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I remember when,.......


New member
I remember

Didnt use a scale to split up a lb between 4 people, just divided it into 4 equal looking piles by hand

Black Columbian!!! Green buds with black hairs, when there was no green bud, everything was gold or brown MMMM

Opiated Thai - one hit made you feel like you smoked an entire joint of Thai stick and put you to sleep

Oily Nepalese Temple balls that had a black outer layer, brown inner layer and white powder over the outer layer

Oil based blond lebanese hash

Reddish golden honey oil

And on the other side of the specrum, seedy lumbo, with plenty of lumber

licking the top of sandwich bags to seal it

Every week some new strain from a different part of the world

Then when green bud started to appear there were 2 seasons for weed, Thai season and Humboldt season...

Using the flap of zigzags to scoop up weed while holding an album cover at a tilt to let the seeds drop down

Isomerizer machines

Soda cans were not made of aluminum, you had to use a can opener to get to the contents, then pop tops that you pulled and peeled off of the can

Tandy TRS-80 computers

Foosball being WAY bigger than pool! And tournament payouts better than an average persons working wages

Free Former Skateboard contest and Dogtown dominating

10 speed bicycles with the handles flipped up like ram horns

Country Squire station wagons with wood siding

Afternoon freeway traffic was less than freeway traffic today at 4AM

Back in the day...

Hot tub time machine, here I come!!!


Active member
My old man died in the Vietnam war, I was young. did not know what was going on, I still don't. Lest we forget.

our countries appreciation high.. not fair.. and another generation coming behind you....May god bless america because the government sure doesnt. A greatfull memorial day to all


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
my today wife was a teenager

german tv was black and white and only 3 channels

air raid alarm for training

you can smoke cigarettes nearly everywhere

I was standing in front of the berlin wall

I bought my first punk rock lp in London (give em enough rope/the clash)


Well-known member
The Hotwheels sizzler recharable car. The charger looked like a gas pump and took 4Ds batteries. Had to count to 60+ to get to go aroung 50' of track.(had alot of track even loops)
I don't miss the track,we would get racing stipes across our asses.


The Hotwheels sizzler recharable car. The charger looked like a gas pump and took 4Ds batteries. Had to count to 60+ to get to go aroung 50' of track.(had alot of track even loops)
I don't miss the track,we would get racing stipes across our asses.

that track was no joke .... my mom could always find a piece of that stuff, no matter how good we hid it. evil shit!


Active member
The Reverb kit for your AM car radio with your single rear speaker fader knob told everyone you were a cool cat.

Drive over the railroad tracks too fast and you sounded like someone dropped a Fender Twin cranked to 11 down the stairs.

Then came 8 tracks, stereo, and FM radio that actually had music you would listen to besides classical and business news.

Got your stereo wired up, slapped 'After Bathing at Baxters' in the 8-track and wowed yer buds with the ping-pong l/r channel mix while driving around town passing a fattie.

You had arrived. Life couldn't get any better than this. You could listen to what YOU wanted to while driving.


senior member
I remember Ike, the last good republican, I'd say. The rest, bush X 2, tricky dick, ray gun really sucked.......scrappy


I remember when if you wanted a bowl you used a tobacco pipe with tinfoil or made it yourself. A trip to the hardware store and some pipe fittings. A toilet paper tube. Find some bamboo and make a bong. Or sit and whittle a bowl out of wood or deer horn. You had to buy a pouch of tobacco to get papers. And it was amazing when ZigZag came out with papers with glue on them.


I remember when gas stations were SERVICE stations that checked fluid levels aired tires and pumped gas! There were usually some younger teens hanging around selling joints at my local station. I made my money the same way when I was 14, sellin doobs on the corner by that same station. GOOD TIMES!

I made mine while working the pumps. $12 a OZ could do two pounds on a Friday night. Station owner loved it he outsold all other stations. At $80 a kilo life was good.


Hey old grunt I remember when Hersey bar size hunk of hash in Germany was $20. that was in 69 also.

A friend sent me a Sansui reciever from Germany when he was stationed there. Had over a pound of great black hash stuffed in it.
OK not quite 60's ..... but late 1970's, does anyone remember "weehawken" - - if ever there was a 'day time weed' weehawken was it. Some called it bunk weed. It must have had the lowest possible amount of THC that could be transefered into the blood streem. Certanily more than smoking leaves.


We bought Kilos for $80-90 and sold ounces for $10. Gas was 25 cents/gal. and I could fill-up my VW Bus for $2.50 A 16 oz. Pepsi was 16 cents plus 2 cent deposit.