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Apothecary OG Kush,Tangerine Kush,Strawberry creme...

i didnt think you had dropped it, someone got it confused and inadvertantly got my hopes up, lol. It just sounds like something special :joint:


Damn, hell of a lineup my friend. The Screme is definately one of my favorite tasting smokes ever, shes a keeper for life in my book. It was very kind of CBF to let it out to the masses and now apparently, the m,ed clubs.

Keep up the great work. Take care and stay safe



Smoking Gun said:
Ok, I guess this was just a Freudian slip. Its all good. I just kinda confused for a bit. Either way, NNCC's patients got great genetics from a great source.

My bad you are totally right. I am a stoner and make mistakes sometimes. I wasnt even aware of this one until now. What I ment to say was that I dropped cuts of the Red Grape not Red Congolese. Sorry about that.


Thanks Guys,I ran my room at mid 70's when the lights were on and it would get as cold as 60 when the lights were off. I got the cut from Karma Collective about 2 years ago.


Apothecary Kaia Kush

Apothecary Kaia Kush

Hey OG - I am currently vegging out your Kaia Kush from nncc. Been about two weeks since I put her in soil and she has been doing well, although a bit slow to veg - I am wondering if you observed this on the mom? Here's a pic of her current stature:


I am thinking of starting 12/12 on her in three more days - but wondering does she stretch well and yield well? I am running a small cab and keeping my babies short and bushy is key - well, any advice would be great, but I know you still don't have much flowering experience with her, just anything you may have heard from Brett, thanks! dragor
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OG:The flavor on the Tang kush tastes like bubba and tangerines. It is very strong smoke. I only flowered out one plant to test it out last time and I wish I would have filled up half the room with it.

Drago:Your Kaia looks good. My mother vegs pretty quick,about the same rate of growth as a good OG or Chem pheno. I did super crop some of my Kaia plants and they responded well to it. You might want to try that. I have heard it yeilds really well.


Gratzi OGo - I would love to supercrop her but I just don't have the time to wait for the repair process to happen, I am limited on time in my current setup and have planned for a full 9 week flowering cycle, starting real soon. She is pretty tiny still right now, but with clones it's different than seeds I think - I once put a 5" schrom into flower and ended up with a beast of a plant - so we'll see how heavy this baby will get! I did a lil' bit of LST on her to increase branching from the bottom, you're right it does veg pretty decent I guess ;) Those leaves on her are so siiic, not sure if its the OG or the SSH but the leaf pattern looks so sharp, like some high quality tire treads or something lol! Have you started flowering her yet bro?
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215 User

Where is the NNCC?

Just had a interview in Tarzana yesterday & would've picked up the Tangerine Kush.

Holla back :joint:


OGorganic said:
OG:The flavor on the Tang kush tastes like bubba and tangerines. It is very strong smoke. I only flowered out one plant to test it out last time and I wish I would have filled up half the room with it.

Thanks for the info bruddah OG, its deffinitly one i want to get ahold of ever since i saw you post the pictures of it! :) But now that ive heard about it from you , it makes the urge to get her in my stables that much more intense ;)


i picked your cuts up about two months ago. I got the tang, apothecary chem, o. diesel, and dabney. I was wondering if the others besides the tang. were from you. i was also wondering how long you let these strains go?

Tang. 6 weeks

Original Diesel

dabney Blue

chem that i bent the stem at week 4
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those pics are about a week old. I will take better ones tonight. I am very happy with all. They started a good deal smaller than my sr-71 clones that i am running with them but am now pleasantly happy to say they have beefed up to just about the same size.

OG got any info for how long to flower and such?


RxLurk Is the original diesel you have also known as diesel #1, daywrecker, or headband?
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