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California will Vote on Recreational Pot in Nov

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you shouldnt assume things about ppl, especially based off one damn picture. it's not a good way to have an intelligent debate

This topic always brings some people out of the woodwork who have some very strange opinions about their fellow growers

these guys grow pot?

i thought they just wanted to bend over as parker fucks them; as they smoke his " legal" weed.


Y'all do know you can still grow and sell weed illegally right? I've been doing it straight for about 6 years now big business will be in wether you like it or not. The worst thing that can happen is rescheduling marijuana as GW Pharmaceuticals has the monopoly on anything that can be FDA approved. You won't get medicine from a dispensary you will get it from the pharmacy which is great for medical patients who can't grow and live on disability but have Medicaid to pay for the prescription.



"Scott T. Imler says:

September 13, 2016 at 9:24 pm

Thanks for the great article regarding the “mother of all bombs” aimed at the cynical charade called Prop 64. The detailed information you included about the nature of Proposition 215 itself, its mutual co-dependence with its ugly step-sister MMRSA, its constitutional viability, and its unique role in the face of the federal government’s desperate effort to DISPOSSESS the California “patient class” of the PROPRIETARY POSSESSION AND CULTIVATION RIGHTS (FROM SEED TO SMOKE), granted them by California voters voters in 1996. After its unilateral imposition of a self-granted trust (a legal impossibility by any measure) some 80 years ago, the feds have declared itself the sole owner and arbiter of all things cannabis., blocking research, denying medical access, and waging a scorched earth war on botanical evil that’s netted the United States the largest most nonviolent prison population in the world. The greatest tragedy of all however is that they have don4e so knowing full well the safety and medical efficacy of cannabis medicines — and they just let people fucking die.

As the co-author of the California Compassionate Use Act (Prop 215), a member of the seven-person Drafting Committee for SB 420, and the Founder of Southern California’s first patient-based cooperative cultivation project and dispensary, I’m painfully aware of the narrow confines of Prop 215’s exemptions, which were not intended to enable an industry, but simply to allow qualified patients to possess and cultivate marijuana for their own use, without the risk of criminal prosecution or sanction. While many both friend and foe alike, lamented that 215 did not regularize their existing illicit operations, we did not have the capacity to untangle an eight decade multi-jurisdictional fiasco of marijuana.

What we could do in the simple 274 words of Proposition 215 was 1) eject the federal government’s illegal and immoral self-designated death-grip of the cannabis genome, affirm the rights of seriously ill and disabled Calfironians and caregivers to meet their own medical needs for cannabis without undue government interferance or threats of prosecution and sanction, and direct the state legislature to provide for the needs of any patient who could not cultivate for themselves. In his first Post-215 Law Enforcement Briefing the Republican State Attorney General Dan Lungren affirmed that even under th4e narrow provisions of the CUA, and the proprietary rights that it granted groups of patients could “arguably engage in cooperative cultivation efforts for the personal medical uses of those so engaged.

That MMRSA begins and ends attempting to to forbid patient-based cooperatively-owned medical cannabis production, rendering all patients to the whims of the new for profit Big Ag / Big Pharma nightmare that Prop 64 is poised to deliver over and above all other existing cannabis legislation, is the clearest indicator that the feds recognize the hearts of their problem: What the people own — Monsanto can’t.

The one last piece I’d offer here, is the addition of Section 11362.85, which specifically authorizes the State Legislature, without a further vote of the people, to repeal Proposition 215 in its entirety, if and when the feds reschedule cannabis. Prop 64 and MMRSA are not designed to improved medical access or enable Adult Use, the are designed to undermine and destroy the proprietary rights of California patients and their caregivers and reassert absolute federal control over cannabis and to loose their genetically modified corporate thugs to destroy the “evil weed” that has brought so much life, healing, and wellness to so many. for thousands of years.

Grace and peace in struggle,
Pastor Scott "


Wacky Tobacky

Active member
Huh? No one have their six? Anyone who wants them already has them as its been articulated already in a multitude of ways and in a much more civil manner too. Your argument doesn't make much sense.

How is less than 4x that amount all of a sudden greedy? Where's the threshold?

Not everyone can grow big plants. Some people can use 8 ounces of flowers in a day. Do you think they are greedy too?

No. Because we should be able to grow as much as we damn well please for whatever reason we feel like too. As long as we aren't harming the planet or ourselves or anyone else who cares?

It's incredibly insane to want to control peoples use and consumption of this plant that only seems to make things better.

Not everyone has a legit medical reason to have it, and not willing to lie or fake being sick to get medical. Also some people don't want to break the law. not everyone has access.

You guys are spoiled as hell over there. you want legalization but are super picky about how you get it. thats why its failed in the past. you arent seeing the bigger picture. For me and most people in this country, we just want to see it legalize as many states as possible.

@Wacky Tobaky-2

1st post in years and someone's being a "greedy fuck" and you give'em a big "go fuck yourself" finish.

"boils down to for you, you greedy fuck.
you want your 30 so no one else can have their 6. go fuck yourself."

And only 8 posts and 3 1/2 years earlier on 11/08/12

Some other "greedy fuck" and a "fuck you" to boot!!
I really dig the "you mad bro?" Ending!!!

Really gonna change some minds with that!

"Also i just want to say that OP is a giant retard. seriously FUCK YOU! You greedy fuck. it passed. you mad bro?"

What state are you in BRO?

How far have you guys come since that 11/08/12 post? BRO?

How much more are you owed BRO? Can I get a total BRO? Rather pay it in full BRO? cause this payment plan just seems to costing everybody (that's everybody that's done anything anyway) a ton BRO! I hate making payments BRO! The interest is crazy, and it seems to never end BRO! The worst part is you find yourself paying for something that you can't even remember getting BRO! In fact, refresh my memory if you will, WHAT THE FUCK HAS YOUR STATE DONE FOR CALIFORNIA?

I'm seeing way more self entitled fucks than than I am greedy fucks. Starting the whole fuckin movement wasn't enough? You got it ass backwards.... YOU owe US!

Oh yeah.... Eat a bag of Dick's....world famous BBQ ribs... BRO!

The go fuck yourself ending was copied from the post i replied to.

Also who cares about how often i post on this site. is that really something your trying to use against me? LOL just LOL.

You are also being greedy about it. you want your plants but restrict access to many law abiding citizens. i think thats greedy, i think most people would agree.

What with all the bro stuff? you mad bro?


tessarecting have you read the prop?

It protects farmers, won't effect your plant count, keeps people and companies from coming here to profit for 5 years, giving you a chance to build your business.

If you have a license, you can grow as much as you want.
6 plants is for the average citizen.

Is it perfect? Nope but it's pretty good if you get off this lie about 6 plants and open your mind.

Wanted to make sure you acknowledge your lies.
Let me know when you do!

Getting a bit tired of repeatedly posting the same information. Let's not discuss this again. AUMA & MMRSA do NOT and NEVER will ; protect prop215.

"M.M.R.S.A. court fights have yet to begin. Sean Parker’s AUMA gives M.M.R.S.A. the blessing of Initiative status, thus under-cutting any objections to it. You get so much more than legalization when you vote for Parker’s CRT-AUMA, Control, Regulate, Tax the Adult Use of Marijuana Act. You get M.M.R.S.A. confirmation, too. "



Not everyone has a legit medical reason to have it, and not willing to lie or fake being sick to get medical. Also some people don't want to break the law. not everyone has access.

You guys are spoiled as hell over there. you want legalization but are super picky about how you get it. thats why its failed in the past. you arent seeing the bigger picture. For me and most people in this country, we just want to see it legalize as many states as possible.

The go fuck yourself ending was copied from the post i replied to.

Also who cares about how often i post on this site. is that really something your trying to use against me? LOL just LOL.

You are also being greedy about it. you want your plants but restrict access to many law abiding citizens. i think thats greedy, i think most people would agree.

What with all the bro stuff? you mad bro?

"Not everyone has a legit medical reason to have it, and not willing to lie or fake being sick to get medical. Also some people don't want to break the law. not everyone has access. "

Everyone in the world has a legit reason to access Cannabis. I decide my rights; not the government. If you want to obey shit corrupt government laws; be my guest. Do not ever expect for a minute others to do the same. We have no desire or obligation to do so. Everyone I knew got their card; lit up a doob; and said fuck the pigs! If you don't share the sentiment..... go buy a beer or something? The government says that's ok. Just stick with that.

I am not picky about legalization.
I support legalization 100%.
AUMA is not legalization.
I am picky about dirty lying scumbag politicians.
The rest of the country can tell the feds to fuck off; just like we did. Never ever expect any individual to give up their rights for some bullshit perceived "greater good" It will never happen.

States rights > FED dystopia

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."


I cough up honey oil
@ Wacko tobacco- Have you used cannabis to relieve stress or relaxe your nerves?ever use it to sleep?If so than there's no need to lie. Unless your saying that you only smoke cause you think it makes you look cool. Maybe you smoke for no reason other than the taste? If that's the case then your argument is valid. Your a squid, but your argument is valid. My use of BRO was to demonstrate how stupid your use of bro was. My non stop use of it was so you could not possibly fail to see how stupid your use of BRO was! I see I've underestimated you, and so I will bow out, conceding that your stupidity knows no bounds! BRO!lol
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You guys make this too easy for me. The problem with your bigger picture Wacky, other than being narrowminded and biased, is that AUMA is not legalization! Please read this thread and you will see why it isn't and why they are using the guise of legalization to RECRIMINALIZE cannabis. It's amazing and sad how many of you have fallen for this very elementary play on words. It's like how democracy really means oligarchy now. It's like how we know who the real terrorists are. Twist the meaning of words so that they mean the opposite of what they once meant and brainwash everyone into following along in a fog of grandeur. It's a tragedy and a disgrace. I'm sorry but it is.


I cough up honey oil
I just realized that Wacko doesn't even have the option to lie! Is everybody in this thread people that don't matter? Are any of the vote yes people in this thread currently residents of California? As residents of California I completely respect your opinions and believe they are as valid as mine. All you from other states that can't do for yourselves and expect others to do it for you......I'm trying not to use profanity.

I don't believe I have been rude to any residents in this thread. I'm sorry ifI have. My problem has been with the out of state people that wanna make sure California doesn't forget them.


you want legalization but are super picky about how you get it.

It's not about "how we get it", It's the terms and conditions of so-called legalization that we are picky about, as we should be IMO

So many out of state people chiming in on this, it's hilarious


Active member
"Scott T. Imler says:

September 13, 2016 at 9:24 pm

Thanks for the great article regarding the “mother of all bombs” aimed at the cynical charade called Prop 64. The detailed information you included about the nature of Proposition 215 itself, its mutual co-dependence with its ugly step-sister MMRSA, its constitutional viability, and its unique role in the face of the federal government’s desperate effort to DISPOSSESS the California “patient class” of the PROPRIETARY POSSESSION AND CULTIVATION RIGHTS (FROM SEED TO SMOKE), granted them by California voters voters in 1996. After its unilateral imposition of a self-granted trust (a legal impossibility by any measure) some 80 years ago, the feds have declared itself the sole owner and arbiter of all things cannabis., blocking research, denying medical access, and waging a scorched earth war on botanical evil that’s netted the United States the largest most nonviolent prison population in the world. The greatest tragedy of all however is that they have don4e so knowing full well the safety and medical efficacy of cannabis medicines — and they just let people fucking die.

As the co-author of the California Compassionate Use Act (Prop 215), a member of the seven-person Drafting Committee for SB 420, and the Founder of Southern California’s first patient-based cooperative cultivation project and dispensary, I’m painfully aware of the narrow confines of Prop 215’s exemptions, which were not intended to enable an industry, but simply to allow qualified patients to possess and cultivate marijuana for their own use, without the risk of criminal prosecution or sanction. While many both friend and foe alike, lamented that 215 did not regularize their existing illicit operations, we did not have the capacity to untangle an eight decade multi-jurisdictional fiasco of marijuana.

What we could do in the simple 274 words of Proposition 215 was 1) eject the federal government’s illegal and immoral self-designated death-grip of the cannabis genome, affirm the rights of seriously ill and disabled Calfironians and caregivers to meet their own medical needs for cannabis without undue government interferance or threats of prosecution and sanction, and direct the state legislature to provide for the needs of any patient who could not cultivate for themselves. In his first Post-215 Law Enforcement Briefing the Republican State Attorney General Dan Lungren affirmed that even under th4e narrow provisions of the CUA, and the proprietary rights that it granted groups of patients could “arguably engage in cooperative cultivation efforts for the personal medical uses of those so engaged.

That MMRSA begins and ends attempting to to forbid patient-based cooperatively-owned medical cannabis production, rendering all patients to the whims of the new for profit Big Ag / Big Pharma nightmare that Prop 64 is poised to deliver over and above all other existing cannabis legislation, is the clearest indicator that the feds recognize the hearts of their problem: What the people own — Monsanto can’t.

The one last piece I’d offer here, is the addition of Section 11362.85, which specifically authorizes the State Legislature, without a further vote of the people, to repeal Proposition 215 in its entirety, if and when the feds reschedule cannabis. Prop 64 and MMRSA are not designed to improved medical access or enable Adult Use, the are designed to undermine and destroy the proprietary rights of California patients and their caregivers and reassert absolute federal control over cannabis and to loose their genetically modified corporate thugs to destroy the “evil weed” that has brought so much life, healing, and wellness to so many. for thousands of years.

Grace and peace in struggle,
Pastor Scott "


:thank you:


Andinismo Hierbatero
Where are you from? Your location says what? Can it not be written in the same language you post with? Come on.... Give me a hint..... At least tell me what FUCKIN PLANET!! Lol

"Side with the cops" Ok MORK! Go ask ORSON! Maybe he'll clue you in!

More regulations means more oppertunities for the cops in my book. The grey area puts them in a quagmire.

I'm a reptilian illuminati draconian infiltrator, you got me! You're too good, you blew my cover, darn!!!


Andinismo Hierbatero
You guys make this too easy for me. The problem with your bigger picture Wacky, other than being narrowminded and biased, is that AUMA is not legalization! Please read this thread and you will see why it isn't and why they are using the guise of legalization to RECRIMINALIZE cannabis. It's amazing and sad how many of you have fallen for this very elementary play on words. It's like how democracy really means oligarchy now. It's like how we know who the real terrorists are. Twist the meaning of words so that they mean the opposite of what they once meant and brainwash everyone into following along in a fog of grandeur. It's a tragedy and a disgrace. I'm sorry but it is.

Man, you can't be serious with that post... have you gone loco on us? I've always liked you, but you are starting to sound like some our resident loonies spending too much time in conspiracy and new age websites.
Don't even get me started on Israeli politics bombadil...you guys have comics that promote stabbing with kitchen knives in your newspapers, and you have the nerve to call my opinion and perspective on the politics in my country crazy. After accredited institutions have written peer-reviewed studies illustrating how America is no longer a democracy...I wish I or anyone else reading this could even try to take you seriously. Some of you people live in a world that doesn't even exist...on top of needing reading comprehension tutoring.

Once again, you out of state, and out of country people posting here are making this way too easy. Keep trying to act like you know what you're talking about...it only further articulates how much you do not.


Princeton. 2014

I guess you know more than them? Huh bombadil?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^^ It never was a democracy, those do not exist. It was meant as a republic that represented the will of the masses, but is not even that now or maybe ever was?

If you want joke governments, look just outside the borders of Israel. These comics descend on anyone- but prefer Jews-, all the time with real knives.

I have read enough of 64 that it makes me pot self sufficient and more free than I am now. Medical does not seem to take that bad of a hit. If you really want to get 'medical' you have to take some regulation and control or a lot of it. See how easy it is to prescribe drugs to patients other than pot, or do anything in the medical realm without gov breathing down your neck.

This medical thing you had going was never going to last and anyone knew that. Too good to be true. Fill my backyard with pot plants, heal the kindly sufferers, make 50-100K a year. ahhhhhhh

Guess you do not have a for money garden like most arguing against 64, I will give you that tessarecting. If true. You argue well enough, though wrong, unlike the over or under medicated trippn.


@ Sam the Skunkman- Stop inserting your replys into quotes. It makes it so your post cannot be quoted. Are you aware of this? Uh huh.... Sure you aren't.lmfao

I am aware of it. But I am not posting for you, as you are a lost soul.

I was gonna refer you to post #734 but frank might want to clown your contradictions himself. I may repeat a question from his post though..... so you can ignore it again.

I will....

Instead I will refer you to post #735 where you say you don't have lambsbread, and you don't plan to sell seeds to the Jamaicans..... I say to you, what part of "I don't care" do you not understand? You later say in regards to the same lambsbread Jamaica comment I made, something along the lines of you having the ability to produce seeds for farmers and that if that's a sin then you are guilty. Again I refer you to the first three words of my statement..."I don't care".
I do not care.
The whole point I was trying to make was that I dont give a flying fuck what you do to make money. It's the hidden agendas that I wasn't into. Besides you already gave the DEATHSTAR the location of the rebel alliance!lol they got the launch codes. The keys to the city. THATS THE SIN YOUR GUILTY OF. You are aware of BAYERS latest acquisition are you not. Nice move EX LAX!
EDIT: that last sentence should have read "smooth move EX LAX." lol
I would respond but what you say is so stupid, why waste my time? Maybe to annoy you?

The part about having "all the beans but not the balls".... It's probably best if you dont get it. I was picking on you and taking advantage of the fact that you were more than likely to old to understand the language. That's one thing you gotta admit I was right about! lol
Sure I know nothing of beans....

And you don't know WHAT the fuck I know. Instead of daring me to post it up perhaps you should just sit there, thanking God I ain't a punk.
Ok if you say so, I was always taught that if it looks like a punk, and talks like a punk, guess what it is???

P.s. Why do you hide your face on hash church? All the other guests show thier face. Shy?

Not true, there are others like Indra, and I only hide my face from the people like you. You know why....
Why don't you start your own Hash Church where you make the rules, so that church would be perfect for you. If Bubbleman is happy to have me, and I like the fellow HC panelists, I will be on HC, hell why don't you come on HC are you SHY? Or do you just have nothing to say anyone wants to hear? I understand.


So to be clear this is the same Scott Imier that Todd McCormick and Peter McWilliams say ratted them out?? So he Scott would be free to operate? I think just maybe he is not someone to listen to?




"Scott T. Imler says:

September 13, 2016 at 9:24 pm

Thanks for the great article regarding the “mother of all bombs” aimed at the cynical charade called Prop 64. The detailed information you included about the nature of Proposition 215 itself, its mutual co-dependence with its ugly step-sister MMRSA, its constitutional viability, and its unique role in the face of the federal government’s desperate effort to DISPOSSESS the California “patient class” of the PROPRIETARY POSSESSION AND CULTIVATION RIGHTS (FROM SEED TO SMOKE), granted them by California voters voters in 1996. After its unilateral imposition of a self-granted trust (a legal impossibility by any measure) some 80 years ago, the feds have declared itself the sole owner and arbiter of all things cannabis., blocking research, denying medical access, and waging a scorched earth war on botanical evil that’s netted the United States the largest most nonviolent prison population in the world. The greatest tragedy of all however is that they have don4e so knowing full well the safety and medical efficacy of cannabis medicines — and they just let people fucking die.

As the co-author of the California Compassionate Use Act (Prop 215), a member of the seven-person Drafting Committee for SB 420, and the Founder of Southern California’s first patient-based cooperative cultivation project and dispensary, I’m painfully aware of the narrow confines of Prop 215’s exemptions, which were not intended to enable an industry, but simply to allow qualified patients to possess and cultivate marijuana for their own use, without the risk of criminal prosecution or sanction. While many both friend and foe alike, lamented that 215 did not regularize their existing illicit operations, we did not have the capacity to untangle an eight decade multi-jurisdictional fiasco of marijuana.

What we could do in the simple 274 words of Proposition 215 was 1) eject the federal government’s illegal and immoral self-designated death-grip of the cannabis genome, affirm the rights of seriously ill and disabled Calfironians and caregivers to meet their own medical needs for cannabis without undue government interferance or threats of prosecution and sanction, and direct the state legislature to provide for the needs of any patient who could not cultivate for themselves. In his first Post-215 Law Enforcement Briefing the Republican State Attorney General Dan Lungren affirmed that even under th4e narrow provisions of the CUA, and the proprietary rights that it granted groups of patients could “arguably engage in cooperative cultivation efforts for the personal medical uses of those so engaged.

That MMRSA begins and ends attempting to to forbid patient-based cooperatively-owned medical cannabis production, rendering all patients to the whims of the new for profit Big Ag / Big Pharma nightmare that Prop 64 is poised to deliver over and above all other existing cannabis legislation, is the clearest indicator that the feds recognize the hearts of their problem: What the people own — Monsanto can’t.

The one last piece I’d offer here, is the addition of Section 11362.85, which specifically authorizes the State Legislature, without a further vote of the people, to repeal Proposition 215 in its entirety, if and when the feds reschedule cannabis. Prop 64 and MMRSA are not designed to improved medical access or enable Adult Use, the are designed to undermine and destroy the proprietary rights of California patients and their caregivers and reassert absolute federal control over cannabis and to loose their genetically modified corporate thugs to destroy the “evil weed” that has brought so much life, healing, and wellness to so many. for thousands of years.

Grace and peace in struggle,
Pastor Scott "

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Wacky Tobacky

Active member
@ Wacko tobacco- Have you used cannabis to relieve stress or relaxe your nerves?ever use it to sleep?If so than there's no need to lie. Unless your saying that you only smoke cause you think it makes you look cool. Maybe you smoke for no reason other than the taste? If that's the case then your argument is valid. Your a squid, but your argument is valid. My use of BRO was to demonstrate how stupid your use of bro was. My non stop use of it was so you could not possibly fail to see how stupid your use of BRO was! I see I've underestimated you, and so I will bow out, conceding that your stupidity knows no bounds! BRO!lol

Yeah, please show me where i said bro in my post... im the stupid one? you cant even read correctly. just LOL @ your attempts to throw shade.

the rest of you that are against this are the minority. i will lol so hard when this passes and will enjoy your tears of sadness. bunch of spoiled faggots. im done with this thread.
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