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Zamaldelica - The Search for Trip Weed


Well-known member
Great post Sweet-Emotion. Glad to hear of your experience. I hear of many different effects and potencies from this line.


Active member
Great post Sweet-Emotion. Glad to hear of your experience. I hear of many different effects and potencies from this line.

My own experience was much more euphoric in nature, like having your sixth sense opened to nature as you start feeling, seeing, and experiencing the trees breathe in their never ending inhale/exhale, the movements of the earth and teaming of lifes' movements and energy... Definitely something to smoke and go for a walk out in nature.



Great post Sweet-Emotion. Glad to hear of your experience. I hear of many different effects and potencies from this line.

Thanks Thai Bliss :tiphat:...this are really great genetics. Not that often we can find quality smoke and effects like in this line. It's on my top 3 for sure and will continue to grow it.


Oaky...those Zamaldelica leaves look fat and not skinny, why is that?


TC Nursery est 2020
Oaky...those Zamaldelica leaves look fat and not skinny, why is that?

Not all on the Picture is Zamaldelica. :)

But yes u'r right, not all got this skinny leaves. i would say its because of the F2? The Male i selected got nice skinny leaves. so i think its the F2 what makes them different :) ( I don't done this cross )

I will upload a acutal Picture from the Male / Female Zamaldelica
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TC Nursery est 2020

Bob Green

Hey e.T. its been a few weeks is she about chopworthy? Cant wait to hear what you think about the smoke and to seesome finished shots.


happy holy daze
zamal x malawi/thai ~15wks turning a lovely shade of magenta. maybe a week or two to go. < 5% amber
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Active member
now, again live in report, its actually 3 of them, the first, can you see its coloration? plutonium green:biggrin: exactly at this point it starts explosive development.
I'll try running it on 10-52-10 and 52-34 (P-K) only this run, starting with pure phosphate booster then slowly increasing PK.



Well-known member
Looking really fine Waldgeist. I love your description of the green, "plutonium green". There is just something about some strains with that bright yellow/green. It seems iridescent, like the plant has an aura.



Active member
Looking really fine Waldgeist. I love your description of the green, "plutonium green". There is just something about some strains with that bright yellow/green. It seems iridescent, like the plant has an aura.

ThaiBliss, I know you grow outdoors a lot. But I think you might find this interesting. I have some Z's growing. Before this I did an experiment that I always wanted to try. So I used a 1000 watt HPS for the entire plant, but on one side of the plant I supplemented a 400 watt UV. It was a Fem GT. But the calyxes were bigger on the UV side, and the Thai influence was also more visible. I'm doing the same with my Zamaldelica. It was actually two different high's. The UV I used 6 hours a day on it.
from my personal studies, i´ve found that higher UV radience, increases the amount of resin, tackiness of the plant ( that servs the plant as protection against excessive sunlight, bugs...etc...)

the extra UV are proportional to the altitude where the ganja was cultivated, thats why highland cultivars are "better" ..... the best colombian fields, are high in the mountains, the best nepal fields are high in the mountains, afghani, indian, and paquistani as well.....
so, the closer to the sun...more UV, wich means more resin......

I wish I had more time and altitude to see how diferent genetics preform in high altitude, for example, cultivate a lowland colombian at 2.5 Km hight.......


in addition to crazyfool... i got a lil bit of an advice to help bulk up the equatorial genetics grown indoors
read up on using aspirin in your water
it contains acetyl salicylic acid and can really bulk up calyxes and bring more weight , while boosting the overall health of the plant and accentuating terpenoid content...

pm me if you like instructions on that


Well-known member
Crazy fool total agree I am using CMH bulbs sourced from industrial supplier with no coating on the bulbs to reduce UV output and everything you said I have noticed in my plants.
The only downside is you get sun burnt in about 10 sec if you dont use sunscreen when working in the grow room.


in addition to crazyfool... i got a lil bit of an advice to help bulk up the equatorial genetics grown indoors
read up on using aspirin in your water
it contains acetyl salicylic acid and can really bulk up calyxes and bring more weight , while boosting the overall health of the plant and accentuating terpenoid content...

pm me if you like instructions on that

Manic, can't pm at the moment but curious as to the source of this information. Never heard of aspirin being used to bulk up cannabis.


i forgot where i kept the link
theres a few people that publicised on this in agricultural world

i heard this advice from a big grower who heard aspirin was used in tulipgrows
then i googled it and found that there were chinese reports on it actually boosting 90% faster veg and 90% more productiveness in flowering/fruit growth

then i divedinto the correct amounts and came up with a simple schedule
i dont feed it up to max amount , just accentuate certain developmental stages, so i can beef up the aspect of flower i like, to get a more promounced flavour and. or higher dry weight
as it speeds up metabolosm , it may deplete other nutrients of an otherwise balanced feeding schedule
therefore it is an absolute must to be able to read the plant
only then could one anticipate on time, especially when growing organic,, since it takes a lil extra time for bacterial heard to mineralise/release nutes

it may be handy to keep epsom salts ready , or some "hesi super vit" ( mineral and trace elements)

in combination with right temperature amplitudes , right ec, and some aspirin one can make a sativagrow more indica-ish buds, or make ain indica have a sativa growth pattern

in your case it might help to dive into the matter of beefing up calyxes, and toying around with dry/wet cycle

--just a lil in between brainfart---
when you find your pure sativa to be i 6th week of flowering, give it a royal amount of low nute water..let it run dry ( say five days untill next watering) and give a slightly higher than standard amount of nutes, together with the aspirin at 2mg a liter dose

at week ten you give a royal amount of water just like in 6th week of flowering, with 1 gram of epsom salts added per 10 liters
again , follow up after five days with slightly higher than standard feeding

if your babies are really long flowering , and stil vigourouly at it at week 14 , repeat , but with lower ec than standard hybrid/indica schedule would advise when compared to lets say week 7 of flowering

thes lil in between steps might add in beefing up the bud itself

also , i dont know if i mentioned alreay : over pruning i veg might be the answer to a lot of issues connected to sativa-growth

just take a female cut, and after it has established 4 nodes, top it
then for every two nodes it grows m cut one back , untill you end up with a miniture bushwith 32 or 64 tops
put it in flower by switching off lights for 3 days, while tryig to keep lights on and lights of as close to each other as possible
then go to a direct 10on /14 hours light mode this all to ensure swift and immediate production of flowering hormones

whil contradictory o itself, as pruning is an auxin-aiugmenting action , you keep pruning the tops anther 2 weeks, after wich you lolly pop all branches, until only the last 2 nodes'fan leafs remain( albe small, they are fan leaves)
place light as close as possible , while upping ec a lil , and tryig to keep day and night temps as close to each other as possible

then continue to flower ..with afore mentioned watering advice
the only moment the light should be raised id 1 week prior to harvest , as high as possible , to allow the terpene-cintent to raise without being blowen away by the heat radiation emitted by the close proximity of the bulb

you might want to yank all fanleaf of that very moment, to allowthe plant to die quicker

4 days in the absolute dark is another way to ensure more calyxes are sowellen and more hairs retracted.

i guess one could even end up with a very compact bush of buds with this recipe

just thinking out loud..

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