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Pipeline Gardens--2007


here's some shots pipe...

should've gone longer, but this plant had problems that never seemed to get fixxed. expect a pm. cheers!!! :rasta:


always love trippin thru your thread PIPE...
love the photos>>>beautiful hills>>>

have a great Newyears>>>SAFE AND GREEN=)


pipeline..I started cleaning the tent out yesterday..
do you think that the tomato plant is beyond saving...?


ICMag Donor
Seems the pelargonium is tougher than the tomato.... No suprise there.....

Well the tomatoes are worth saving, not sure about the plant.... Give it a feeding or 2 of nitrogen, I think she'll do just fine... :D

I was thinking about this a day or so ago.... Got to get my garden plotted out for the upcoming year... May throw some tobacco and hopps in there this year!
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any cuts from that tomato mossy bro? hehe

my pelargonium took several nights of frost and snow and storm. hardy plant!

bubba kush s1 pre98, taken from my outdoor 07

and bubba kush katsu cut send to me from france. 2 of 4 rooted now!
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ICMag Donor
Hey esbe! I so wish I had a place to clone ALL my outdoor plants..... maybe someday I will.... I guess it gives me plenty of room to grow out seed now, no competition from them pesky clones... :D

I'd imagine those will be some quite nice flowers growing from those clones..... I wonder how the 2 bubbas will compare.... I wonder if the S1 has any deleterious effects from the self seeding....

Thinking about going out to check on the lost plots from this year here some time when the ground is frozen and not covered with snow... Some time early in the morn... I just have to know....

Plus if they're still there, they may yield some trichs.... Unless they're fuzzy little mold balls.... Definately will take care...

2 new Black Indy! :canabis:



Nice to see those clones rooted esbe..
it opens up lots more possibilities.. :chin:
Our pelargoniums come from your neck of the woods..
I see the same Dutch wagons delivering here in Spain as I did in the UK.
Canna is not the only thing that you do well... :D

pipe..I rescued a baby stink bug when I was harvesting..they are very teritorial and would have killed it..so I put it on the tomato plant.
It loved it..but everytime I went to pick the tomatoes..it stood there looking at me like a little guard dog... :biglaugh:
and I never had the heart to take its home away..so it was left there.
Soft or what.. :confused:

Nice seedlings..I bet they are quite tufty now..

:D :D see it..?
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ICMag Donor
Cool little stink bug, we have those too! You know, he is sucking juice out of your tomatoes... Not enough to make any difference.... I've seen gobbs of those out at the garden.... They love tomatoes, let me tell ya... Just the right spot... :yes:

I'll get an update of the black indy here in a few days... He called and said they grew like a week ago... I bet they're cute as can be.... :D and on the move! :headbange

Thought I'd drop a heck of a flower genetics link... We were discussing pink pistils in finding fatdandy... Flower genetics.... well, it gets a bit hairy.... :canabis: :D




It is really funny pipe..I know what they are supposed to do..but they haven't done it here.
I may have the only well trained stink bugs in the world.. :whip:
We have a very symbiotic relationship.
They keep my girls bug free..I allow them to stay.
I try not to scare them when they crawl onto my knees when I am checking the girls..they don't make any stinks.

The funniest thing..
because of the dank last season..I had to clean most of my girls indoor..and the little buggers kept escaping.
Come night fall..they would come from all corners of the room..and all start climbing up my legs.
Someone close says that I must be leaking so much canna out of my pores..that the bugs think I am a canna plant.. :nono:

As IF... :joint: :joint: :joint:


pipe..I think you could be right.. :D
If I ever meet a drug sniffing dog at the airport..I will drive it nuts... :joint:

I think I have the predators..
I saw them chase down a soil pest once and they are amazingly fast...rabid.
They keep my full season girls absolutely clean of aphids..which is a blessing..saves me using chemicals.
As long as they behave..they are welcome guests.. :whip:


ICMag Donor
Quite a good find! Not all beneficials will look 3 stories up a concrete wall to find food... Keep that tomato around! :yes: :D


ICMag Donor
Went out to check the remaining plots.... Yeah, the ones I thought had been staked out.... All the plants were still there!!!! They're full of seed, dry, and for the most part free of mold!!!! :headbange :woohoo: :canabis:

Mid January Harvest.... Delicious, smooth, perfect.... Indian style.... just right.... :headbange :yummy:

A mix of Bubba Kush x DC, Cheese x DC, ECSD x DC, and blowfish x DC.... Unique skunky tones, sums it right up... Cured by mother nature.... :yes:

Black Indy :bigeye:

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You have the luck o' the devil with you my M8.. :sasmokin:
cheers on your good fortune..enjoy... :joint: :joint: :joint:

Red sky at night eh..bliss..


nice harvest you got there pipe. nothing like finding a little something special! good thing nobody had yanked them at that occurance. i'd love to put up some pics of whats goin on in this side of the world, but the upload process is all out of wack. maybe here in a bit. but anyways, cheers! :rasta:


ICMag Donor
Thanks mossy! I'm truely blessed by our Creator! Stay on the positive and karma will work things out... :D

Beautiful sky shot there! Red sky at night, sailor's delight....

Thanks so much soxx! I'm definately excited, I was really lookin forward to growing all those beans, and now I'll be able to!!! A few have a little dark coloration at the tip of the seed, likely due to cold weather... I'll give them all a try though....

After all the seed has been collected, it will be gone through to sort out any dead ones....

I might try this method again next year.... :chin: :D


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Active member
Well damn, that "indian style" harvesting is pretty damn interesting, especially since it's so much colder up there. Looks like hell compared to the other nug you posted above, but sounds like the actual smoke is pretty good. Wouldn't have even thought it'd work too well down here in the south, let alone up there. I always thought you had to get them down before the frosts! haha

Oh, and is that a wooden "one-hitter"??

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