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Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Irrespective of your level of indoctrination in the sisterhood, the simple fact remains that we are all in the same sinking boat. Our leaders need to be chosen based on who can actually do the best job, not who is most charismatic, not who is the most photogenic, not who is continuing divide & conquer politics, and certainly not who happens to be of the same gender as the voter.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I'm not charismatic or photogenic; I hate division; conquering is never permanent; plus I'm only the same gender as the voter about half of the time.

Who would vote for me?



Irrespective of your level of indoctrination in the sisterhood


the simple fact remains that we are all in the same sinking boat. Our leaders need to be chosen based on who can actually do the best job, not who is most charismatic, not who is the most photogenic, not who is continuing divide & conquer politics, and certainly not who happens to be of the same gender as the voter.

I agree with most of that. I guess you'd have to be a second class citizen at some point to get it.

I don't know, man. All I'm doing is explaining it to you, so you won't be completely blindsided when the memo arrives.


I'm not charismatic or photogenic; I hate division; conquering is never permanent; plus I'm only the same gender as the voter about half of the time.

Who would vote for me?


I would probably vote for you. Your politics line up better with mine than Hilary Clinton's. That's why it's going to be a while before they let you in the game ;)


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I don't know, man. All I'm doing is explaining it to you, so you won't be completely blindsided when the memo arrives.

Far, far too late. The idiocy of the American voter stopped surprising me decades ago. The perpetuation of a nearly 250-year old answer to a now non-existent question (the electoral college) and the dysfunctional two-party (allegedly) system just keep the masses thinking that there is a choice. No reason that voting strictly by the sex of the presidential candidate shouldn't join the list of absurdities.


Remember that web site www.whitepeoplemourningromney.com? That was hilarious. Seriously I laughed about every single picture on that site.

There's going to be a similar site for pictures of all the men who are going to hate life when Hilary Clinton becomes president, and I'm going to laugh even harder at that one. Nothing funner than watching bullies have to suck it.


Active member
Liquor stores, Gun stores, Jewelry stores, Convenience stores, etc all have to worry about getting robbed. I imagine thieves are always plotting to rob something...and any business that has cash on hand, will be a target!


Far, far too late. The idiocy of the American voter stopped surprising me decades ago. The perpetuation of a nearly 250-year old answer to a now non-existent question (the electoral college) and the dysfunctional two-party (allegedly) system just keep the masses thinking that there is a choice. No reason that voting strictly by the sex of the presidential candidate shouldn't join the list of absurdities.

No, actually I was talking about the memo regarding the fact you refuse to acknowledge: The world treats women like shit, and we're sick of it.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
No, actually I was talking about the memo regarding the fact you refuse to acknowledge: The world treats women like shit, and we're sick of it.

You aren't living in a Muslim Brotherhood country, and all of your angst is several decades too late for this one. Regardless of a wonderful sales job by the DNC, the equal pay legislation was actually passed in 1963. Although they convinced many voters otherwise, all that the current crop of worthless politicians did was extend the statute of limitations for breaking a 50-year old law. Among educated workers, women actually have the edge for compensation when truly equivalent work is considered. Get a clue - the world treats everyone like shit.

All of this is a truly bizarre rationalization for voting for a woman who really has been treated like shit, and continues to put up with it. Hillary is about as enlightened as Beyonce - "Bow Down, Bitches".
All I can say to the guys who think old and ugly is a problem, or feminism is a problem, is get ready to hate the future! You might hate it half as much as the rest of us have hated the past.

Civil rights: Never a problem for me

Civil rights, never a problem for you, yet you whine about how you're supposedly treated in the world? A little contradictory, no?

That said, hillary might be running, but after obama's fuckshow, there's no way another democrat will be elected to office.

Plus, while on her watch the administration covered up bengazi.

Bad mojo.

She's also fat, condescending, AND has clot problems which are going to render her useless in three or less years (my opinion)....

Bush wasn't better than obama for the record. It's the same status quo (quid pro quo in obama's case) for all the political world in America. Why? Only .05% of the people contribute significant amounts of money to campaigns.

You really think the politicians will care what any of the 99.95% of the population thinks? Rid ourselves of bullshit electoral college?

Further more, do you honestly think that having a woman in office will make more difference that dipshit, I spend more money than God Obama? It's doubtful.



Civil rights, never a problem for you, yet you whine about how you're supposedly treated in the world? A little contradictory, no?

You misunderstood me. When I said civil rights are never a problem for me, that was a reference to your prior statement that there were too many civil rights for your liking. I don't want any ceiling on anyone's civil rights, including my own.

About he rest of it, and whatever Rives said, interesting story, bro. Get ready to hate the future.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
About he rest of it, and whatever Rives said, interesting story, bro. Get ready to hate the future.

Actually, it would be difficult for me to hate the future more than the present, but never underestimate the dismal performance of politicians. 15% unemployment amongst blacks, 30% for young people, and the only reason that the figures are that low is because 90 million people have dropped out of the work force and aren't being counted. Think about that - that is almost 1 person in three for the total population of the US that has completely given up on finding work.

You have completely missed the point of my argument. My argument was not against Hillary, but against your stated reasons for voting for her. My opposition to her is not because she is a woman, but because she is as much a part of the political establishment as any national politician of either gender and I have little respect for her because she has been a doormat for her husband in order to further her political aspirations. While I doubt that she could do any worse than the last few men occupying the office, I doubt even more that she would be much different. New boss, same as the old boss.


Active member
Whoa, y'all are getting all fired up. Dissension is what THEY want. We are all so divided on gender, and race, and money, which is exactly what THEY want. No matter who gets elected, unfortunately, it will be business as usual. And that business, is to keep the masses divided, spread the wealth amongst the ELITE, keep prisons full, medicate our youth, hell medicate everybody of a certain socioeconomic group, and continue slow erosion and eventual death of the middle class. I am a woman, and I would love to see a woman president. What America needs, may not be a Washington insider. Although I love Hillary, she has been around for a loooong time. You don't get to her status, unless you know how to play the game, and are owed and owe a helluva lot. Maybe she could do something great, but we need someone that WILL do great things, regardless of the cost to their political career. I also don't know that anyone that gets elected will have the real balls, to actually do anything positive for US!!!!!
LOL feminism.

Treat me like an equal, but better.

As long as the feminism movement is based on irrational notions like this, women will never be taken seriously as equals. It is the strength and wisdom of individual women that earns them the respect and blessings of those around them, not that it has been demanded by others for them.

Do the feminist activists not see how they falsely represent the women they claim to be fighting for? They are willing to prejudge their entire sex, with the implied permission that others may then prejudge their entire sex as well.

Women are whole people, not 1 dimensional tools. Prejudging any of them based on your own ignorant assumptions diminishes who they are as individuals. SHAME ON YOU.
You misunderstood me. When I said civil rights are never a problem for me, that was a reference to your prior statement that there were too many civil rights for your liking. I don't want any ceiling on anyone's civil rights, including my own.

About he rest of it, and whatever Rives said, interesting story, bro. Get ready to hate the future.

You misunderstood me. I said the civil rights movement harmed the future of American societal concerns...

I'm an American, through and through. I dislike Obama's job at president, but I don't hate the present.

Why would Hillary be that much more different than obama? I doubt she's going to do anything more than continue the status quo stretching back to Nixon...

Even IF she's elected, which she won't be, I'm not going to hate it.... You people are whack, why do each of you tell me you know how I'll FEEL?

Like, are you really that sophisticated, that you know better than others, HOW THEY FEEL?

A most ridiculous notion.
No, actually I was talking about the memo regarding the fact you refuse to acknowledge: The world treats women like shit, and we're sick of it.

So, RISE up, and try to take WORLD power, mostly held by, men. See what happens.

I recommend you do as your SN says, KEEP DREAMING....

It's not happening in your lifetime, or mine.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Flower power, peace rallies and rock and roll didn't do any good, well, and permanent good, aside from civil rights, which is now being used to control the population.

Seeing as how you're still in this thread that's presently way off topic, would you mind explaining how the civil rights movement is being used to control the population?

I like seeing you explain things that make absolutely no sense more than watching you call people fat and condescending in the same sentence (although that did make me LOL) or the predicting the future and then scolding people for doing the same stuff...

But all in all I do enjoy our talks :D
Seeing as how you're still in this thread that's presently way off topic, would you mind explaining how the civil rights movement is being used to control the population?

I like seeing you explain things that make absolutely no sense more than watching you call people fat and condescending in the same sentence (although that did make me LOL) or the predicting the future and then scolding people for doing the same stuff...

But all in all I do enjoy our talks :D

It'll be in my book, which is on my bureaucracy theory which I won't name yet... I'll even send you a free copy.


Active member
Guys, the thread is now totally off topic.....steer it back, cause this is an important subject. Not to downplay the conversation and what it means to any of you. I am getting very tired of the govt controlled media always showing robberies at dispensaries. They should show the patients, getting the relief they so desperately need, they should show the rapport between the patients and the dispensaries(most patients and doctors do not talk so freely), they should show the othere services most dispensaries offer, ie counseling, massage, information, referrals, etc. Instead all the media ever shows about dispensaries is stock video of buds, stock video of young "stoners", stock video of the aftermath of a robbery, or a raid. They never showcase the positive. They never show how cannabis really saves lives...mine included. I have RSD, they call it the suicide disease, because the only cure is to kill yourself, and end this horrible pain once and forever. They rarely show people like me....I am horribly scarred up, from over 30 surgeries, I have open wounds on my leg at any given time, I was on morphine for years......when I asked why I needed so much pain meds and other meds, if they don't work, the docs would just up my dose, prolly because if I was questioning them, then I was still too cognizant....so I went cold turkey after almost 10 years of being on morphine. I only medicate with cannabis now, as it is truly the only thing that helps with my nerve pain. I have gained my mind back because I only use cannabis....I have lost everything, because I only use cannabis, and grow my own. I imagine, I will die one day, with an edible in my hand, while extolling the positivity of cannabis, with my dying breath!!!!! Please, guys, remember THEY want to keep us divided, because we are so STRONG, when we are of one mind and one purpose. Have a good one, and stay HIGH, it's better than being lOw!!!!


I love my life
You are showing that they can never really keep us divided. We will always gravitate towards this wonderful plant. You and everyone like you that grows their own shows how impotent and immoral the government is.

Don't worry about their main stream propaganda channels, they will never be able to inform YOU anything about cannabis, as you know well more than they do.

Just keep extolling the virtues and helping others OverGrow! Great hearing that you got off their poison. The Death Care industry is one of their biggest weapons against / taxes on us slaves.

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