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8,000 Plant UK Warehouse Bust


The weed isn't bad at these Viet grows they look better than most of the small grows on Ic..
The problem is with the guys selling it!!!! You can find a china man and get a few kg's ask for more then before you know it your going to the grow spots for 1000's of oz.. Next is the problem selling weed bagged up not dry If the dealers waited a few weeks the herb would be bum... The bosses are not the growers!!! Try cure some commercial and see what you get,, Those plants in the Viet grow are a better smoke than most of your persi!! Come on soil water!!!

All I'm saying is that your buying street weed mostly its not the harvest before last!!!

Those guys grown better than most the guys on here,,

I have to agree with Hazyfontazy the round the world trip got booked!!!

looks like they had the electric wired hard!!!! not as many ballasts as were mentioned


Sky-high off dianabol and deca by the sounds of it..got a bit sloppy....bringing 'juice' into the mix..weights slamming down at all hours,no doubt those vietnamese go hard for reps seen the size of some of those guys? would all have ended up mouldy anyways...if a jobs worth doing etc.........:bigeye:


Well-known member
can u imagine the bloke in the growshop when they walked in and asked for a 1000 x 600 lights ,2 tonne of allmix and a tanker full of nutes ,,i bet he got the holiday brochures out after :dance013::dance013:
In most places they have shops run by their countrymen and work on a percentage or import the gear the local store might sell them a few little bits if they are in a pinch but that's it.


hows that racist you numpy probably true
cash croppers (especially asians round here anyway) do alsorts crushed glass,steam it to give it more weigh,iron fillings anything can think of ive turned down substancial amounts of money to work with these scumbags for the exact reason

it might not be racist but some i do find it offensive. The article says 4 men have been arrested not 4 Vietnamese gang members have been arrested. To say this grow is crap is just bull shit. They use the same fertilizers and same soil as any other growers would. There would be no way to say that the weed is inferior to any other weed being grown. and to say that they put crushed glass in there weed is just bullshit.
it might not be racist but some i do find it offensive. The article says 4 men have been arrested not 4 Vietnamese gang members have been arrested. To say this grow is crap is just bull shit. They use the same fertilizers and same soil as any other growers would. There would be no way to say that the weed is inferior to any other weed being grown. and to say that they put crushed glass in there weed is just bullshit.

The names are vietnamese mate, at the bottom of the article....... However they usually grow decent weed..... The problems we had with glassweed a few years ago came from holland, not viet weed....... However they do use brixmaxx and PGRs ( ususally rox ) on most of there grows which i dont agree with.

I ve seen a fair few of these grows in person and they viet growers seem to stick to a similar recipe, ive seen wallcharts in vietnamese that look like they have been mass produced/Professionally printed that they have on the wall at these places...... Dont forget the gardeners have usually no experience with growing weed so they do a pretty damn good job lol

Strain - Always Grapefruit ( seem to be switchin to cheese and blues tho now ), always soil grows, always small plants ( hence the PGR....never trees ), usually 600w maxibright ballasts ( never 1000s ), Always maxibright hoods that are flattened out, nutes are simple, a decent bloom like bio bloom, a PGR like Rox and a finisher ( chacha ching/beastiebloom etc ) All the ones i ve seen in person and the hundreds of busts i ve seen on tv and on the internet all seem to follow these methods....... hell it seems to be working for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And they knock it out for under 2.5 grand a kilo generally:tiphat:

terry the trich

Active member
Ive bought weed with tiny glass particles coating it before here in the uk, and it was completely coated with the stuff. You bite what you think is trichomes and they are solid and wont break. I dont know who it is that does this but it does seem that there are many oriental people growing weed on a large scale. Might be them or might be some other sadistic bastards but its not good. The weed was damp when i bought it on two ocassions.

Peace, Tel...:wave:
Ive bought weed with tiny glass particles coating it before here in the uk, and it was completely coated with the stuff. You bite what you think is trichomes and they are solid and wont break.

Peace, Tel...:wave:

Thats gritweed mate, its a silica thats sprayed onto drying plants, using industrial paint guns. If you sniff about on google you can find videos of tossers spraying weed with it

Brix maxx is a similar deal and sold in most growshops, you spray it onto drying weed for a 20% weight increase....... Makes the weed burn black and taste shit.

Take a look at www.gritweed.co.uk

What is Gritweed ?

'Grit Weed' has become the colloquial name for a general form of contaminated herbal cannabis that has been treated with a variety of unknown sand / grit like substances which appear to have been added to the plant prior to harvest in order to increase the weight of the plant’s yield.

The first reports of this so called gritweed in the UK dates back to Spring / Summer 2006 when a handful of localized cases were identified. Since then the supply of this contaminated "skunk" appears to have increased dramatically, infiltrating all levels of the supply chain throughout the British Isles. Regular cannabis users now report that this gritweed is predominantly the only type of herbal cannabis available to them - a situation that many feel is a direct result of the police's recent wave of crackdowns on UK based cannabis growers which has had a marked effect on both the levels and quality of supply.

Currently it seems there are four main types of contaminant grit-weeds flooding the UK market, these are:

- Large Glass Particle Contamination
- Industrial Etchant Spray Contamination
- Sugar or Sand Contamination
- Micro Contaminants (stealth grit)

Unconfirmed reports suggest that smoking cannabis that is contaminated with any of the above has been linked with complaints by users of sore mouth, mouth ulcers, chesty persistent coughs, and a tight chest lasting a few days after use.

Fortunately, identifying most of the contaminated gritweed varieties is fairly straightforward. In most cases the weed will, at a glance, look of a good standard but it will not smell very strong at all. On further inspection the gritweed may seem like it is covered in what looks like THC crystals however these could be the contaminant glass / silica particles so a more detailed examination is required.

The surest method seems to involve testing the weed by placing a very small amount in your mouth and running it over your teeth / tongue. If you feel a gritty sand like residue when you clench your teeth together then chances are you are dealing with gritweed (probably the silica or road paint contaminant variety). If you don't feel any grit-like substance between your teeth but the weed tastes very sweet (sugary) then chances are it has been dusted with sugar to bulk out the weight.

Please note that the above 'grit test' will not work with the new wave of so called micro comtanimants as these are undetectable without the use of a standard microscope. To date we are unaware of any other method to test for these new forms of micro contaminant gritweeds apart from a detailed microscopic analysis.

:thank you:
The French Observatory of Drugs and Drug Addiction carried out an analysis of the contaminated cannabis (we suspect it was the large glass contaminant type). They found that the leaves contained glass particles between 0.02 and 0.3 millimetres across. However, Dr Russell (Imperial College, London) claims that if the particles are above 0.015 millimetres then they would be too big to pass into the lungs and it is more likely that they would drop into the users’ mouth and/or throat, although using a filter could prevent them from entering the mouth.

An anonymous scientist has analysed and posted their findings of the contaminated cannabis (the industrial etchant contaminant) on the UKCIA website and stated that the granules are actually small beads (50-120 micrometers diameter) “made of some non-soluble high melting point glass like substance” and if smoked could pass into the lungs causing devastating results.

Here is a brief summary of these unregulated findings:

Under a microscope at 50x magnification, contaminants appear
as very small (50-120 um) beads, with regular circular shape
and small pores/ single holes present.

Beads do not dissolve in non polar solvents (pet ether) or polar
solvents (ethanol, acetone).

Beads are insoluble in conc NaOH solution, conc H2SO4.

Melting point is above 400C, but cannot perform TG, DTG
analysis at the moment so cannot specify any transition
temperatures or accurate melting points.

The beads have a significant sodium and silicon content,
suggesting that the comments previously about silicates
are correct.

Reliable sources say that this contaminant is industrial etchant
spray used for glass frosting, It is a high pressure aerosol of
propellant, lubricant and silicate abrasives. This accounts for the
high permeation levels displayed in all 3 samples, with
particulates presents inside even 'tight' buds all the way into the
stems. This also may account for the non plany oils present in
the bud which have been previously described as a 'glue'.
More recent reports have surfaced concerning a new style of contamination relating to micro particles that are infinitely harder to detect. Presently there seems to be no scientific analysis available for this variety of contamination however we did come across the following footage showing a microscopic analysis of this new form of contaminated 'skunk' weed.


Well-known member
The French Observatory of Drugs and Drug Addiction carried out an analysis of the contaminated cannabis (we suspect it was the large glass contaminant type). They found that the leaves contained glass particles between 0.02 and 0.3 millimetres across. However, Dr Russell (Imperial College, London) claims that if the particles are above 0.015 millimetres then they would be too big to pass into the lungs and it is more likely that they would drop into the users’ mouth and/or throat, although using a filter could prevent them from entering the mouth.

An anonymous scientist has analysed and posted their findings of the contaminated cannabis (the industrial etchant contaminant) on the UKCIA website and stated that the granules are actually small beads (50-120 micrometers diameter) “made of some non-soluble high melting point glass like substance” and if smoked could pass into the lungs causing devastating results.

Here is a brief summary of these unregulated findings:

Under a microscope at 50x magnification, contaminants appear
as very small (50-120 um) beads, with regular circular shape
and small pores/ single holes present.

Beads do not dissolve in non polar solvents (pet ether) or polar
solvents (ethanol, acetone).

Beads are insoluble in conc NaOH solution, conc H2SO4.

Melting point is above 400C, but cannot perform TG, DTG
analysis at the moment so cannot specify any transition
temperatures or accurate melting points.

The beads have a significant sodium and silicon content,
suggesting that the comments previously about silicates
are correct.

Reliable sources say that this contaminant is industrial etchant
spray used for glass frosting, It is a high pressure aerosol of
propellant, lubricant and silicate abrasives. This accounts for the
high permeation levels displayed in all 3 samples, with
particulates presents inside even 'tight' buds all the way into the
stems. This also may account for the non plany oils present in
the bud which have been previously described as a 'glue'.
More recent reports have surfaced concerning a new style of contamination relating to micro particles that are infinitely harder to detect. Presently there seems to be no scientific analysis available for this variety of contamination however we did come across the following footage showing a microscopic analysis of this new form of contaminated 'skunk' weed.

Say its not true,this makes my head hurt:no:
Say its not true,this makes my head hurt:no:

Its true...... the UK scene is years behind other countries in some ways.......This shit seems to happen every few years, hell soapbar/Formula is still popular over here and that contains between 1 and 3 % thc.

To be honest it cant be the viet growers doing it otherwise it would have been seen over in canada in the 90s and USA and Europe now where the vietnamese are expanding to. The fact that it is confined to UK weed suggests that its UK Wholesalers and UK people that are doing it. Makes me embarrased to be a UK citizen !!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye_7DW5IRfw - towards the end of the clip is a macro shot of thc glands vs grit weed, they look very similar

Ive tried this weed and its SHIT!!!!!! but pretty undetectable untill you smoke a bowl....... Then its obvious :thank you:


Those bulbs are not ultraviolet bulbs... The bobbies screwed the pooch on that "fact"... They took the bulbs out of the closer hoods why? We all know taking a pic with lights on sucks ass... Who you gonna believe? Those cats had their grow down tight! No way they would use ultraviolet bulbs IMHO... MEDIA BULLSHIT... They lost count after 20 plants and just made shit up... :artist:
The uk newspapers seem to like calling them 'Heat Lamps' or 'UV Lamps' for some reason lol

In reality there these or similar


600w HPS ballast, Reflector and bulb.......

pretty much in every growshop across the country ( various brands etc ) for less than 80 quid ( including a reflector and growlux bulb ), i imagine when your rockin 1000 of them you get a decent discount . My local does 5 for £70 quid each, over 10 about £65.

The article says " He said there were 1,000 ultraviolet lights in use, each costing at least £180 " - Hmmmmm..... I bet £50

So, the only 2 meaningful facts in that paragraph are completely wrong and ill informed........... Haha

Journalism at its finest!! :artist:


The uk newspapers seem to like calling them 'Heat Lamps' or 'UV Lamps' for some reason lol

In reality there these or similar


600w HPS ballast, Reflector and bulb.......

pretty much in every growshop across the country ( various brands etc ) for less than 80 quid ( including a reflector and growlux bulb ), i imagine when your rockin 1000 of them you get a decent discount . My local does 5 for £70 quid each, over 10 about £65.

The article says " He said there were 1,000 ultraviolet lights in use, each costing at least £180 " - Hmmmmm..... I bet £50

So, the only 2 meaningful facts in that paragraph are completely wrong and ill informed........... Haha

Journalism at its finest!! :artist:

They probably got a drop shipper back in china where they come from even cheaper a pallet,, especially when your order is for 5000 600w ballasts and 50,000 11 ltr pots..

I'm surprised not to see the ballasts connecting to a flip circuit so that a grid will start 4 lights over each bed before moving to the next...or ..allowing 4 ballasts to start more than the 4 lights ,,This place must have had the boss at the power station scratching his head..

This setup is not the typical grow not much home wiring..

Lol yeah

Costs ?????

Lighting - £ 50k ( 50 quid a light * 1000 Lights)
Filters and 12" RVKs Wholesale - 5 a room * 10 rooms - 50 total - 200 quid each - 10K
Electrics - £10k Total in contactors and boards

Soil - 10 Pallet Allmix - 500 bags @ 400 a Pallet - 4K
Nutes - £4k
Misc £ 5k
Framing - which was very nice IMO ( could have used bigger joists tho ) and Setup - £6K
Dont need AC....... ITs the UK lol

TOTAL 90 K ish I reckon, Give or take 10 Grand................... prob lots less cos they do shit loads of these grows

Rent - 2K a month...... So they do this place for 100k - 120k inc bills for 6 months , even if they go legal with the electric, which they dont!!!!

Lets say 3 harvests...... 600Kw, Say 0.66 GPW....400 Kg......2500 a KG.......====== A Million Quid....... every 8 weeks and 2 - 3 Million per 6 month lease on the place.......... Nice !!!!

After that its just rent, soil and nutes so profits are a bit more cos your minus set up costs

120 - 140 Grand a week profit minimum from these places i reckon........ or the same as a pro footballer lol

Per Warehouse !!!!


:thank you:


I reckon that my grows are small!!!! I thought it was 60 bags to a pallet.. £270

The art of this grow is the set up,,,,if you had then average joe contractor in they'd be hanging the lights still and not had any profit..

That is an unreal harvest I think they sell it at £170 a oz £6.000 a kg don't think your buying that at £2500 a kg any day...