my world ... your world ... everyone is welcome here ... be nice 
thanks & yeah , I am excited about them...If the test goes well and I’m thinking it will be available I imagine pretty quicklyZskittles x LemonTini looking dank bro!
-wishing you the best with your recovery
Shoulder quadrant is too weak & unstable right now so the physical therapy is only to my hand and wrist it’s all about flexibility in the joints & maintaining it ... by the way I’m still hopeful for something kinda Chem in this cutting currently flowering outHope you are able to heal up, Star. Anything that physical therapy could help?
howdy star crash. best of luck for this off season. lets sift through some seeds!
im pulling up for the show
Thank you for locking that up Uncleclosed your other thread star
Good shrubbery!
Some seedThat ohaze seedling looks promising..