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~Star~Crash~ All & Everything


Masochist Educator

According to the chart they show that lists total incidents of harm to self/others from different substances Im going to list everything after cannabis.

Anabolic steroids

Someone should cram all of that into an extractor and use butane as a solvent for the super dank safer than cannabis special lol.


Well-known member


Well-known member
balderdash! "too much food" indeed, lol. just need more folks to help eat it. i've always wanted a pizza with cannabis instead of oregano, psilocybin mushrooms etc. just the thing to liven up MNF...
I have never put psilocybin mushrooms on pizza. I have put them in stove top stuffing and it came out so terrible I could not eat it.


Masochist Educator
Best experiences with mushrooms according to older/more experienced people ive met has been from teas. Adding lemon juice to green tea preserves the beneficial conpounds longer also I imagine similar reaction with pscilocybin. Personally im after spiritual breakthroughs and have litte to no interest in the highs. I really enjoyed microdosing 1g or less for therapeutic relief/mental stimulation and focus though. Have acess to a lab that willl process psilocybin mushrooms into consistent dose chewable tablets with other plant extracts to maximize bioavailabilty through a member I met on here years ago, just need make determination on lucravity/risk.

Appreciate all of your insight/experiences everyone good vibes.
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Well-known member
Best experiences with mushrooms according to older/more experienced people ive met has been from teas. Adding lemon juice to green tea preserves the beneficial conpounds longer also I imagine similar reaction with pscilocybin. Personally im after spiritual breakthroughs and have litte to no interest in the highs. I really enjoyed microdosing 1g or less for therapeutic relief/mental stimulation and focus though. Have acess to a lab that willl process psilocybin mushrooms into consistent dose chewable tablets with other plant extracts to maximize bioavailabilty through a member I met on here years ago, just need make determination on lucravity/risk.

Appreciate all of your insight/experiences everyone good vibes.
I have found that when I go into an experience looking for something specific it gives me something else. When I have sought spirituality it has given me silliness or just pretty visuals or I have gone to trip with friends and party and ended up curled up having a spiritual experience. These days I mostly try to make sure I have the time to fully immerse myself and to be in the right mood. If I crave it to much it tends to pull away from it and if I wanted to trip one day go into a few days after just because I had had the craving it also is less rewarding. If you have read enough of my posts you know I break all my own rules and learn lessons repeatedly. But I think the best time to trip is when you feel like tripping. If you don't have the time or right environment. Let it pass. And I try to let the experience show me what it wants. Instead of trying to force a result you might not get

With something like LsD, mescaline, dmt or ketamine it really helps to know your measurements and target level of trippy. The difference between 200ug and 400ug can be a bit much for some people. And 800 to 1100 is a lot even for experienced travelers.

With mushroom I think going either really small or upwards of 5 grams is the way to go. A bite or so can brighten a day or make a concert sound and look better. Somewhere between a half gram and gram and a half you start getting little waves of the same experience a larger dose will give you. But it comes and it goes. The more you eat the better and stronger the waves get. Until you ear the right amount and you just go up and level off in a beautiful place. No waves of up and down. And as for going for even higher doses I think somewhere around 7 to 10grams is all anyone needs. I have eaten way more and not got any deeper. You just sweat it out.


mama tried
thats funny yrs back i got lit up at a show those lawnchairs with the beer holders are easy targets for pranksters. i really coulda used a padded room that time it was madness spent most of the peak rolling around on the ground felt like of was falling off the edge of the universe whole lotta colors patterns and melting


Well-known member
felt like of was falling off the edge of the universe
First time I smoked Salvia extract I got about three puffs in and the right side of my body was falling into space. I looked back and forth and held onto my living room with everything I could. I felt like I was choosing between falling into space and being with my family, permanently. I was terrified. And as I came down I still was holding the pipe in front of me. It was the line between home and the rest of the universe. Not sure why but my wife refused to smoke it after that and I got mad at her for looking at me crazy. It took me weeks to explain to her I had just chosen her over outer space.


Chasing The Present
Random currently grow rooms shots ... Everything is on point I don’t want to jinx myself View attachment 18787192
Little upgrades along the ways (tiny dollies), these were on sale on cyber Monday and I grabbed 20 of them, they interlock together and all…




Plants at comfortable height to work on, and they wheel @ easily… surprisingly decent quality casters on these

PS: How ya gonna ever gain weight sliding & carrying all them buckets @ anyhow…

Damn I can’t get this pyrethrin out my nose, too much work today, another seed room taken down…

PPS: I picked up 10 different types spores from Ralphy not long ago, once I get my shit together and make some LC you’re welcome to some if you’d like…

Anyone at your age into eating half zips of boomies has my vote 4 President


Masochist Educator
Im not sure if I mentioned it before, Im a Native American Wiseman and my grandfather a medicine man...I have very strong attenuation for intuitive information/The Akashi Records, belief in fateful aligned meetings/purposeful meaningful connections and sense for people's intentions. Getting better at noticing the breadcrumb pattern of subtle focus changes in my everyday life that correlate to events about to unfold (IE: clock on stove has been wrong for months but power hasnt been off once the 4 months Ive lived here the day it bothers me and I set the correct time power goes out within an hour lol). Also glimpses of future events/places I havent yet been to on the rare occasion I do have dreams.

For years I was lost battling my urges/nature choosing mind over matter (ego sense of self/existence) wondering in dire need of some sort of confirmation that there is more than our physical perception of existence to shed doubts and regrets of opportunities and experiences I chose not to indulge. Read tons of history, religion and philosophy all my life but being told/reading searching for understanding "through the looking glass" does not bring the sense of contentment the experiences themselves provided.

Ive met the shadow version of myself twice, first after fasting 3 days in a dream on a red planet around a bonfire as a humanoid shape made of black fire but woke shortly after arriving. Second time was my breakthrough DMT experience where I conversed with what people would call the devil. Was myself with black eyes wearing a black suit sitting across from me at a black desk and chairs in a black tile and red fabric patterned room with a black door that opened to the void. Which I entered after rejecting the perspectives offered and where I saw and was seen by the Eye Of Providence. Reassured my lifes purpose since a young child towards pure existence.

This next part Ive never told anyone and the only person who knows was in the room when I said it... July 2020 when I got fired from the Cookies Co facility after giving them the information and plan to renovate/upgrade the facility I was living with a coworker from the facility still. Found out shortly after they fired me they began implementing my suggested changes/renovation plans and I REALLY NEEDED the income from the contract agreement I signed. I became furious to the point I could feel the heat emanating outward from my body. Told my roomate who was working at the facility still in a deep low tone "I hope Berner gets fucking blood cancer"... Few days later he got the test results back and posted to Instagram...First and last time I will allow myself to manifest evil on someone, coincidence or not it wasnt him that was directly responsible but the head grower at the facility I consulted.

A friend I grew up with told me few years ago the reason forming words from letters is called "spelling" is because the words do have effects...

@bigtacofarmer Sounds like you were on the threshold of mahasamadhi...

It would be amazing if we could all meetup at some point and trip together.
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Masochist Educator
If I remember correctly you are somewhat nearby. I'm about 100 miles north of Detroit.
I live in Wa, seems like alot of you are over that side of the nation from talking with @DoubleTripleOG. I mentioned wanting to take a trip that way in the near future though. Juggling drug classes/probation/potential year in jail likely soon from domestic violence for defending myself against my younger brother attacking me and then calling in as a victim. i know now for in the future what happens doesnt matter the cops respond to the report file from the incident call FML.


Well-known member
. Juggling drug classes/probation/potential year in jail likely soon from domestic violence for defending myself against my younger brother attacking me and then calling in as a victim. i know now for in the future what happens doesnt matter

That really sucks. Best of luck with that. I hope it gets thrown out of court for you.