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150 watt Bogglegum SCROG


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nice, how many plants again in what size area? those are for sure some tasty nugs. how long u planning on drying/curing?


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I did clip a few buds I left under the screen to celebrate 420. they were only about the size of the tip of my thumb. It was an up clear high with a lil body high in the neck and shoulders. I thought I posted about this earlier but I must not have clicked submit. The odd thing is after clipping them a few of my fingers smelled like a sweet bubblegum the whole next day even after I repeatedly washed my hands. The funnny thing is my plants dont smell like bubblegum just fruity and grapey if i rub the stem.

Ill probably dry for about a week and Ill cure it for as long as it lasts. I wanna cure at least a lil for a month or more if i can.

Hey vin thats 2 plants in a 30h x 30w x 14d cab.


Great thread you have going Immortal. I have been watching your grow and you are doing a fine job. You were bound to make mistakes just like all of us have made at one time or another.

I also have a grow going using Bogs method and some of his seeds. You sure do get some nice plants from his genetics!

Good luck with the next couple of weeks.


Way to go, Immortal! I just read through 14 pages of fun. Here's a few questions/comments for you.

1. I'm building a box of almost identical dimensions as yours: 22" x 18" x 35" I went with a single door instead of a double door, hoping that it would be better for light leaks. We'll see, as I'm still working out options for weather-stripping.

2. Regarding your security situation, I've been thinking about this idea to attach a motion detection system onto my cabinet, and I'll set it so that if anyone walked into the room, the whole unit will power down. I'm not an electronics whiz, but I'm sure a system like this shouldn't be too difficult to set up. That way, any unwanted intruders (landlady, etc.) would just walk into my room and not hear any fan sounds or see any light leaks.

3. After reading through your thread, I didn't see any detailed info about your light setup. Is that an enclosed ballast with the light? Did you buy the light unit pre-made, or did you make it yourself? What brand? Any technical info regarding the lights and the ventilation system would be great, because I'm trying to work out all the details myself. I'm even considering going with a 100w HPS system, because I'm so worried about heat build-up. I live in a room where the ambient temperature can climb to 84 degrees during the worst heat waves, but high to mid 70s will be more common throughout the summer.

This might sound lame, but I'm delaying building out my box until I buy a digital camera. I really want to be able to document what I'm doing, so I'll have to wait a few weeks. In the mean time, though, I can keep watching your exciting progress!



Active member
Hey kwaichangcain,
That cab should be easier to light proof with the one door. I couldnt find one like that. Id use a 3/8 inch weather striping to light proof. I used a thicker one at first and the 3/8 is much better. Id buy a thicker one just in case though.

Security isnt much of an issue now. theis building was sold and havent been bothered with the lanlords or repairmen for many weeks now.

For my light set-up I have a 150 hps. My light is not centered well and I would add another 150 but I dont wanna raise my power bill. Perhaps you could consider a dual 75 wat setup for more even light distribution.
I ordered a security light from e-conolight.com for $45 including a spare bulb and remoted the ballast using info from a site on overgrow. heres a link for ya.
They have the cheapest lights around but they do use more electricity than say a 250 watt light you could get from a grow shop.

I have a basic hood that came with a 400mh one end is removed for cooling. I recently installed a piece of glass glass which I highly reccomend to anyone growing in a confined space. I have a mini blower i got from walmart blowing across the tops of plants. For ventilation i got a 80 cfm duct fan from hd. I do not like this fan. I had ordered a 180 cfm fan that arrived damadged and was too big for my space anyways so i sent it back. I reccomend getting a more powerful fan. The duct fan blow directly into my carbon scrubber. Here is a link to build your own.

Dont worry about heat with the 150 with a lil ventilation and a piece of glass you should be ok. Ill let ya know how my setup does when it gets warmer.

Hey Dubman, My triflote clone gets frostier everyday even though it has reverted to veg already.
Doob-e-pufr, thanks for the compliments.
Moeweed, thanks for the compliments. I may not yield much this time but its gonna be fun trying to maximize this lil box.

Hopefully they dont go longer than a couple more weeks. I am getting very impatient. :canabis:


Active member
Well well got some pics. All buds are now starting to mature with pistils browning on even the largest ones. Even the buds on the scraggly plant are gaining some weight and are very solid. i think I will center my light for my next attempt and see how much better I can do.



Way to hang in there with your ladies immortal. I enjoyed reading through your grow. It's going to be so awesome for you to fire up that glass with your own sweet bogglegums.

I became bud independent on Halloween Day and it's the best feeling in the world. I wish you the very best with your grow.


hey immortal I found a $10 60-100x illuminated microscope at radio shack the other day... You might want to get one so you can look at the trichome colors before you decide when to pick... Sometimes the hair colors change before the bud has completely matured... You probably know that but I noticed you had mentioned pistol colors a lot.


Active member
yeah man I got a microscope. I can only really get to the buds by the door my light cant be raised much more and I cant get my head in there. they will be overripe if anything before I pick these suckers. Iv waited to long to go sacrificing potency. I picked a few scraggly buds below the screen on the scraggly plant. I pretty high but I can tell its still early. I hope they go 50 days I may give em another week or longer to mature fully if I have to.

Not the best pics but the buds are starting to get really, really frosty now. Harvest day I will have some good pics of every bud under natural light. If only I had a better camera.

Hey maistre, I never really had a connection to get pot I was too cheap to buy. Probably spent way more money than I needed to get where im at with my grow situation. But every penny is worth not having to go find a dealer, if no one knows I smokes, no one knows I grow, right. Geat for security.

Today is Day 38


Active member
Wow kinda stoned today. Clipped a bud on monday and I smoked it today. This shit is getting potent. It wasnt yet dry all the way but, Wow!. Seemed to take me forever to get to this site, I kept gettin in to the music. Forgot what i was doing like every 7 seconds or so. I wonder how much better itll be in like 10-14 days or so.

My trifolate Mother clone is still trying to flower herself. New leaves are comming out completely covered with trichs along with pistils and white hairs. that resin really shines under those fluros, sparkly even. Looked like it had reverted to veg till I topped it. I think topping it slowed me down now. I wouldnt be surprised if that other mom isnt ready first.

Hmm just thought of an experiment I could do with my lighting. Add a 150 Metal halide. 150 watts psf. probably need to add coz. I could see if the clones do better under more direct hps, or mh light. It would be fun to do a comparison like that on a small grow like this. OK ive had it. Sill having that side tracked every 7 seconds problem. Later,


Active member
Congratulations on "dumping the dealer"...i think you've made it! :biglaugh:

will you be able to add an additional HPS fixture for flowering?

enjoy the crop!!! :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :canabis: :yummy:


Active member
yeah im trying to conserve electricty so no more lights. The buds are definetly starting to fatten from the bottom up. I gave my first feeding of plain water yesturday. Nope nothing better steelers. I will be curing some of my harvest for at least a month. Hopefully. I really hope they are ready to be cut by next weekend. The waiting is getting harder and harder every day.

I will probably be taking a few more popcorn buds from below the screen at the begining of next week. If the are going longer than next weekend I will take a few more. I just wanna see how the high develops in the plants in these last few weeks. It should be fun. I have given up on the quick drying as it makes the buds taste horrible.


Active member
Hey I forgot to metion the stems on my tri-mom have been going purple for a week now and its starting to get into the leaves a little. It may have been a lil rootbound could this cause it? Also the fluros dont put out much heat at all, Im not sure but it may get as low as 50 in there, could that be the prob? Its also still trying to flower like crazy. any tips to help revert it to veg quicker would be great.

The other mother is also a lil purple but not as bad. Neither of the other clones are flowering either. Thanks, Immortal.


The Tri Guy
Low temps will do that, I wouldn't worry if it's only a temp thing as that doesnt hurt the smoke in my opinion, and I think it makes for better phots.
If on the other hand though its a nute thing you need to sort it out, no help at all I know


Active member
Well, the roots are developing very, very well and I will be potting it up to a 4 inch pot soon. Im waiting for it to revert to veg then ill trim it and maybe take my first set of clones.

It is very dark purple. Looks healthy though.


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:wave: Day 46 Update.

Ive got people comming over tomorrow to treat the building for ants tomorrow. The ventilation will be off from 6am till 4pm. Id have my girlfriend turn it back on after they leave but im not sure what they are spraying or whatever and im quite sure I dont want it to run through my ventilation. Wish Me luck everybody, Later.

Well heres a few pics from a few days ago.
The Mums

Both of theses pics are of smaller buds that are away from the light.
The black thing next to the first one is a case for a radioshack microscope to show scale. There are at least 5 or six buds that are much bigger than these.

i just checked up on the plants and the calyxes on top are starting to fatten. Checked trichs on a few buds saw a few amber I think. Still alot of clear though. Im still wanting to harvest this weekend but I may go another week. Both mums are not yet ready for my first set of clones so it may be a while before I can start flowering anything after this.


Active member
looks good, immortal!

man they grew right up into your light, eh!

nice job on your first grow!!!

take `em down whenever you want, but they will sure fatten up and pack on the trichomes if you can wait!!!

enjoy your harvest & be careful! :canabis: