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Scott Family Farms 2023 releases . . .

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
I saw one of my posts quoted so I will respond.
I do believe that zSkeletoRz is a real paying customer who's order has been either screwed up by Dan or Dave or whoever was handling things. By the time our pissed off member here got to Charles our friend here was already confused and pissed off.
I don't accept the excuses and comments from Charles but I have retail , shipping/receiving and management experience , albeit with legal products, as a background. You can't lead with excuses and you can't lead with bragging about what you have accomplished while you brush off what is most likely an outstanding order.
Grandstanding and berating folks who just want what they paid for is not cool and is a hit to the reputation in my view.
Now I did get the seeds I wanted but a friend placed the order for 4 of us in 2 seperate orders. Oddly enough the second order arrived first and my packs were in the first order and that's about when the mayhem broke out here.
Now "I am" a Canadian breeder but I don't see Charles or any other Canadian breeder as competition I see them all as compadres, brothers and sisters with a higher love for the plant.
Just finished G13Bx from some of Charle's older work. The seeds came from the vault of the late Classic Seeds and I believe were the Airborne G13 (airborne g13 x Santa Marta Columbian Gold)
Really nice smoke..... kinda skunky and dank with a really nice floaty high to it that energizes me somewhat.
Wish I had kept a clone but I found a few nanners late in the run , appreaing in the very tips of the flowers so I culled the clones. Oh well. Great smoke though

Once Charles irons out his supply chain and has reputable folks selling for him, I'm sure things will go much smoother. Hemp Depot and Great Lakes Genetics ....... easy peasy.
He doesn’t say resellers tho. He just mentions a website. No name. Like someone will put one together for him. Sounds EXACTLY like what he said before. Always a few weeks away. I dunno, man. If they show up at GLG or Hemp Depot or BDSC or Attitude or… (you get the idea) then cool. But no point in hearing more promises. If it’s a done deal and live, then say something. It’s so basic and simple. Just do it the normal way. Everyone else does and it works fine.

Also his Green Twister sock puppet account and the Carolina one that just flooded the thread were pretty sad. Like seriously, why do that? That’s just creepy.

It’s too bad. All that potential being wasted.


Well-known member
His email is easy to find. I can find his email with a simple google search. I can search for bus LinkedIN account. His Facebook is really easy to find and has every detail of what he enjoys in his life.
You have not applied yourself. You have not put forth the effort for an easy resolution. Website is down.... what do you do??? Go to ICMag and complain? Isn’t this an upstanding forum??

PICTURED is one of Charles most amazing creations he hasn’t shared with the community yet..... stone to the bone strong!!
F7 Skunk From Scratch X F9 Blueberry Male

Do you know where he sourced his blueberry from?
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Do you know where he sourced his blueberry from?
He got the original from DJ’s first drop in an old Canadian seed shop. Not sure if that was Emery’s shop.
He has Blue Heaven, Frazier Valley Blueberry, and if that FVBberry isn’t the same he has one “linebred Blueberry F9-F10. Not sure what else.
Sorry but you are wrong. He is a grower in OK who just happens to really like reef as a breeder. I do too btw . . .
Yes sir. Everything is all licensed and proper in OK. Ha ha there’s like 7,000 commercial cultivators. And tons of medical grows out here. This is my hometown region and is why I don’t mind sharing photos and answering questions. I wanted to share my experience with Scott Family Farms because it really hasn’t been anything but positive since we met several years back. From the internet I’ve watched him get back to Jamaica and build a totally brand new farm and succeed at reproducing and preserving his collection. I know his biggest goal was to be able to finally release his entire collection to the public.
I’ll include a picture of me. I don’t recommend anyone to lay on a boar that massive.
I saw one of my posts quoted so I will respond.
I do believe that zSkeletoRz is a real paying customer who's order has been either screwed up by Dan or Dave or whoever was handling things. By the time our pissed off member here got to Charles our friend here was already confused and pissed off.
I don't accept the excuses and comments from Charles but I have retail , shipping/receiving and management experience , albeit with legal products, as a background. You can't lead with excuses and you can't lead with bragging about what you have accomplished while you brush off what is most likely an outstanding order.
Grandstanding and berating folks who just want what they paid for is not cool and is a hit to the reputation in my view.
Now I did get the seeds I wanted but a friend placed the order for 4 of us in 2 seperate orders. Oddly enough the second order arrived first and my packs were in the first order and that's about when the mayhem broke out here.
Now "I am" a Canadian breeder but I don't see Charles or any other Canadian breeder as competition I see them all as compadres, brothers and sisters with a higher love for the plant.
Just finished G13Bx from some of Charle's older work. The seeds came from the vault of the late Classic Seeds and I believe were the Airborne G13 (airborne g13 x Santa Marta Columbian Gold)
Really nice smoke..... kinda skunky and dank with a really nice floaty high to it that energizes me somewhat.
Wish I had kept a clone but I found a few nanners late in the run , appreaing in the very tips of the flowers so I culled the clones. Oh well. Great smoke though

Once Charles irons out his supply chain and has reputable folks selling for him, I'm sure things will go much smoother. Hemp Depot and Great Lakes Genetics ....... easy peasy.
Sorry to drag you back in dude!!
Hey that ABG13 is most likely purebred or has a Hashplant BX in the background. I had Wakeford last year and had several phenos with the taste/flavor you described. The Wakefords were S1 so seeing some different combos of the genetics. It was cool to see blends of phenos and some parental representative traits coming back out. But his SMCG puts a lot of lemons and such in the mix.

No nanners of any sort in Wakeford and I abused the shit outta her!!!! He told me not to grow her outdoors in Oklaboma but I did it. She made it strong and nanner less. Wakeford pictured


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sorry about that Green Twister (how Canadian of me) it sounded exactly like previous reef posts when I read them.

I should probably reiterate at this point that I did get my seeds. Too late for outdoor this year but I do plan to run them next year, and if I can get something resembling the Red Congolese I used to buy back in the day I’ll be happy.

I still also think that the many criticisms in this thread have validity to them.

Bad business practices and customer service should not be excused as the idiosyncrasies of some sort of savant breeder. That is bullshit imo.
sorry about that Green Twister (how Canadian of me) it sounded exactly like previous reef posts when I read them.

I should probably reiterate at this point that I did get my seeds. Too late for outdoor this year but I do plan to run them next year, and if I can get something resembling the Red Congolese I used to buy back in the day I’ll be happy.

I told Reef as a friend I had read this thread and felt like I was gonna at least say what I know and leave it at that. Hopefully to chill out some of the heat... ha ha. I don’t take responsibility for any in-betweens. But what I’ve said is gonna be the same answer if ever asked again😊.
I’m just a veggie/pig farmer and really appreciate cannabis and it’s medicinal ability.

Excellent! You got your seeds!! I know people who didn’t get them until June and still got 6’ tall candlebra structures from some.

Hope you got some of his newly worked Red Congolese lineage. I know Reef had the Red Congolese cut with him in Jamaica.

I think he used it on Lambsbreath, 4way Haze, severl others. I swear he did a chem x Congolese. Not sure what all he’s releasing first batch with this European seed company.
I want to try his Sandlewood haze I think it’s called. Look for that in the description at least if you like that flavor. May I ask what your gonna grow of his

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
Sorry to drag you back in dude!!
Hey that ABG13 is most likely purebred or has a Hashplant BX in the background. I had Wakeford last year and had several phenos with the taste/flavor you described. The Wakefords were S1 so seeing some different combos of the genetics. It was cool to see blends of phenos and some parental representative traits coming back out. But his SMCG puts a lot of lemons and such in the mix.

No nanners of any sort in Wakeford and I abused the shit outta her!!!! He told me not to grow her outdoors in Oklaboma but I did it. She made it strong and nanner less. Wakeford pictured
hey no worries. Ya I'm currently on the G13 hunt with many different "G13's" being sent my way to sift thru. I had bad luck with the G13bx1 that I mention in my previous post. There were 10 seeds altogether and I popped them on two seperate occassions. First grow produced a male that started throwing pistils so I killed him. Second seed pop the only plant that came up was a mutated little seedling that I nursed along. It actually grew into a really nice columbian sativa type plant but like i say, it popped tip of flower nanners so I culled the clones. Not really finding any seed in the smoke so I am kinda kicking myself for not keeping it around.
These seeds came to me by way of Texas Jack as he sorts thru the seed vault he inherited from the late Classic Seeds. Genus Seeds is working a "BC Hashplant" into some crosses and that might be charles's work too. Not sure if it's the same as what I grew but we got them from Classic's Vault.
In the vault there was several decade plus old packs of reeferman stuff. I mentioned them earlier in the thread.
There is:
Butterscotch Hawaian F3
Burma Berry
El Diablo
Bazooka Joe Bubble Gum
Purple Pineberry
and one that is just marked "Unknown"

about the blueberry
Fraser Valley Blueberry Hashplant began as a Hell's Angels commercial clone. I don't know exactly where it originated but it was widely grown for cash crop in the BC Lowermainland/Fraser Valley where I grew up.
I started growing it around 95 along with NL#5 and the club stash Hashplant. No idea on origins of any of these but I am gonna spitball a guess and say they came from the McCorde area in Oregon because I know that there were some tight ties between BC and Oregon in the 90's. With the arrival of "the kush" in the early 2000's a lot of the other clones were ditched by the bikers and affiliates and the clones faded out of circulation except for a select few. I have access to the Fraser Valley Blueberry but what my cannabis life quest is to find that hashplant the bikers and affiliates were growing in Langley and Surrey BC in the 90's
Is the Hashplant your looking for TeaCup? Reef said it was a big part of production in that region.
If I remember right it’s hashy, but a light berry hash, big round bushes with several Lbows on them each. Over 20%. But she doesn’t withstand a ton of rain. Finishes in September. She almost autoflowers if you don’t keep her close to 20/4

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
No i don't think it was the teacup.
That one was a staple early outdoor commercial clone in the BC interior.
When I moved north from the fraser valley 15 years ago a buddy of mine here was still humping 5 to 10 thousand clone outdoor crops in the mountains here. Several of the outdoor farmers in those circles would work together to maintain and then harvest those crops. They were growing teacup and lemon hashplant and another one called landcruiser which was a semi auto from what I understand. Legalization killed that entire community and nobody guerilla grows around here anymore.

The hashplant I seek was indoor only and I didn;t know of anyone growing it outside back then. It was not a commercially viable plant..... it was grown for stash. It would be done at 52 days with ambering trichomes. It had a compact growing stature and had wide leaves with red petioles and stem streaks. It had a flavor of strong musty afghan black hash. Or that flavor and smell that comes from piping the resin dust in a bud grinder. And the exhale was mossy, distinct sandal wood type incence lingering in the nose if you exhaled it out the nostrils which was my favorite way hehehe. I kept it for personal stash and very rarely sold it to anyone. I'm not sure when reef arrived in the lowermainland as I thought he was out in the praries when he started out..... ? Anyways literally nobody else I knew had this plant except for the grow ops we would be taken to for trimming as I ran reliable trim crews back then. Those clandestine grows were extremely well funded and professionally built out in hay and commerical sized chicken barns all over the fraser valley. The hay bale barns just looked like they were stacked to the rafters with hay like a normal barn. But under all that hay were structures..... big ones. They always held those three strains, Hashplant, NL5 and Blueberry which would later be known as , or was bred to become the fraser valley blueberry hashplant. So I'm thinking...... Langley BC..... hay bale covered clandestine grows...... 1995 to 2000 ..... if Charles knew any of those folks he just might know of the plant I'm taking about. It was absolutely top shelf smoke in every way and I am really surprised it seems to have faded away.
I have asked charles a couple times over the past few years but never did get an answer on that one.
Green Twister -I don't think it's the new ones. From what I recall, Reef was clearing out existing packs ahead of the harvest. I could've started them late but I already had started my four (well okay, five) plant limit. I'm just a stoner growing as a hobby for personal use. I do have a little closet set-up, but I save that for regular seeds and long-flowering sativas, and do fems outside.
It has been a good summer overall for growing in Ontario. Maybe a little too much rain at times, but no crazy heatwaves or long humid stretches. Plenty of sun. Got a GG4 from TonyGreen that's an absolute beast, a Satori from Mandala that's already got buds happening, a Pre98Bubba cross from Katsu, a Sherbet/Wedding Cake freebie from CSI as my token dessert strain- and the wild card Sensi Star/Puck BX2 from Crickets & Cicada which turned out to be female. So that's keeping my hands full.
I am looking forward to the Red Congo, though. And the Wakeford 2.0 that I grabbed as well.


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Hey, how is everyone getting orders in now that website is down? I don't use Facebook.

Is his harmony on sale yet?

I got my seeds from SeedBay and from the Scott sale last March. At this point you could probably but direct or just wait until it gets to the promised seedbanks in the next month or so. I don't know if he resurrected Harmony.

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