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126 Watt LED Test Featuring Ice


Active member
temps are 72 now...

i set the dehumidifier to "always on"...

thank you for all of the advice!!

they seem fine...


New member
i put a 20 dollar camp stove/bar-b-q in my flower room that has an a/c unit. i have sealed rooms that vent into each other only. i use the stove on lowest setting and let it run. i have to shut it off once every 2 hrs to let the co2 levels come back down a bit. I use a co2 ppm and usually stay right around 2000-2300 ppm i would like it to be more like 1800 but i think they are ok. i stay at 75-77f


Active member


i sure appreciate all of the suggestion on how to boost my temps.

please don't any of you get offended, now. i am going to leave the setup 'as is'..i have been able to get the temps into the 68-72 degree range, and i am good with that.

i took some pix earlier, and they sem to be growing!:jump:

not too exciting, but i think they will be fine from here on out!



In search of Genetics
Damn it sleepy use some magical powers already and show us 6 weeks into flower!!!!!


All will be well we just have to get past the seedling and into the veg stage, cant wait!


nice Sleepy glad u getting it together brother,agged can't wait to see the results,,,,,,peace


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
Hey sleepy when you do some transplanting if you would post up some root pictures that would be great. I would like to compare them to mine.

I got this after just two weeks.....I did use some Bonoro brand root stimulator.



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    nice 002 [1024x768].JPG
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i am going to leave the setup 'as is'..i have been able to get the temps into the 68-72 degree range, and i am good with that.

i took some pix earlier, and they sem to be growing!:jump:

Sleepy, what would you say is the ideal temps that the seedlings should be in now?

MJ McNasty

New member

^Do you like masturbating often, bro? Personally I prefer the hunt, but that's for another forum.

I'm keeping an eye on this thread.
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aww ,fuzzy n soft seedling supporting system . I like em pipe cleaners . do your plants get happy tunes with plenty of c-bell ? lol
you rock sleepy :)


Active member


hiya, ronley!!

i don't know what the ideal temps should be at this stage...i have always used the T5 fixture in the past for vegging...i always had temps in the 80-90 degree range for vegging. (depending on time of year)...this new light thros off zero heat...just amazing!

>>also less water will be needed as the is less evaporation going on with the lower temps...

i like the pipe cleaners!!

so after a slow start, they are doing nicely...have watered again with liquid karma and adjusted water to 6.5 pH



hiya, ronley!!

i don't know what the ideal temps should be at this stage...i have always used the T5 fixture in the past for vegging...i always had temps in the 80-90 degree range for vegging. (depending on time of year)...this new light thros off zero heat...just amazing!

>>also less water will be needed as the is less evaporation going on with the lower temps...

i like the pipe cleaners!!

so after a slow start, they are doing nicely...have watered again with liquid karma and adjusted water to 6.5 pH

over the grows i have done in the past with leds i have found that led plants love temps around 80-85F. ive seen rapid growth from this. seems to me anytime my temps arnt above 80F my plants grow alot slower. i just bought an oil heater and that puts out alot of heat and dosent use hardly any eltric. the oil says hot for a while and the heater dosent run untill the oil cools down to low. but i would say leave the heat around 80-85F or atleat above 80.

ive grow with leds in 100F+ heat with little heat stress from my plants. its the same reason why plant do fine outdoors in hot places. its the heat from HID that hurts ur plants because the IR is just beating down on then and dries out ur leaves. from what i read dont quote me on that.lol.


I'm not a real goat.™
Late as usual but nonetheless interested in watching what I consider to be the best test grower in IC land do his thang! :) Seriously man, if I were to ever need anything tested, you would be the first person I'd ask. You always seem to see these tests all the way through and provide genuinely honest reviews....so thanks Sleepy! ;)

Can't wait to see what these suckers can do! :lurk:


Active member
l'il update...and a rant about being a tester...

l'il update...and a rant about being a tester...

FiveLeggedGoat!!...thanks, its an honor to test the light...NO MATTER WHAT THE OUTCOME! glad you found the thread!!

heya, Phill!!

so they are moving along now...i took a few pics:

now i feel the need to explain something...recently, i have been attacked by a member here who thinks i get everything for free, and is obviously jealous. when i joined icmag.com in late 2004, i was amazed that there was even a forum dedicated to growing our favorite plant, let alone an entire community of 'like-minded' folks here willing to share and teach...i was welcomed and i felt welcomed...

recently, there is a lot of open hostility here, and i think it stinks...i try to ignore a lot of it...i try not to argue, and i try to offer assistance when i can based on my own first hand knowledge...if something worked for me, i am happy to pass on the experience. it might help someone else.

so when member x started a thread expressing his/her dissatisfaction with male/female ratios from seeds obtained by a vendor here, i offered the following advice: start more that one or two seeds of each strain, and you will have better odds to get some females out of the grow. (i was tempted to tell him/her to buy female seeds, but i did not, as the vendor's forum the thread was started in does not offer female seeds...i felt that would not be suitable)....later on, i went back and gave member x negative rep points and justified my reason in the following manner: i did not think it was the breeder's fault that he got males instead of females, and he/she should probably apologize to the breeder for slamming him in open forum...after my post in said thread, i got two nasty PM's from member x, including lots of cursing and assumptions that i have never paid for any of the strains i've run, and/or until i pay for some seeds or equipment, i should 'keep my fucking mouth shut"...

i also posted a question to the thread starter asking him/her if everyone who posted in the thread got the same nasty PM's and visitor messages...no reply came...

until recently, i never got anything free except the freebies i was given with paid seedBay orders, many of those were passed on to my buddy to try to grow....when Dutchgrown posted up opportunities to be a tester, i 'threw my hat in the ring', and had the same chances as anyone else here who met her requirements...the same holds true with OldPink's tester offers i responded to, as well as LEDGirl's offer to test the light i am testing here...

anyone here is entitled to apply for testers when the offer is made by Administration...i am in no way some sort of whore looking for free stuff...unfortunately, that is the perception. i am truly sorry you feel this way about me...when a freebie/test is offered, and when i think i would enjoy the product, i apply like everyone else...i am not always chosen, either...

i figure we will see him/her posting in my threads soon, as now i have my own personal troll...:elf:

in closing, i would like to say thank you to all of my friends here at icmag.com for teaching me a little something along the way, and thank you to the people in charge here for offering such a place for me to hang out... i respect you all very much.

back to the test.



Ignore the trolls...sending some happy karma your way, stay positive...if it helps you, I respect all the things you are sharing with us.


Active member
You can please some of the people some of the times but you can't please all of the people all of the time. Keep doing what you are doing sleepy, if it was anyone else the words would be alot harsh than you put it. I still have your back.:friends: