat:


Bong Smoking News Hound
I thought DC had Medical--
Sup bro, haven't seen ya around much lately-- Always a pleasure--:tiphat:

well if DC has medical, then shit i missed something haha.

Ny, NY is what made America legendary to across the pond, and the Governors they have had, have not wanted to commit Suicide on their political careers.

Thanks bud, glad to be back! i should be around more now adays with i hope some soon to be grow pics :D



For all the folks that don't believe that the highest quality Cannabis can be produced by the ton, even if all efforts are focused on quality by the large commercial grower.
I ask you what is the limit a single person can produce that will be of the very highest quality? Can a couple do twice that? Can a family do even more? What about co-operatives that share clones, growing methods, etc?
What is the limit that the very highest quality Cannabis can be produced? 1 LB, 10LB, 100LB? Per week, month, year?

I understand that some folks don't like or want big agriculture, organic or not, to grow their food or Cannabis, but what percentage of the total food consumed in America is not produced by big agriculture? Less the 5% is my guess.
Now don't get me wrong, I have fought big biz take over of agriculture and the seed and food biz for 40 years+. I grow a lot of my own food organically and bio-dynamically, and have for years. But that is not how mainstream America works, they want cheap food, that is their main worry. As for non Americans, or the people that are not getting enough to eat, for sure they do not care, they just want to be sure they eat.
I want Cannabis to be mainstream, not special in any way, why should it be?
Normalize it like all other American products.

rick shaw

Yes,marijuana from California's medical growers and dispensaries is getting into peoples hands that don't have a medical recommendation. This is called the law of unintended consequences,should we shut down the entire program because a small amount of dorks.No,you adjust and modify rules and regulations to control the problem. The problem does not outweigh the benefits of a medical program.The same with a recreational marijuana program. It's benefits will far outweigh the negative aspects.


Bong Smoking News Hound
Yes,marijuana from California's medical growers and dispensaries are getting into peoples hands that don't have a medical recommendation. This is called the law of unintended consequences,should we shut down the entire program because a small amount of dorks.No,you adjust and modify rules and regulations to control the problem. The problem does not outweigh the benefits of a medical program.The same with a recreational marijuana program. It's benefits will far outweigh the negative aspects.

you know how many kids i hear about buying 25's and 80's oxycontine, down at the park (pure heroin sold in our pharmacies for as cheap as 5 dollars a 30 day supply and the fine job of major physical addiction, that after a 30 day use of this stuff, will create diarrhea, vomiting, major insomnia, anorexia... etc)

where 30 days of herb (About 1 to 2 ounces of FINE quality for me) cost around 500 dollars......maybe 400 if im lucky! Some good laughs, and major EATING disorder ( cant stop eating) and sleeping :D

but thank god for kind people who give you your meds for free..... :D

Medical marijuana has saved my life, and opened my mind to a new culture, that our government, would consider CULT like.... people like... US

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Freedom Fighter
you know how many kids i hear about buying 25's and 80's oxycontine (pure heroin sold in our pharmacies for as cheap as 5 dollars a 30 day supply) and the fine job of major physical addiction, that after a 30 day use of this stuff, will create diarrhea, vomiting, major insomnia, anorexia... etc

You beat me to it!! Abuse happens with all thing abusable (Is that a word?? lol)--
Now ppl are doing friggin' Bath Salts!!! LMMFAO!!!!!
They need to realize, the "Abuse" argument as a reason to disassemble the MMJ Laws...does not hold water--

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
most people dont have the means to grow their own food. the ouse i was in had a decent sized yard, but then went in a basketball court and a pool ... and so on and so on. not to mention i just dont have the time or care to grow my own food. i have a few fruit trees on the back hill, but im damn scared to eat whatever it is that grows. i goto the store and all the food taste pretty damn good to me. i dont keep up with all the heres and theres of agriculture. but im kinda getting tired of everyone acting as if the food in the stores is diseased and rotten and bad for you. maybe i just am not educated in that department, or maybe i just dont care to be. i buy it, i eat it, hunger goes away, and i continue living another day. if there is something in this equation i am missing i have yet to comprehend it....all this talk of strictly organic and biodynamic food just makes me think of all the people living in teepees and tents around eddy lepps house who also tried to tell me of the life energy forces of trees and rocks and dirt. maybe i just havent eaten enough lsd to get on that level....


One day you will have to answer to the children of
I guess my question is...
What are you (or the general public) fearful of in NY that Cali has done?
Should MMJ just be for the chair-bound and kemo'd?
People take DRUGS for appetite enhancement. MMJ seems to do that too, I wouldn't know myself as I always stuff my face full. Can't help it, it was that time in Ethiopia that did it to me.

See, you can point fingers at Cali all you want. But truth is, one is always pointing back at you.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I guess my question is...
What are you (or the general public) fearful of in NY that Cali has done?
Should MMJ just be for the chair-bound and kemo'd?
People take DRUGS for appetite enhancement. MMJ seems to do that too, I wouldn't know myself as I always stuff my face full. Can't help it, it was that time in Ethiopia that did it to me.

See, you can point fingers at Cali all you want. But truth is, one is always pointing back at you.

I dont think there is anything wrong with it. CA's mmj system is more like a blanket legalization. As long as you aren't a dumbass there is a pretty good chance you wont ever get arrested for MJ and if you do, the courts are very leniant since the prisons are overfilled and the state is in an economic disaster.

Politicians are the ones who point their finger at CA and its abused system as for reason why they shouldn't implement medical in their state, and it is because of the abused system that some states have adopted far stricter rules.

I dont think any mj user is looking at CA and wishing that other states would adopt stricter rules, MMJ in CA was just an easy jumping off point for politicians who would like to have marijuana legal, but still be able to shake their finger at the "drug users" while still maintaining a rather lax stance on the issue. They simply have found a way to have their cake and eat it too.

But really how long can this maintain? A system in which marijuana is pretty much legal, yet its not. Sooner or later legalization will be implemented, and it will be taxed, regulated and licensed. The sooner people accept that, the sooner we can move on and work together to make it a system that will benefit us all, from the consumer, to the producer, to the distributors and everyone inbetween.

-BhT out...:wave:

rick shaw

BHT is correct. How much of the reservations that people are using actual or general complaints. IMO most of the complainers just don't want marijuana in any shape or form and will grab the excuse du jour.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
I guess my question is...
What are you (or the general public) fearful of in NY that Cali has done?

See the thing is, it's not what JJ thinks, or me, or east coast people, or anyone on ic. It's the general "voting" public. Cali has clearly run that place into some crazy weed heaven. While I like that, not everyone else does. The obvious flaunting of the laws that many in cali hide behind and laugh about to themselves is PRECISELY why no law with anywhere near as lax growing laws will be set up anywhere else. Especially if those roll backs i've been reading about in the "medical is done in CA" thread are true, it seems the backlash has finally worked its way into ca itself. the fact that medical is a joke in cali is what is making lawmakers elsewhere weary of a med program.

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