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10lbs 4oz under 4kw's grown with next to nothing - K.I.S.S.!!!!!!

im not impressed with your jacks buds, nor the lucas formual buds peeps so proudly brag about on the icc here,if u grow kiss u get a kiss result, i try to keep it simple but by no means do i feed my plants a mineral salt powder and call it a day, i mix it up with organics as well, u grow mono dimensional u get monodemensional smoke with that boring high, plants need luv n excellent nutrition just like people, i dont take centrum vitimans and i dont feed my plants jacks or maxi bloom and call it a day.

but by all means your life style sounds like a dream come true, fish chill n blaize, congrats on a huge pull bro.


Active member
Because I can and because I love this place.

All I do is hang out on here, my garden and go fishing, that's it.

sounds like my life in the florida keys. i miss the fishing there alot.tarpon,permit,bonefish,barracuda ect. dont get me going on the edible ones.


Active member
ididnt see any dried bud pics in your album...just some mediocre plants with some issues.

IM ONLY posting my pics because every other post I read on this forum is bashing AN///get a life already.

Im not in any way ashamed of my penis size...lol But thats whats expected from someone who cant post some REAL bud up...

Thread hijack? The only purpose of his thread was to show the few pics he did. Sorry I didnt come along and say, OH WOW, nice job man.

I type down what i think. Whether I become popular or hated because of it is not an issue to me.

IMO, his bud looks like shwag. All leaf and hair. No actual bud.

Hey, if your just selling to kids who dont know any better, Keep growing that high yielding strain, and worrying more about yield than quality. Doesnt bother me.

just quit saying AN sucks. Or is overpriced. I know of 3/20 plus products that you could say are overpriced. And ya know...that goes for 99 percent of every nutrient company out there. guess what...I dont use those overpriced products. And I get killer results. No co2, and I average .6-.9 on average yielding strains per grow. I could always get some more white russian and pull about 2 pounds of a 600. But Id rather smoke something a bit stronger.

When you smoke multiple grams a day for 7 years straight you start to develop a TOLERANCE.

your weed would make me laugh...And I am not talking about being high.

ya my old camera sucks and ya i dont have dried pics i aint sure as i havent looked in my gallery in years only my albums.when i get used of my new camera i will get some macros. my weed flies out the door real quick here in so cal. i even have advance orders from my med patients and standing offers from clubs so i really doubt its mediocre weed. 7 years smoking aint shit been toking hard for over 30 years son. lol i really dont care what you use to grow your weed.and ooh ya an is overpriced.multiple grams? lol i smoke like a chimney all day long i lost count.


In FL we used to go fishing for those square grouper that we would hope those Everglade City boys would dump :D


Well, masta!

its hard to smoke for 30 years considering im fucking 21...But, by the time Im 30 ill have smoked over half my life.

whats the difference from multiple grams and smoking all day? lol I dont do joints. Fresh bong hits each time.

This isnt awho smokes more dick measuring contest.

But if you do smoke 10 plus g's a day your weed either blows or you smoke all joints. Make some hash. Ya might just get high again.

Heres what My overpriced nutrients did in the matter of 30 days.

1st pic was from late july. Switched to flowering the first week of august. Not the best example, but its the most current.

oh yeah...More overpriced nutrient grown weed too..


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No offense, but not hard to see your 21.

Maturity and humility usually take a while to develop.

You may think that's rude, but it's the plain truth, you won't realize this till you age a bit.

Yah`mon :tiphat:


Active member
i was making hash and oil when you were watching sesame street. lol. an seems to draw alot of young customers so i aint suprised at your age. i also sell x ray vision glasses want some



I still am waiting for someone to tell me how I can improve my grow.

Final tally: 10lbs 4oz = 1.16 grams/watt

Ai, you reached the limit.
Reading about grows for years and all horizontal growers end up with some over 1g/w.

I say; no improvement possible(well at least nothing that will give you a real boost).

What may be possible is:
# Improve speed of growth [aero]
# Get more THC [jasmonic acid for example]

Nice pile of weed ! greetz from rainy germany :tiphat:

EDIT: Well of course you could go vert. then it would be possible to get the double g/w.
[some ppl say you could even get 3 g/w; never seen that before but if some1 reaching that yield it'll be vert ;) ]


No offense, but not hard to see your 21.

Maturity and humility usually take a while to develop.

You may think that's rude, but it's the plain truth, you won't realize this till you age a bit.

Yah`mon :tiphat:
boy I cant wait to age and tell the youth they have a lot of learning to do!


just don't molest my colas..
yeah, it'd be a struggle to get rid of that for 3k even out here in MI where the prices have dropped, but not as much as cali and colorado. I know if I turned out herb that looked like that I couldn't get more than 200 an oz. for it.

maybe you're able to make that living and do what you do BECAUSE you live on an island SH. if you were in a competitive medical market like cali, colorado or michigan, you probably wouldn't be making a living churning out 10lb from 4kw, when you can only sell it for 2500 a lb.

Guest 150314

you probably wouldn't be making a living churning out 10lb from 4kw, when you can only sell it for 2500 a lb.
10 x 2500 = 25000 x conservative 4 crops a year = 100 000 in untaxed income - expenses = pretty decent living


just don't molest my colas..
except that the cost of living is 4x higher on an island because everything you buy there has to be imported by plane or ship... $7 gallons of gas $9 gallons of milk. I'm sure electricity isn't cheap.

way to use cop math too. don't take into account cost of equipment and electricity and water and subtract that from that 100k. $80k a year isn't a great living, especially on an island. he stated he does nothing but chill on the water and grow herb.

if he was growing that herb in cali he might not even be able to sell it right now. period. there goes his income completely.


the shit spoon
OH SHIT stoney-trees just inspired the best feature idea for IC.

Like an Ignore List but you could have a Dumbass List, and anytime a post from somebody on your list pops up it gets flagged with a big red DUMBASS... cuz its hard to keep track of them because you'd really rather not have to expend brain energy remembering.

Strainhunter would it kill you to use a lil horticultural molasses every now and then? huh? huh?

Also since you're not using bigass containers, why not consider vegging less so you don't have to butcher them, also doing so the day you put them into flower may amplify the stress.. who knows, could be prolonging flowering/ripening..

Guest 150314

2500 was the number you came up with not his. If you look closely it says 100k-expenses...

i think 80k a year in untaxed income is a decent living.

your not going to get filthy rich off of it either, unless your just chilling on the water and living off fish ;)


the shit spoon
SoQuick is still legend to me, 1+gpw with NO veg time..

I was a fan of SoQuick's drip grow style too and I can tell you I remember him joking about his clones always looking a lil beat at first. Also he KISSed it so hard that he didn't use co2.

And he mentioned he liked to give them a few days of veg to get them to perk up and show new growth then he'd initiate 12/12.

So hey like 3-5 days veg :)


Tropical Outcast
Not going to respond to all the posts individually but I am willing to say this:

If you read the original "Mystery Grow" thread you will read where I am saying I do not pay for electricity, we don't have meters on this island.
What I do here is supported by several individuals which in return earn a percentage of the crop depending on the amount they put in to it.
The part of the crop not going to someone specific I can do with what I want.

Someone in one of the other threads of mine asked how much a lb is worth over here.
It's really hard to answer that. I would roughly estimate about $800 to $1,000/oz because that's what people have paid me.
Now keep in mind one of my neighbors although an older guy he is within the top 100 richest people in the world.
He has whole fleet of planes, 3 of them being on one of the bigger islands. The one I am on can only be reached by boat or Heli since it doesn't have an airport.
The majority of non locals here are all very rich people. A new million dollar boat to them is no big deal, kinda like a new set of tires to the average citizen in the USA or other rich countries.
If they want something they pay for it no matter how much it is and they are happy they got it no matter how much it cost.

Now to those miserable individuals who have posted here in this thread I can tell you this:
Although I don't have competition my pot must be good because if it wasn't these people would just fly in their own and as much of it as they wanted to just as they do with other things. ;)
But they don't.
They don't because they like what I produce.
I have been to parties where these people had $80,000 bottles of Wine served. That's 80 Grand EACH bottle, and there were many of them.
These people have Marble floors custom cut and made in Italy and have them shipped here. By the time those floors get here they cost more than a whole house in Malibu cost.
The same people buy a new several Million Dollar plane just because the wife got tired of the color of the interior.

And you think they would smoke my pot if it would not stand up to their standard? :moon:
So before you criticize the quality of my pot based on a few pictures go and see the world, achieve what I have achieved and learn (and especially are able to afford!) living the good life.

Then come back and criticize someones pot you obviously don't have the slightest clue about. :wave:


Although I don't have competition my pot must be good because if it wasn't these people would just fly in their own and as much of it as they wanted to just as they do with other things. ;)
But they don't.
They don't because they like what I produce.

Or because its illegal..:moon:


It's not.

Why would it be?

What country do you live in that allows another country to smuggle cannabis into? Please tell

And IMO not to many rich 80k wine sipping stuck up fucks know much about good cannabis...

Most people around the world do not know the difference from good or bad weed.


Tropical Outcast
What country do you live in that allows another country to smuggle cannabis into? Please tell

And IMO not to many rich 80k wine sipping stuck up fucks know much about good cannabis...

Most people around the world do not know the difference from good or bad weed.

If you would have bothered reading my original grow thread you would know that I have been advised by upper IC Management NOT to disclose my location.
So I am not going to do that.

And Cannabis over here is NOT illegal, hence the correct phrase to use would be rather "importing" than smuggling.

And about you calling these people here "stuck up fucks"....man that's a VERY disrespectful thing to do.
Unless you were to see their houses you would not even remotely have an idea how rich they are.
Any and every single one of them would treat you with the utmost respect, they very likely would invite you on their yachts and let you have a good time - free of charge.
Well...maybe not exactly you though with that nasty disrespectful attitude you have on here.... ;)

Apparently YOU are just a jealous individual and likely a loser in life. :wave:

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