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10lbs 4oz under 4kw's grown with next to nothing - K.I.S.S.!!!!!!



Legal country? Sorry, no country is 100 percent legal.

Seriously...Enough of your bullshit. Not jealous of money. If i wanted money Id have a basement full of plants.

I have enough to live and be happy. 80k wine doesnt attract me. I like 50 dollar bottles of crown.

dont say what legal country you live in that allows the legal transportation of cannabis...I completely understand. :)

So enjoy selling your 1000 dollar oz's and your 100 percent legal country...fruit


Dont get sad I called you out on your bullshit.

If your country is legal just say what country. I can NOT think of one country where its legal like that. Even in Europe its not fully legal.


Professor Organic Psychology
Dont get sad I called you out on your bullshit.

If your country is legal just say what country. I can NOT think of one country where its legal like that. Even in Europe its not fully legal.

You didn't call anyone out you are just being a low life troll. You seen his setup and it is first rate. His buds look good and he was not even close to any of them with the camera for you to be even able to judge and that is a fact. I would love to see something you produced, but I am sure you can google the internet and get a close up frosty nug to call your own. You are a troll for sure. You go post after post of him defending himself and creating a new thing to argue about. You are obviously a punk, a smart assed kid that does nothing but make trouble. I bet in your personal life you have problems too. Strain Hunter is HAPPY and CONTENT despite all your hounding him.

There are a lot of weed snobs here saying their shit is frostier, but i have not seen a picture close enough to know if Strain's buds are frosty or not. Even if they are or not, he is happy with them and celebrating a bountiful harvest. What kind of low life prick goes and tries to ruin someone's celebration? I would say in California that one in 100 buds are centerfold quality, and I would call you out and prove what you have going on. You make me sick and if I seen you in person I would put my finger on your chest and tell you in person. You are a punk. Leave the grown ups alone and get back to your arcade or whatever.


at 1000 an ounce you could finally afford to run the full an line LOL

I could buy gallon size of everything I use for less than that and it would last over a year...But Im a small grower. Not growing 100's of plants like you masters.


Active member
why? wont your mom let ya.when you finish school you can get your own place and grow all you want
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You didn't call anyone out you are just being a low life troll.No, I would like to know what country allows 100 percent legal cultivation and transportation...he said it, not me. And IF its 100 percent legal...800 dollar ounces? BS You seen his setup and it is first rate.Barely... His buds look good and he was not even close to any of them with the camera for you to be even able to judge and that is a fact.No, thats false...I saw his closeups. Fucked up trichomes and hair and leaf...No real bud structure. I would love to see something you produced, but I am sure you can google the internet and get a close up frosty nug to call your own. If you were a bitch. I only post my own stuff. You are a troll for sure.No, smartass who put down AN or anyother company for that matter are the trolls. I am defending the companies..Showing you that my bud grown with my "overpriced garbage" makes your bud look like shwag. You go post after post of him defending himself and creating a new thing to argue about.New thing? Only thing we are arguing about is the fact AN grows better quality than KISS...And I am trying to find out what country allows the legal sale and transportation of cannabis... You are obviously a punk, a smart assed kid that does nothing but make trouble.Never been in any trouble in my life I bet in your personal life you have problems too. Not as much crab legs as Iwould like, but hey...Strain Hunter is HAPPY and CONTENT despite all your hounding him. Thats cool. I am just saying, dont put down nutrient companies because they will make his hairy leaf of a bud look like trash.

There are a lot of weed snobs here saying their shit is frostier, but i have not seen a picture close enough to know if Strain's buds are frosty or not.Go look back..I seen closeups of trichome stalks without heads...Is that close enough? Even if they are or not, he is happy with them and celebrating a bountiful harvest. What kind of low life prick goes and tries to ruin someone's celebration?Celebration? he is putting down everyone who spends more than 5 bucks on nutrients and claiming its the same quality. I would say in California that one in 100 buds are centerfold quality,Overpopulated, noob growers.. and I would call you out and prove what you have going on. You make me sick and if I seen you in person I would put my finger on your chest and tell you in person. You are a punk. Leave the grown ups alone and get back to your arcade or whatever.

Well, since your so grown up why are you jumping in someones argument? Calling me names online? lol I didnt call anyone nothing...


Professor Organic Psychology
I don't care what kind of nutrients you use, none of them add trichomes to bud. It is a matter of genetics, and growing to maturity under intense lighting. You are so into the hype of your product you make me think you have a sales agenda involved or just don't want people to make fun of you because you are so ignorant you buy into hype.


I don't care what kind of nutrients you use, none of them add trichomes to bud. It is a matter of genetics, and growing to maturity under intense lighting. You are so into the hype of your product you make me think you have a sales agenda involved or just don't want people to make fun of you because you are so ignorant you buy into hype.

Nutrients might not add more resin...But PLANT HEALTH SURE DOES. What do you need for plant health besides proper conditions? PROPER NUTRITION.

Use KISS METHODS, you get KISS RESULTS. Leafy, hairy bud.

Spend lets say...40 dollars to the pound for some decent nutrients, YOU GET REAL RESULTS.


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the shit spoon
Stoney-trees why do you have someone involved in your op because they provide transportation. Does that mean they let you help them grow cuz you got a car?


Stoney-trees why do you have someone involved in your op because they provide transportation. Does that mean they let you help them grow cuz you got a car?

We were all friends throughout school. We were smoking in the woods one day and planted a few seeds. later than year we harvested a few ounces and split it. Been doing it bigger and better ever since.

I have the grow knowledge, one guy has the property, and the other 2 provide transportation due to them having the right type of vehicles. we put in equal money, time, and effort. We split the harvest. Thats only outside though. As much as I trust them, they do not even know about my indoor. Thats all mine. lol


Professor Organic Psychology
If a plant does not have proper nutrition it gets sick and dies, worst case.

If a plant makes it to flower without getting sick and dying it produces resin from a genetic disposition. Genetics determine resin. Very little that man can do to make a plant produce resin but keep it alive. And in flower they are dying. That is the final phase in their life cycle.

Key to good resin? Buy good genetics and select a resinous pheno from the batch. Keep the light intense during flower for compact buds. Not much else you can do. So many idiots buy so much crap to try to make a plant better. I have seen plants grown in the near desert, no food and almost no water. Plants looked like shit. Some of the absolute stoniest weed I have ever smoked. Chihuahua Mexico, seeds that were drops and sprouted out of pure luck.


oh stoney-trees, you got some massive fucking holes in your game.

Yeah I guess....Not growing on my property (considering my state is illegal) spending time with good friends...Having some help watering...Only massive holes are the ones we dig each year.

Its one thing to tell people you grow.

its another to grow on a trusted friends property and split the outcome.


If a plant does not have proper nutrition it gets sick and dies, worst case.

If a plant makes it to flower without getting sick and dying it produces resin from a genetic disposition. Genetics determine resin. Very little that man can do to make a plant produce resin but keep it alive. And in flower they are dying. That is the final phase in their life cycle.

Key to good resin? Buy good genetics and select a resinous pheno from the batch. Keep the light intense during flower for compact buds. Not much else you can do. So many idiots buy so much crap to try to make a plant better. I have seen plants grown in the near desert, no food and almost no water. Plants looked like shit. Some of the absolute stoniest weed I have ever smoked. Chihuahua Mexico, seeds that were drops and sprouted out of pure luck.



ICMag Donor
I can guarantee you that if you keep making nasty posts like that your time is short.....