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1st time grow! LED + CFL


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
nice hawain bagseed... if i saw that on the bay i would grab a pack. if humiditys a prob just make sure u have plenty of air circulation add another fan blowing on the plants 24/7 may help dont let them stay still if theres a breeze on em they will be happier . and im not sure maybe theres a miracle product out there to help prevent mold. if not advanced nutrients will see this and make a product to be out in a week. but you def do not want it 75 once u plug the dh in the chrystals will come
peace brotha
u must g


What up all!? Had a weird morning and got a freshly cut plant from a friend to dry and cure. Figured it would be good practice! I've got it hanging in the grow room so we'll see how it turns out! Here's more pics of course... Day 17:



Autoblueberry Dutch Passion

Autoblueberry Dutch Passion

here my autoblueberrys at week 7 as you can see one is 4 foot tall :):tiphat: errr well grown under 300 w red lum cfl and 6 23 watt cfl lights with a very light tomato feed :) happy hun ting oh yeah 24/7 light :jump:


as you can see tallest one has leave curl but i cant raise my light any higher as easy rollers to max height of tent wich is 2 m tall , hopeing she has stopped growing upwards anyone got any ideas or comments much appreciated thanks G , this is my first grow nearer the time to harvest maybe take top off not sure :S they have three weeks let im thinking they will take maybe a little longer ?


anyone lol as this is my first grow not sure how much longer to leave them not sure there be ready in 3 weeks ?


You could tie the tops down maybe. Don't think i would want to cut it off.


someone else suggested that not sure how as four plants in there and its four foot tall lol ha ha i know im stoned cnt believe i said cutting them lol i only have 3 weeks left but im thinking its going to be a bit longer what you think ?


DuhBlec, those flowers are gorgeous, and only Day 17? Wow. I think you have some good Afghani genetics there . . . your plant looks similar to the LSD strain created by Barney's Farm in Holland. Congratulations!


DuhBlec, those flowers are gorgeous, and only Day 17? Wow. I think you have some good Afghani genetics there . . . your plant looks similar to the LSD strain created by Barney's Farm in Holland. Congratulations!

Thanks Herodias!!! I was thinking the same thing, that LSD strain was one of the first that caught my eye when I was looking at seeds online.. so hairy!! :D


as you can see tallest one has leave curl but i cant raise my light any higher as easy rollers to max height of tent wich is 2 m tall , hopeing she has stopped growing upwards anyone got any ideas or comments much appreciated thanks G , this is my first grow nearer the time to harvest maybe take top off not sure :S they have three weeks let im thinking they will take maybe a little longer ?

I'd say your only option is to tie her down... don't have to be excessive just gain enough room to finish her out! Plants look nice tho!


thanks man how much longer you think than they should i think more like 4 or 5 weeks lol than 3 and as in tie her across the light over the other ladys not sure how to do it lol


thanks man how much longer you think than they should i think more like 4 or 5 weeks lol than 3 and as in tie her across the light over the other ladys not sure how to do it lol

when I LST'd my plants I just poked a hole through my pot and used hemp twine to restrict the plant downwards.. I'd suggest just sitting back and relaxing a bit.. no way to really know when she'll be done.. grab yourself a magnifying glass and keep close watch on those hairs and harvest when they've matured to the level you see fit! Thats just my 2 cents.. I have no experience so I dunno... :) Good luck!


Hello all! I had fun with my first time trimming.. very tedious process.. but was good practice on the small plant I got from a friend, here's a few pics of what it turned out like...


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
nice duh i remember my first trim it was fun then enjoy the finger hash but trimming gets less and less fun the more do. i pretty much dread it now my arthritic broken hands want to quit after an hour then its pop a perc drink a few beers and back to work lol enjoy it now. i scrapped the use of sissors and just full out hands on no gloves and it works out better for me lot less hand cramps carpool tunnel lock ups pluss i end up with a golfball size fingerhash balls. maybe i see a trimpro in my future. sht my hands are shot i droppd a wrench 32 stories at work the other day just cause my hand locked up and said it didnt want to hold it anymore! talk about a loud bang. everyone in the lobby of the building was scared shittin themselves.lol but not funny though igot atleast 10 years beforei can retire.
peace bro enjoy ur smoke and trimming. the scraps are great for hash kief or butta just toss the fans that have no chrystals save everything.
peace stone


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
ps not sure if ur doing this or not do not dry where there is light it will dry to fast and light degrades thc. cool dry dark place