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150 watt Bogglegum SCROG


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Well I forgot to mention my heat stress incident. singed some hairs on a few. one big buds hairs are pretty bad but otherwise ok. Today 1 or 2 leaves were kinda brown in a few spots. I raised my light and I plan to add a sheet of glass and another fan this weekend.

The buds are getting bigger pretty fast the largest are about thumb sized and the trics are piling on pretty fast as well. Ill try to get some decent pics soon.

Also I watered today with 1 gallon of water with 1 and a half teaspoons of pure blend bloom. Next watering I will begin using earthjuice bloom. In case I have not yet mentioned it i am following BOGs organic feeding methods.

I hope I can get a few shots showing everyone some trics. I mean thats what we all wanna see right. Later and Happy Growing to all.


Active member
Yea Sleepy I know what ya mean about getting worse with the pics. I seem to have caught that bug also. if it doesnt get better soon im gonna have to start blaming the camera. :biglaugh:


The Tri Guy
Heat is my biggest problem, 400watts in my wardrobe! A great big fan is the only thing that works for me, and a big distance between light and plant, with 400w that works but on 150 although the heat will be a lot less, distance is probably not the best solution, not sure how much glass will help either, wind chill is my best reccomendation on heat problems, as overkill still provides other benefits like improved CO2 provision and reduced likelyhood of mold or pests. Singing your girls does hurt their growth, no hang on singing helps but singeing hurts lol.


Active member
:wave: Well I was checking my babies this mornin and I singed myself on my hps. Serves me right for hurting my babies.

I got a new fan for my box. Like a mini blower type deal 10 bucks at walmart. My other fan was blowing up through my screen and not keeping the tops of my plants vey cool at all. This little blower works great how I got it. I got a piece of glass cut to fit my hood and ill install it tomorrow.

Buds are starting to get very frosty even the fan leaves. So so beautiful.

Heres a few pics with the new blower in action. Its 6 inches wide at most. Ill take a few pics tomorrow with the hps off althought I dont guarentee they will come out too good. Later. :joint:



Yeah Immortal - looks like your screens filled in pretty well~ I have a piece of glass on my hood and it does hold some of the heat back. I also put a muffin fan on top of the light to pull the hot air away from the bulb, that might be helpful if your hood version is capable of being air cooled. I can put my hand on the glass and not get burned by it.

How much longer do you think you have?

Lookin good


Active member
I have no idea how much longer I have. Bogglegum flowers in 45- 55 days and im at day 26 so about a month to go. Hopefully.


Active member
Dammit my activated carbon was supposed to be here today and its not.

went inside the veg chamber to check the clones for roots and the third one i checked had roots. I was very surprised to say the least. Im gonna put it into a 3 inch square pot and make it my first mum. Im doing bonsai mums following ot1s article on overgrow.


Active member
hey, immortal.

lookin good!!

how much more vertical space do you have?

can you move the light up, or the plants down?

you may just continue to burn the tops if not...


Active member
well I got the glass in and I have maybe 3 inches more I can move my light up at this point. the 3 I burnt still dont look too good.

Hey steelers I already got one of those and it was only like 7 dollars.

My 2 other clones sprouted roots today. one was placed into a 3 inch starter pot as its gonna be mum number 2. the other went into a 16 oz cup.



The Tri Guy
I think you could do with thinking about buiding some head room into that cab. There are a few blurred burns in those pics and if your budds are cool enough to grow, they'll grow right into that light again. Sorry to be a nay sayer, but an extra foot of head space and closely follow an LST guide to reduce height as much as possible on the next one. I have lots more head room, but not as much as I'd like, and still intend to keep my heights down right under the light.
But I might be wrong.


a foot more headroom would definitely help, you gotta keep a 150 pretty close, but not closer than about 5 inches in my opinion. The max light penetration of a 150 is 15 inches i have read. I have mine at about 5 inches right now and everything is lovely. The screen should hold those shoots back from reaching up. If not, what you may want to do is tie some of the reaching shoots down to the screen. That will help give more distance between the canopy and the bulb.


Active member
really i thought it was less than 15 inches. The only real hieght prob I have right now is the second plant which stretched more after the other had stopped. I did lower it about an inch or so. If you look closely in the pics youll see that a few tops have no hairs cause they were burnt. Im seeing a few come out now.

I have a question. How do I determine which plant of the two is gonna be a keeper? Its looking like the one right under the hps is flowering faster but I think its like a week ahead of the other 1. Could the amount of light be a major factor in this? or not

As far as my clones go it does look like the trifolate has remained somewhat trifolate. Meaning the nodes are alternating in the tri pattern and thats the one thats flowering faster.

On my next grow I can always go with a shallower pot as I had originally planned. I was too lazy so I just bought the 10 inch ones with a drip tray attached. This is a learnig experience and I have learned alot. My next attempt should be a major improvement.


Active member
hey, immortal.

you said it about being a learning experience. thats what is sooo great about this place. we all learn together!!

this is just me, so here i go: i wouldn't worry about selecting a "keeper" just yet...grow them BOTH out. harvest them BOTH. dry and CURE them properly.
enjoy the best smoke you've ever had, and be able to say:"i grew this".

start some more seeds, fine tune your rig. KEEP IT CLEAN-ALWAYS!!!

get a few grows done, try some different seeds. ENJOY THE PROCESS THE WHOLE TIME!!
-remember when you were gonna chuck everything because these two were males, too??

best wishes to you and your growing future. you are about 1/2 way thru this one. don't put the cart before the horse...

be safe and have fun!!

your pal,
sleepy :yummy:

p.s. since you are in Maine, do you have a good Lobster Roll recipe you wouldn't mind sharing?? :wink:


Active member
Hey Sleepy thanks. I hope your doin alright. Im not really worried about selecting a keeper just curious as to whether the one getting less light is flowering slower because of that or because its just slower to flower. Fortunately i diddnt burn that one. Yea Im already thinking about tweaking and fine tuning everything.

My activated carbon just arrived. cool. Finally put a door on the veg chamber just gotta throw the fan in. After I do my first grow from clone i may start some durban by skunk #1 freebies. Im just a lil concerned about the smell factor of the skunk.


Active member
immortal said:
Im just a lil concerned about the smell factor of the skunk.

I'm glad you're concerned NOW, because LATER it will be too late! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

hows the odor from the bogglegums?


Active member
Well odor. Well ive had my box running without odor control or air fresheners of any kind for several days now and I cannot smell anything out side of the room its in. Inside the room its a very mild bubblegum smell with almost no skunky pot smell. Its a sweet smell.

oh i missed the lobster roll question. Unfortunately I dont eat lobster Sleepy but I can ask around for a good recipe if you would like.