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Perpetual Grow with 2 1k Bloom Rooms!


Tagged. Great show!

I saw some other people ask and didn't see an answer..

Do you let this soil mix cook at all before using? how about a buffer when transplanting? I'm looking for a good water only soil mix and this just may be it.

Any details about the soil would be greatly appreciated. Grow on


Active member
Looks good man, those damn pest come back at the least opportune times. I keep an arsenal of pesticides and try to change up. I spray my veg room every other week soaking the walls floors along with trying to saturate the under side of the leaves. I like to spray just before lights off or turn off the lights right after spraying just depends on my schedule. I also try to gut my flower rooms between batches and spray heavily soaking the floors and walls. I spray the entry to my grow to help prevent tracking new bugs in. Anytime I open a new bag of soil I spray too. The bugs suck!
You have a great setup stay safe!
Yeah the bugs are more of a pain to get rid of in a perpetual. I use a product called Fruit Tree Spray. Neem, pyrethin and an inorganic compound SBO I believe. Really brings control quickly and fairly gently. I use it mostly on my veg plants and plants in bud the first 2 weeks. Honestly I have used it 6 weeks into bud and cant taste it.(continual PM fight) I do spray all my buds with water the whole cycle, which may help wash off residues. The water definitely helps keep mites at bay in flower. My humidity is typically 20-30% and havent had a mold prob yet.

Beautiful setup ya got going there. may have to come have another look as I set up my new 2k this month.
I've had to use neem oil in weeks 6/7/8 of my 8 week strain once becuze of reasons not pertaking to the point. Beeing that my medecine had no neem hint or bad taste at all ... nop, didn't wash the buds under water after harvest either ;) ...

B1up, wow, nice come back with the ladies hehehe ... great garden. In my garden there is the middle "island" green corridor under 4 1k of 10 week strain NYCD and 2 troffs on each side(4 troffs all together) of wich I harvest and introduce a new canopy of 14 days 4inch vessel root trained rooted clones; every 2 weeks of my 7 week strain zombie virus(yes i let it over ripe an extra week) ... hope you like that set-up, yours looks very effecient as well m'man ... are you going to build a "cold room" for your AC from wich your intake comes? or plunk direct in the set-up? do you know of a solvant I can use to make my cancer cure? iso and nafta takes to much clorophile out and I am worried about butane residues in my medecine. Any in-sight from you is greatly apreciated, congratulations of coursse on le flik ... can you imagine how much I regret not meeting with you that one time ... wish I new then what I know now, or trusted you. I can only think of excuses for not showing up so I wont mention them as I dislike excuses, I am happy that you are who you've always said your were ... an honnest guy


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? I missed this thread amongst all 12320434 billion pages.. But its tagged now great work as usual my brother of hidden rooms.. Gotta love it. Great work bbl peace n pufs..

Neem does a number on mites...but it's also good at preventing PM.

The only thing that really works with gnats is Diotomaceous Earth (I know it's misspelled). This prevents the larvae from emerging. It's like a glass to them and it sux the juice right outta them...


New member
I haven't had mites since I started spreading perlite over the top of the soil in my pots, began watering from the bottom, and hanging hotshots in my rooms. The perlite acts like
Diotomaceous Earth and keeps mites AND gnats from establishing residence on my plants or in their roots


New member
Hey Blazeone or other knowledgeable growers , Is there a need to use any molasses in this blend of soil? I am completely new to this. I just see alot of people using it with there nutrients when they don't opt for this route. Also, This is a plain water grow like your other soil grow? Thanks in advance all!

Edit: Also, does cutting everything in half (keeping 20-30% of the total mix as perlite) work to get half the amount of mix to fill around 7 to 9 bags? Would this mess with the level of nutrients withen the soil as a whole? Should I just use the amount he said and fill my 6 grow bags and store the rest? Confused very new grower :(

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