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Get Busy Growin' or Get Busy Buyin' II


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10x better. Now get the scissors out and slowly start cutting out all those fan leaves.... A bucket or 2 a week..


Active member
Now get the scissors out and slowly start cutting out all those fan leaves...

I've been waiting to read that....time to bonzai.

That's the only way to ensure ethical decisions, not being dependent on one source of income. If I don't like what I have to do at my job, I'll walk. I don't ever want to be a slave to the man again. He can have his money back.

Well put. And thanks again for henpecking the above yesterday...lol...man that brings back memories of cramped fingers.


Active member
Got some shit in the mail.

I'd have cleared more last night...but the lights wen't out on me.

Adjusted the ph to 5.8 yesterday. Checked today and it was 6.8 ...so I'm gonna fuck with that for a bit..but other then that...today has been...


Active member
Looking good. No rush to chop those fans... Just be sure you're doing it. Start slow so the plants have a chance to adjust. Take too many fans too fast and you'll stunt them.


Active member
Thank ya. I'm just gonna do what I do when there in veg. Pull off leaves, lettem gro back...repeat... I got a lil' smoked before I started...and cut off a few of the "larfy backside" branches. Then after pulling the first 50 or so leaves off I was able to pull said branches out into the light where their getting as much coverage as everything else.

I'm not looking for either bag appeal or POTM...if I get tight buds the size ova dime...I'm a happy guy. :tiphat:


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
Hey folks,

I moved into a new house a few months ago and threw this together.

Most were males. That was fine. Had a Sour D mom I could cut hundreds of clones off of so no worries.

Then the mites decided to "Occupy" my grow. Mayors of city's have to tip toe around issues like that...me? I went Stalin on their ass. (weeds great...but never under estimate the power of pure rage and alcohol) Weed plants getting thrown across the room like snot n' hair in a hockey fight until there was nothing left but dead leaves everywhere. Cleaned up everything the next day. Washed walls, steam cleaned the carpet. Threw out all the soil I had as well as my "pals" mite infested SD and SK moms and went n' got a bag of smoke to start mellowing out.

I then went to where grow pal/bug giver grows his shit. His grow tent looks like something out of an Indiana Jones movie...spider webs all over all his shit...except one... He says its OG Kush he cut off of the mom(from seed) in his veg closet. I went into his chamber of filth to take a gander at the ugly lil' bitch ... and thats exactly what I found. Told him I'd nurse her back to health...and he knows I can veg the fuck out of pretty much anything...so he upped her to me.

Here she is on November 10th right before a Forbid shower. (many thanks goes to bobblehead for the recomendation) Seeds germin' right beside her.

So I had some seeds laying around I was saving until the spring, also wanted to get some new gear. I bought some fem'd BBxNL and germ'd 'em...but we learn from our mistakes...
so I cracked some Luna Haze freebie beans as well as a few of the seeds I used for my outdoor grow last year. (some pine strain that reeks of lemon)

And here they are today

Cut 10 clones off of "it" two weeks ago. All 10 rooted, stuck four in that white pail in the bottom corner to veg. I figure an extra 20 clones is an extra 20 clones. I stuck the other 6 into flower so I don't have any suprises like I did on the last run...

Ok...so the demensions of my last box made things difficult for me...so I am now
...well sorta...

4x4x4...2ft legs.
4" typhoon for exhaust
6" active intake
4" rubber hose
...more reflectix then I need.

All four sides are removable for easy access.

To do list:

Re-assemble in my grow room.
Wood Glue/filler anything thing that needs to be done.
Plumb for air and water.
Install wheels. ...yeah...you read that right...
Cover insides with Reflectix
Build another one.

I've alot more spec's on this then what I mentioned...just don't wanna bore everyone to death lol...any comments, questions, advice, or critiques...please feel free to post 'em.

Lol! Just read the first post for some reason (not sure why I missed this thread), and about fell over laughing! Love your rage...


Active member
Yeah without getting too technical...I'm an insomniac, alcoholic/dope fiend, with sociopathic tendancy's. :tiphat:


Yeah without getting too technical...I'm an insomniac, alcoholic/dope fiend, with sociopathic tendancy's. :tiphat:
I resemble that remark.......now....

Get back to work.......lol.....No shit....don`t chase your ph too much Bro....there`s a definite reason why it rose so fast as in maybe you`re bubblin your rez ?.....anyways....

Lookin good...DHF...:ying:....


Active member
Funny you mentioned that about the bubbler...I just added an airstone yesterday. Not sure why really...plants went from 6" to two feet high in a week...not sure how or if it'll make a difference. My only reasoning was that the roots (funny story) resemble a rope...bout an inch n' a half thick throughout the tubes... so I'm not getting the water fall effect from tube to tube anymore...it just wicks from top to bottom...quiet as the breeze...

The funny story...that really isn't that funny...

Well the smaller clones that I put it, the roots from the bigger plants grabbed onto them...and pulled alot of them actually into the tubes...like if you grabbed the lifeguard to try to keep yourself above water type shit...they didn't stop growing...they just turned solid white and resembled vines...I ripped 'em out regardless...ugly lil fuckers.

Yeah the ph thing...I'm thinking my system is quite similar to your ebb n' flo's Fred...just without the medium. And I've been pretty good about it for the most part...just got that mother hen additude if ya get me. lol...I'll keep the ph pen in my pocket instead of the res. fora bit. Thanks for checkin' in. :tiphat:


Yeah Bro....I figured as much......this ain`t my first rodeo ta see ph jump a full 10 points in a day caused by folks addin bubblers/airstones that ain`t needed......

Getchas a powerhead pump for the bottom of yer rez ta circulate juice/keep shit stirred up and you`ll be golden with no ph wonkyness......but...

Keep checkin ph and get rid of that airstone....now....let`s talk about those "cord roots" yas got all in yer tubes that`re major counterproductive to plant growth and nutrient uptake.......and ....

I don`t know why yas got em cuz they`re usually found in that air gap between top of upper container and actual juice level in rootzones of RDWC when folks don`t know any better bout keepin juice levels up to prevent such bullshit survival instincts of the plant......

Do you have your juice level at bottom of your netpots or below em....

Anyways... , can`t change shit now so we`ll work on next run.......Holler if I can help....



Active member
Sorry man...unclarification on my part...I get those cord roots when I don't top off my bubble buckets/moms (gonna do that ina minute) often enuff so I know the ones your talking about...this ain't them. I assure ya its nothing but fishbone roots through out the tubes. Thing is, these fishbones are about 3 feet long, per plant...overlaying one another...and with 25 plants per tube...tube being about 7ft long in total...its kinda a shitshow in there. When I introduced the smaller clones the lil roots just got tangled up with the big girls n' got pulled under as the big girls stretched those roots...explosive growth...explosive roots. (great explaination of why mono cropping is so important in a system like this) Airstone is outta there...not sure if these suckers are gonna get enuff DO...we'll see....looking healthy...I'll post a pic when I'm done fukn' round.

Seems I never hafta holler DHF...you just put on your cape n' show up when needed. Thanks again. :tiphat:


Oh....ok....makes more sense....Liketa hear fishbones instead of rope roots .......lol.....

Here`s the deal....the roots follow the flow of the juice in the tubes and shit get`s intertwined.....not a damn thing you can do about it other than hope and pray stretch ends soon enough and no more roots get made so cloggin tubes and shit`s not an issue down the road before they need the full path of flow for swellage..........IOW.....

The faster juice can travel through the tubes and recirculate the better , so that`s what`s gonna keep dissolved oxygen workin through the system.....

I ran big ass rez`s with "thru-hull" bait aerators for dissolved O2 that I pumped to my ebb and flow buckets , but I always set my ppms and ph when I mixed juice and let it set overnight and stabilize before feedin my bitches just to make sure shit stayed where it was supposed to ftw......

Anyways....faster flow with a powerhead in the rez will help....Here`s hopin good things fer harvey Bro....



Active member
I'll be getting that powerhead right before the 100 clones go in there next round...without doubt...

Everyones happy now...including me.

All but one of the unrooted clones I planted in the top row has not only taken but the leaves are screaming for more light...soon to be addressed.

Haven't done anything since the defol. Lady's are happy about that.

And it seems the camera auto adjusts to do macro's...now I just need a tripod n' something to take macro shots of...

Gonna begin construction of my flipbox tomorrow. I wasn't gonna set it up until I flipped the left hand room on Feb.8...but 1200w of light for 12 hours aday sure beats a few floros and one 600w for 12 hours...


Active member
The faster juice can travel through the tubes and recirculate the better , so that`s what`s gonna keep dissolved oxygen workin through the system.....

I got her set at 2 minutes on n' 20 off...been doing the trick so far. :tiphat:


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Eh sub, thanks for stoppin' in. If my 8 weeks...looks like your 6 weeks...I'll be satisfied. Be like your buds, stay frosty. :tiphat:


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Same, damn near have it memorized. Now that I'm motivated...I gotta locate another mogul socket...harder around here, then most places.


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And so ends week 3....but what have I learned?

...not a whole hell of alot I guess...

-I got rid of the fan all together...no need for that shit...it even brought my temps down from 76F to 72F...so I was able to turn down the AC.

-Plants handle abuse pretty well. (defoliating, bending)

-A humidifier is a big no-no in a confined space. (RH% is 50 with lights on, 80-90 whilst off)

-Having a hydro set up in one room and soil in the other is a huge pain in the ass. (humidity, watering times, nutes, cats)

Group shot

Left side

Right side

Close up.

Gotta guy guy coming over later...same guy I got the OG cut from...and the borg... Gonna see if he wants to trade lights...I think 3x400's would be better in this set up then 2x600's....any thoughts on that? I'm thinking better light distribution.


Active member
If I could kiss you I would. 3 x 400's > 2 x 600's.

You're plants are leaning into the light now... They like the adjustment in height. ;) Ditch the dirt, get some coco.

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