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2012 Legalization Effort Starts


ICMag Donor
I think Krunch has been honest regarding this. But I'll play the game.....

What would it take for you to vote yes for legalization in Cali? And all you other guys that said 19 was flawed. What would it take for the rest of you to vote yes. If there's nothing, just be honest like Krunch was. This back and forth jabbing isn't accomplishing anything.....

Then it would probably be a good idea for you to understand where others ACTUALLY stand on this issue.

No on 19 doesn't translate to "I don't want cannabis legalized at all".

I applaud people who don't vote for something they don't want voted in.

Celebrate whatever division you need to but know that it's not helping anyone at all.... especially when it doesn't need to be a dividing issue.

We used to be a community. Now we are cops and robbers? Cowboys and indians?

We are growers. I respect that. I put my pants on one leg at a time... just like you.
we'll find somewhere else to get the ball rolling, and leave you greedy, self serving bastards behind.

ahhh... more insults to prove how correct you are. CA didn't fuck up anything. 19 was tragically flawed. Let's not blame the growers hmmmkay or Ill start reposting the data that shows it wasn't growers who killed 19.

It's funny how I present data, post poll numbers, and everyone else just pushes opinions. Sure... ignore data and base your life on your emotions. And the fact that CA weed is flooding the country seasonally is how it goes. If you can't keep up, then you get left behind. BUT honestly JJ, or anyone else holding peas on the east coast, wait a few months and your prices will come back up.
It's time for the other states to turn their back on CA, boycott CA weed outside of CA.

LMAO. yeah, that'll happen. Cause people would rather spend more for less... and our outdoor is so inferior, lol, (cough cough world class).

SIMPLE TRUTH that many are missing: this starts with the federal rescheduling of cannabis, not a single state pushing decrim (or legalization as it has been falsely referred to). If CA had passed 19 it would have created a shit storm of Federal vs. State, the only ones getting rich would be lawyers and those dumb enough to try to go commercial. The commercial producers would be in constant risk, same with every level of the recreational and commercial cannabis industry because the administration came out against 19.

Blame greedy CA growers all you want, you are mistaken (accoridng to data) if you hold us responsible for 19 failing. Or join the team and quit crying about it. I have an empty guest room for ya JJ, and Ill get you some warehouse space :) or at least a nice rental with 7 feet deep beautiful loamy soil and perfect climate.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I think Krunch has been honest regarding this. But I'll play the game.....

What would it take for you to vote yes for legalization in Cali? And all you other guys that said 19 was flawed. What would it take for the rest of you to vote yes. If there's nothing, just be honest like Krunch was. This back and forth jabbing isn't accomplishing anything.....

You said you read the Prop 19 thread repeatedly.

You should know by now where I stand... although others (and their assumptions) have placed me far from those points.

Hemp shouldn't be defined as a drug and put under the same taxation as drug cannabis.

People should be let out of prison for offenses covered by the new bill.

I don't know what was "jabbing" about my posts... please enlighten me.

The fact of the matter really comes down to me stating that it isn't simply greed that urged people to vote no.... and that was totally disregarded.


Active member
"hey bentom, stop snitchin on the huslters -Tomkal Vwalla "

hey thanks for the hate mail,ill be giving more weed/seeds out now and ya know what i have a little more motivation to put the "hustlers" out of buisnuess now ,lol.


Come on Pablo, I didn't attack you or anyone else from CA in particular, because many of them are my friends, and I understand where they are coming from, and a fish taco sounds good.

I'm saying fuck them(the state) as a whole, they are not going to help anyone, and why should they from their perspective?
Anyone placing their hopes and dreams for legalization in the CA wagon is setting themselves up for a lot of frustration and disappointment.

I got sucked in by 19, and I really thought it would pass with support from the CA crowd, boy was I wrong, what an eye opener.
I won't get fooled again by another CA initiative, and caution others not to as well.
That is the gist of my posts.

Can I still get a taco?

Absolutely man. I'm just trying to have fun with such a serious issue....and I do find it somewhat humorous that human nature is running amuck....fingers getting pointed etc. I enjoy the craziness of threads like these....I really do.... I am a practitioner in the arts of Chaos. I think peeps will get banned over nothing at all.

The right side of our politics in America and in California is what kept 19 from passing. That is my opinion....I'd say wait and until they die off....but there is already another generation of them. Many of the NO votes probably came from ex hippies...the baby boomers are old and gray....their vote is their last strength. Raised on Doctors scripts...eating out of microwaves and tin cans...that's your NO votes.

There are many reasons to bag on California....our history in Cannabis makes us a target...there is greed....in every one of you and in every state. Switch the front line to NY and see if greed doesn't shine through. If you live in a glass house don't throw stones.

I hang out at South Beach Bar and Grill....OB, California....that is...when I can tolerate town. Ocean view and great food...beer...etc...smoke a joint right out back...lol...come on out dude.


Active member
ahhh... more insults to prove how correct you are. CA didn't fuck up anything. 19 was tragically flawed. Let's not blame the growers hmmmkay or Ill start reposting the data that shows it wasn't growers who killed 19.


It was the growers and dispensaries who didn't want 19, and seeing as this is where everyone has to go to get their weed there, they got to listen to month after month of poison talk about how evil 19 was, and how they shouldn't vote for it, and you know what, a lot of your customers listened to the people they were getting their weed from, and did what they wanted, and voted no.

So yes, I whole heartedly believe it was the local growers/dispensary owners who killed it for everyone by spreading a bunch of ill will about it to everyone in the state who would listen.

It was going to be close, but with the support of the local cannabis community, it would have passed.
That is why it failed by a fairly narrow margin, because it didn't have your support.

Local greed killed 19


Game Bred
Hemp shouldn't be defined as a drug and put under the same taxation as drug cannabis.
it wasnt under 19.
you know that already. 19 set NO tax structure for hemp or medicine.

People should be let out of prison for offenses covered by the new bill.
while i agree i would not allow the pursuit of perfection to be the enemy of progress. its is a common blunder.

"jabbing" is part of debate and perfectly acceptable.in the 19 threads it may have gotten more heated,however it is an extremely heated issue not only for growers but for those who have been to prison for cannabis as well...
i personally would like not only to see prisoners released but convicted felon status removed from ALL convicted felons as well.
keeping us from voting(got my rights restored) is a significant tool they use to keep us down.
i would not however allow that not being in a proposition keep me from supporting the next step.
if you are not moving toward the end goal you are going backwards.
19's failure was seen by leo,prosecutors,religious fanatics and tee totalers as a victory the country over. as a consequence the sheepole will also see it as a victory for the powers that be.
perception is everything and the sheep like to be on the winning team.
I think Krunch has been honest regarding this. But I'll play the game.....

What would it take for you to vote yes for legalization in Cali? And all you other guys that said 19 was flawed. What would it take for the rest of you to vote yes. If there's nothing, just be honest like Krunch was. This back and forth jabbing isn't accomplishing anything.....

Hey, I love it when JJ sets the example. Just fyi, I voted YES.

Voting for legalization in CA is a bad idea (imo) in general as long as cannabis is a schedule one drug. If this changes, it's on. Until then, the only ones able to be part of the (theoretical) recreational and commercial cannabis industry are big biz/ag with expensive lawyers.

The issue as I see it, to write a passable proposition the drafters must pander to the squares, the elderly/parents, the normal tax paying citizens. We the growers are not that, and any legislation with a chance of passing will be written for the squares and not us.

Lee and Soros in particular are anti-home grower. There is no arguing this fact. So having legislation drafted/funded by them is obviously something we worry about.

So, to answer your question. I am waiting for the federal rescheduling of cannabis. This can/will happen. IMO the non-MMj states need to push for MMj legislation, and stop worrying about CA. As more states accept MMj as real medicine, the fed will have to reschedule. This will allow to bring forth the cannabis legislation that we all so desire, without the backlash or complete domination from big biz.

As I have said before. The current set up in CA is the only occasion that I know of where small farmers are favored so heavily. I'm not saying that its perfect, but unique. And something I can support as an anti-corporate american.
It was the growers and dispensaries who didn't want 19, and seeing as this is where everyone has to go to get their weed there, they got to listen to month after month of poison talk about how evil 19 was, and how they shouldn't vote for it, and you know what, a lot of your customers listened to the people they were getting their weed from, and did what they wanted, and voted no.

So yes, I whole heartedly believe it was the local growers/dispensary owners who killed it for everyone by spreading a bunch of ill will about it to everyone in the state who would listen.

It was going to be close, but with the support of the local cannabis community, it would have passed.
That is why it failed by a fairly narrow margin, because it didn't have your support.

Local greed killed 19

Well according to the data I posted earlier this is not true. So please cite come data to back that up or go back and read the data I posted.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
it wasnt under 19.
you know that already. 19 set NO tax structure for hemp or medicine.

I said it defined hemp as cannabis. It most certainly did.

i would not however allow that not being in a proposition keep me from supporting the next step.
if you are not moving toward the end goal you are going backwards.

I don't see backing up to go the right way as useless. Before you go headlong over a cliff you could decide to find another way.

I'd take moving backwards before I'd take not moving at all.

Headway isn't always headway in the right direction.


I took issue with more than a few points regarding 19 but was told (repeatedly and endlessly) I was either greedy or fearmongering.

I hope that any points of discussion can be dealt with in a more rounded manner, should they arise.


Active member
It was the growers and dispensaries who didn't want 19, and seeing as this is where everyone has to go to get their weed there, they got to listen to month after month of poison talk about how evil 19 was, and how they shouldn't vote for it, and you know what, a lot of your customers listened to the people they were getting their weed from, and did what they wanted, and voted no.

So yes, I whole heartedly believe it was the local growers/dispensary owners who killed it for everyone by spreading a bunch of ill will about it to everyone in the state who would listen.

It was going to be close, but with the support of the local cannabis community, it would have passed.
That is why it failed by a fairly narrow margin, because it didn't have your support.

Local greed killed 19

sorry man you are respectfully wrong. it was not the growers/dealers who made 19 fail, it was a large turnout of conservative voters in this state. there is a civil war all across the US right now in the voting booth. the liberal mindset is under attack. pot smoking hippies who love gay rights and green cars, it seems most americans arent down with that.

also, why keep blaming the growers? maybe you should BLAME THE BILL!! the bill that made bullshit attacks at growers like 5x5 restrictions, etc. richard lee took a cheap shot at growers across california and we responded.

if he wants any chance of having this pass in 2012 he is gonna have to get us on board.

i cant believe people are hating on other people because we think for ourselves and voted for something we didnt like. oh im sorry im supposed to vote for 19 because im a brain dead sheeple and i like the idea of montasanta coming in and opening up multiple half million dollar facilities and new rules that basically say you cannot legally operate a grow room unless you are approved by department of revenue and have federal agents inside your grow to check on things.

i wonder what the limits on the new bill are? if its at least 10x10 i might vote YES...regardless of big pharma coming in to put us all out of business, I WANT 10x10 AND COMBINED SCRIPTS IN ONE RESIDENCE. these were the main rules i voted against 19..i have family members to grow for, and 5x5 and one script per residence would fuck me over and id end up being MORE illegal than i am at the moment.

you guys just dont realize how much the local economy relies on the marijuana market. once big pharma takes that away and centralizes the profits you are gonna see another recession happen all across nothern california. oh but FUCK EM RIGHT! who cares about them...even though they have been supplying your meds for years...suddenly they are the enemy and you want to smoke big government weed. funny how things work...once its legalized i bet all these same legal eagles will be bitching about how they hate their government weed so much and wish we could grow good old home grown again.

and forget that boutique "high end market" business shit. LOOK AT COLORADO. ONLY MARIJUANA SUPPLIED BY GOVERNMENT APPROVED WAREHOUSES CAN BE SOLD. so say goodbye to your bedroom and basement grows, no matter how clean they are, they wont live up to strict government regulations. prices will be low as fuck, and you will STILL BE BREAKING THE LAW by trying to sell "speciality high end buds" without paying thousands for your permits and regulations....


Active member
Well according to the data I posted earlier this is not true. So please cite come data to back that up or go back and read the data I posted.
You didn't understand anything I said did you?

Close issue, one group(growers/dispensaries owners, and their customers) had the numbers and influence to swing it just enough in either direction, pass/fail, they choose to make it fail.

Are you going to say that there wasn't one BS article after another that spread complete lies about 19?
Dragonfly, etc....
That's what people saw and heard, not the discussions we had on IC to clear up all the lies and propaganda that was being spread about it.


Game Bred
19's failure was seen by leo,prosecutors,religious fanatics and tee totalers as a victory the country over. as a consequence the sheepole will also see it as a victory for the powers that be.
perception is everything and the sheep like to be on the winning team.
this kind of backing up IS backing over the proverbial cliff...
I don't see backing up to go the right way as useless. Before you go headlong over a cliff you could decide to find another way.

I'd take moving backwards before I'd take not moving at all.

Headway isn't always headway in the right direction.


Game Bred
This statement will never be true, and shows the danger that comes with blind faith. Perhaps ignorance is bliss.
have to agree to disagree..
i dont view complacency/stagnation as neutral. it is negative. no one said a word about "blind faith" please explain how informed decision is blind faith.
i would contend someone who says they would vote no to something that is not even written yet as blind. wouldn't you?

So, to answer your question. I am waiting for the federal rescheduling of cannabis.

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