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You know you live in the country if......


Well-known member
when you sit on the porch with your deer rifle and HOPE some Islamist bozos drive by... "Earl, this is Jim Bob. yeah, they just went by, go ahead & block the road. we'll be there in a minute. don't start without us, you selfish shit..." :dance013:


Active member

a neighbor that jogs on the roads and sometimes on connecting logging roads heard a louder deep wooshing noise one morning and turned to see a mountain lion taking down a deer. Not sure which animal made the noise, could have been either. I've got two game cameras out and it took about a year to finally get one on camera. Don't have any bait for them but there is water close by.


Active member
You know you live in the country if..........

50 turkeys walk through your property

you fall asleep nude outdoors, you don't wake up in jail. Only a burnt pecker.


Active member
At midnight on Christmas Eve you accidentally lock yourself out of the house and have to walk a half mile nude on dirt lumpy holey silent roads with the noise of coyotes and smell of pines and fireplace's. Didn't have to ring the doorbell, the dogs do that. :biggrin: jpt


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
When you take a shot at a deer and the neighbor shows up an hour later to help drag it out of the woods.
"I heard yer shot a while back while I was milkin' the cows. Figured ya got him so I come by to help ya drag im' out, ayup. Wife hankers for the liver with some onion so if ya aint wantin' it Id be glad to take it home for her."


Active member
When trees are named, for your treestand placements.

When you walk into electric fences in the dark.

When you pimp your tractor, more than your truck.

When you can piss, and shoot the pistol off your porch at the same time.
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Well-known member
When your cow has been abducted by an UFO and now it talks french and you call the local tv, only to repent next day when waking up with a hangover.