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1969 Mekong Delta strain


not only do i find the word " Nazi " offensive and racist . being part Jewish, ..............I got things to do ...


Well-known member
not only do i find the word " Nazi " offensive and racist . being part Jewish, ..............I got things to do ...

Good for you, though it was lobbed in my (and others) general direction.

Don't worry about me. I can take that little jab.

Yessum,thanks. I do believe Tazz COULD clean it up if he thought it was going to be worth his while. I am still hoping.


I don't really know what type of extract this is .. I have been working on it for about 4 years now ..I believe its some kind of THCA in rock crystal stage ... but I am at a loss of what to do with it . a sugar size grain of it is like smoking 4 or 5 blows of high grade shatter .....I tested it by putting a grain of this under my tongue .I learn my lesson the first time, I have not tested it again for good reason ...I used the Abducted 1399 to make this extract so it is a pure Cannabis base extract .a pound of bud to make 1/8 th teaspoon of this extract ..
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to night I am going to do something a little different ...
for years I have been trying to isolate what makes this strain so different .. and IMHO I just open Pandora's box ...now to under stand what I am going to define you have to start where I do .. strain traits .. to do this you have to define what you think you know and what is unknown vs Possibilities, probabilities, and logistics...
basic ,what is believed to be known fact or excepted under standing ...when out lining the traits of the AB1399 strain I found 5 main frame traits . in those 5 traits are 5 gender groups . the traits listed A, B , C , D , E . A= male parent traits . B= Female parent traits . C= Off Spring traits .D=Environmental traits .E= selected traits . the mothers clones were cut a one week before harvest ...this eliminated selective traits ...between mother and clones ,the clones reacted to the light cycle and started reflecting traits of the mother they were cut from . but not in the same manner as the mother did .. how could this happen .. there is only one way this can happen in this manner ..I believe it is called pheromone imprinting ...see to truly under stand what this means is to . ask your self . what did my mother look like ? you automatically seek what she look like the last time you saw her , why ? simple your reasoning defines how you seek unknown answers in question by scanning the data you do have ...
ok so what we see is not a off spring it is a imprinted clone with preselected traits triggered by pheromone imprinting that were set and define by when the clones were cut from the flowering mother ....how did define this amazing discovery .. look at the strain .. its male dominate OLR . if you eliminated selective traits ,and environmental traits ,and they were clones then you have eliminated off spring traits . then what's left . male and female parent traits , so what this means is the stronger your male traits the less your strait traits will drift ....no matter how many times you select your wanted female traits ...this is what define F1 ...! the strength of your male will define how healthy your strain will be and how much F1 vigor will show up in your crosses ...so what dose this mean to the common grower or breeders .. if you cut clones in veg your only getting the strongest growth of male dominated traits in your strain ...if you cut in early flowering your getting less stabilized traits .. if you cut in late flowering your getting the best of the female traits of your strain .why . because every time you cut a clone it gives that clone a point to focus on what its mother looked like and how dose it do it .. pheromone imprinting .....I have pictures of the genetic patterning of the AB1399 from day one of seed to the date of this post ...these are my findings ....the best clone structure came from clones cut in the last week of flowering ..and the clones and the mother had their best over all pheromone imprinting phase at this point in the life cycle ...I guess master breeders 101 ...

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
to night I am going to do something a little different ...
for years I have been trying to isolate what makes this strain so different .. and IMHO I just open Pandora's box ...now to under stand what I am going to define you have to start where I do .. strain traits .. to do this you have to define what you think you know and what is unknown vs Possibilities, probabilities, and logistics...
basic ,what is believed to be known fact or excepted under standing ...when out lining the traits of the AB1399 strain I found 5 main frame traits . in those 5 traits are 5 gender groups . the traits listed A, B , C , D , E . A= male parent traits . B= Female parent traits . C= Off Spring traits .D=Environmental traits .E= selected traits . the mothers clones were cut a one week before harvest ...this eliminated selective traits ...between mother and clones ,the clones reacted to the light cycle and started reflecting traits of the mother they were cut from . but not in the same manner as the mother did .. how could this happen .. there is only one way this can happen in this manner ..I believe it is called pheromone imprinting ...see to truly under stand what this means is to . ask your self . what did my mother look like ? you automatically seek what she look like the last time you saw her , why ? simple your reasoning defines how you seek unknown answers in question by scanning the data you do have ...
ok so what we see is not a off spring it is a imprinted clone with preselected traits triggered by pheromone imprinting that were set and define by when the clones were cut from the flowering mother ....how did define this amazing discovery .. look at the strain .. its male dominate OLR . if you eliminated selective traits ,and environmental traits ,and they were clones then you have eliminated off spring traits . then what's left . male and female parent traits , so what this means is the stronger your male traits the less your strait traits will drift ....no matter how many times you select your wanted female traits ...this is what define F1 ...! the strength of your male will define how healthy your strain will be and how much F1 vigor will show up in your crosses ...so what dose this mean to the common grower or breeders .. if you cut clones in veg your only getting the strongest growth of male dominated traits in your strain ...if you cut in early flowering your getting less stabilized traits .. if you cut in late flowering your getting the best of the female traits of your strain .why . because every time you cut a clone it gives that clone a point to focus on what its mother looked like and how dose it do it .. pheromone imprinting .....I have pictures of the genetic patterning of the AB1399 from day one of seed to the date of this post ...these are my findings ....the best clone structure came from clones cut in the last week of flowering ..and the clones and the mother had their best over all pheromone imprinting phase at this point in the life cycle ...I guess master breeders 101 ...

TLDR ...


I don't know if any of you realized the true difference between a male dominate (OLR) Origin Land Race and a normal (LR) Land Race strain .. what makes the OLR different . see with a Native Thai traits the strain would flower male and then in late flowering would flower female flowers on the male plant thus no female plants . no female seed ... just males with a odd hermaphrodite trait ..that's why I stated the Nam Black was related to this .this strain was found up wind and the Vietnamese sativa used to make Nam Black had females .. logistics say the pollen from this male had to pollenate that female strain ...it cant just be a clone or cutting ....it can not be the origin strain if it had females ...if it was a semi isolated strain and had both genders and was down wind of this male . this male would dominate its male traits ,so most likely when the Vietnamese's sativa was found they collected female cuttings ,that's why the crosses degraded faster ..because they were trying to make a male dominate male trait cross with strains that were female dominate strains ...see what I am saying . if the Nam Black was a totally different strain there would have been no males .why because this OLR would have killed any traits when it cross with the strain ..there were males that means those male were pollenated by the OLR ...see if I want a male of the AB1399 I have to cross it get a off spring male and back cross it and cube it till I get a clean cut male as soon as start to work with a male it will revert back to the base male dominate strain again ... but that's the difference between a LR and a OLR ...


Seed Whore
Tazz11, are you ever going to get your Abducted strain tested for Canabinoids and Terpenes?

It seems like you've been working on this for a while now. :tiphat:

I'm working on something too and once I get pass few generations I'll get mine tested.


Tazz11, are you ever going to get your Abducted strain tested for Canabinoids and Terpenes?

It seems like you've been working on this for a while now. :tiphat:

I'm working on something too and once I get pass few generations I'll get mine tested.
I am more old school . if you smoke it and it kills the pain and rises your level and quality of life dose any test match that ...?I watch 4 of my brothers and sisters and my mother and father pass away .4 of them from Cancer . not much fun .. if I can even help a few its all been worth it .. and if you don't believe me that's OK .. I was blind once and day after day, I had no idea if I would ever see again .. I was one of the lucky ones but in the darkness a man becomes a man and know matter how much he knew or believed , reality becomes very clear, we get one chance to make the best of what we can do . God tested me ever step of the way. and I put my best skills into creating this strain ...when they say heart & soul ..I got that in spades ...no matter how many think I am crazy or nuts ,when this strain is out there and they realize just how good it is they are going to look back to see how strain was developed and who was that crazy hippie ..and then they will see a detailed photo log of over 10,000 pictures of the creation of this strain ..... I am at 8594 I can only hope to make it to my goal in my life time ...I will leave the testing to all of you ...and for those that lay in bed and fight the good fight, GOD & I will be there with you every step of the way !
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You think to put pure Abducted out or hybrids??
good question Dog Star , it would have to be a hybrid . few people can afford to grow male dominate strain bases . the time and money would take as much as 4 years and thousands of $ to stabilize the strain I did it this way with hybrid so that the bhybird strain can be added to any grow and they then can make a choice to cross it with their own strains to add to their own meds...my goal is not money based so the next thing is when and how much I can release at one time ...we know a few good facts . the strain is a stable IBL with great snow ball effects ,maxs lights effects and dinner plate effects ,heavy resin builder ,being OLR base it can be grown out side and should do very well in most environments ..the hybrid as it is , is a cross of Abducted x SSSDHF1 XSSSDHxG13x Grimm brothers new C99...in the photo log the growers can see the path of breeding use in every stage of this hybrid not just some page of data . but real photo of the development of every plant and every strain in this hybrid ...the selection is for full healthy snow ball effect , what that means is like a ice cream cone with a nice scoop of ice cream on top . the size of the snow ball will be developed by the growers and the photo will show them what to look for . the idea was to take enough back ground photo to see the changes in each strain and each plant as they developed ....this strain can show traits just from its location within a room it is very sensitive to and changes ...but can be back crossed easy to the male dominate traits ..I would have like to release this strain at one of the cups . but I don't think my health is going to agree with that at this point ... I got about 7 months to make a choice ,there are 8 nice breeders and 3 selected pure King tut groomed for a cross at this point in time ...the king tut mother was selected out of 70 seeds and 3 clones were selected out of 35 clones .. those 3 are at the same stage as the 8...AB1399 ,so I do have a way to make full F1 seeds at this stage and both are fully stable and ready ...I really did not want to uses seed spray but making seed from a male dominate strain hybrid already has the male traits locked within the hybrid ..any male strain should be over taken by a OLR .. so if you grow this seed no matter what male you use the Abducted dominate male traits will still be the dominate male in any cross ...so far in the photo log this is 100% of the time .. any hybrid will revert back to those male traits ..the idea is to give the grower the best selection of new pheno as well as a stabilized cross if they do add their own favorite strain ...I have done all the hard work already ...I am a breeder not a seed bank so .I have no idea how many seeds I could release at one time ...


I agree but like I said I am not set up to make seeds like most seed banks are ...most of the breeders the public see are seed bank breeders for the market .the next thing is getting to one of the cups . I looked at the emerald cup or high times cup . so cal is a long ways from NY and I am stoned 99 % of the time ...most likely end up drunk & high in panama city ...lol


Well-known member
Males and females is all you need to make seeds no need to be set up like a seedbank to make a few thousands seeds.


a grower would do that not a breeder ...months if not years go into find the correct mates and timing the best out come ....when you mate a pair of strains . you have a rare chance to make feminist seed with the same strain base or another selected strain . and it works both ways ,,but controlling the breeding takes a lot more timing and hard work ...OK lets look at it .. Kt vs AB1399

the Kt (king tut) took 3 years to select and stabilize the strain ...to get two hybrid strains to flower at the same time you should grow them in the same environment at the same time ...then you have a veg and flowering cycle that tells those strains when they are each ready ...perfection dose not come from guessing ...that's why the photo log ..just before each of these two strains start to product seeable buds they are sprayed down every day for 10 days .. now this changes the staging of the strains because they are on a spray foliar feed cycle as well ...watching both strains change and flip into flowering mode is amazing when done correctly , if your a true breeder and the plants slow or stun their growth rates .. its game off . you start over again ...
could someone throw some pollen and get seeds, they sure could but that's not going to be me ....there would be no logic in all the hard work and study if your just going to throw and guess ... the genetic pole has to much of that throwing and guessing already ...the market is flooded with strains like that ...


Well-known member
Trial and errors is how we become better at our craft, perfection is not for human. Why are you talking so much about a plant you don't want to share with others? So many time and messages for something you keep to yourself is a bit strange to say the least.


if you want a good example of this I can name 3 right now .. the WWF1 made by will back in 98 ,or Bog 's bog bubble . and a man in Australia made a great out door strain that went tall ..I forget what his name was but just a monster strain ...a lot of those great strains were timed just right for the strains that were stable and ready and matched to each other ...you could throw pollen and find one . but these stand out as some of the finest crosses in the last 25 years ...IMHO


Active member
Male dominated cultivars sound appealing to me, the again I'm up at 5am every morning doing things most folks think suck! I could see the potential in such a endeavor......now let me try to catch up in the thread.


Trial and errors is how we become better at our craft, perfection is not for human. Why are you talking so much about a plant you don't want to share with others? So many time and messages for something you keep to yourself is a bit strange to say the least.
...lol who said I was human ....? its not that I don't want to share the strain its the fact now days if you give a strain out people call it something else and make money off it ...that's the real problem ...if I release the strain at a cup then . the strain could get out there and it would be recorded .I don't care if I give the strain away ..I just don't like greedy scammers profiting from a med strain .I don't know if any one else has told you this but you cant take it with you ...and why would I want to ... the weed is more golden hair in heaven and hot and spicy down in hell .

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