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~Kief Junkie & QueenKief's 250w Organic Medi-Cab (soil) Grow!~ ~Pure & Blue Mystic~


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
j.guit.err: Thanks for stopping by. We're so relieved they finally worked out too!

Cozy: They sprouted on 2/8, in the paper towel. They broke the surface of their cubes on 2/10. Looking good for being so young, eh? Nice sprouts you got there yourself; I've been watching your journal. Thanks for coming by and thanks for the shout-out to my better half; she's an integral part of this too, she just isn't much for online forums (she reads the journal but doesn't post, even though she has a login...maybe someday I can talk her into it!).

JamieShoes: They do indeed look rather lovely, don't they!? Thanks for dropping in to say hello. :wave:

And thanks to all you lurkers who read our journal. Come out and say hello from time to time. We won't bite. :smile:

32 Joints

New member
Hey there KJ things are looking great so far. Sorry to hear about your germination problems. I too had major problems with germination getting started but eventually figured out it was because I had received some bad advice about seed storage. At least after getting 3/3 with the Pure and Blue Mystic you can confident that its the seeds and not your technique.

We have quite a bit in common. I also grow under a 250 in a cab although mine is slightly smaller with a flowering area 35"x21" and veg room 12"x21". I also name my plants similarly to you. My 3 Pures in veg are Paula, Perdita and Petunia. Great minds think alike I guess. :)

Its nice to see someone with the same enthusiasm I had on my first run. I remember checking the cab several times a day. I literally couldn't let a day go by without looking at them. Let me tell you, I will always remember sitting down on my couch with a nice pipefull of my first home grown weed. Probably one of the proudest moments of my life and one I'll never forget. Becoming self-sufficient really is the right thing to do.


Looking forward to how everything turns out! Probably going to pick up tools and some wood this weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to get a start. It's tough when you don't have anything (tools, etc) to get started!

Keep an eye out for a new thread!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Hey there KJ things are looking great so far. Sorry to hear about your germination problems. I too had major problems with germination getting started but eventually figured out it was because I had received some bad advice about seed storage. At least after getting 3/3 with the Pure and Blue Mystic you can confident that its the seeds and not your technique.

Amen to that! It may have been our technique right in the beginning, but it was quickly apparent that the beans were more to blame. I just hope that doesn't mean that our BubbleDust beans are also bad, as we were unable to germ 3 of them so far.

We have quite a bit in common. I also grow under a 250 in a cab although mine is slightly smaller with a flowering area 35"x21" and veg room 12"x21". I also name my plants similarly to you. My 3 Pures in veg are Paula, Perdita and Petunia. Great minds think alike I guess. :)

They do indeed. That's crazy that you'd also pick Petunia for your Pure!

Its nice to see someone with the same enthusiasm I had on my first run. I remember checking the cab several times a day. I literally couldn't let a day go by without looking at them. Let me tell you, I will always remember sitting down on my couch with a nice pipefull of my first home grown weed. Probably one of the proudest moments of my life and one I'll never forget. Becoming self-sufficient really is the right thing to do.

How sweet that was, eh? I can't wait to sit down with my lady and toke on our first bowl of home grown medicine!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Looking forward to how everything turns out! Probably going to pick up tools and some wood this weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to get a start. It's tough when you don't have anything (tools, etc) to get started!

Keep an eye out for a new thread!

I feel your pain. As you know, I too had no tools with which to build a cab before we started (ok, I owned a hammer). Living in places where I couldn't keep tools or work on projects like this put us behind the curve and buying the tools we needed just to start this project was a big hit to the wallet. But it'll be worth it in the long run, not only for the cab but for our workshop which now has good tools in it!

32 Joints

New member
I am with you guys. I live in a condo so not much handywork to be done around here. Beyond some hand tools and a drill, I also had to buy everything. A jig saw, drill bits, hole saws etc. etc. etc. In the end I spent about $1800 to build my cab but I wasn't about to cheap out on secutiry and my cab is pretty stealth.

But the way I look at it... decent bud is about $250/oz around here. At that price I had the cab paid off after just 2 crops and its still going strong. It saves me tons of money now and even more since I started cloning and running perpetual. I don't fret about expensive seeds now...its still miles cheaper than buying on the street.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I feel your pain. As you know, I too had no tools with which to build a cab before we started (ok, I owned a hammer).

right with you there, KJ. I've been lucky to borrow the neighbours jigsaw and drill a couple of times and lets just say I get through a LOT of nails and duct tape (duct tape is THE essential in my tool box ;) )



...I too had no tools with which to build a cab before we started (ok, I owned a hammer)...

Ha! I had a hammer too...and a socket set, I guess.

I agree...it'll be nice to have some tools. I found a nice combo kit on sale today - circular saw, jigsaw, cordless drill and a light (umm...yeah) on sale for $100!!! It came with bits and blades, too!

I'll pick up some wood and screws tomorrow and begin construction. Can't wait for my tax refund to come, then we're in BIG business! Woo-hoo! :woohoo:


Combo kits are the best man. I used to work at a Target so I got all of the clearance tool sets when they came out. I swear I must've only spent about $100 bucks for about $600 of tools. Man I love tools....gggrggl.

K.J. I've started grow #2, and my seedlings are about the size of yours. Hopefully we'll both have some luck!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I agree...it'll be nice to have some tools. I found a nice combo kit on sale today - circular saw, jigsaw, cordless drill and a light (umm...yeah) on sale for $100!!! It came with bits and blades, too!

I hope these aren't from Harbor Freight? That seems a pretty cheap price for all of those tools. I would stay FAR away from any power tools sold by Harbor Freight. Trust me, you get what you pay for when it comes to power tools (personal experience here). I would highly, highly recommend saving up a few more bucks to purchase something from the Home DePot or Blowe's, either that or just rent the tools you need if you can afford better ones to purchase.

Yeah, the light is a joke eh? Who the hell wants a light with a gigantic battery attached to it when you can get a mini LED flashlight that fits in the palm of your hand, is 10 times as bright, and lasts 100 times as long on a single AAA battery?


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Combo kits are the best man. I used to work at a Target so I got all of the clearance tool sets when they came out. I swear I must've only spent about $100 bucks for about $600 of tools. Man I love tools....gggrggl.

K.J. I've started grow #2, and my seedlings are about the size of yours. Hopefully we'll both have some luck!

I'm with you, tools are wonderful to have. I personally love our Dewalt's and we're glad we went with that brand. It's a bit more expensive than a lower end tool like Ryobi, but it was well worth the extra cash.

Good luck with grow #2! Got link?


I hope these aren't from Harbor Freight? That seems a pretty cheap price for all of those tools. I would stay FAR away from any power tools sold by Harbor Freight. Trust me, you get what you pay for when it comes to power tools (personal experience here). I would highly, highly recommend saving up a few more bucks to purchase something from the Home DePot or Blowe's, either that or just rent the tools you need if you can afford better ones to purchase.

Yeah, the light is a joke eh? Who the hell wants a light with a gigantic battery attached to it when you can get a mini LED flashlight that fits in the palm of your hand, is 10 times as bright, and lasts 100 times as long on a single AAA battery?

Here's my thoughts...my experience with tools is this. I don't own any, but in my work over the past "few" years or so, I've had the experience to work with fine quality tools. I know that just like anything else, you pay for what you get, but for right now, this is all I can afford and for the amount of use that I actually plan on getting out of these tools, they should hold up.

As far as harbor frieght is concerned, I had my doubts about them a few years ago, but I have owned a dremel style tool for about 3 years now and it still works great!

If I worked in the trade and were using these tools on a daily basis, sure, I'd have gone with a big-name, quality tool. But for small applications like building this cab, hanging pictures in my rented apartment or assembling a bookshelf from IKEA or something, these will work just fine.

I'll invest in some better tools later. Besides, the cost of renting tools is outrageous and I would have spent more renting than actually purchasing an inexpensive combo and having them on-hand, all the time, you know?



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Here's my thoughts...my experience with tools is this. I don't own any, but in my work over the past "few" years or so, I've had the experience to work with fine quality tools. I know that just like anything else, you pay for what you get, but for right now, this is all I can afford and for the amount of use that I actually plan on getting out of these tools, they should hold up.

As far as harbor frieght is concerned, I had my doubts about them a few years ago, but I have owned a dremel style tool for about 3 years now and it still works great!

If I worked in the trade and were using these tools on a daily basis, sure, I'd have gone with a big-name, quality tool. But for small applications like building this cab, hanging pictures in my rented apartment or assembling a bookshelf from IKEA or something, these will work just fine.

I'll invest in some better tools later. Besides, the cost of renting tools is outrageous and I would have spent more renting than actually purchasing an inexpensive combo and having them on-hand, all the time, you know?


I'm with you, I really am (I could have written that same post a few months ago when we started this project).

If you'll notice in one of our first pictures, there's a blue cordless drill; that came from Harbor Freight, as did the hole drill set we bought. The drill lasted for about 1 panel before it was obvious that it just wasn't strong enough to do the job without stripping the hell out of every single screw we used. It was very frustrating until we went and bought the Dewalt and it was immediately obvious how much different they were in terms of quality and ability to do the job. Sure, we still strip screws with the Dewalt, but not every single one of them....hehe. As for the hole drill set, it worked for the ventilation holes we drilled, but it took about 4 times as long to do each one, and they were so dull that it seemed the hole was being burned out not cut out. We threw the entire set away immediately after drilling the six holes we needed.

Now, we did get one item from HF that has worked well and seems to be of decent quality: the steel C-clamps. But everything else we've purchased there was worth exactly what we paid for it, if not less.

Anyway, I wasn't trying to talk shit or anything, just offering up my two cents based on personal experience. Go with whatever you can afford and with what works for you!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I'm very sad to have to inform you all that we've had our first casualty. Bonita kicked the bucket (or is in the advanced stages anyway).

She was looking just fine until the other morning when I checked up on them only to find her flopped completely over onto the top of the soil, as if she'd passed out. Everything about her looked okay; green leaves, stem, etc. but she was completely limp.

My first thought was overwatering. We had just put her in soil the night before and because she was so tall we buried her a little deeper so that the soil would support the lower part of the stem better. We watered her afterward and the soil looked more compact than the Pure pots did. My wife thinks it was the fan that blew her down, which is possible, but the other Blue Mystic sprouts were just fine (though they were lower down in their cubes inside the cloner tray, so that may have protected them some).

We propped her up against the name tag sign that's in her pot, hoping that eventually she would strengthen up. And she did for a day, even managing to have a growth spurt on her new leaves. But when I looked in there this morning, she's looking all floppy again and is now looking kind of wilted, but she's still nice and green.

What do you guys think might have happened?

We're still working on the cab and we should have the casters installed tonight. The doors still aren't even started, but we hope to get to those this week. We just didn't have the time and energy to work on it last week.

The Pure ladies and the other Blue Mystic's are all looking really good. I'll try and put some pics up soon!


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
check the base of the stems for "damping" if that's the issue the stem will be white or brown and soft around the base. sorry I don't have any proper advcie to offer, I'm still 100% new, but this is something I've read quite a lot on. - avoid damping off by watering around the plant away from the stem base (if that's what it is)

good luck KJ


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
check the base of the stems for "damping" if that's the issue the stem will be white or brown and soft around the base. sorry I don't have any proper advcie to offer, I'm still 100% new, but this is something I've read quite a lot on. - avoid damping off by watering around the plant away from the stem base (if that's what it is)

good luck KJ

Thanks JamieShoes...I'll check into damping. I've heard of it, but I've never studied much about it.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
it's one avenue worth checking as you can identify just by looking :) ...it looks like this if it is


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Thanks for the pics. They do look similar in the sense that they're wilted, but the stem isn't white with that blackish area; it's green/dark purple. But after doing a little research on Google, it does look to me like damping off might be our problem. It makes sense since we buried it deeper into the soil, watered it probably a tad too much, and the top layer was more compact than it should have been. Lesson learned!


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I mean this with all humility, its the number one mistake us new guys make, too much care (water) being given - thats actually one of the reasons I went with coco.. its near impossible to overwater...and if youre anything like me, you want to be in there and "tending to something" at least once a day ;)


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I mean this with all humility, its the number one mistake us new guys make, too much care (water) being given - thats actually one of the reasons I went with coco.. its near impossible to overwater...and if youre anything like me, you want to be in there and "tending to something" at least once a day ;)

Yeah, I hear that alot (and I don't take it the wrong way). In this case though, it wasn't a matter of killing with kindness, more just a misjudgment about how much water was in the soil. Sometimes it looks drier than it is! I think also that pushing it so far down into the soil so as to bury the first inch of her stem created some problems; she was leggy and we wanted to try and shorten her up from the soil upwards. It worked fine with Peanut, but I guess we compacted the wet soil too much and that allowed the fungus to grow.