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Drumskinz Spicy Pepperoni Grow


Well-known member
I think the detailing didn't come out to bad...I think she has a good chance of selling


Well-known member
It is…well on eBay I’ve seen them go for anywhere between $1,000 and $10,000… there are some listed all over used car sites for $12,000 and $20,000…
Honestly, would've guessed at least 10k, but i don't know the market well, and I suppose it depends a lot on mileage, condition, clean title, etc. She looks like an absolute beauty though. If I were a rich man I'd scoop that right up.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Your van is worth the top end of the price range. It is not going to be easy finding another that clean. I wish there were more people like you who take care of things like you do. I hope you get some nice cake for it!

Raining good down your way? I'm not going to be able to do any outside work for a solid week after this rain finally stops. Oi


Well-known member
Sorry I didn’t get a chance to yesterday to post…but my lovely bride had throat surgery…got up at 4am to get to Crouse Hospital in Syracuse, NY…surgery didn’t start til 9:30 am and didn’t get back home til almost 4pm…she had a compacted cyst just above her vocal cords…the procedure took a couple hours…and the surgery came out nicely…cyst was totally removed with absolutely no chance of coming back and there was another smaller one on the opposite side that the surgeon said was no threat at all and I asked him what about down the road and he said almost no chance at all for development…noncancerous too!!!! for both…After surgery she had a very dry and uncomfortable throat…gave her ice cubes and short sips of water while in recovery…when I got to see her she was able to drink normally…told her to eat lighter food and couldn’t drive for a few days…this morning she said she feels real good and her voice sounds a bit stronger too…and of course she wants to drive somewhere…prolly shopping lol…that’s just gonna have to wait…A very young and well educated doctor…was with us every step of the way…he originally studied and practiced in Rochester, NY and will be going back there this coming summer to continue his practice…I said to him I lost my falsetto voice about 10 years ago and had to learn how sing lower parts especially for harmony…he told me to come see him and he’d definitely help me out


Not Veteran
It is a compact disc player…I’m sure when the Astro Van premiered it had a tape deck in it 🤣…mine’s a 2005 the last year it was in production
I thought the slot on the top was a tape player where it says Dolby, lol. Regardless, that's a very nice vehicle you have for sale. Showed my wife and she couldn't believe how clean it was for the mileage. Good luck with your sale 😁