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Bill C-15 has passed in Canada. You will get 6 Months prison for one plant. ORGANIZE.


Genetic Resource Management
jawroot, since you failed to confirm that you are not in Canada, I am going to go ahead an assume that you are in fact not in Canada, and thus have no real clue about the legal system here. Saying it's the same everywhere only confirms my assumption that you are speaking from a position of ignorance of our system (we don't have felony/misdemeanor offenses in Canada, we have crown attorney's not prosecutors etc etc).

Regardless, I'm not going to get into a debate here with you on a topic that is un-related to the thread in question, which is an extremely important one for Canadian citizens.

If you'd like to discuss 'doing the time for the crime', russian roulette (I studied statistics as a post grad level so I'm well aware of probabilities) or off topic side-issues I would suggest starting a new thread.

I do appreciate your position, and take what you are saying at face value... but growing Cannabis on the scope that I do is like walking on a razor's edge, under the current laws or under the new one that still has to be passed by the senate... and is still just a piece of legislation and not yet a law.



Chimera said:
jawroot, since you failed to confirm that you are not in Canada, I am going to go ahead an assume that you are in fact not in Canada, and thus have no real clue about the legal system here.

Excellent example of faulty logic, but let's get beyond that for a moment. The difference between Canadian and American or British, etc, law is very much superficial in the contemporary age. Granted, there are notable and serious differences, but no matter where you are, you can't get away with murder, etc, and that's the crux of my argument. Whether it's a prosecutor or a crown attorney, the function is basically the same (which is my point). You're arguing semantics, and getting in the way of council.

Now then, I'm responding to an undercurrent in this thread, that is, a notion suggesting one can get away with cultivation under the new laws if one can prove they aren't trafficking. And what I'm saying is that the trafficking thing was thrown in there as a perfunctory gesture. Anyone caught growing is effectively pinned under an intent to distribute/traffic right out the gate, whether there's clear, hard evidence there or not. It's implied.

In other words, if a layman looks at a factory that builds cars, the layman thinks to himself "Gee, these guys must be in the business of selling cars." If a layman sees a marijuana manufacturing operation, the layman thinks "Gee, these guys must be in the business of selling marijuana." Nine times out of ten, they're right, even though obvious exceptions exist.

So I'm very much on topic, and am speaking to the legal realities of the Canadian situation. If you want to see off topic, check a few posts back, where this thread was completely derailed. Not trying to stir the pot or anything, but you opened the can.

Chimera said:
I do appreciate your position, and take what you are saying at face value... but growing Cannabis on the scope that I do is like walking on a razor's edge, under the current laws or under the new one that still has to be passed by the senate... and is still just a piece of legislation and not yet a law.

Well, I suppose I appreciate that you appreciate it, but I'm not necessarily addressing you (it seems you've picked up the ball, though). My original post was directed at someone who was propagating the "if you can prove you weren't trafficking..." line.

Just trying to clear the smoke, in other words, and you're really not helping to that end. If you can't tell, I'm providing sound legal advice, and helping people stay out of trouble. I'm not trying to enter into some impotent forum argument over the minutiae of proper titles, etc.

I think at this juncture you should sit back and think to yourself, "Am I helping this thread, or hindering it?" You've already gotten into some major poo-flinging with a mod, which ate up about a page of this topic. Now you're accosting me, when all I'm trying to do is set the record straight, so there are no misconceptions about what this law is and is not. If I'm saying something you don't want to hear, then I'm sorry, but I'm not just talking for the sake of talking. I don't want to see anyone get put down for a lack of proper information.


burnt out og'er
ok, a few more posts restored and now the thread is back on topic with ALL off topic discussions and replies removed.

Lets keep it civil folks. Its a fine line between discussing debating mmj legislation with civility, and crossing the line into attacking each other for our own personal differences of opinion.

Thread stickied, at least for now.


Active member
I agree that they would try to stick trafficking onto the cultivator, whether it was 6, or 199, even without any evidence of such actions, and I have only 1 thing to say about it.

It is definitely part of the problem, not the solution. What ever happened to "Innocent until proven guilty"? It's more like "Guilty until proven innocent" in this case and many other cases these days.

I have to grow more than 5 (guerilla) to obtain a years supply (would prefer 3-4 legal yard ones tho), and also own scales. I do not sell a single gram, & if they don't believe me, then stake me out. Better bring lots of coffee tho, as they'd get awful bored...

The legal system has left all truth and justice behind. Like everything else, it's all about the money, and T+J goes right out the window if it gets in the way of money. Makes me want to puke...

Congratulations Herr Harper, you just handed more revenue to the gangs you are trying to fight. Now they can buy even more guns to terrorize the streets of TO with. Gee, no wonder why I have no faith in the powers that be... I have used livebait with a higher IQ/more common sense...

Let's hope the Senate has a little common sense and scuttles this crap!



so what do you get for 4 plants i wonder?

I think you'd get a fine and most judges see more pressing issues in their courts. When its up to a judge (as it should be, not some fascist politition) they take the whole situation into account instead of rubber stamping you.

~~Unless you were a multiple offender and there were many aggrevating factors like you were growing in a rented place and had ruined it with mold, children were living there, unsafe electrical wiring, the house was a gangbanger fort full of guns and/or you were a hard core biker/gangster with a lengthy record, then the judge would do his best to screw you, and it wouldnt even be about the 4 plants.

The reasonable leaniency from judges on cannabis related offences 'committed' by normal people is why (I think) hiel harper bypassed the judges by bringing in the mandatory minimums, effectivly making a judges job obsolete. Who needs a judge deciding your fate when a red neck reform party reactionary can instead?

Important Note: If you live in Alberta, they have passed a law that if you are using your car or house to 'commit a crime', it will be confiscated and auctioned off. the law is ridiculously vague and wide sweeping. I don't really know if it would stand up in court, but for 5 plants, they could theoretically sieze your $400,000 house. I know this sounds insane (because it is?), but this is the way things have gotten in the cradle of Canadian ignorant redneck police state fascism.

All of this (c-15 et al) is a suppposed reaction to recent gang violence. How fucking stupid. As I said before, if they just ended canna prohibition, this would finacially hurt gangs badly; and then use that ton of freed up criminal justice resources to go after gangs & organized crime, and community social/educational/support programs to curb meth/etc use the dumb fucks!

I have a feeling Chimera is going to be corrrecting my legal theories :D but thats ok, its all good, I would never be more happy to be wrong, especially about the alberta bill....



mr noodles

the Harper nazi admin might be voted out this week, the liberals are under pressures from a lot of members that cannot support harper admin in any shape or form

election day will be july 27 if the libs vote against the credits .

lets pray that Harper is done and c-15 killed before it is debated .liberals might not be pot friendly but they are a lesser pain in the ass no matter how we torque the question
Well, we are going to be seeing a lot more indoor tree grows coming out of Canada. This is bullshit backwards as America is just now starting to move in the right direction.

Its a surprise to see you so upset Chimera, of course I understand why you are, it is just a surprise. I'm sorry this has happened as Cannabis is clearly your passion. Maybe this is your opportunity to take a vacation and hunt down some new genetic material??? :D Although, I doubt the law will change soon? Just an assumption as bureaucrats work like slugs.


ICMag Donor
It's odd. For the last decade or longer Canada was the place to be if you grew and smoked. Now most parts of the States have decriminalized and Canada has stiffened up their Laws. Someday we will get it right at the same time....


You guys have had it pretty easy for quite some time. It has taken a long time for Canada to cave in to the demands of the US. Most countries do it sooner than that.

What sense does that statement make? The US has been laxing up more and more. Are you saying the U.S. pressured Canada to get tougher while they got easier?


It's odd. For the last decade or longer Canada was the place to be if you grew and smoked. Now most parts of the States have decriminalized and Canada has stiffened up their Laws. Someday we will get it right at the same time....

my friend, most of the Canadian public still thinks cannabis laws are silly but this minority gov that got is has sort of lucked out becuase people were so sick of the last liberal government. I agree, and do believe, someday well have it right


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
It's a sad day when California and Washington, Oregon, Vermont, Rhode Island, New Mexico, Montana, Michigan, Maine, Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, and Nevada are better places to grow the herb than Canada. I never thought we'd see this change in our neighbor to the north. Best wishes to all the growers and their families that may be effected by this issue.


Active member
I am in the US but great job of staying on top of shit!!!

PRIVATISED JAILS ARE NOTHING BUT SLAVE CREATORS!!! Put em in jail and you own them and don't worry we are ONLY LOCKING UP DRUG ADDICS!!!

PEACES OF SHIT VOTE FOR JAIL PRIVATIZATION without looking at the ROOT CAUSE! The fucked up drug law.................. We lose again!!! SOB Obama being a puss here too! He don't wanna waste his political capital on MARY JANE! Moron don't know he would fix so much shit with legalization and do some real good.


Active member
What sense does that statement make? The US has been laxing up more and more. Are you saying the U.S. pressured Canada to get tougher while they got easier?

There has not been any policy change whatsoever in regards to the US federal government, as far as I know... They would be the one doing any pressuring.