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126x3w LED tent grow


Active member
LOL guess I should have looked closer! Just add water and MSG and you've got an Asian treat... they'll really take off in their new homes, I'm sure.

You'll be glad you went with the oversized filter when you get late into flowering. During my first grow I had a couple "oh shit" moments when caught a whiff of my grow outside of my apartment because my scrubber was too small. Dealing with a huge filter is surely preferable to that!

I cannot wait to see what these girls (hopefully) do in their new buckets! I was just marking the calendar and I might go with a 6 week veg on the 3, and a 4 week veg on the GDP. This will be a good time to flip for both I think.

EDIT: I think I know why you maybe thought they weren't ready for transplanting actually. I hadn't posted recent pictures :)


Active member
another update for today

another update for today

Decided the Bubba Kush clone was getting too stretchy for my liking right now. The others have some catching up to do first.

So I decided to restrain her. You can really see the stem thickness (thats what she said).

Look at this bitches legs...

I think that's all the updates for today. I might be switching to MaxiBloom though. FloraNova sucks to deal with :(


Active member
This cotton candy plant is not improving. I guess I am going to transplant her tonight. I just can't believe she is root bound already.


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3-18 update

3-18 update

2 days since transplanting. I cleaned up the BK clone of bad leaves. All green is left.

She is LOVING the LST. Already had to yank her down again. She is loving the LED I guess. The GDP's in the Solo cups are growing great. Really nice lush green starting leaves.

Cotton Candy (back right) is still pissing me off. It's just sitting there being all lame.

Video update #2:



New member
hey oneshot sry not been on but should be now
jus one thing im starting 3wk today and what ive
noticed is i think ive had my little ones to close to light
not sure but im sure i can smell cabbage,broccoli,
like u no boiling veg i've raised light now and smell seems to be gone
who knows ??


Active member
As a blackstar LED and tent grower Ill follow along. Thx

welcome aboard :)

hey oneshot sry not been on but should be now
jus one thing im starting 3wk today and what ive
noticed is i think ive had my little ones to close to light
not sure but im sure i can smell cabbage,broccoli,
like u no boiling veg i've raised light now and smell seems to be gone
who knows ??

hey man! weird with that smell. How close were they and how close is the light now? I haven't started 12/12 yet. I think 2-3 more weeks.

I am debating going with a scrog setup now. If I have all female plants, there will be 10 plants flowering at once. Who knows.


New member
the unit was about 15cm to 20 cm away from top of canopy
more like 25-30cm now smell gone i went with scrog as i felt this was better to control light coverage i have 15 in a 90x90 flood table i will post some pics tomorrow


Active member
Here are some pics of my new 126x3w LED. After having it plugged in for 8 hours, I am IN LOVE. The plants as well. It is a huge improvement.

Here are some pics of it:

Plant pics in next post
Howdy oneshot! You bailing on the 240? Was wondering the reason/reasons that you upgrade? And how do you feel it would have done in a space under 2sq feet? Sorry for all the questions! resuming lurking position.


Active member
Howdy oneshot! You bailing on the 240? Was wondering the reason/reasons that you upgrade? And how do you feel it would have done in a space under 2sq feet? Sorry for all the questions! resuming lurking position.

The only reason I am bailing on the 240 is because this one I got a great deal on and I want to see what it can do. It is very similar to the HGL 126x3w. This light has better spectrum for vegging too.

My plants loved the Blackstar though and I would have kept it in the tent. In a 2sq ft space, the Blackstar would be awesome. The Blackstar is an awesome lamp though, don't get me wrong.


Active member
Its just sad calling it a 240w when it doesn't give you 240w. And that low number that was posted was the entire wattage, not light watts. So even less than "131-135 wall watts" is less than that in light watts. You also have to factor in the fans pulling some watts,.

But yes I do like my light but wish it were called a blackstar 130w panel.


Active member
3/22 Update

LST'd the plants pretty severely to open up the lower nodes to bush out. Tied down a lot of the huge fan leaves out of the way. Taking well to it. Will probably veg for 1-2 more weeks. I am hoping the GDP catches up shortly. I want to flower at the same time I think. Maybe not. I have a small tent coming.

I killed the Cotton Candy tonight. Thing was stagnant for a week. I don't deal with stragglers!!

The new light is kicking ass as well. Although I wish I knew how to white balance it from the iPad or post.

Ken's Original GDP

Bubba Kush clone. Stem on it is really nice and thick. Keeping the canopy nice and even until the screen gets installed. It wasn't healthy at all when I was gifted it and it has really improved a lot.

Video update below:

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