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bobblehead v5.0 1800w flip pods. Time to get serious.


Recovering UO addict.
very nice :)

What kinda dehuey are you running? .. probably one of those SF monsters...hmmm...I picked up a little one today for my room and I was wondering if you go straight from 70 to 40 or taper it off at all?



I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
bobble, been lurking, but i will be taking the lunge, and copying your racks to the T! gonna start building the bitches tonite (got an air gun for that job!) will make a thread once everything is up and running and i expect you to critique and rip my shit apart! haha anyways, introducing myself now, hopefully will be much more familiar with one another soon. take it easy homey, time to go bang some nails for ten hours.



Active member

Looking good dude - I love the dehuey/fogger recycle-o-rama!

Thanks buddy. Automation is my best friend... :) I'm having trouble finding things to do lately... ha ha...

Nice shots bobble! Damn haha we are three days apart Im on day 19 now

Yeah man, I can't wait to compare results at the end.

I have been thinking about this for a while since my veg space is way too dry. I have been resisting humidifying my veg space since it is air cooled and evacuates into my bedroom (it's in the next bedroom). It seems I'm going to be pumping a ton of humidity into my bedroom if I humidify my veg and that isn't going to fly. From what I understand dehumidifiers are pretty loud/hot and I'm not sure if it would be acceptable to have it in my bedroom. Any insight? I LOVE the fact that you have the dehumidifier plumbed to drain back into the humidifier - that's just too cool! I just have to figure out the logistics. Where does the dehumidifier live in your setup?

Growing in a bedroom SUCKS. I did it before I could afford my new place. I had a 6x6 pod, a 4x4ish walk-in closet, attic space, and a rubbermaid tub for clones... lol I pimped that apt out!

Anyway, can you pump the humid air outside? The bedroom should have a window according to fire code... :) Anyway, you get a window fan, and attach your exhaust to the back of it, do some other stuff to conceal what you're doing... I'm assuming you have a scrubber...

My dehuey is parked right next to the veg tent. It's loud, and generates a LOT of heat. It's over-sized for my grow though, so it only runs for a few minutes here and there... Something you should take into consideration should you decide to get one.

:yes: Lookin good bobble.

:thank you:

very nice :)

What kinda dehuey are you running? .. probably one of those SF monsters...hmmm...I picked up a little one today for my room and I was wondering if you go straight from 70 to 40 or taper it off at all?


I'm running a DrizAir200, rated to pull 25 gal a day out of the air. Similar to a SF. It's an older unit, but it does a great job. There's pics a few pages back.

No tapering, I don't really believe in it... I suppose you could, but I wouldn't risk the bud-rot/mold.


Active member
bobble, been lurking, but i will be taking the lunge, and copying your racks to the T! gonna start building the bitches tonite (got an air gun for that job!) will make a thread once everything is up and running and i expect you to critique and rip my shit apart! haha anyways, introducing myself now, hopefully will be much more familiar with one another soon. take it easy homey, time to go bang some nails for ten hours.


Good luck bro... building the racks was pretty labor intensive... ha ha... I had to use over 1,000 screws. Lucky you have a nail gun! I'll be waiting for your thread. Can't wait to see what you come up with.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
I want your Drizair 200...I cannot find a used one anywhere that is affordable, the cheapest one I found was over $750.00! Looking forward to seeing this grow develop Bobble!
Lookin' good Bobble!

Definitely sub'd this thread and can't wait to see how everything turns out. Mad props to you on your focus and dedication. I'm not sure if I have the patience or energy to pull off a project of this magnitude and precision. I hope that one day in the future I can have a setup that mimics yours. Keep the pictures coming, I'm anxious to see your progress!

Also, one quick question: What type of reflective material are you using? It looks similar to something I have used in the past which was basically foil bubble-wrap. I don't think it comes near the reflectivity that mylar does but it's gotta help. Anything is better than nothing.

Whoops! Just went back and found out that you are using Reflectix. I guess my new question would be how does it compare to mylar? Reflectivity, cost, ease of use? Thanks!


Active member
I want your Drizair 200...I cannot find a used one anywhere that is affordable, the cheapest one I found was over $750.00! Looking forward to seeing this grow develop Bobble!

ha ha... you can't have it! It was such a steal @ $450... Seriously, I just had to replace a piece of old tubing that was causing it to leak. That, and my 1/4hp aqua logic chiller for $150... Those were the deals of the year for me. I got the DRIZAIR on craigslist, and the chiller on ebay... so you just have to keep looking, but you are limited to what's available...

I would think in Cali you would have a few industrial dehueys available... unless they're all in use.. ha ha....

Lookin' good Bobble!

Definitely sub'd this thread and can't wait to see how everything turns out. Mad props to you on your focus and dedication. I'm not sure if I have the patience or energy to pull off a project of this magnitude and precision. I hope that one day in the future I can have a setup that mimics yours. Keep the pictures coming, I'm anxious to see your progress!

Also, one quick question: What type of reflective material are you using? It looks similar to something I have used in the past which was basically foil bubble-wrap. I don't think it comes near the reflectivity that mylar does but it's gotta help. Anything is better than nothing.

Reflectix is the name, and you can find it at Home Depot and Lowe's. Personally I think it's better than mylar... Get some.


Active member
....Reflectix is the name, and you can find it at Home Depot and Lowe's. Personally I think it's better than mylar... Get some.


Just upgraded an old 5x5 tent with reflectix, beats the hell out of trying to patch all the pinholes and is so much more reflective than the white poly. (an old HTG cheapie that will get trashed when this run is done)

silver hawaiian

Active member

The line in that last picture (in the foreground) looks like it's kinked, .. ? Sometimes I'll put a zip-tie around the hose shortly after it connects, to prevent that.. ? Just a thought!


Prolly my last post fer awhile cuz Bobble`s got this , but it needsta be said.....I`ve used every reflective material known to God or man over many yrs before Heath told me about Reflectix almost a decade ago he was gettin from Wicke`s at the time and he`s from cross da pond.....

Went to Lowe`s and got that shit.......The rest is history......NOTHING I`ve found disperses/diffuses lumens bouncin all round yo room better than Reflectix......NOTHING....

Everything not green had reflectix......walls and ceilings , floors either covered in pondliner for the old fast hydro setup days , or white mildewcidal bathroom ultra flat white in the vert rack rooms that I never got a chance to exploit for max gains.......

Bobble`s on his way....guaranteed....Just stopped into say hey , so keep learnin and earnin.....You da man now.....

Happy Memorial Day Weekend guys.....Stay safe.....Cookin a pig and some other critters with all da fixin`s down here in Hell......

Ya`ll come.....DHF....:ying:.....


Active member

Just upgraded an old 5x5 tent with reflectix, beats the hell out of trying to patch all the pinholes and is so much more reflective than the white poly. (an old HTG cheapie that will get trashed when this run is done)

Yeah buddy... I lined my whole veg tent in reflectix, including the ceiling! I also used to use the cheap HTG black/white poly... But Reflectix is far superior. Good to have you tagging along amber. :)

The line in that last picture (in the foreground) looks like it's kinked, .. ? Sometimes I'll put a zip-tie around the hose shortly after it connects, to prevent that.. ? Just a thought!

Yeah the line is kinked, so I'm going to insert an elbow... but it's not impeding flow (yet), so it's more of a precautionary measure... The water just trickles out, so it doesn't seem to having trouble getting by the kink.

Prolly my last post fer awhile cuz Bobble`s got this , but it needsta be said.....I`ve used every reflective material known to God or man over many yrs before Heath told me about Reflectix almost a decade ago he was gettin from Wicke`s at the time and he`s from cross da pond.....

Went to Lowe`s and got that shit.......The rest is history......NOTHING I`ve found disperses/diffuses lumens bouncin all round yo room better than Reflectix......NOTHING....

Everything not green had reflectix......walls and ceilings , floors either covered in pondliner for the old fast hydro setup days , or white mildewcidal bathroom ultra flat white in the vert rack rooms that I never got a chance to exploit for max gains.......

Bobble`s on his way....guaranteed....Just stopped into say hey , so keep learnin and earnin.....You da man now.....

Happy Memorial Day Weekend guys.....Stay safe.....Cookin a pig and some other critters with all da fixin`s down here in Hell......

Ya`ll come.....DHF....:ying:.....

Please, post all you want Freds... When your not busy that is. All those years of laying low, keeping your nose to the grind-stone... I can only imagine the anxiety. You definitely deserve some vacation time, whenever you feel like taking it...

I put my feed pumps on a different timer that can have up to 8 different programmed times... So I'm feeding 5 minutes every hour for the first 4 hours right now. Dialed down to a drip. I don't know why I didn't do it sooner, but your last post got me off my ass...

Everything is finally starting to run itself over here in bobble-land... Did some work in the tester room today. I had to get the air moving a little faster. My ChemD is prego, knocked up by some Grape Skunk pollen... Should make a nice mix. It took my purp clone, that I couldn't stand growing anymore b/c of slow bushy growth, and straightened it out, while retaining the purple color. I expect a less finicky Chem to come out of the cross.

Anyway, take care bro... We'll be in touch.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
yo homey, so do you not even have any runoff? right now im still working out my own coco feeding kinks. that post that DHF also got me going, and i changed my feeding up. instead of feeding for two minutes when lights came on, with just a little run off, i am going one minute at lights off, and another minute 6 hrs later, without any runoff. only been doin this a few days, and i may be bugging, but the nugs got noticebly BIGGER. anyways, good growings brother, can not wait to see the end product on this.



Active member
yo homey, so do you not even have any runoff? right now im still working out my own coco feeding kinks. that post that DHF also got me going, and i changed my feeding up. instead of feeding for two minutes when lights came on, with just a little run off, i am going one minute at lights off, and another minute 6 hrs later, without any runoff. only been doin this a few days, and i may be bugging, but the nugs got noticebly BIGGER. anyways, good growings brother, can not wait to see the end product on this.


the idea is to not have any run-off, but realistically there is some... B/c my plants aren't all drinking at the same rate. I have done my best though to dial in each strain with the individual shut-off valves and separate pumps. Once mono-cropped it should be a piece of cake to get everything drinking at the same rate.

You have to use H&G DRIP CLEAN, by name, if you're not going to have any run-off... I strongly recommend it. All of my plants have been doing a lot better with it. I don't see salt buildup on the SP's...

Feed your plants during lights on my friend! That's when they need it. At night humidity rises... The plants expel CO2... Have I mentioned that CO2 is transported with H2O as H2CO3? So lots of moisture available in the air. The plants need the water during lights on, and you want them to use up most of it before lights off, so they don't put so much into the air.

Hope that helps...


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
One more interesting thing that DHF mentioned regarding Drip Clean..is I put some Drip-Clean into the full washing machine that held my SmartPots...INSTANTLY totally clean of salts buildup SmartPots, they came out beautiful ;-)....I love that old(er) guy living in hell!


Active member
spot on bobble, I'm a fucking cannabis farmer and i'm damn proud of it. (privately of course)


yo, drip clean in the washer with smart pots, FUCKING CLASSIC. ha!

Drip clean really is the shit, makes growing in coco foolproof, prevents lockouts and deficiencies, for me it made it harder to f things up, ie: by excessively upping the ppm too soon(500 to 900) it gives you a buffer so to speak. Keeps the dripper's from clogging blah blah etc etc..

Small bottle lasts a long time, etc, etc,..

lol coco+perlite+ multiple drips per lights on w/o runoff+smartpots+vertical+drip clean+maxibloom+Koolbloom+sm90+dialed enviro+ fast moving air and highly oxygenated nutrient solution+badass monocropped strain trained and dialed = awesomeness.

props to mentors like dhf and others for helping us small-timers get better at growing this crazy plant.



I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
dumbass i am, i meant lights on. oh yea im using drip clean also, that stuff is illy! i just suck at cloning, i need to get my game up on that.



Active member
I just wanted to give a piece of advise... Don't buy stupid pH, EC, temp etc... meters. They're all expensive, cheaply made junk pieces of shit. I had 2 tri-meters go to shit on me in a matter of months. I've seen it happen to lots of digital meters. Get it wet, drop it, let it lose it's charge, forget to clean the probe, look at it wrong... It lies to you and you get the wrong measurements.

Get paper test strips. They tell the truth, every time. They're inexpensive. We don't need precise measurements.... These will suffice for our needs.


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Active member
How do you measure soil humidity? And soil temperature? Both very important i.m.o.

ummm... why? b/c I don't...

I grow in coco... So idk if this is something dirt guys do? but I highly doubt it. I'm running 64 plants just in that pod, and I'm not about to go sticking a probe into each one.

The pots are behind reflectix. Reflectix acts as a heat shield, so the inner temperature should be at or below room temperature I would imagine, and room temperature hasn't gone past 80F. The only reason to worry about temperature is DO in water, and anaerobic bacteria... However I know that my coco/perlite mix is loaded with beneficial bacteria that can handle any invaders... and for funzies I add pond enzymes to my mix, catalyzing the breakdown of dead matter... There's plenty of oxygen available...

So, why do I need to measure the temp?

Humidity... Coco has to stay moist, but not wet to the point where it's dripping... I don't need a meter for that. I just water until it drips, and then feed it a little less the next day. I have to adjust the feed schedule all the time lately... but once monocropped, and ran 1-2x, I should know just how much water the plants will need and when.

Anyway, it's just not necessary imo...

I saw him stick a finger in a pot once... ;-)

rofl... You crack me up man... :laughing:

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