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Humdinger malware virus making the rounds, winctrl32.dll


My little pony.. my little pony
This one is fairly new and goes to some pretty extreme lengths to keep itself loaded. Once loaded it installs a hidden rootkit onto your system. Rootkits are hard enough to remove as it is, these guys make it worse by redirecting all your search engine results to their own search ad pages that essentially get you nowhere. Even if you manage to get a good URL link to a website that might help you the virus blocks the traffic so you see nothing but the typical no server found message. The only way I could get any info on it was by selecting the cached pages of the search results. Once it was fully loaded I could see there was a lot of network activity so I knew it was doing something nefarious over the internet, one of the victims posted somewhere that one of his monitor programs said it was sending out 100's of e-mails.

Even if your virus software and anti-spyware finds the two random named .SYS files and tries to quarantine them the hidden rootkit will reinstall them on reboot with different names. Once the rootkit is firmly in place the malware hooks two .DLL files to the WinLogon.exe process. Winlogon.exe is a necessary windows process thats used in both normal and safe modes so theres no way to shut it down or safely kill it without the system coming to a stop or immediate reboot. Because the DLL's are hooked to the needed process you cant rename or delete the files where they reside in the \windows\system32 folder in either reg or safe mode. One of the DLL's is hidden by the rootkit and the other is in plain view.

Normally enough systems get infected and one of the software Co's puts out a handy dandy EXE file you can run that removes the malware like they have with the Vundo virus. This one is new enough so there isnt an EXE out yet.

Thru trial and lots of shit that just plain didnt work I figured out a way to remove the malware and an even easier way to prevent your system from loading it in the first place. The malware relies on two specific named DLL files to be located in the \windows\system32\ folder. The first file is called WLCTRL32.DLL and the second is WINCTRL32.DLL

Windows has special rules when it comes to files, renaming/replacing can be done to them given the appropriate rights and actions but folders are different. Windows is somewhat constrained when its dealing with them. Theres no windows rights or mechanism for renaming/replacing folders with files so if theres a folder with the same name as a file then its rights trump those of a file with the same name.

Long story short on the 'fix' .. if you goto your windows\system32 folder and create two new folders with the same name as the files then the virus cant load the files it needs to run.

Note: you must call the folders by the full file name so one folder is called 'winctrl32.dll' and the other is called 'wlctrl32.dll' [ minus the quotes ] in order for the preventative fix to work. They also must reside in the windows\system32 folder since thats where the virus wants to install the files.

For those that think that creating a folder there is a security risk it isnt. Theres no such security risk in creating any folder anywhere in windows.

Heres to hoping you dont catch this one since its not too fun removing.


Once again..glad I run linux. What's funny is...it's a windows virus but they call it a "rootkit".Either way..sounds nasty


Active member
the Rock said:
how does this"virus" get on your computer to start with? is there any protective maintenence
Dude he tells you how to check for it and how to prevent it read his entire post.... :bashhead:
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Smokes, lets go
Budweiser13 said:
Dude he tells you how to check for it and how to prevent it read his entire post.... :bashhead:

"dude" he asked a simple question , verite didn't explain how the virus is contracted.


the term "root" was used way before Linux... Ver, I am curious did u try running netstat -a when the worm/virus was running? or netstat -a -b would of been good... also what did your firewall say? I'm curious what ports it was trying to run on, or through.

Regardless nice way off writting that up for everyone... I am sure it will definetely help someone out.


My little pony.. my little pony
Everyone can thank Sony for letting the 'rootkit' program outta the bag. If you bought a Sony music CD in 2006 and played it on your computer chances are it installed a rootkit designed to know and stop you if you were illegally copying the music on your PC. Now virus writers use the rootkit program to hide their viruses.

Theres two things you cant do with Linux that will prevent me from taking it anymore seriously than any other open source OS. #1 you cant run a major corporation with Linux as the base platform OS. You can say it all you like but when you cant find one in operation you've sort of lost your point. Sure you might find one or two that switched servers to save costs on license fees but I guarantee you that all the desktops are still running windows. With #1 in mind the second comes easy, #2 your choices of making a career out of being a Linux network administrator are severely limited compared to that of a Windows network administrator.

And no it has nothing to do with being a lazy learner. I was fluent in OS that preceded Linux when it was in use and called Xenix. Xenix was nothing more than Microsofts version of Unix from which all the 'ix' stuff stems from anyways. And that pretty much dates my involvement in the computer industry.

NY, I didnt bother checking the ports since the network activity told me there was a lot going on so as I tweaked stuff after looking up as much as I could I would disable the local connection. Im not sure if the pfirewall.log file would have said much for outgoing connections either.

I wasnt that worried since I dont use any windows or 3rd party programs for e-mail. I only use the internet browser options for all my e-mail accts. I did get a nastygram from my ISP right after I caught the virus saying they turned off my SMTP because they detected e-mail virus activity on my connection. No biggie since I dont use it.

I got the virus by visiting a website that had some malicious code running on it. I run my internet explorer tight enough so its operation doesnt hinder normal surfing. Virus writers know this and design their stuff so only the most tightly locked down systems avoid their code. The code and applications are designed to sneak by virus monitoring software to the point its only caught post infection. Most of them write routines to 'try harder' when stopped by virus software. This pretty much locks up the system and requires a reboot to safe mode to work it out.

The best news is I revisited the website that originally gave me the virus and tested my preventative fix and it works. I watched as the virus tried to load and reload itself until it was doing an endless loop while parts of it were being caught by my updated virus program. Without being able to nail those two files to the \system32 directory it was unable to load the rootkit.

The bad news of that is they will probably now spend the time to recode that part of the virus and make the two DLL's do the random name thingy making it damn impossible to keep a preventative dummy folder there to block it.


thekingofNY said:
the term "root" was used way before Linux...
Verite said:
Theres two things you cant do with Linux that will prevent me from taking it anymore seriously than any other open source OS. #1 you cant run a major corporation with Linux as the base platform OS.....................................

Not trying to bash any folks who run windows, just saying that I'm glad I run Linux. A better choice of words maybe have been "unix-based". I said Linux because that's what I'm running. I'd run FreeBSD but all my porn is on an ext2 f/s external HD, and I don't feel like formatting the whole thing ufs and moving files around just to run bsd (Yes, BSD can real ext* f/s but the write support is shitty, and it's better just to go ufs all the way). Major corporations run BSD, Solaris, and stuff like that. Depends on how "major" you're talking, but there are definitely large corporations running linux.

kingofNY: You are correct. However, once again, I was referring to anything that isn't windows. The only thing I see referring to "root" on Windows is to a root directory.

Either way..it's all good. Just saying that I look at LOTS of porn and stuff I'm not supposed to and I'm virus and spyware free.

Edit: And before Verite beats me to the punch....

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My little pony.. my little pony
You'll have to excuse me that I dont buy the whole passive-aggressive linux McSnobbery routine. This forum is full of it everytime someone posts something informative about securing your Windows system. There isnt one post where some linux or mac dweeb doesnt come in and post their two cents of how glad they are for running their worthless open source pain in the ass OS that 99% of the rest of the free world doesnt run.

And while I see you say something like 'big business does run linux' you have yet to prove it.

Find me one fortune 500 company that is running linux on their corporate desktops, just one.


I see what you're saying. It was windows-related, so maybe I shouldn't have said anything. The main reason why I do is because many people don't understand the benefits(and may actually be willing to try it out). If it makes someone on this site realize that they may want to check out a unix-based system, that's cool with me. Especially with as paranoid as some folks are on here.

I didn't feel like searching and compiling a list, so I just did this

Oh..I almost forgot. Novell created SuSE linux...pretty sure they run it on a few machines. I don't think we need to debate on the status as a large corporation.

And I do have to say that your workaround with the folders was pretty clever. That's what sucks about (some/most)dll files...it's like a huge macro(in the MS Word sense...not the weed sense) for windows.
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My little pony.. my little pony
Its all good bro, sorry for taking out my frustrations with the typical response. I laughed about it when I saw the same thing on another technical website. Someone had a question for a problem and someone else chimed in how glad they were they run Opera or something like it. Peace man.


Thanks for the heads up Verite. Does this root kit use the same mechanism as the Sony root kit? I know a bunch of root kits afterwards did, but I thought it got patched or something?


My little pony.. my little pony
Much like viruses they only need to change a little before what protects you doesnt anymore. The best you can do is have a decent detector like GMER.