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Zamaldelica x Kali China feminized


reposting with pics as jpeg format


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Hi Dubi - posted a few pics yesterday if you could cast your expert eye over them? I could harvest this weekend or next weekend.


Hi donargen,

I think your Zamaldelica x Kali China will be ready for harvest around 3rd week of this month. Post some pics when the date is close so we can check again whether is the right moment for harvest.

Hi Dubi - new pics posted. Looking ready to me - harvest this week or next weekend?


New member
Zamaldelica X Kali China

Zamaldelica X Kali China

Hi Dubi,
He are some pics of Zamaldelica x Kali China. It is my most dense budding plant this year. Very dark green color. Short and robust compared to Banghi haze x panama and Orient expres. She seems to be still adding weight so I gonna keep her going for another week or two. Unfortunately pics are downloading upside down. In the group shot it is plant in the middle the her right is Reina Madre to her left is Lily x Violeta.
I'm very amazed by this plant. Great job. Thanks


Well-known member
This plant keeps me amazed..the uniformity of the growth and overall development. Starting flowering week 3. Too bad my led broke down so only 315w now.. 515w would have been killer.




Well-known member
Quick update: She is doing greatly. Wonderful tropical aromas with some warm and sweet,sour notes which reminds me of quark/yogurt with honey. Greasy thrichomes, your finger will remain shiny and sticky after touching around. This plant showed a rather interesting characteristic: the lower buds seems to mature quite faster than the higher ones, even though the latter are exposed to more light and wind. I have picked a small bud which looked mature and have been doing some tests with her in my vaporizer. Intense sweet caramel taste. Reminds me of fresh harvested blueberry. Wonderful high: euphoric, intense and introspective, but relaxing and enjoyable at the same time. This is some gourmet stuff!
Sadly, we have snow coming next week, along -3C during the nights. I hope I will be able to finish her.

One of the main colas

Lower bud reaching maturity

Dried sample, ready to be vaped

Kudos to everyone posting their ZamxKc, they all look amazing!


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Well-known member
My plant is looking otherwise healthy, closing soon full 4 weeks of flowering. But today as I was watering, I noticed that the flower part of the plant, that isn't receiving almost any light had grown some balls. Just a few and when I plucked them there was no pollen. So is there need to worry, naturally I will follow it's progression even more often now..any experiences regarding the matter, can there be infertile balls?

Also the bud formation is really slow, and they are very small compared to BH's, which are cruising along. Don't know if it's the KC or what but it doesn't seem to succeed in my environment, always very low yield. Temps now are lights on 23-25C and off 19-20C, humidity around 40-50 and no nutrient burn. Maybe it will fatten up towards the end, if it doesn't keep throwin balls at me. The terpene profile and smells of this plants are amazing, so I hope it would shine in the yield department as well..


Hi mate!I 've had a zam x kc throw some balls but I plucked them very early,so I don't know if they were sterile or not.Her cousin zam x nep jam also threw some nanas but those were sterile alright.
Regarding yield,those might not look like very big buds but they will be really dense!
I hope it turns out ok for you,really worth it!:tiphat:


My plant is looking otherwise healthy, closing soon full 4 weeks of flowering. But today as I was watering, I noticed that the flower part of the plant, that isn't receiving almost any light had grown some balls. Just a few and when I plucked them there was no pollen. So is there need to worry, naturally I will follow it's progression even more often now..any experiences regarding the matter, can there be infertile balls?

Also the bud formation is really slow, and they are very small compared to BH's, which are cruising along. Don't know if it's the KC or what but it doesn't seem to succeed in my environment, always very low yield. Temps now are lights on 23-25C and off 19-20C, humidity around 40-50 and no nutrient burn. Maybe it will fatten up towards the end, if it doesn't keep throwin balls at me. The terpene profile and smells of this plants are amazing, so I hope it would shine in the yield department as well..
Try with the temp. up 3/4 degrees 24/7, humidity the same.Observe it for a few days.She's looking good!


Well-known member
Thanks for the tips, Syd and Red. It gives me atleast some relieve that you've experienced similar issues, Syd ;D. I can't do much about humidity and lack funds to buy some humidifying machine to my room, and also tent has absolutely no space. But I'll see what happens if I rise the temps for a little bit. Dubi always says KaliChina likes lower temps specially in the end flowering, mut maybe it is the Zam part of the plant that wants more tropical atmosphere..

E. something like this also happened to me last year with Bubba Hash, but then the run was going terribly wrong because of overwatering issues, and now the watering is rather good and improved, plants are happy and praying towards the light. Back then I also only found balls from growth tips in very low parts of the plant, that didn't receive light and were also yellow etc. Never found any seeds from the final product either. Don't know if CMH light play's some part in this, who knows. Anyway around 4-6 weeks left so hope we will make it.


Thanks for the tips, Syd and Red. It gives me atleast some relieve that you've experienced similar issues, Syd ;D. I can't do much about humidity and lack funds to buy some humidifying machine to my room, and also tent has absolutely no space. But I'll see what happens if I rise the temps for a little bit. Dubi always says KaliChina likes lower temps specially in the end flowering, mut maybe it is the Zam part of the plant that wants more tropical atmosphere..

E. something like this also happened to me last year with Bubba Hash, but then the run was going terribly wrong because of overwatering issues, and now the watering is rather good and improved, plants are happy and praying towards the light. Back then I also only found balls from growth tips in very low parts of the plant, that didn't receive light and were also yellow etc. Never found any seeds from the final product either. Don't know if CMH light play's some part in this, who knows. Anyway around 4-6 weeks left so hope we will make it.
R. I am not an expert,but,at 23C to 25C is not the canopy I am concerned, but the rooting system working below full potential(low temp).Maybe that's why you had an overwatering problem in the past,and,got it better with this run.I think Dubi,mentioned,somewhere, that one advantage of having a seed planted in the ground,is that its rooting system gets to be at a constant temp.
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Well-known member
R. I am not an expert,but,at 23C to 25C is not the canopy I am concerned, but the rooting system working below full potential(low temp).Maybe that's why you had an overwatering problem in the past,and,got it better with this run.I think Dubi,mentioned,somewhere, that one advantage of having a seed planted in the ground,is that its rooting system gets to be at a constant temp.

Well my soil temperature is around 20C, maybe bad for this particular individual. Hard to say :D


Green Mujaheed
Here's my tiny specimen. Same mistakes than with my Orient Express (and all plants from this session, but one) led to a short one-bud plant, but still reaching the 20gr bar dry end-product, also in a 3,6liters pot. I guess it could have come close to an ounce, had I put the pot a bit higher. Due to taller plants and limits of light penetration, only the upper half of this one did develop to he most of its potential.

Lots of dense foxtails and a quite astonishing perfume that is all about sourness,it's just that, sour, sour, sour and sour. Even though the curing pot is stored at barely 10°C, when take the lid off a dense cloud of pungent sourness escapes from it, quite impressive.



Well-known member
I found a couple of small mold spot, so I harvested the two affected branches, which were mostly matured.


I tried some buds that were almost dried an I am extremely fascinated by the sweet lemon candy flavour that they are already showing.

A little drying shot

Amazing stuff already!


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Well-known member
Soon finishing flowering week 5 since pistils, slowly fattening up. This plant really shines in the aroma department, I can easily recognize Kali China in there with it's incencey and rotten fruit/meat flavours, but this is even more fruity and sweet..little bit sour as well. Been giving it molasses once a week for couple weeks now, other than that only water and beneficial bacterias. Bad pics sorry, but you can see the progress.




Well-known member
Rslsmooth, you are in for a treat! Such a complex teprene profile, it's a flavor outburst in your mouth. You won't ever get enough of her, I promise!

I harvested every branch that had mold inside and let the longest cola mature for a week more. Wow. So much resins and so much aroma lingering around my whole house. Hats off to Ace Seedsving and Dubi for having created this unique gem.


Instead of throwing away the buds which were starting to mold, I washed them with some 96% alcohol and made some kind of live resin. Smells extremely floral and sweet

And now, let's take a look at the first dried and ready to be cured flowers

Carroty and citrusy. Gourmet stuff, try and see for yourself

Have a nice day, everyone!


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Well-known member
I got little bit lost in my calculations but I think this is beginning of flowering week 8 since pistils and since I started counting..





Curious Cannivore
I really love this strain and it's been my favorite smoke for the past 6 months. My outdoor clones really didn't come close to my indoor results though. I think I just didn't have enough sun for them as the buds were thin and spindly and aromas were average.