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Thailand Outdoor


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Hi Namkha,

Thanks for the great ideas. As far as the cow turds go, I must say that there is no smell to them. I got bags of the "shit" from a local farm. Its from those cows with lots of soft skin hanging down under their necks. It came from the side of their "barn" It could be a few years old. Anyways the plants look ok now. I put some used coffee grounds in the pots and watered through.

The things that grow in the native ground here are things like basil, "manao" limes, papaya, mangoes, a bunch of different types of flowers. So you suppose if I cut up a bunch of the vines and various greens that do grow along the ground and stuffed them in a barrel with water that would make a good tea? would you aerate that or just let it "steep"?

As far as making the soil more usable, I have read that mixing used coffee grounds and that burned rice husk stuff into the clay will improve it. What do you think about doing that?

Again great info, alot there for me to think about and digest! thanks


Active member
Hiya - for the tea, the plants you will want to be using would be the first plants to recolonise new ground - i.e. the "weeds" of your local area

in the UK and Northern Europe - dandelions, nettles, docks etc. ... comfrey is one of the best plants, as it actively uptakes many minerals - inc. P, K etc. - so is a great tea for flowering ... if you can find a Thai cousin or equivalent, that is the kind of plant you are looking for

I would not use just any old plant - vines are probably a bad idea (and as I expect you know are generally a home for snakes anyway) ... it should be plants such as nettles which decompose rapidly

nettles are high N so best for veg stage

basically weeds are what you are after - they are first in the worst places due to their ability to actively uptake nutrients in which the soil is low...

- i.e. a solution of decomposed local weeds on your plants will be providing exactly the nutrients needed to compensate for any mineral deficiencies

there are some good books available on Thai botany and tribal herbal lore

stuff a big bin full - top up to the top with water - four weeks 1/10 dilution will be fine

also, on a general garden point, in local markets you can find many unusual plants being sold - Galangal, Indian Pennywort ("Bai Beh Bok" - like turbo-charged ginseng)

I knew a guy who used to work at the MOD and made a career change to becoming a collector of local orchids and rare plants in Thailand - he would propagate them and ship them for a living ... he said he was finding very unusual plants in the markets

yeh - coffee and rice husks will be fine - you would need a lot though

anything which adds springy structure with plenty of air is what clay needs - clay is very small particles - needs double digging and mulching

double digging is a pain in the ass - but that is what is probably best

if not - plant with potatoes or something similar first to break up the soil for you
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Active member
I filled a big 5 gallon pail full of the weeds and put the lid on and stuck in the shade. We'll see how that stuff turns out! Thanks for the gardening tips. I've got that cow turd mixed in with some local potting soil, rice husks and coco for a potting mix to be used in about 3 or 4 weeks. I've got some Indica looking Mississippi Muds that'll be put out in pots then!



Active member
hiya, glad to have been of help

if you are looking for easy minimal-labour ways to render that hard soil useable, I would recommend you check out permaculture sites

often it is possible to get plants and microbes to do the work for you, no need for digging etc.




Active member
Well I briefly did a search for permaculture, seems there are a lot of companies that want to sell you a course! It is an excellent idea tho!

Here are some pics of the newly transplanted clones. I actually transplanted them on the 7th of February. 2 of the 3 clones are rooted, the third one is still alive and looks good in the coco, but no roots yet!

The girls outside are looking a bit better, still a few leaves yellowed, but like I said the bud sites are thriving! Both above and below the larger fan leaves that go yellow. It must just be part of the process?

Has anyone grown clones of Thai before? If I put these little girls outside at say 6 inches tall, how big will they be when they finish? I really don't want my plants to get as tall as the ones out there now. My girlfriend gets paranoid about the size of them...They are roughly 2 meters tall with at least 6 weeks more flowering to go!


Elevator Man

Active member
ThaiPhoon - I'm very interested in this thread - I'm just trying to germ some Thai seeds now that I got from a very big stick over here in England. They look perfect, but are proving very slow. So far only 2 out of 10 have actually sprouted, and 5 are still soaking - I think it's partly the length of time they were pressed in the stick and possibly heat issues during transport, but I won't give up for a while yet.

And I've got plenty left - may just be a numbers game with this one. But I'll be growing them indoors, so I'm interested to see what the structure of yours turns out like! Good luck with the grow.


Active member
Hi Farmer John,

Yes I will take more pics of the big one outside again soon, possibly today.

Elevator Man!

I went through a lot of beans getting some going! I have been told that is typical of commercial thai seeds, due to the packing and processing of the buds. I don't mind because I only grow for myself and girlfriend and only need a few.

I'll put my pics up soon!



Active member


Here are pics of the outside girls.

There are 2 plants in the pot here. Both of these have been topped once, therefore each is growing 2 main colas. Me Girlfriend has been "sampling" it quite a bit! This was tied down earlier to put some space between the colas and try to keep the height down!

This one has been topped 2 times so this one has four main colas and the lower branches have almost caught up to the tops. I have tied this one down in the past to get it to spread out and stay low!



great pics ThaiPhoon!...there is just something about a lanky sativa that makes me smile.

i was going to suggest you do something about increasing the humidity for your clones...then i remembered you are in the tropics...crap! lol, im so jealous :badday:

keep up the good work ThaiPhoon.

Elevator Man

Active member
ThaiPhoon - I just started a grow diary thread for these Thai seeds - nothing like a bit of potential public humiliation to improve one's germination techniques...:)

Great pics BTW - gives me a good idea what I'm up against...:)


Active member

Thanks for dropping by man! I count my blessings here in the tropics for sure!

Elevator Man,

That single plant in the smaller pot has been tied down again. It is just as flexible as rubber. I have pulled the tops over 90 degrees, the plant resembles a cannabis helicopter now!



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Photo Update

Photo Update

Here are a few updates.

You can see how the bigger ones look at 8 weeks of flowering. The single one that has been topped 2 times is tied down to keep it low.

Also the clones are doing great and they may end up outside at the end of the month with my Mississippi Mud seedlings.


Elevator Man

Active member
Those buds are looking fat! Still only one seedling growing out at this end, but still trying - my friend says he can give me another batch of seeds he's collected, so there's hope yet. But this is inspiring - a great carrot/stick for me to chase...:)


one in the chamber
You can stick some chicken bones in the soil for extra P. Crushed egg shells are good for calcium and magnesium. You can even use dilute urine for N. I have some pure Cambodian seed I might try to germ later this year, but I'm waiting on my indicas to finish up first :)


Active member
Hi Farmer John, I just got a new camera and now I love taking pics. Unfortunately now the pics take a lot longer to upload! Oh well!

Hi Elevator Man, I must say your grows and other posts are very inspirational! Thanks for commenting here. I have a better picture of the plant that i have tied down here. This one is VERY different from the other two in the big pot! much nicer green and the leaves are usually droopy. And I know it isn't from over-watering! As I have said before these are all bagseeds I got from different bags scored in KrungThep (Bangkok). I wish the plants could talk so they could tell me where they came from!!

Hi Glock, I have pulverized several egg shells and added to the pots a few weeks ago. I am using some compost tea on the plants as well. I may try taking a piss in the bucket before I water the girls next time to see if they green up a bit! I will give the chicken bones a shot as well! Thanks for the tips!

-the tied down droopy one- I have a clone of this one doing great in my veg cab also. If you look above it is the one that does not have any white hair on it. I took the clone of this one before it started flowering.-



one in the chamber
Sounds good. Make sure the amount of urine you use only equals 5% at the most of the amount of liquid you're watering with. Too much urine can kill your plants just like fertilizer.


one in the chamber
I don't know if you can get kelp locally, but it's excellent and will cover your K needs. It works wonders on my plants. I recommend you try and locate some high K seaweed based fertilizer in Thailand. Alternatively, you can add soybeans to your compost. They will supply N and K.
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Elevator Man

Active member
ThaiPhoon - I like droopy sativas! There's a couple of new pics of the indoor Malawi in my current grow thread - check it out - that's droopy too. I'm hoping it won't grow much taller - around a metre, with about 30 equal-sized tops, and just beginning to bud...:)

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