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Pipeline Gardens--2007



There you go mate,
It does the do!..... especially the doggy doo doo,
Number 1 & 2 too!
Perfect for the poo poo.



Couldn't have described it better myself... :D
Cheers farmaz2.

It is supposed to be anti-fungal too...
(I will never get athletes foot..the amount of it that I paddle in.)

I never think anything is properly clean until it has been Jeyes'd...I even soak the plant pots..

Have a good weekend every-one... :joint:


ICMag Donor
Thanks farmaz, we don't get that around here, that I know of.... Looks like your general all purpose fluid.... :D

I would make sure to rinse the containers well after cleaning with that stuff.... You don't want your microbes to be hurting.... the ones you feed with molasses... :D

Have a good weekend, supposed to get a couple inches of snow here! :woohoo:

Gonna have to make another hemp smoothie soon.... :yummy:



ICMag Donor
Hungry? Try some yogurt with hemp seed and peanut butter. Mmmmm, sure hits the spot! :yummy:

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Snow.. :eek:

Remember the sandcastle I made for the new grandbaby..

well I made the first snow(wo)man too..
but I needed a bit help with this one.. :D



ICMag Donor
quite impressive, mossy! that'd be one heck of a winter project! :D

Checked up on my buddy's little sproutlings since he's on holiday... and bad news... they were thirsty.... :eek: I'm not the closet growing expert, so I said to leave a fan on so they have it for when they come up, but the fan ended up being the thing that caused the cups to dry out faster.... I gave them a couple good shots of water, but I think some of them are on their way out... sort of sucks.... :confused: Learned a lesson I guess..

Luckily I had more seed with me I was going to give to another friend later that day! I germed 3 Black Indy and 5 Sagarmatha magical mystery mix seeds and sowed them into cups with the same mix as before... He can't be too mad at me... :bigeye:

Another friend had checked them before, but I figured they could go 2-3 days and be fine... :confused:



Active member
hey pipe!! damn poor little plants :puppydoge .. but for sure he is again happy with those new seeds :)

how are your outdoors rigth now ? is winter over there or still sunny??

here a little pic of the OT haze ladies :)

happy smokes!! and keep posting those amazing outdoors views!

buenos humos!

patolunga. :wave:


ICMag Donor
hey patolunga! I know, I think he'll come around... :D

Is winter over???? You're even more anxious than I am! It hasn't even begun yet... :bigeye: :drum:

Its sunny, but sunny from way way south... :D

Love your sativa haze plants! they look so happy, definately moving and moving quick I see! :yummy:

Happy smokes, pato, hope you have a great season! :wave:



pipeline..I took one look at those poor seedlings and thought..
remind me never to ask you to look after the Dog... :eek:

:D :D :D :D :D

Have a great weekend m8... :joint:
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ICMag Donor
Guess I learned my lesson.. I'm not exactly next door though!

Should have known the fan would dry them out...

Thing is, someone else had been checking on them... Guarantee they didn't water them correctly.... yeah, its their fault! :bigeye:

I appriciate it wamen, thanks bro!

Hope you guys are enjoying your weekend! :smoker:
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Aye m8..bet you are still gutted though.

I think I would rather kill my own than someone elses...
but IMO it is your m8's fault..
seedling that size are too soft to take a fan..it is not a water problem..
so your conscience should be clear.

Hope the replacements thrive.. :headbange

I'm germing tomorrow... :drum:


ICMag Donor
I should have known, I'm the plant man.... I do feel sort of bad, but this sort of thing happens... I should have asked I guess....

No it was a water problem, mossy... I don't think it was the seedlings just falling over, because their stems were wilted, and media in the cups was all dry... :badday:

Oh come on! Why not germ today? I know ya want to...:yummy:


:noway: :noway: :noway:
pipeline...patience is a Virtue..
me Mother told me..

:redface: :redface: :redface:

It's not my fault if some of them germed on the soak..is it.. :confused:

:drum: :drum: :drum:

Aye..the seedlings didn't get watered properly..
but the fan aided and abetted..
it would have compounded the dehydration problem.

But don't feel bad about it m8..it's a chance we all take... :D

At least you have replaced them for him.
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pipe..look what I snapped on the way down to the beach..
a field of beans..look at the size of them..good colour too..
I have gotta have a 12 month growing season.. :chin:
you couldn't plant them out 'til spring in the UK

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ICMag Donor
Merry Christmas Mossy! :wave:

Hopefully the replacements are up by today! Will update when I can.... :drum:

Cool beach party, and dang those are some healthy beans now! If you can grow palm, you definately have the weather required for a crop, I would think.... It won't yield like they would in late summer, but you'd sure get something for your efforts...Will be interesting to see how yields compare next year if you decide to try it....We're already on the way to summer! :woohoo: :D

What kind of beans do you think those were? garden (green beans) or were they just soy?


Brilliant..we will be growing alongside...let me know when they sprout.

The beach party..chistmas day and new years day..is great.
Everybody goes..so you can go down and see all your friends..saves visiting houses.
There are b-b-q's going..cava and orange juice..(Champagne if you are flush)is the drink of the day..and there is normally a band..if you fancy a dance.

Down-side is...everybody wants to kiss you....ukkkk..so I had a smoke first..to bolster myself.. :petting:

I THINK that our area is the largest palm tree growing place in the world.
Go 5 mins in any direction from where we live..and there are nursery fields..acres and acres of them.

The beans are broad beans..the spanish are addicted to them..staples.
They are in full flower..and the sun has just started on the return..good sign.


ICMag Donor
Sounds like a pretty cool place.... We used to have the Christian Coffee shop, where we could have live mike nights and many friends would come.... That came and left.... The beach will be there forever! :headbange

Glad to hear you live in such a plant friendly climate! Nurserys around here are trying to keep everything from freezing to death or still transplanting with the slightest gap of allowable weather, while your nurseries are still truckin along growing/producing.... the sun sure looks different there than it does here, and its just about as clear.... still way way south...

Out to split a days worth of wood.... :smoke:

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