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Scott Family Farms 2023 releases . . .


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Im sure panic has burning bush and one or two other official scott family farms seeds on the seed boutique/ seedbay site if anyone wants to check those out

Yes, they are. That's where I got them.

Burning Bush regs

I will have to admit that my germ rate wasn't great with these, but it may have been me or my storage etc so I lay no blame, just caution.


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End of week 4 of flower. Supercropped, staked and trussed up for support . . . bulking up nicely.


Dirt Life

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So, haven't posted in awhile due to circumstances. So, came across this thread, read fist page, then clicked last pg.. color me surprised that Reef/Charles yet again is ripping people off.. been going on for decades. I seriously can't belive ppl still send this man $$.. Long time ago, was taken for a few hundred by him. I remember his "controversy" with white nationalist/racial ideologies, and he "apologized", and all his fan boys jumped on that train. I remember he came back to forums a few years ago, hawking his wares.. he might have some good genes, but how good are they when he takes money from you, and you get diddly-squat, other than rude PMs or emails? Now I read he's going to avoid forums? Probably cause he's got new potential "clientel" (read; suckers, no offence, as I was once one of them @ one point) on social media platforms. I truly hope his name is remembered THIS TIME as a scammer, cause he seems to scam, dissappear, then come back to scam more.


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But, with that said, beautiful plant TBD..

Thank you. It is an easy plant to grow.

For those dropping into this thread . . . I have been posting grow pics here because my diary disappeared when the Scott Family node went into the ozone. As I pointed out above, it is the last of a pack of Burning Bush regulars that I got from SeedBay. My germ rate was not great but I don’t know the age of them etc. I have had them for more than 2 years. 3 germed and 2 were males – healthy males btw - that I culled.

The plant is a like 6 foot Christmas tree with long side branching. It is an outdoor plant . . . that I am growing indoors in a 4x4 in coco with nutes in 3 gallon pots. Daily feed to drain. I vegged for 5 weeks and then flipped. I had to supercrop the main stalk to fit it under the lights with the side branches bouncing off the tent walls – showing its outdoor intention. The colas on these branches that have swelled up very nicely with wonderful aromas of musky lemon but this weight does require support from above or it would all bend down. The meaty main cola is tied off horizontally – which explains this current pic:


In week 6 of what I call 'real' flower and it still has some more to go obviously. The orange hairs started last week.
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Just starting week 8 . . . and we have some foxtailing going on. I don't know if it is genetic (Sinai cultivar's seem to have this tendency from the little I have seen) or if it was some sort of stress but it is happening. So I cut the light to 11/13 and raised them to the max - they were already close - and I cut the nutes a bit to reduce N while adding some PK13-14. This plant is destined for a hash run so all is good but it will confuse the finish a bit potentially.



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Looking good TBD.

Looks decent

Thanks guys. It is starting its fade so I cut nutes and I started flushing. An interesting sour lemon smell with lots of chunky buds. It should make some nice hash. As a plant, the weak side branching is a big concern but maybe if it was grown outside the sun would solve that. It was not a practical indoor plant since it needed so much support.


Active member
Wow hey all I have Spent 2 years in the literal Jungle selecting plants from some of the very best lines on earth , I can see a haters fest popped up here I am not on these forums and the reason my forum is gone is I was not wanting to pay to keep it here when I dont like to come on here , we sold some seeds from Jamaica 85% made it slow as hell and some did not and we replaced them .

I am just not going to answer to. the Hurtful things said here again calling me a Nazi , etc etc So many people just make up off the hook hate filled lies , We shipped 100% of all seeds ordered and most arrived and others people need to email us and I will make sure it gets right , when you place a seed order from a third world country its not going to be a fast and smooth process , I produced a whole lot of seeds and I want the people to get t
hem grow them and show them , not hate filled drama , I actually am shocked that people are so negative and hate filled that they put the energy they do in writing the things they do .
It would take a whole lot to motivate me to such negativity at this point in my life . Here is Kevin Jodrey Talking to my Daughter and I in Jamaica about the work we were just completing , Its really interesting how much hate there is for me I really had no idea this project broke me I put everything I had into it becuase I love the plant and I had some rare ones from Nevil and Some others I got in Mexico decades ago from Skunkman work that I had poured the past 8 years into and I might not have. the opportunity to preserve again it was not for or about money we sold some seeds from Jamaica at the end to try to preserve the project to get it done , we went hungry at times and had to fight to keep lights on . So many are focussed on everything I am not , haha you buy my seeds when you buy seeds from a good portion of breeders my Pink Congo , Love Potion so so many more are in so much of the work from BC haha not sure what motivates your hate , I give away more seeds than I ever sold , Hey all of you stay Blessed I am sorry it was a logistic nightmare getting the seeds out of Jamaica Liberty sent every seed , if you are polite and communicate I will hook you up , seeds are in the UK now and will be up soon , but please the hate and lies is just uncool but if you feel better I guess its your way

Please people who did not receive seeds email me please everyone has a order number
[email protected]



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This is weird, in the Video he says like everything a Sativalover would like to hear the other Sativalover say..

Im really wondering till today what to think about Reeferman.. I could imagine he sometimes doesent care too much about shipping, of fullfilling Orders.. That might be part of his charakter, and is of corse a bit stressful for the Buyer.. Often i myselve hunt for years to pull the trigger on someting, if it there are complications, im just nerved .
Just trying to explain what happens here.. So i guess he did some mistakes sometimes ?
I mean even this "Jamican guys dont ship well" excuse might be a bit the same.. One could say Reeferman was just not making shure enough the stuff arives.. he could have sent test-shipments many times.. To find this out early on.

So, i see two very different Aspects in Reeferman,
And i cant possibly say wich one is true..
Even i got seed from allegedly Reeferman one day, i cant know if its "true". But i like that Strain. This guy could select the next big Haze out of atleast hundrets of plants and simply sell them. I say like that, i personaly would not give him up..