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2012 Legalization Effort Starts


Well-known member
I have read many posts here that state that mass-produced commercial weed will be shwag, like poor quality Mexican, or anyway inferior.
I am wondering why people feel this way, it is because they can't do it or they have tried and failed or is it just conjecture?

pretty simple, i believe they know that mass produced MJ will be high quality and very cheap - though taxes will likely add significant cost
the argument that hideous shwag will take over(with the demon Phillip Morris) is simple fear tactics
i guess it is justifiable fear for small growers, not so much for consumers


Game Bred
the ingredient that will be missing from a pm super grow will be the love and attention payed to the plant.
have any of you ever been to a commercial tobacco farm? being a southern boy by birth ive seen plenty and the plants are far from happy...
marketing is everything..

Happy buds come from happy plants and happy plants come from California.

oooo happy day when that commercial is running during the superbowl.


I have read many posts here that state that mass-produced commercial weed will be shwag, like poor quality Mexican, or anyway inferior.
I am wondering why people feel this way, it is because they can't do it or they have tried and failed or is it just conjecture?
I am wondering at what point is highest quality impossible according to the people that feel this way? I guess I am saying that you can produce tons of the highest quality if you make no compromises in your selection of growing materials, growing methods, drying, curing, storage, etc, etc.
What is the cutoff point, 10 Lbs, 100 Lbs, 1000 Lbs, 10,000 Lbs 100,000 Lbs?
I know it an be done, I have seen it with my own eyes. I know quality.
I do understand why so many people think it is somehow impossible for big biz, big agriculture, to do what they are doing, but believe me they can if they desire to, it is just a matter of scale and no compromises, with unlimited land, labor, and capital and an expert advising them. Organic is no problem.
Does anyone remember Thai sticks from the early 70's? Produced outdoors by farmers, tons of perfect seedless, almost leafless, incredible sticky buds, until the police and DEA stopped the cultivation in Thailand and it moved to Laos to be grown.
If you think the best qualities of Cannabis can't be mass produced then what about Dom Perignon Champagne?
A couple of million bottles a year, is that mass produced? For sure it is. Is it high quality, ask the consumers, they seem to think so...
Legal Cannabis is going to change everything starting with the prices, they will be lower...


Mass produced corporate veggies blow....stands to reason so will the weed. You can argue that into the ground I'm sure Sam...but that's pretty much my view in a nut shell. I don't buy that shit from the grocery store because it offers no nutrition....even their "organic" stuff is tasteless. I grow my own veggies or get them from local farmers markets.

Home growers are going to be a thing of the past.....you know it and I know it. I'll end up a criminal yet.


ICMag Donor
I don't agree with this.... Ninety nine percent of us growing are criminals now. Do you think we are going to quit if it's legalized? If anything I think it will get more people growing.....

The only thing that will be a thing of the past is high priced black market cannabis......

Home growers are going to be a thing of the past.....you know it and I know it. I'll end up a criminal yet.
I do understand why so many people think it is somehow impossible for big biz, big agriculture, to do what they are doing, but believe me they can if they desire to, it is just a matter of scale and no compromises, with unlimited land, labor, and capital and an expert advising them. Organic is no problem.

LOL, unlimited land/labor/capital/no compromises... SAM ARE YOU TOO HIGH???!!!!! LOL at his never-never land scenario!!!!!! And peter pan plus the gang does the trimming for free. I want to try whatever it is you were smoking before this post. :bump:

And big biz is known to be uncompromising, especaily when there is money to be made. And of course, big ag cares more about health than money. NOT!

But seriously for a second. I do not think commercial herb will be low quality, just not the highest quality. I think many blunt smokers would prefer some cheaper herb to burn. The unlimited resources you cite are beyond ridiculous so I won't argue against them one by one. But small farmed organic produce is superior to commercially farmed organic produce. Hands down. Small farms win every time. No contest. And I feel like you should know this, a simple truth in the eyes of a wise man.

You know all to well that centralizing farming is not so great compared to small farms. Centralization leads to increased use of -icides and GMO crops, plus the other issues that arise from having monoculture fields.

LOL at Dom Perignon Sam, you have been out of wine country for a long time. People drink soda like it's going out of style, that doesn't make high fructose corn syrup good. The best vintages I've been drinking are from tiny biodynamic vineries. Usually less than 5 acres. Check out Benzinger, a biodynamic/organic/sustainable vinery. Also, wine and weed are not that easily comparable. MMj is CA is built on small farms, almost entirely. Wine in CA is not. What about protecting, encouraging, and expanding the dominance of small farms? I know you are into cutting costs for consumers, that is fair. But what about supporting the small farms? I think we just agree to disagree on this issue.


I don't agree with this.... Ninety nine percent of us growing are criminals now. Do you think we are going to quit if it's legalized? If anything I think it will get more people growing.....

The only thing that will be a thing of the past is high priced black market cannabis......

No it will not get more growing....anymore than corporate farming gets more peeps to grow their own food. It is a major inconvenience to garden your own food or weed dude. Peeps have other things to do....and most won't care about quality either. I mean how many of you smoke commercial Tobacco?....and that is poison junk....no quality IMO.

99 percent of you are criminals...I understand that. But I am not at this time....so why should I risk becoming a criminal again? Legalization/regulation will be the end of the "legal" home grower and the end of Medical....it will be sold in stores and the FDA will take over the medical. And....that is what most will want. I understand that as well.

I... on the other hand...prefer my own home grown veggies and weed. Weed and veggies are two different animals....in the gardening scheme of things....America is not ready for big stinking drug plants in its neighborhoods...that should be most obvious to all but the blinded. That is not probably ever going to happen.

So concede to corporate farming or be a criminal. Maybe they let you get away with indoor....but probably not after all the concessions are made. Either way....growing indoors is pricey...so no cheap weed for us there.

My weed is cheaper than yours brother...I don't know what else to say on that. If all you care about is cheap weed and staying out of jail....then yup...I see your point of view. But....you pretty much said you'll keep growing....so maybe jail.... would still be in your future?

You look at it as a weed issue....I see it as a much bigger issue...I see it as another concession to Consumerism/Convenience. As I believe this to be an unhealthy path through life....I'm opposed and nonsupporting of that mentality.

Let me keep growing my weed legally....I'll not raise a fuss.....regulate it to the point that only certain folks (corporations) can grow it....I have a problem. That's what the intention of legalization really is...to regulate it and keep government happy.....the sacrifice of the home grower is a moot point to any but.....the home grower. We are nobody.
Let me keep growing my weed legally....I'll not raise a fuss.....regulate it to the point that only certain folks can grow it....I have a problem. That's what the intention of legalization really is...to regulate it and keep government happy.....the sacrifice of the home grower is a moot point to any but.....the home grower. We are nobody.



Game Bred
You look at it as a weed issue....I see it as a much bigger issue...I see it as another concession to Consumerism/Convenience. As I believe this to be an unhealthy path through life....I'm opposed and nonsupporting of that mentality.

is it the governments job to keep people from choosing consumerism/convince over what is better for them with laws?


is it the governments job to keep people from choosing consumerism/convince over what is better for them with laws?

Of course not Dag.....but it sure does push its subjects in that direction....and makes it difficult for those who are not so willing.

America is a reservation...you can leave it....but they will do their best to round you back up.....through simple economics....bulk cheap products.

It cost me time and money...I'm not perfect....but I try to keep up with my ethics, morals, and self preservation. All I can do is try my best...stay healthy...and fight for the last crust of bread. Stay game.


Game Bred
Of course not Dag.....but it sure does push its subjects in that direction....and makes it difficult for those who are not so willing.

America is a reservation...you can leave it....but they will do their best to round you back up.....through simple economics....bulk cheap products.

It cost me time and money...I'm not perfect....but I try to keep up with my ethics, morals, and self preservation. All I can do is try my best...stay healthy...and fight for the last crust of bread. Stay game.

you forgot taxes....


rick shaw

It will not be corporate RJ Reynolds farms lol. There are several private ventures such as Mooshine's $500,000 Colorado grow. There is a public venture capital http://www.ecapllc.com/ they will be involved in Rhode Island's program and have been involved in Canada's mmj


Game Bred
no, that's my job :)
as long as you dont do it with laws....
let people choose corporate schwag..
they dont eat that crap here and we sure as hell wouldn't smoke it..
but then again there is only one interstate up here and it goes into the canadian wilderness so maybe it's just more cost effective to buy local...
i like congac.
i wont drink henny or remmy vs.
i dont drink remmy louis XIII either not because of cost but because i prefer martel cordon bleu
there are still micro brewers and local distillers everywhere making beautiful high end products and charging what they are worth.

we are all guilty of black and whitisim but in truth there would be room in a legal market for all levels of product.
the secondary jobs would be huge as well.
and none of us truly believe the dedicated closet grower would stop no matter what law passed.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Look you guys are both right....

yes in a competition if we took grower from a small farm and put them against a mass produced facility, more than likely the small guy will put out a better product.

but then again sam is also correct in saying that high quality cannabis can be produced in volume, i dont doubt it for a single minute. all you are doing is applying the same technique on a larger scale. so what... you have to hire more people to tend the crop, more nutrients to feed, and more electricity to run everything. it can be acheived, i can guarantee you that.

so what it comes down to is big business practices. from my experience most of these type of corporations/business look to make the most amount of money from the least amount of work/effort.

why produce OG kush in production when you can grow a high yielding strain that isnt as much of a problem when you can produce a larger harvest and still get a pretty decent payout? thats what i think we will see more of.

it wont be CAN they produce quality, its WILL they want to produce quality. and sure i can guarantee that there is going to be people doing larger grows with only the best of the best, but at the same time, the guy who wants to do hundreds and hundreds (maybe thousands) of acres is going to want to produce something that is going to be the least problamatic and produce the most amount per plant, maybe im wrong, but thats just the way I see it.

look at mcdonalds, they produce absoultely shitty food I see 8/9 cars in the drivethru 24 hours a day. so yeah theres always going to be a demographic for people who just wants some cheap shit. at the same time i go down the street to the place that is selling kobe burgers for 10x the price of a mcdonalds hamburger and is still doing amazing business.

i think once we see legalization on a national scale, there is going to be a market for everyone. then you craft gardners can sell your product across state lines to other people who search for the highest quality.

honestly we can look to just about any industry and see the entire spectrum of quality-to-cost items and i do believe there will be a market for everyone from the small guy producing the best to people producing the cheap and everything in between. then we will start seeing people specializing in certain strains, certain hashes, certain edibles, etc. etc.

i think some of your are thinking too small. there is sooo much to legalization i feel that some of you are keep to focused on the box and not to what may lie outside of it... i know im keeping my aim on all aspects, and growing is only a very small portion of what legalization holds in store for people such as myself.

-BhT out...:wave:

>>>must spread reputation around before giving it to dagnabit again


let people choose corporate schwag..truth there would be room in a legal market for all levels of product.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Sometimes HOW we get there is important too, dag.

Our country gained it's independence a much different way than many countries of the New World.
Capitalism thirved here in a much different way than others.


And if you are right Dag, then you are right.
It is not us that need the swayying, you must sway all the sheeple!


Active member
The price of the Final product for sure will be cheaper (and you could have your high quality & your low quality prices) in a general way .... the problem with these ALL is the middle man from farmers to market add 100% to the price at least.


ICMag Donor
I'm not sure what they do with veggies in Cali to make them taste so nasty..... Around my parts the Cali tomatos are the nastiest I've ever tasted. But that's not always the case with all large growers. Here in New York there are a lot of huge veggie farms putting out some great vegatables. They are so good people are always buying them and then going to farmers markets and lying saying they were organic grown....

As for mass produced bud, if it isn't good, people won't buy it that are used to the good stuff. They may take over the mexi brick market, but most people I know will only smoke the premo bud.... I don't know why people think quality bud can't be mass grown outside though.....

There will always be a huge market for top of the line Cannabis.....


you forgot taxes....


When the IRS was established...America became a reservation my brother...why don't we just have a straight tax on everything and catch all the income tax dodgers that way? Too easy? It would drive the cost up of "mass produced cheap shit"....it ain't really cheap you know? It's way more expensive to your health.....selling your own soul was not even your option.

Red Cloud saw the reality of his peep's situation and went to the rez..

Crazy Horse sensed the situation...fought...and was bayoneted by his own peeps....rez police....we all go the way we go


I'm not sure what they do with veggies in Cali to make them taste so nasty..... Around my parts the Cali tomatos are the nastiest I've ever tasted. But that's not always the case with all large growers. Here in New York there are a lot of huge veggie farms putting out some great vegatables. They are so good people are always buying them and then going to farmers markets and lying saying they were organic grown....

As for mass produced bud, if it isn't good, people won't buy it that are used to the good stuff. They may take over the mexi brick market, but most people I know will only smoke the premo bud.... I don't know why people think quality bud can't be mass grown outside though.....

There will always be a huge market for top of the line Cannabis.....

...yes and it will be grown illegally ....peeps buy cigarettes that have them strung out and poisoned...shitty deal...but they do it. I guess growing your own tobacco isn't an option? I think that it is...much healthier too....but the rats drink from the death bottle...pay them money for it. If they will buy those....they will buy anything.
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