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zoid/c99 release date ??

Wicked crosses guys. That Z X PI is georgous! The Zoid seems to combine effortlessly with everything thrown at her. I'm looking at crossing the ZoidFuel to my White, White Fire, Bubba Kush, A13, Chocolate Trip, Chem4, Chem91 and Chem iXi Mums....Should be a real treat!!!! The folks here in my State are in for a real unique treat!!!!!

Thanks DM for being the middle man.

Of course many thanks to Smoking Moose, whom got me hooked, on the Zoid lines.

Moon Unit!!! Without you these wouldn't even be possible.

Last but not least....Wally. The two of you joining forces is definatly a force to be reconed with. I look forward to seeing the next awesome set of things to come. Especialy the "Pure" lines fellas.

Keep up the fantastic work. They may push you guys in OZ into the underground, but they'll NEVER keep you down....

Props, IR......


Hi all, firstly, i want to ty everyone for the support, without it i would have not worked as hard and kept these genetics amongst the few close ppl offline, my annonimity has been the only warm blanket i have known, it honestly has been a struggle and a long labor of love in all aspects. Offline i have met resistance more than support, from those not even willing to run anything by an aussie, and that hasnt come from an overseas seedbank or breeder. I proably shouldnt but im really gonna pour my heart out in this post, and give everyone some empathy of my situtation, and because i feel i need to.
I started in the game, started smoking herb very young, i shouldnt have, but at least it kept me away from the alcohol that has destroyed alot of my friends, although it remains a perfectly legal taxable drug, the drug of choice, but if u dont like it, every other choice is illegal, even those less harmfull by far like the herb, its the only medicine i take. I got into a situtation in the long run that put me in touch with alot of the oldschool growers up and down the east coast. growing always interested me, but the internet wasnt happening. I loved the old aussie outdoor lines, whilst the old growers still sometimes perpetuated the sly hermie trait, they didnt grow from bagseed like alot do now. Each local area had its mst popular line , which resulted in each local growers clik offering the same or similar herb every year( the best held back and the rest sent out as commercial), unique to their region, this is how it was, and it was beautiful, it was even better before my time as im old but not that old, i loved to chill with the oldtimers that still had their heads str8, alot of em where nuts though lol, but never usualy in a bad way( except one crazy old head down in the Y valley commune, rip tp bob you mad ganja man, we love u even though u got a bit on the loopy side). But i collected seed from all i could, soon i had alot of ppl i knew bringing me seed aswell.
Eventualy i tired of the game as it has/had changed, and im not cut throat enough to want to be amongst it anymore, the governent has handed control of a market that will always exist to the gangsters, and im a family man who loves herb, heirloom vegetables, bonsai and above all my family. Anyways as the game changed myself and alot of cool heads started to grow and breed, seperately from the scene, insulated from it for our own protection somewhat. As i was the one interested in breeding, not only the science of it but the on the ground practical side of it aswell, i essential got the job of breeding and providing the genetics to the rest of the growers, at first it was a very humble operation,but i got the breeding bug badly and spent most if not all my resources on it, i never got rich at all lol not even close, but i knew i had to remain untouched by the law to continue my work, i was invited in quite alot of very very very large scale grows( indoor and out), but was now more interested in running numbers and taking risk for breeding and not for commercial. I do enough to maintain and pay for my breeding rooms and thats it. I had/have to and have to stay off the radar, as i cant breed in gaol and i cant take care of my kids from there either( i can never have anything at my house where i live with my kids so everything has to be done externaly, run by me during the late night hours (( rented i dont own any property, i am truely off the books)).
To stay off the radar i always undervalue myself to ppl, it works very very well but it grinds on ones ego and is in the long run bad for ones mental health, but it works, i certainly dont look like a soma or a peaceful old hippy, u would never pick me, but niether would rippers or the law, and thats the point. My warm blanket of anon that allows me to continue. But it does cost me.
I have also encoutered real life trolls of my work, most of whom havent even tried it or grown it, maybe sampled a poorly grown clone i handed out to a family member or old friend but thats it. One prime example is a guy in the region i now work in. I had to move from the mountains i love so much to the centre of the bogan(coastal and city rednecks) universe, for family reasons. Alot of friends and inlaws that where in to herb told me of a local guy the is right into different strains of herb ect . I sent to this guy one of my older lovely sativa breeding lines through my inlaw. Here comes the fucked up part, he sent em back to me, if he didnt want to grow em he could of just put em aside, but he made a point of sending em back to me with the message " he doesnt grow just any beans, they have to come from a proper breeder from holland" basicaly saying what i had offered was a waste of his time and beneath him and his "bros".
This is an attitude i have dealt many a time, they belive the aussie genepool is totaly inferior to the dutch lines so they are looking to wipe out and forget our local pool and replace it with dutch genetics, the same old lines crossed and recrossed. I am the defender and one of the few preservers of the unique australian genepool of old, pre dutch and have copped so many blows in its defence i feel almost beaten down, hence my testing and hybridizing of imported genetic with my lines, i just want to make all aussies happy but its never going to happen, some ppl are in this game to be popular and feel threatened by the fact we might have some great lines and great breeders here, whos work might not be better than their imported conterparts work, but is differant and unique and can hold its own. Most of these bogans have never even had true aussie outdoor herbs, just shitty outdoor commercial that made it to their shitty little seaside bogan haven, never been to the closed communes i have been to, never had access to what i have, and they make their ignorant little judgement, based on usualy the now defunct D dirt weed ( low grade uncompressed but brown and dirt smelling bush weed grown in massive quantity that used to get stored poorly underground) or the also now defunct western nigh on hemp crops, that where grown in such quantity, with no love or breeding, that they made it into the cities and coast. Thankfully online i found many cool folks and support, that has lifted my soul and given me strength.
Im sorry for ranting to much, lets calls this part one and i will post part 2 shortly, with timelines on what i hope to do and the explination on why a hybrid of the zoid will be released a couple of months befre the pure zoid WILL be released.
much respect
part 2 soon


I decided to work a hybrid with wd first, to release before the pure zoid, and many many other lines i have a gen or 2 from the point i am cofident to release for a number of reasons.
The first is the respect i have for WD, he in the time i have known him since coming back online after the cw/og hs colapse, has become a very close friend whom i have nothing but respect for as a grower, breeder, and most importantly as a person. He is an honest hard working guy who has been holding the torch for aussie breeders up for a long time, he has been a beacon in our dark land of cannabis laws, and i am ready to help him heft the torch high for all other aussies to see. Its my privalige to work with him.
The second reason for the c99 zoid cross is to showcase what i believe to be the zoid lines true strength and main purpose, and the c99 was a perfect candidate for the example/test. Allow me to explain.
The zoid line is not a high thc line, it is a mid level imho. But thc is not its strength, it is its levels of non thc cannabinoids. I have excreciatingly bred it this way. I intialy didnt say anything as i wanted totaly unbias , untainted feedback. For indica heads, this isnt usualy thier cup of tea, but for alt of ppl i have found the zoid line to be like a herbal anti depression. The high of the zoid isnt about altering ones perception, its about alter ones mood for the better. Its about making ppl happy again, not zombies.
The zoid does impart this unique cannabinoid profile in most cases, without lowering the thc levels, hence a line that was fantastic in all but a few areas like c99 was the perfect example. I loved c99 when wd first sent it to me and i grew it out, but i found like alot of ppl that it doesnt have the non thc cannabinoids in its profile to cancel the negative effects high thc can have on those predisposed to any mental illness, and lacks vigor due to the fact its pretty inbred by now. I loved everything else about the c99, and i expolered every pheno i could. The end goal of the cross is to have a c99 cross, with more flavor variation, more vigor, and one is able to smoke it constantly, day in and day out and never get the c99 burn out. Essentialy, the zoid is the cure for the burn out that can come from alot if not most of the high thc thc lines and clones out there, without cancelling out the high thc. The zoid taste can be dominant in crosses aswell , but it is a great aroma and taste addition imho anyway.
I have gone back through the zoid line now 3 times from the original f1s i made using progeny tested fof3 male along time ago. There is still some nannas occasionaly indoors and a few breathtaking kind of high phenos, but my main interest is keeping the pure line with as much genetic variance as possible, whilst also narrowing the line for specific medical and breeding end purpose.
The z99 that will be released will be an f2 of the first z99 cross, which is all the c99 fem phenos i could find crossed to a mix of zoidfuel f1 males( i dont select males unless i can run the numbers to progeny test which is a dam lot so when i cant i just use a mix of all the males pollen, this way i can hit the target fems with an equal ammount of all the males instead of mostly the earliest and heaviest pollen carrying males as is in a room with male and fems grown out at the same time, its a selective pressure i dont want to put on the male side). The selection on the fem side really depends on the line, but with this gen of the z99 it an open pollenation on this the first f1 that will be released. The male cuts are going in to be milked nw and the fem cuts are being grown waiting for a mix of the male pollen, i want the release to be very genetically diverse, but all quality, and honestly in the indoor testing by me and outdoor testing by wd on the f1, there has been not a single dud plant imho. There will be a much bigger hybrid range in the f2 generation being released, but this is where the true gems will be had imho. The prices i will endevor to keep very low and i will also try and arrange 10 and 20 packs, moreso focusing on 20 bean packs, as 10 beans is not an acurate representation of an f2 imho, 20 isnt really either but is better. Not that u wont find a keep in 10, just u have more chance of finding that plant that YOU really love and works for YOU in 20 beans, i have no doubt most if not all phenos will be of the highest quality, but i feel its about ppl matching a cannabinoid profile to themselves personaly, thats how the herb communicates with us truely on a chemical level
The zoidfuel( i wish i could change the name now but thats what has stuck lol) will be released a couple of months in a pure form after the first version of z99
part 3 to come with more on the zoid line, it will be released but i wil always continue to work it as i have set a very high task for that line, and more pouring out of my heart and soul to my brothers and sisters of the herb whom i love and seek to work for till i die
much respect


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
G'day moonunit good to see you online bro
What a great read i now feel i know you personally we sound very similar i too am very family orientated and also enjoy growing my Heirloom vegies mainly tomatoes (san marzarno black russian, i have an oxheart that last year grew tomatoes upto 900g's) and love my erb

If those guys who sent back the seed only knew, they probably missed out on some of the best stuff.. tools

Hey bro you don't have to defend yourself the buds do that for ya no probs

look forward to the release if you need any good aussie testers bro i would be honored to help out no problems

i recently only just started to grow genetics ordered and obtained through the net but i tell you i'm starting to miss some of that good old sativa buzz that i had been smoking for years, most of it was from bagseeds but still good sativa's to be found

Stay Safe moon
peace and good karma to you and your family


To start this post i would like to appologise about the negativity in the first post, i just had to get one battle story off my shoulders as the weight is heavy.
To start off talking about the zoidfuel line more, i would like to explain how i breed, how i see breeding and how i work using a simple metaphor, so everyone from the scientist to the bloke who like a smoke can understand. I can get into scientific banter to a certain level but most of my knowledge is based in both science and the comprimse of actually doing it as apposed to theorising. I generaly like to work with as much genetic variance as possible, i see it like i make a pool of the genetics like a pond into which i pour the p1 parents, from there each gen is like building more and more of a stream from said pond, toward the end goal of the line, but i dont want the river to be to narrow, and bottlenecked by the time it reaches the goal, but by the same token, i want to catch any junk before it gets to the end of the stream, and narrowing the stream is the easiest and quickest way to achieve this, but also causes the prob of the bottleneck and loss of variance and vigor, so i try to comprimise or find ways other than narrowing the stream to the end goal. This requires alot of time and effort and hard work for little gain over time, but in the long run makes for much better results at the ehd of a very long stream from the initial p1 pond. It might sound crazy but its the best i can explain how i work to the biggest audience.
ok i want to post this now, more to come in part 4 on the zoid soon
much respect


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Much respect moonunit m8 for what you do, beleive me when i say it is greatly appreciated now and for many years to come your hard work keeps the people like me and many others who respect the time and effort you put in very happy and gives us aussies something to be proud of,,,Thanks for being you...:)


danny karey

Great posts Moonunit, very informative.

It's good to have ya here at IC, hope you enjoy your stay.

I think alot of peeps have heard of you and your work. Im in Canada and ive heard about your great strains for years now and im pretty far away from OZ.......So I think alot of peeps really appreciate the work you've put into your lines, not just locals but peeps all over the world!!

Looking forward to trying out some of your strains in canada's crapy short season summers that we've got going on, and Indoors as well.

Keep up the good work!!



Active member
Great read moonunit, there will always be doubters! I believe now you are getting the respect you deserve and you work is doing the talking.

All the best.

hard rain

moonunit;3091969 The zoidfuel( i wish i could change the name now but thats what has stuck lol) will be released a couple of months in a pure form after the first version of z99 Moonunit[/QUOTE said:
That's great news moonunit. :woohoo:

Thanks for the great read as well. It certainly seems you've been through a lot to bring these to the world. Thanks for being so open about what your thinking is and your breeding methods. Best of luck with what you are doing and good luck with your joint release.


Gday Moonunit ,been a nice read and thanks for bringing us up to date,I got so much empathy from your story ,so much of it ring true for myself "To stay off the radar i always undervalue myself to ppl, it works very very well but it grinds on ones ego and is in the long run bad for ones mental health, but it works, i certainly dont look like a soma or a peaceful old hippy, u would never pick me, but niether would rippers or the law, and thats the point. My warm blanket of anon that allows me to continue." staying under the radar is my no 1 ,I live in a small country town, I confide in no one that i enjoy a puff ,as i become older i become more isolated from the scene " I am the defender and one of the few preservers of the unique australian genepool of old, pre dutch and have copped so many blows in its defence i feel almost beaten down, hence my testing and hybridizing of imported genetic with my lines, i just want to make all aussies happy but its never going to happen, some ppl are in this game to be popular and feel threatened by the fact we might have some great lines and great breeders here, whos work might not be better than their imported conterparts work, but is differant and unique and can hold its own. Most of these bogans have never even had true aussie outdoor herbs, just shitty outdoor commercial that made it to their shitty little seaside bogan haven," since the advent of the internet maybe 15yrs or so i have slowly but shurly become dependant on the mail order seed thingy we have now ,this has been a dual edge sword, great in as much of the conveniance of it all but slowy and shurly i have become isolate from other growers,once you had to be out there and mixing it with people face to face to discuse growing, geting seeds was sometimes a weekend trip to meet a friend of a friend who could fix us up with somthing that came with a verbal discription of what to expect not pics in a brouchre, it was realy hands on and involved a lot of face to face stuff,i sometime wonder if i am just remmenising and putting a spin on what i remember (not much now) but i must say that since my dependance on all things dutch i never have been able to replicate the outdoor grows most of us from my era would remember,I for one am happier than a dog licking its balls knowing that you and others are making a last ditch effort to preserve and make available some of the old gems ,please make no mistake these old gems are sorely missed by a lot of people"The high of the zoid isnt about altering ones perception, its about alter ones mood for the better. Its about making ppl happy again, not zombies" I Talk about this with "Kids " in my family and their friends about how we used to sit up allnight smoking weed no ceiling to the high, laugh and have a good time not sit on the lounge like a zombie , we'd go out and sneek onto the local golf couse and play night golf ,light a fire by the river ,go driving just for the hell of it ,it was just so bloody motivational ,I for one am not a bit fan of the indica couchlock I grow a few of shantis haze hybrids but this requires a lot of work forcing them in dark rooms because my grow season is way to short. I applaude you for making this happen. "Thankfully online i found many cool folks and support, that has lifted my soul and given me strength". The aussies (well most) on these forums are a really swithed on bunch of people, some fine grower frequent these board and carry that good old aussie solidarity (just look how they looked after shroomy when he got ripped) I am shure many people here including myself would be honoured to assist in any way possible test grow's ect anything at all not just trying to wrangle a few free seeds but be a part of somthing thats bigger that all of us,good old aussie heritage sativas, awe shit im getting all misty eyed just thinking about it ,so many good memorys.
All the best to ya Moonunit Oldman


You Are Not Putting the Cue in the Rack just yet very Old mann
I knew you were talking to me too and there is no time for tears. get on with it.


Firstly ty everyone for the support and responses, i will reply to everyone soon, i just have some to get out first. I dont often do this, i really feels against what i have taught myself my whole adult life to expose myself even a small bit, but i have to for many reasons i will get into later. This thread is a bit of a mess now due to me but i just want to get it out and can clean up and combine my posts later.
Before i get side tracked i want to talk moore on the zoidfuel line. I spoke of my main hopes for it and imho its central and most traits, but would like to add a few more things.
The zoid line is also good for bringing under control more wild longer flowering lines, without to much comprimising the positive traits of the long flowering sativa, unlike using an indica to try and obtain the same result. I like to think of the zf line as a subtle breeding tool, and getting close to a breeding line( i.e a line used as a building block or tool by breeders).
Another thing i would like to mention about it is its use for interoccular pressure relief in glaucoma patients. An old old old oldschool retired hippy smuggler friend of mine ( swizz suitcases anyone :), ) had glaucoma and out of everything i was running or had my hand in at the time, the origonal zoid line ( mother line of zoidfuel) and then the zoidfuel where the best by far, he used astound his docs with it and was doing well, then was taken in an accident ( i always loved u and yours stories big G, rip.). I never got any hard data but think it could be done in the future i sure, the main thing is sick ppl that can be relieved by it get it.
Anyways got to get some shut eye, will contine this soon
much respect and thanks


this has me excited just a little bit Moon
i cant wait to start playing with the zoid

hey Shroomy i think ive found the one to cross with OMS hehe

exciting times

Donald Mallard

el duck
Nice words there moon , thanks for enlightening us with you goals , techniques and some great get to know you personal information , it helps folks get a angle on you and your products when you give them a bit of back ground infor , thanks heaps for taking the leap to do so ...

I know of the lack of support from our aussie mates , some are great and you couldnt ask for a better bunch of guys ,, but ive spoken to wally on occasion and he has told of similar experiences as you have had , just so you know ,, you have solid support here on this site and from your aussie mates here and appreciate you choosing to share the zoid line with us all .

From what im reading it sounds like your lines are good for the medicinal community ??
anyhows enjoying what i read ....



Have you tested the cannabinoid profile of the zoid? I don't believe you can tell just by smoking it.

A low THC strain = a low potent strain. The most couchlock indicas and the most clearest cleanest hazes both have overwelming percentage of THC compared to other cannabinoids. Either the very small differences in the non THC canabinoids has a big influence on effect, or more likely it's the terpene profile of long flowering weed (Sativas) that gives u that clear, no ceilling, long high that some of us are so addicted to.

Anyway, I think you are mistaken with the whole "low THC" idea, but I'd love to try the zoid because your approach to making the line of sativas geared for indoor with what I'm guessing are large populations and without over inbreeding. A true line for indoors that I don't think has ever been done (for sativas). Thats what sold me.

I do not consider C99 a sativa in effect.


Well C99 is a sativa in Effect MATE. it really really is. High as a fool right now on C99x`s.
want 3 packs of Zed fuel99. hope they are under $100 for 10 seeds.
Look nice for an Australian Made Product.
Fill the world with sticky flowers, turn my Gaze to Zoid`d hours lying in the sun.


hey all,hey moonunit,nice one mate,thanks for sharing your work with the world,much appreciated mate,don,t listen to all the B.S mate..your doing fine work,if they can,t appreciate it,well,it,s there loss!
bring on the ZOIDS!!!
keep on keeping on mate,you have my greatest respect!!!!
Lookin forward to the z99 release,and growing many zoid lines in the future!
Moonunit..I SALUTE YOU!!!!!
peace all...sensient