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150 watt Bogglegum SCROG


15 inches definitely isnt optimal, you want it much closer, otherwise you'll have some whispy buds. I know that in the past, when I grew regular style the buds lower on the plants were never as mature as the top colas, which is due to not getting as much light. That's why some people do selective harvesting. To get the lower sites more light.


Active member
Nice job, Immortal! Looks like you'll get some nice bud off those babies after all. It's a good thing some of these strains are "bulletproof" enough to withstand the erroring ways of "newbies" like us!! :biglaugh:

You're right on about it being a learning process, my brotha. I know that there will be things I'll still be tweaking here and there for some time to come. But Hey, if it was all that easy, everyone could grow this shit, no problem, right? Right. :biglaugh: It is an art form. A study in perserverance. A new lesson everyday. :eek: :biglaugh: :smile:


here is alight chart that a buddy of mine posted at PS... He found it on another site. It is pretty helpful for determining distances for MH and HPS.


BTW good grow for such a small ammount of light! After this grow you will probably want to add more light for bigger yeild but hey for the electricity and money spent you did a great job!


The mind shall boggle when you smoke that bogglegum mate, are you counting the days or just taking them as they come? I set my predicted harvest date and found that it was going slowly, i just look at mine every day now and see the growth and it seems to go faster :smile: How long is the flowering for these normally?


Active member
hey dubmantex, thanks for stoppin by and thanks for the link.
Yeah Relik this is me expressing my artistic side at its finest. I cant draw or paint or anything so I gotta get it out somewhere.

Hey Noddy. I count the days forward and backward and any other way possible like three times a day. And then I count again to make sure I got the days right. BOG says they flower in 44 days but ill see how it goes. Im definetly not gonna harvest these babbies before their time. Later guys.

Ill try to get some pics up tomorrow.


Active member
:wave: OK I got bored today and set up a photoshop. took apart a lamp made a hood set up a light and put my cam on a mini tripod.

First I got my mums. I will be following these lil guys from now until they are fully developed into mothers. evey pruning will be documented with pics.

Damn my light turned on just now. Looks like I gotta wait till mornin to test my new photo light on my buds. Ill have pics up early before 9am.

#1 the trifolate has six branches in early stages.

#2 Internodes showing little growth.



Active member
Oh yea I got a few fresh white hairs sticking out of the trifolate and 1 reddish brown one. It also looks very aggressive. Taking it in early flower seems like a good idea for next time.


Thats wierd the trifoliate... i didnt know weed did that. Glad you got a clone though! Is that one of the common traits in the bogglegum?


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
A Clone in the box, this is

A Clone in the box, this is

Were those clones you had in the fridge? I think I remember you saying you were going to do that, just wondering if that really works without drawbacks. The pix are starting to look much better. Peace out :wave:


Active member
Bogglegum is a cross of Bogbubble and Northern Lights.

Hey pakin I think I had em in the fridge for about a week and they rooted in a week once I planted them. Ive heard you can keep them in the fridge for up to a month maybe longer as long as you blow fresh air in the bag at least once a week. This works great if you dont have anywhere to keep a mom.

Yea the pics are lookin a lil better, I think its just cause the buds are bigger that you can see more. Im gonna go try my new light in the flower box right now before the hps turns on at 6. Later.


Active member
Well well those buds sure do look great under that natural light. had to cut my photo session shrot cause my batteries went dead and a second later the hps turned on. Hope I got some good shots. Ill have the pics up in a few.


Active member
oh yea my pistils are starting to go brown already on alot of buds mainly on the tops but on some down lower. Should they be turning brown this early or not. My temps are no longer an issue. they are at like 80 degrees right under the hottest part of the glass. My plants are loving the lower temps.

Ok its picture time. Some are blurry but oh well the next ones will be better.



What did you do to lower the temps? The look pretty darn good, too bad you didnt have a little more room for the bud stretch!


Active member
:wave: to lower temps I just opened the window in the room. should have done it earlier but I diddnt think i had a heat prob. I got an extra fan if i need it but since my light is on at night I think ill be alright.

Most of the singed buds have pretty much recovered except one that doesnt look like its growing any new leaves or anything.

Well I realized I have 15 co2 cartridges for a bb gum and decided to experement with a lil co2. I put one in the pistol popped it and backed it of till it started leaking slowly.

the three tops are the only ones that have really filled out to this point. They look like they will be gettin big pretty soon. :yummy:


Active member
ok took a few pics. I wanted to take more but the hps came on. Buds are starting to get frostier up top now and are bulking up slowly. A few of the buds I burned are not growing from the tip anymore. probably gonna hurt my yield cause those would have been the bigger ones.

The trifolate clone has taken off since I watered it with some pure blend the other day. the other clones are not nearly as vigorous. the trifolate is also really frosty. I topped both clones today. As soon as the trifolate has two branches that are 4 to 6 inches I will take 2 clones, trim it back to 3 branches and pot up to a 4 inch pot. The two clones will be vegged and flowered.



The Tri Guy
Hey Immortal, you got buds going there, nice to see those girls are growing up fast.