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Cheeseberry Haze Grow

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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer

Day 24 of 12/12

it's about time we had some happy thoughts on this here grow diary... so lets give it up for the ladies ... :wink:


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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
and some more...


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Looking good Jamie, looks like you'll have a nice harvest in no time.:joint:


ICMag Donor
so I got an idea for a new tv show

I basically challenge all you with spider mite to a battle ... MITE FIGHT... c'mon whaddya say.. it'll be better than robot wars... :woohoo:

ok, I realy am high :smile:

Bro...lol. I was just saying how AWESOME it would be to have Bug wars in ICm chat the other night. Was talking about getting mantis to get rid of the borg and how bad it would be to watch the onslaught...lol. And I never really got anyone else to chime in that this would be AWESOME to watch while baked to the max....just sit there and stare at your own little National Geographic episode inside your cab...LOL. I concluded it was a moment of stoner inspiration at the time too...now I'm not so sure....HAHAHAHA.

on a side note....garden is looking good! Still watching.



Active member
Holy cow Jamie! Those are coming along nicely. I didn't realize quite how far into flower you were. Obviously, don't hit em with anything like neem now (unless you want weed tasting of neem!). I reckon you'll probably get away with it. We always get the last laugh anyway... hope you don't mind the occasional "snap, crackle and pop" as you smoke :D


looking good Jamie, glad you got a good vibe going today after battling those shitty bugs,,peace


Everything is looking sweet there m8, ur definately gonna have ur hands full...... of some sweet sticky bud :woohoo:

Gr8 grow m8 even more so with it being ya 1st, i hope u got the mites under control..

By the way m8 gr8 set u played on sunday :respect:
:wave:Ya doin good for a first-time grower man!! And DEATH to all Mites!! Grrr :D
Just did some research on predatory mites..Maybe this might help (soz itz just in dutch...):

# Phytoseiulus persimilis: een 0,6mm. grote, zeer beweeglijke spintroofmijt die direct op zoek gaat naar de spintmijt. De volwassen roofmijt bejaagt de spintmijt in alle stadia, ook de eieren worden verorberd. De larven van de roofmijt zijn ook actief; zij eten de eieren en de jonge spintnimfen. Een hogere temperatuur (max. 30°C) en luchtvochtigheid (>65%) leiden tot een grotere activiteit van deze roofmijt. U kunt deze roofmijt dus helpen door de luchtvochtigheid op peil te houden; de spintmijt houdt van een lagere luchtvochtigheid. Onder voor deze roofmijt optimale omstandigheden, planten zij zich ongeveer 2x zo snel voort als de spintmijt. De roofmijten zijn verpakt in een flesje van 300 exemplaren, goed voor ongeveer 40 planten. De inhoud van het flesje verspreid uitstrooien op de bladeren van de planten. Preventief uitzetten heeft geen zin omdat deze mijt de eigen soortgenoten eet wanneer er een gebrek is aan spintmijten.
# Macrolophus caliginosus: een groene roofwants van 2 tot 4 mm. groot met rode ogen en lange appelgroene antennes. Doordat het wantsje hoog op de pootjes staat kan ze zich zeer snel verplaatsen. Deze roofwants bejaagt de spintmijt eveneens in al haar ontwikkelingsstadia. Hoewel deze roofwants een voorkeur heeft voor de witte vlieg als prooi, pakt hij dus ook de spintmijt aan, evenals bladluis en tripsen. Deze roofwants kent een langzame ontwikkeling (19-20 dagen) en blijft ongeveer 30-40 dagen actief. Aantal eieren: 100-200. De optimale temperatuur voor deze roofwants: 25°C.​

Hopefully that'll get ya a lil further..here's the link (in dutch) for the entire page on all the critters we don't want in our garden:

BBL, Low


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
thanks for the kind words all... and thanks for the tips too :smile:

sorry LowLander... I didnt record it this week... there'll be another next week though :wink:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
thanks :smile:

at this time of night, I just like sitting with my girls drinking a beer, chuckling to myself when I spot clusters of crystals ... it makes me happy :smile:


ICMag Donor
thanks :smile:

at this time of night, I just like sitting with my girls drinking a beer, chuckling to myself when I spot clusters of crystals ... it makes me happy :smile:

I find that in moments of distress, if I go play around in my garden, it really helps clear my head and helps me just let go. The whole process of taking care of and growing the plants is almost like a meditation of sorts.

I found that growing plants IS actually addictive...using them...not so much.



Right on guys it is very relaxing after a stressful day even when shit is a clusterfuck right jamie lol,,,peace all


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
it's true .. even at the "height of the mite crisis" its still a pleasure to be in there. more so after a good few of them have been dispatched of though :smile:


I find that in moments of distress, if I go play around in my garden, it really helps clear my head and helps me just let go. The whole process of taking care of and growing the plants is almost like a meditation of sorts.
I found that growing plants IS actually addictive...using them...not so much.

Backstreet's back. :joint:


Whoa! Nice! I will be watching this. Great log, sorry to hear about the mites. Plants look great nonetheless.
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