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Strawberry Cough a work in progress



fuaryone said:
Your not seeing any intersexual (hermie) plants at this time... thats a good thing... it's insteresting that so many are whorled... The indica pheno mother had a good sweet taste and I enjoyed it... and the more Sativa haze pheno while not as tasty has a nice uplifting stone to it also... I would grow it again... but look for the more indica looking pheno's... so if your seeing equal numbers of males and females that don't show hermie... I'd just treat it as regular seeds, and make me some SBC seeds... but I dunno about the whorled thing... I'll grow out a few and see my self... good reporting on them... peace.

afternoon F1, happy new year bro. well im just upcannin the plants showin hairs. im seein a few plants that are puttin out hairs on the tops, but the presex growth down low kinda has me worried. cant quite make it out yet.

some of these plants have what appears to be female growth, but in a few days the male balls poke out from behind a pear shaped growth? one female has what looks like balls but hairs commin out. they will get flipped tomorrow, weds i should be able to see wtf is up with these plants. but really, from the way they are growin and the presex growth, Im worried they are all gonna shit the bed about 1 to 2 weeks in flower.

just wait and see




Well... I will just wait and see if they hermie out... if your seeing lil balls... that was what I told you might happen going into this project, and why I don't like to work with selfed or femmed plants... but since it seems nobody had tried it with S2's... like you said earlier... if nothing else it's a learning experience... I have had better results x'ing Non hermie plants (males) and the 1st generation of offspring with a femmed plant, with Femmed NL#2 x N.H. regular male showing 4-5 clusters at the bottom of the main stalk... the same femmed NL#2 x African seeds Swaziskunk showed no hermies (but those were out-x's)... I did the same with the femmed SBC Sativa pheno x a TexasMystic F1 male... but I will only grow those out for 1 time use... and won't continue to use them for breeding as they are useless... just not worth it... so with the 3 seeds I got left... I better take a clone if I want to keep the strain to grow out in the future... I look forward to your final outcome with them... hope they all don't hermie and you can find that clone mum you seek (pic is the mother used to produce your SF1 seeds)... And happy New year to you also... goodluck and peace.


Tree Grower
CBF said:
also wonderin if the early toppin may have had somethin to do with the whorled plants? i topped most at the second node, then again at the first node that resulted from the first toppin. very aggressive due to my ceilin limits in the new OP.


Maybe a experiment here on my part CBF?I could top one like you did see what happen's?I'll leave the other two as is,might tell you more.

S.C. #1



S.C. #2



S.C. #3




Now sitting in bubbler with 200 ppm nutes and a ph of 5.5.Still not much to look at yet.


hey hey-

on the whorled phyllotaxy tip;

did you notice this on any plants before topping them? I had a for-sure female clone running for the second or third go-round in my last garden, and one day I noticed that one branch was whorled while all the rest of the plant had normal alternating nodes. I wonder if it is something that topping brings out in certain plants with that predisposition. It may not be sex-linked after all...

keep up the genetic exploration!



Telepod said:
hey hey-

on the whorled phyllotaxy tip;

did you notice this on any plants before topping them? I had a for-sure female clone running for the second or third go-round in my last garden, and one day I noticed that one branch was whorled while all the rest of the plant had normal alternating nodes. I wonder if it is something that topping brings out in certain plants with that predisposition. It may not be sex-linked after all...

keep up the genetic exploration!


thank you for stoppin by telepod. I didnt notice any whorled plants early on. but as i said, I topped very early in all the plants. and then again right as the new grow shoots had produced a node. but lookin at the plant, you can estimate at what time the plant started to produce the whorled branchin, as there veggin.
seems that a week before they showed sex, the whorled branchin began to occur. you can see it best in the lower branches that were not topped. i let um grow to reach the topped shoots. half way up the branch it starts, not the whole branch and most only one branch on the plant. a few plants have two branches doin it. but not a whole plant.
its good to hear that you have experienced this as well. the early aggressive toppin was all i could think of to cause it. which I guess would be stress to the plant.

hey teresa, that would be great. no need to mess with to many of your plants. but one plant would prolly eliminate my OP as the cause. then we could be somewhat certain that its genetic in someway.:yes:

hey F1, yeah bro id wait, see what these do in flower. I have one more batch of selfed Purp Kush to run, down the road, and that will be it on the selfed seed. one thing to keep in mind is the S2s were done with sensa soak. not actually a real selfin of the plant. just a high percentage of females is what im gettin in feedback from others. thats why were seein a male in the SBC S2 seed.
the PK S1s I had a 50/50 M/F ratio in four beans, maybe luck? but im gonna run them in a bit to see if they do the same wierd whorlein, have to now just to eliminate it as the cause:D

and yeah you warned me. Im thinkin they might all just blow up, be suprised if I get a straight female out of um. have 6 mothers ready to take there place ASAP.

thanks to all for stoppin in. keep the ideas commin.


flipped today.

flipped today.

some shots of the plants this am before they go dark. this is all 20 plants, 9 females, 9 males and two plants that havent sexed yet, and were culled.

outta nine males had 1 normal plant, looked great, but was to lanky and more sativa leaf shape. culled it, every other plant has one whorled branch. 1 male also is whorled 4 nodes up from the second toppin. all four tops are whorled. im thinkin as the other plants I have kept, will also do the same thing, will see. I kept 2 males that i liked the look of just in case. this pic is of one of the males. reminds me of the first female i grew out. emerald colored. he was only topped once.



out of 9 females i have 2 plants that are not whorled,as of yet:D these first pics are of the "Rhubarb" plant. very distinct red/maroon stripein through out the stalk/stems, almost a neon green color. looks almost lackin N, but has been nuted regular.

this next plant also is a normal plant so far. had huge phat leaf fingers early on. dark green color. more along the lines of what im lookin for in growth.

so thats whats happenin. just keep an eye on um, hope for the best:D really do like the Rhubarb plant quite a bit. hopefully turn out to be somethin.



Tree Grower
S.C. #1.........




S.C. #2.........




S.C. #3........




Guess time to top one of these huh CBF?


nice teresa, checkin back to the first post, thats right when i topped the first time.

very nice you started those beans so fast, and willin to sacrifice a plant for this thread. ya know im hopein the plant you top whorls just to eliminate my OP. second run in this flower spot, first went south. believe I fixed that problem. hopefully not another to find:yes:



Tree Grower
My pleasure to help in any way i can CBF :smile: .As i find that #2 and 3 look the same while #1 has somewhat fatter leaves.I'll top #3 and see what happen's :wink:

S.C. #3 befor topping.......


Now right after the deed had been done.......




Hope this is what you wanted :wink: .


ya thats it then, just up and lopped her head off, lol. right on, so maybe do the same at the first node of the resultin shoots as well. :smile: so in about four to five weeks should be able to tell, maybe even earlier. thanks to contributin that plant:yes:



New member
Without looking it up, what's the heritage of the SC?
Looks like Indica initially. Love Indica!
Will keep an eye on this post.


strawberry fields X Haze, the SBFs is a famous strain from vermont/northeast. old grower grew it in his strawberry patch. he loved his plants but wanted a bit more head to um. so the haze and the creation of strawberry cough. kyle kushman aquired clones from the grower, and worked it some and found the SBC clone only plant.

still grown there in the NE. the clone has strawberry aromas, and strawberry syrup taste. was hopin to see that plant or a very close pheno at some point.



these guys tell a better story than myself:yes:


Now for the strawberry fields. It is a 100% indica strain that
originated in vermont. around 7 weeks flowering time. Breed
for the taste and smell of strawberries, and to be able to
finish before the first snow fall in Vermont. High yielder. from
what I understand, the strain was given it's name because the
breeder grew it for many years in with his strawberry plants,
and claimed that the original scent of strawberries was intensified
because of the way he grew the plants together. nevertheless, if
his theories were correct or not, the worked plants in his field
had developed a scent and smell that matched his freshest
strawberries to a tee. But the high was not ideal for his
prefrences(needed to be more cerebral). He took an outstanding
pure haze male and crossed it with his best female flowering in
his fields. These are essentially strawberry cough seeds, but not
the clone that's going around. The SC pheno clone was found in
sorting through dozens of these seeds that were given to kyle
kushman. the SC clone yields very heavily from it's mother
strawberry fields(which I was told the real deal is now
extinct). expect a minimun of five to six ounces per sc plant,
and the real deal finish around 7.5 -9 weeks depending on what
you look at to harvest. each branch must be supported with at
least one stalk, or the weight of the buds will cause your limbs
and buds to hang on the ground


regarding the Strawberry Cough heritage, Strawberry Fields x Haze as I was
told. Though Kyle (with whom I worked @ HighTimes and who provided the
clone & details to me) had said it was a lonely (& lowly, he thought
at first) clone, not seeds, which he received. He did not expect much
(the 'breeder' had a very small, humble environment) and accepted the
clone only to be polite ~ upon arriving home after a fairly long drive
he opened the box where he had placed the clones and was suprised to
catch the strong aroma of strawberries. At that moment he thought
that it just might be something special. (which it really is!)

The yields, etc., are also a spot on description (thanks for all that
info Cedarberry!)



a shot of the group this am. nothin major goin on, seem to be just fine. nuted that Rhubarb plant again twice in four days. still that off color.

not seein any added whorlin effect on the plants, and no hermies so far. was over at CW and readin on a thread that the strange whorlin is more common than you would imagine.

there really startin to go now since xplant. roots are takin off. added 5 moms to the flower room. kinda fill it in some. blueSat#1, cripple crk, NYCD, bubba kush, and trainwreck. have to give these clones a try. so theres 14 plants in there. two SBC males will get upcanned and moved this weekend.



Plant Manager
had some guy tell me he was smoking some strawberry cough...lol sure you are. I bet your smokin some bubba kush or mayby even ecsd too. :biglaugh: ....wait a minute....was that you CBF...lol :wave: jk

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