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Are you getting more than 1 gram per watt? Tell us how!


Active member
I'd rather lay some cash across the hands of these fine herb growing brothers than just about any other industry on the planet.

Whats your problem?

and....I am pimping my ladies

and...laugh at the notion that one day... I may enjoy the same amenities as all the other fuck-sticks pimpin Chinese plastic at your local WalMart or "Ambilify" at your local Rite-Aide fucker.

Every $100 dollar sack I bought went into an economic chain I feel good about. Just Hobby growing with friends.

Keep smoken da brick, dick.

Theres more noble things to sit around and hate than that.

This is more about learning how to make alot of high quality weed using the least amount of time and energy. Something that should normalize the price.


Active member
After my bonghit....I realized i am being abit of a dick bro; I do understand where your comming from....thought I'd haze you a little bit cuz it really is less about economics for most of us willing to experiment.

I always hope to make sense btw.
..and im one of the nice guys....:xmasnut:

now run along and try to place nice


Active member
Yield is very important to me. I am not gonna tell people(or myself) that I am doing this out of "compassion" or some delusional social service. I am doing this for money. And you are too. It can still be done in a compassionate way, and help people out, which I do. So lets get that out of the way so we can talk facts.

I think to make this information relative, your grow op should be at least 4000 watts. One 400, or one 1000 watt lamp is not enough to properly gauge effects of different techniques.

What do you think is the most crucial reason for your high yields?

What are your yields exactly? We are not talking outdoor yields, so I am not looking for amount per plant. Grams per watt per day seems to be the best, for indoor purposes.

What type of hydroponics do you do? Ebb and flow, drip, aeroponics, etc?

What genetics have you used that got you the highest yields?
Was it a F1 hybrid?

What PPM's do you keep your CO2 at?

What fertilizer brand are you using? and what additional additives have you noticed that ads to higher yields?

I have a lot to say to answer all these questions, lets get the dialogue going. If you want to talk about ethics of making money with medicine, take it elsewhere, we are not interested!


read the last sentence of the very first post


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
guys you will get the thread closed if you turn it into an argument about money - this is to talk about yield and how to get it.

go start your own thread about making money if you want



Active member
1g per watt achieved only through a strain that produces hard, dense buds. the fluffier structure just doesnt weigh as much.

speaking of watts, i'll take a 430w, for best spectrum. 430 makes a much prettier more crystallized plant than 600w I have seen.

I get 15oz dry per 430w hood. thats 420g, close enough. minimal veg time, and 51 days flower. strain skunk#2, afghan indica dominant.


Active member
the fuck you hatin for?

the fuck you hatin for?


Don't hate on commercial growers...There are quite a few people who do large grows and make good money selling the product but the bud is actually grown with love and care as if it were for the head. I flush every plant I grow for 2 weeks before cutting even if it's not for me. I'm not gunna lie, I do this for a living and take pride in making sure it's the best possible quality. I don't grow strains just because they yield well for commercial weight...I grow the strains I want to smoke, which usually means 72-84 days flower. My shit never touches a bag. Dried, jarred, cured for atleast 30 days before sale. Anyone who says it's just MAD easy money has never actually done it and never should. Pimpin' ain't easy... any other commercial grower will back me up on this... I have work to do on the grow every day of the week and sacrifice my social life for security reasons...what's to say I don't deserve whatever I make? If I stack 10g's a month...I earned it by straight pimpin' :pimp3::pimp3::pimp3: NAAmSayin MAH FAckaZ?

Do NOT make the assumption that every commercial grower is an 8 week strain/chemical nute, no flush asshole who is in it strictly for the money.


Active member
Sorry to get off topic on a rant, I just got a little offended.

I'm definately inspired to try a stadium/vertical grow now that I've seen so many amazing results.

Don't hate on commercial growers...There are quite a few people who do large grows and make good money selling the product but the bud is actually grown with love and care as if it were for the head. I flush every plant I grow for 2 weeks before cutting even if it's not for me. I'm not gunna lie, I do this for a living and take pride in making sure it's the best possible quality. I don't grow strains just because they yield well for commercial weight...I grow the strains I want to smoke, which usually means 72-84 days flower. My shit never touches a bag. Dried, jarred, cured for atleast 30 days before sale. Anyone who says it's just MAD easy money has never actually done it and never should. Pimpin' ain't easy... any other commercial grower will back me up on this... I have work to do on the grow every day of the week and sacrifice my social life for security reasons...what's to say I don't deserve whatever I make? If I stack 10g's a month...I earned it by straight pimpin' :pimp3::pimp3::pimp3: NAAmSayin MAH FAckaZ?

Do NOT make the assumption that every commercial grower is an 8 week strain/chemical nute, no flush asshole who is in it strictly for the money.

man i ve observed your budwork and i have the deepest admire for ur work

if you were a commercial grower u would be fine by me

its other people i hate so muchut but i dont have time now, i ll get back to you



Active member
I'm aiming to stay under my state's 99 plant limit with a 3k perpetual setup.

48 in flower 16 in veg plus moms, rooting clones and 16 rooted cuts in solo cups waiting to veg under 1k mh. This seems like the best I can do for the wattage while staying within the numbers.


man i ve observed your budwork and i have the deepest admire for ur work

if you were a commercial grower u would be fine by me

its other people i hate so muchut but i dont have time now, i ll get back to you


Ditto! He is very funny! Mah fackaz... lmao! I agree!


Active member
1g a watt is easily doable in SCROG, if you dont want to do Scrog then do a packed SOG & it should'nt be far off.


Gene Mangler
BIG strains in BIG pots with BIG rootballs in a BIG room with BIG lights gives me BIG yields :bigeye:


light dispersal from a HPS bulb and almost ALL reflectors is slightly rectangular.. You are wasting space if you space them in squares as the coverage is slighlty more along y-axis than x-axis (prob 1.2:1). my space is 6x7 ft and two 600W with Grotek prohood reflectors side-by side cover 3.5ft of the 7ft each (minor .5ft overlap in middle but not what would be with square room) and 5 ft the other way (1ft left for row) - 2.5ft in each direction. I turn my plants 1/4 to 1/2 every few days but dont really need to rotate them as light is pretty even (I do move tuff from edge to middle or vice-versa as maturity, strain dictates). I got 25cm pots and fit about 25 or so in there - however placing 1gal pots in the extra spaces really increases yield as they get root-bound but dont suffer from it, just tending to keep shorter and grow just a main cola (excellent SOG). In soilless with FUture Harvest Hollands Secret 3part nutes and BudBoom, Ton-O-Bud, Carbo blast, heavy weight, SuperThrive/THrive ALive last cycle got about .5g/W/mo - that figure is referenced in Jorge Cervantes indoor/outdoor medical bible as being a MINIMUM efficiency goal for anyone risking their shit in drug-war-torn america.

I thought "yeah right", but knowing your strains and responding well, plus packing the most efficienbt number in your bloom room for the maximum amount of tops and buds (SOG or approaching-SOG) is always best. Unless you are ahead of yourself and have vegged your clones/seeds to be larger then you can use a Screen Of Green with lots of success (as long as the pre-veg is concurrent with previous bloom so as to not add unnecessary veg time). Individual plant size makes a big difference outside, but inside its only the bud you want, so keep branching and height (difference) to a minimum and reflect side-light well. I would think DWC gives the largest, healthiest plants (or aero) but you require more prep time and veg before you can flower so total yield/mo is probably not much different than any method

i agree yields are a by-product of good growing. I am far happier when the buds are nice, uniform, densely effieciently grown and plants super happy than pure high yield.

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